Capitol Hill Blue

Earlier this week, actor Ron Perlman got into a Twitter battle with Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz, and Matt Gaetz.

The feud really took-off on Monday 06/15/20 when Ted Cruz challenged Hell Boy star Ron Perlman to wrestle Jim Jordan. Perlman upped the ante and suggested that he wrestle Ted Cruz instead and Perlman would donate $50K to Black Lives Matter. Ted cucked-out and said Perlman is just a rich Hollywood elite.

The day before on Sunday, Perlman and Matt Gaetz got into a Twitter fight after Perlman blasted the congressman for criticizing the U.S. Soccer board of directors' recent vote to repeal a policy that required players to stand for the national anthem. .

With me so far? Hmm

So today, TH 06/18/20, Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) shocked the world when he posted on Twitter a photo with a young man named Nestor, who he identified as his adopted son from Cuba, a day after he got into a heated exchange with Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA) at Richmond’s suggestion that Republicans do not understand what it’s like to worry about having a nonwhite son - ergo the title of this thread: Matt Gaetz pauses feud with Hellboy to invent adult son smile

Let this sink in: 38 year old never married Matt Gaetz is claiming to have a 19 year old adopted Cuban son that nobody ever has heard of - a son who was supposedly adopted at the age of 12 while 31 year old single Matt Gaetz with 16 DUI-convictions is qualified and shows responsibility in adopting a son?

Gaetz's Wikipedia page lists Gaetz's dog's name...but nary a mention of a son. Gaetz's sister confirms that the "son" has been in Matt's life for some time.

What adoption agency lets an unmarried 31 year old man with 16 DUIs adopt a 12 year old boy when adoptions of Cuban citizens were not allowed in 2013? In Twitter posts, Matt Gaetz refers to his "son" as a "helper" and "Congressional page."

This whole story smacks for a man-boy relationship that has been going on for some time.

To recap: Ted Cruz (49) challenged Rod Perlman (70) to fight with Jim Jordan (56) for Matt Gaetz's (38) honor and Matt said, I already have someone - a 19 year old "son" that I love. smile

Good Read, very entertaining. Ya know, the press ain't gonna leave this Matt Gaetz and son thing alone. I expect to hear more and more of it. OH! The hitsfan if the man-boy thing were to be true. You know there is a public records search going on right now...

popcorn2 :ohsnap: popcorn2

For the post - :applaud:
Originally Posted by Ujest Shurly
Good Read, very entertaining. Ya know, the press ain't gonna leave this Matt Gaetz and son thing alone. I expect to hear more and more of it. OH! The hitsfan if the man-boy thing were to be true. You know there is a public records search going on right now...

popcorn2 :ohsnap: popcorn2

For the post - :applaud:
Apparently some online sleuths did do a public records search and found that there are no public records of the adoption, and they also found that the mother who supposedly died posted to Facebook in 2019. This last two are just what people have posted online - so don't know if these last two are truly accurate or not.

Uh...I gotta jump in here and defend Gaetz?

I have a 26 year old "daughter" that isn't mine. She was an abused, at risk teen when she moved in with me at 15.

Nothing unseemly ever occurred and I have a "Best Dad Ever" coffee mug on my desk as proof of that.
Originally Posted by Greger
Uh...I gotta jump in here and defend Gaetz?

I have a 26 year old "daughter" that isn't mine. She was an abused, at risk teen when she moved in with me at 15.

Nothing unseemly ever occurred and I have a "Best Dad Ever" coffee mug on my desk as proof of that.
Yeah...but you're normal. We're talking about gas-mask wearing Matt Gaetz on the Congressonal floor. And I'm pretty sure you have never barged-in on a meeting with a camera crew that you were already invited to.

Gaetz is a youngish congressman from a redneck, blood red district.

He's exactly what I would expect him to be. Maybe he buggered the little chap but he didn't just throw him back out on the street when he was done with him.

Apparently, whether sex is involved or not, this relationship is a long and complicated thing.

Matt Gaetz and Nestor "the son" went on Tucker Carlson's White Nationalist Variety Hour to 'splain themselves. As you might expect, things got weird. smile

Nestor did not call Matt Gaetz "Daddy," he called him "Matt," just like Tucker Carlson called him "Matt," because kids always call their parents by their first name. coffee

...and, oh yeah...Matt Gaetz said he's just really proud that Nestor is "embracing these American values," because remember Nestor is an immigrant (legally, of course wink ), and that's just a totally normal thing to say about your "son."

Matt Gaetz gave me a call and told me about what's going on.
- Nestor
Totally normal to call your "dad" by his full name. smile
Nestor Galban was 12 and had just arrived from Cuba, where he’d grown up and where his mother had recently died of breast cancer, Gaetz says. Then a state legislator, Gaetz was dating Nestor’s older sister.

And so Nestor moved in with them — “a modern family,” Gaetz says now.

He says that, except for an interruption during Nestor’s junior year after Gaetz and Nestor’s sister broke up, Nestor has basically lived with him since moving from Cuba.

Did Nester and his sister move-in with Gaetz immediately when the sister-Gaetz relationship started?

Then, five years later when the sister and Gaetz broke-up and Nester was 16, 17 - Nestor still continued to live with Gaetz and not with the sister?

Uh...huh. coffee

Ok things just go a whole lot weirder. Turns out the the sister is Marbelina Matos who sued Nestor Galbon Sr in 2016 (Nestor's Dad) and used Matt Gaetz parent's address for the court filing in a Florida custody battle, then leaves her brother to live with Matt?

Court Filing
Sounds like something about NAMBLA. LOL.
Sounds almost exactly like how I got my "daughter" who calls me by my first name. When she talks about me to other folks she calls me her step dad.

Likeliest scenario:

Gaetz is just drastically exaggerating his relationship with this kid. Gaetz dated his mom or sister and has kind of took him under his wing. Maybe once or twice a year they do something together and Gaetz helps him out financially sometimes. So to say "I know what it is like to raise minority children because sometimes I hang out with a Cuban kid" would be very deceitful and fits Matt Gaetz's overall character.

Because nothing says "family values" like claiming you're single until it benefits you not to be and how you're "so proud" of the son you've been calling a "helper" for at least 3 years.

Leaving out whether Nestor is his "son" or whatever, let's at least acknowledge the insanity of all this: Gaetz went batsh!t on a black congressman because that black congressman suggested Gaetz didn’t know what it was like to have a black son. So Gaetz revealed his secret "son" Nestor just to own a lib. Reality check: Gaetz still doesn’t have a black son.

The magic of catalog living in the '50s. smile

Kids in the Hall: The Care and Keep Of Your Sex Slave

He has a minority "step son" and the "kid" is not a "kid" anymore.

If he just wanted to bugger a boy he'd find a street urchin and do it anonymously. Has he ever traveled to Thailand? That might convince me he's a pervert and not a hero to a kid who desperately needed a stable father figure.

There's a lot about Gaetz to hate if you're into hating folks, but I think raising an at risk minority child as his own is simply not a reason to hate him. I hate his party and his ideology, me and Matt would probably agree on a lot more things than we disagree about.

Gaetz is just drastically exaggerating his relationship with this kid.

Likeliest scenario...

YOU are drastically exaggerating his relationship with this young man.
Originally Posted by Greger
Gaetz is just drastically exaggerating his relationship with this kid.

Likeliest scenario...

YOU are drastically exaggerating his relationship with this young man.
There's definitely some weirdness going on in the scenario. The link is from 2014. Six months in the country and already being paraded around. Hmm

Mebbe Matt and Nestor liked to role play the Elian Gonzalez arrest just for fun. smile
Lucky kid! I expect that(although he's an assh*le) Gaetz is a decent and compassionate guy. And that he's not too racist to be dating a brown girl. I get the idea that they lived together for a time and for one reason or another she left the boy behind for a while. A father/son relationship developed and, bob's your uncle, here we are.

Essentially that's how I got my kid. She lived with me for ten years and is no less my daughter for lack of a blood relationship.

Gaetz is well loved by his constituency and if it turned out there was a sexual relationship between the two, they're probably mostly okay with it. I am too. It's odd that you aren't.
He might be queer as a three dollar bill, he might be a boylover. Not everybody can be out of the closet. But his official stance on that is that of his constituency.

Some people are saying the two met when she was a client of Matt's when he was representing her in a court action of some sort. Because dating your client is exactly the type of sound judgement a lawyer should have.


I'm just thinking here: Having a very White Cuban "son" growing up in Florida is NOTHING LIKE the "having a Black son" experience. BTW, I don't have any children, but I do have three Black nieces.
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