Capitol Hill Blue
The Theology of Government Shutdown: Christian DominionismOn the eve of our government shutdown, I wanted to do some research into the theological roots of Senator Ted Cruz, the standard-bearer of the Tea Party Republicans behind the shutdown. I'm interested in understanding what account of Christianity creates the "no compromise" crusade that the Tea Party has become known for. It turns out that Ted's father, Rafael Cruz, is a pastor with Texas charismatic ministry Purifying Fire International who has been campaigning against Obamacare the last several months. He has a distinct theological vision for what America is supposed to look like: Christian dominionism.

In the months building up to the present showdown, Cruz has been giving speeches at Tea Party rallies and other religious right gatherings as part of a campaign to defund Obamacare. In watching the speeches, I can see how his status as a Cuban American refugee fits the ethos of the far right culture warrior movement perfectly. He is able to shift seamlessly from stories about the oppression of the Castro regime to talking about the Obama administration.

A good example comes from a speech at the Iowa Family Leadership Summit on August 12th where Cruz said that the government's "attack on religion" is part of a longer-term plan to establish socialism:

And article form Politico said " Ted Cruz blasted by angry GOP colleagues because he could not explain "a strategy to end it." Perhaps that is because saying declaring a Theocratic state run my a minority of Radical right wing Dominionist politicians in Congress would not have been acceptable.

Thanks for starting this thread, Ozymanithrax. It is becoming increasing clear that someone needs to sit these Christianists down and remind them that we are not a Christian country per the Treaty of Tripoli which was ratified by the Senate and signed by President John Adams.

We gave the Christianists an inch in 1954 by adding "under God" to the pledge of Alliance - now they want to take a mile.
Rick I don't think attempting to sit a bunch of religious extremist down for a chat is going to work.
It never does, that's why they're called "religious extremists".
Furthermore, I think we are fast approaching the point where talk of any kind is pointless now.
They have made it clear by their actions that they're not interested in compromise.

History shows that when a political group reaches the stage that the Tea Party/Dominionists have,
they're on a war footing. It would be great to try talking but by their own words and actions, they're already said that there won't be any more talking.

All that remains now is the standoff, and we either going into the ocean with them or we pull out a knife and cut the ropes they have us tied with.

The President has Constitutional authority to issue an Executive Order to end this mess once and
for all. I suspect that, if he is forced to go this route the Tea Party and their Dominionist friends will respond with violence.

I honestly believe that it is time that the rest of us prepare for that and be ready to do whatever is necessary to prevent what I suspect will be a series of domestic terrorist attacks.

I'm not using my words, I'm using THEIRS.

“And that the most crucial element of that is who to the martial [sic] is going to be,” he said. “I believe there are noble leaders in our military that love the republic and love everything we stand for. And they could seize the government.”

Don't fool yourselves, this won't be limited to just a few nutjobs in the military.
Indeed, I'm afraid you're right, Jeff:

(...from a Christianist Hymm)

Onward Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before.
Christ, the royal Master,
Leads against the foe;
Forward into battle,
See, His banners go!

Onward, Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus,
Going on before.

This hymm sounds very similar to a Muslim jihad to me. Hmm

Perhaps Ardy can start a "There's no difference between Muslims and Christians" thread. smile

Your welcome Rick. Government shutdown has left me idle hands, so I thought I would come and raise a little hell.
Originally Posted by Ozymanithrax
Your welcome Rick. Government shutdown has left me idle hands, so I thought I would come and raise a little hell.
Doug can't have all of the fun for himself. smile
Originally Posted by california rick
Indeed, I'm afraid you're right, Jeff:

(...from a Christianist Hymm)

Onward Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before.
Christ, the royal Master,
Leads against the foe;
Forward into battle,
See, His banners go!

Onward, Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus,
Going on before.

This hymm sounds very similar to a Muslim jihad to me. Hmm
Hmm... a favorite hymn of the Salvation Army, rick. The song has nothing to do with violence, but rather is a metaphor in reference to doing good works in the way of the Christ.
William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army:

A part of the mission of the Salvation Army:
"Group homes, emergency shelters, and transitional living centers provide housing on a temporary basis for varying amounts of time. They:
•serve the homeless by providing food and overnight lodging.
•provide educational, counseling and vocational services to homeless and destitute individuals and families for extended periods.
•address long-term specific issues of youth for whom family care is undesirable or unavailable. Education, counseling, health care and specific training seek to meet the needs of such groups as pregnant teens, emancipated minors, and wards of the juvenile court.
•address specific health or societal driven needs of particular populations.

Family service programs help families and needy individuals with emergency food, housing, utility assistance and other temporal needs.

Salvation Army programs vary with local needs. For information on specific programs and locations, contact your local Salvation Army Corps Community Center by doing a zip code search in our website’s Location field."
Well, I guess you could call it a Christian jihad if you wish. :-)

The song, itself has a nice sound to it, but given that one cannot really dance to it, the kids on American Bandstand would have probably only given it a 5.

The song has nothing to do with violence, but rather is a metaphor in reference to doing good works in the way of the Christ.
I find that very reasonable offering to be in conflict with this very same group which takes the Bible literally.
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