Capitol Hill Blue to sue unnamed media company for labeling the site a "white supremacist" site. Surely, Breitbart jests.

All the defendant has to is cite Breitbart's headlines and accompanying stories with comments and the jury would be done deliberating in three minutes.

The unnamed media company should then counter-sue for Breitbart's frivolous lawsuit and their attorney's defense fee.

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Are they going to also sue the internet?
Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
Are they going to also sue the internet?
Racists, bigots, and white surpremists sure deny being racists, bigots, and white surpremists. I guess the truth hurts. coffee

How Trump took hate groups mainstream
i am not sure any of these folks realize or understand they are bigots but they all know white folks are superior to other skin colorations
Originally Posted by pdx rick to sue unnamed media company for labeling the site a "white supremacist" site. Surely, Breitbart jests.

All the defendant has to is cite Breitbart's headlines and accompanying stories with comments and the jury would be done deliberating in three minutes.

Yeah.... about that

On average 50% of the jury will believe the Media is crooked, more if they get a good legal team to pick them which they can easily now afford.

I hope this is not just the start.
50% may think the media is corrupt but the other 50% will think Breitbart is corrupt. In no state can you get a finding for the plaintiff with 50% of the jury. Worst case you need 9 out of 12.

Waste of time.
This is so rich.
I reject any attempt at accepting this presidency. I reject the notion that he should be given a chance - fascists do not get any chances in my book (the results of a chance are all too clear throughout history). There is only one position that makes sense to me and that is in staunch and direct opposition to the legitimacy of this government (Clinton has, at last count, over 1 million votes more than Trump). Trump and his gang ran on deception, lies, false promises, bigotry (in all of its forms), misogyny, etc., and that, in and of itself, delegitimizes this election. Too many people around the world (and in this country) have lost their lives to defeat the ideas that he used to get himself elected, ideas that he has now given a seat to in the White House.
No, there can be no reprieve. There can be no acceptance. There can be no - wait and see. Too many tyrants have remained in power because of complacency and "being nice". Authoritarians only understand strength so it is with strength that they must be opposed.
I say let them sue. In a civil suit the respondents get to put the plaintiffs under oath and start questioning them. I can hear the lawyers for the respondents, "Where to start? Where to start?"
the respondents get to put the plaintiffs under oath

And if they lie under oath, they can be charged with perjury! (Even if the suit is dismissed, settled, or lost.)

Wonderful way to turn a civil case into a criminal case.
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