Capitol Hill Blue
Posted By: logtroll Bolton’s book - 06/18/20 12:23 PM
Fareed Zakaria says Trump has admitted the truth contained in Bolton’s book by claiming he is Illegally revealing classified information.

I suspect this cat fight will be Trump’s final undoing because he can’t help going after Bolton hammer and tongs, and will use any and all of the dirty techniques learned throughout his ugly and corrupt life, all of which are unethical, and many being illegal.

We are being treated to the final episode of the King Kon Reality Show.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Bolton’s book - 06/18/20 04:53 PM

This is the Round Table. Only Round Table threads belong here. smile
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Bolton’s book - 06/18/20 06:17 PM
Trump kind of gave away his central thought on the book: He claimed that anything Bolton said to him was classified.

That would be a completely new interpretation of the classification procedures. Material has never been classified because of who said it or who it was spoken to. It's always been because it related to a national security issue. Making anything classified just because it would embarrass the President is an abuse of that system.

Trump seems to think he's King, and lèse-majesté is a crime. Yet another lawsuit for him to lose. I predict dismissal within hours.

I also predict that the Supreme Court will hand Trump his ass by supporting all the subpoenas and congress' absolute right to oversee the Executive Branch. That'll be 0:5 for Trump!
Posted By: logtroll Re: Bolton’s book - 06/18/20 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
This is the Round Table. Only Round Table threads belong here. smile

My mistake, though I can't see why it matters to anyone...
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Bolton’s book - 06/18/20 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by logtroll
Originally Posted by pdx rick
This is the Round Table. Only Round Table threads belong here. smile

My mistake, though I can't see why it matters to anyone...
As you know, and this is now the third time YOU have posted a non-Round Table thread on the Round Table in a year, the RT is unique and special and there are fifty other places to post. Weird how only YOU are making that "mistake." Hmm

I'm sure a mod will be moving the thread to its proper place any time now. smile
Posted By: Hamish Howl Re: Bolton’s book - 06/18/20 07:53 PM
I don't even know what a round table thread is.
Posted By: logtroll Re: Bolton’s book - 06/18/20 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by Hamish Howl
I don't even know what a round table thread is.
I know. It's weird, isn't it?

The forum list says the Roundtable is the place for new topics that aren't meant for long threads. Apparently there is a secret rule that only a few special people know about?
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Bolton’s book - 06/19/20 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by Hamish Howl
I don't even know what a round table thread is.
Given that a Ranter of 10 years residency is somehow inexpectably unable to articulate what the Round Table is..(as if!), I'll do it. smile

Back in the day, we had daily Round Tables. The job would rotate among the Moderators. Some days the first thread was historical days in history, or something related to the day if it were a holiday. Birthdays were mentioned. It was a social gathering place as the thread description states - to chit chat, post one-off memes, stories, etc. It was never, ever intended to be a discussion form, as there are over 30 other discussion forums.

It's a given that Round Table is meant to be a special forum onto itself. As Ranters dwindled, so did the Round Tables. It became weekly for a long time. Then monthly, now it's seasonal.

Over the past year, a certain Ranter has "misplaced" or "didn't know" where he was posting a thread - on three different occasions now - and the only Ranter to do so - if you can believe that "didn't know" story.

Because you and I both know, you have to purposely select a forum in which to post a thread. You can't "accidentally" post to a forum and not know which Forum you're in. As founder Doug Thompson would say, "...that doesn't pass the smell test."

Sadly, some people in life have an innate demonstrable talent is for pissing all over it - with no respect for history or tradition, as is the case here.

And now you know the rest of the story. smile
Posted By: Greger Re: Bolton’s book - 06/19/20 01:18 AM
I'm about the only mod around nowadays and I'm too busy elsewhere to feck around with moving entire threads.

Logtroll, don't post sh*t in this forum, it's for Roundtable posts only.

Rick, don't get your panties in a twist, we'll survive this just like we survived the 'rona.

Just wear a mask and it'll all be okay.
Posted By: Greger Re: Bolton’s book - 06/19/20 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by logtroll
Originally Posted by Hamish Howl
I don't even know what a round table thread is.
I know. It's weird, isn't it?

The forum list says the Roundtable is the place for new topics that aren't meant for long threads. Apparently there is a secret rule that only a few special people know about?

No no no, and no. Read what it says again! It's a place for POSTS not new threads. I fixed it but don't make me do this again!

The ReaderRant RoundTable is for chit chat, personal stuff, and brief comments on the happenings of the day within the framework provided by the management.
Posted By: logtroll Re: Bolton’s book - 06/19/20 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by Greger
I'm about the only mod around nowadays and I'm too busy elsewhere to feck around with moving entire threads.

Logtroll, don't post sh*t in this forum, it's for Roundtable posts only.

Rick, don't get your panties in a twist, we'll survive this just like we suurvived the 'rona.

Just wear a mask and it'll all be okay.
I said it wasn’t intentional. But I also don’t see how it matters. If a person isn’t supposed to post new topics here, then why is it possible? What’s the big fekkin’ deal? Does anyone care except Rick? And why does Rick care? It’s infantile... but that’s redundant.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Bolton’s book - 06/19/20 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by logtroll
I said it wasn’t intentional.

. But I also don’t see how it matters. If a person isn’t supposed to post new topics here, then why is it possible? What’s the big fekkin’ deal?

Originally Posted by pdx rick have to purposely select a forum in which to post a thread. You can't "accidentally" post to a forum and not know which Forum you're in. As founder Doug Thompson would say, "...that doesn't pass the smell test."

Originally Posted by logtroll
Does anyone care except Rick? And why does Rick care? It’s infantile... but that’s redundant.

Originally Posted by pdx rick
Sadly, some people in life have an innate demonstrable talent is for pissing all over it - with no respect for history or tradition, as is the case here.
Posted By: Irked Re: Bolton’s book - 06/19/20 04:32 AM
Didn’t there used to be a separate permanent thread for discussing rules? Hmm

This thread certainly doesn’t have much to do with Bolton’s book. smile
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Bolton’s book - 06/19/20 06:02 AM

Was there ever a rules thread? Hmm
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Bolton’s book - 06/19/20 07:17 AM
Yes. And back to topic, please.

I think the effort to block the distribution of the book is not in good faith (shocking), and doomed to failure because, frankly, it meets none of the case law on "prior restraint". It is a frivolous action by the DoJ and another Barr black eye for the Department. I expect by tomorrow it will have been dismissed. It's really hard to make the argument that there's a security risk when 1) it was approved by NSA, 2) it has already been distributed, 3) and the claims made in court don't comport with national security criteria. Trump just thinks he can "classify" anything embarrassing, and his Nazi henchman, Bill Barr, will do anything to protect his fuhrer. (Barr would have been so comfortable in Nazi Germany. He's an actual Fascist.)

Personally, I won't buy Bolton's Book, because he's a traitor, and I don't support traitors. I don't mean he's disloyal to Trump, but to the United States. A true patriot would have testified to Congress about what h.w knew instead of banking on his book deal. He's a sell-out of the highest order and the worst kind.

Posted By: logtroll Re: Bolton’s book - 06/19/20 12:04 PM
Trump says Bolton isn’t credible. The whole world knows that Trump isn’t credible. I think that means we are in for an incredible reality show cage match!
Posted By: logtroll Re: Bolton’s book - 06/19/20 12:08 PM
Posted By: Ujest Shurly Re: Bolton’s book - 06/19/20 12:17 PM
President Donald (...) Trump's* lawyers know it is nigh on impossible to stop the release of the book. However, they (he) only want to stop its release until after the election. He believes that the Senate will remain in Republican hands.


Posted By: pdx rick Re: Bolton’s book - 06/19/20 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by logtroll
Trump says Bolton isn’t credible. The whole world knows that Trump isn’t credible. I think that means we are in for an incredible reality show cage match!
John Bolton is more credible in the Conservative world than Donald Trump, where Bolton is a stand-up citizen in their eyes. Conservatives know that Donald Trump is a liar and a joke, but he is their liar and a joke. At this point, the GOP can only hope to hold onto the Senate and that isn't looking good either. Hmm
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Bolton’s book - 06/19/20 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
I think the effort to block the distribution of the book is not in good faith (shocking), and doomed to failure because, frankly, it meets none of the case law on "prior restraint".[/quote/
Indeed, plus the book has already been disseminated to media.

[quote=NW Ponderer] It is a frivolous action by the DoJ and another Barr black eye for the Department. I expect by tomorrow it will have been dismissed. It's really hard to make the argument that there's a security risk when 1) it was approved by NSA, 2) it has already been distributed, 3) and the claims made in court don't comport with national security criteria. Trump just thinks he can "classify" anything embarrassing, and his Nazi henchman, Bill Barr, will do anything to protect his fuhrer. (Barr would have been so comfortable in Nazi Germany. He's an actual Fascist.)
Bill Barr's shotgun ride on Trump's scorched-earth joyride against justice will not end well for Bill Barr. smile

Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Personally, I won't buy Bolton's Book, because he's a traitor, and I don't support traitors. I don't mean he's disloyal to Trump, but to the United States. A true patriot would have testified to Congress about what h.w knew instead of banking on his book deal. He's a sell-out of the highest order and the worst kind.
Barr's actions validate the perception of Conservatives being greedy selfish individuals who are only looking out for themselves and to grab as much money in life as possible. Hmm
Posted By: Greger Re: Bolton’s book - 06/19/20 04:23 PM
John Bolton is more credible in the Conservative world than Donald Trump

So was John McCain. So was Mitt Romney. There were many others but those two were former Republican presidential nominees.

For the most part, only democrats will buy that book. I hope it's an utter flop because he's not telling anyone anything they didn't already know or vehemently deny.

I'd bet my scrawny ass that the death threats have already started rolling in.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Bolton’s book - 06/19/20 08:10 PM
Just as a contribution to mutual understanding: I think people are talking about two different things on the misplaced topic issue. There is a current Roundtable Topic within the Roundtable Forum. The RT Forum should contain nothing but RT Topics. A poster created a new Bolton's Book Topic within the RT Forum instead of a different Forum or a new Forum. That's something counter to the organization of ReaderRant.

The confusion is because both topic and forum are named RoundTable. And most non-moderators never even look at the forum list. I hardly ever do. A suitable topic is almost always in the Current Topics list. Only when one isn't, will I look at the Forum List and search for one or create a new topic in an appropriate forum.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Bolton’s book - 06/20/20 03:29 AM
Funny thing: Trump tweeted that Bolton's book is all lies. Then how could it release classified information? Trump just killed his own case.

Unless you interpret "classified information" as anything Trump doesn't like. I kind of doubt any judge would go along with that definition.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Bolton’s book - 06/20/20 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
...Unless you interpret "classified information" as anything Trump doesn't like. I kind of doubt any judge would go along with that definition.
That has been at the heart of Donald Trump's label "fake news" all along.

Posted By: danarhea Re: Bolton’s book - 06/20/20 09:33 AM
I just preordered the book from, and will be downloading it on Tuesday. I was kind of torn as to whether I should put money in Bolton's pocket by buying it. After all, he refused to testify at the impeachment hearings, and it appears he was saving his testimony for his book. As a result, Trump skated. Trump probably would have skated anyways, but Bolton is no hero. He is a douche bag. However, curiosity won out, and I will be reading the book in a couple of days.
Posted By: danarhea Re: Bolton’s book - 06/20/20 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Funny thing: Trump tweeted that Bolton's book is all lies. Then how could it release classified information? Trump just killed his own case.

Unless you interpret "classified information" as anything Trump doesn't like. I kind of doubt any judge would go along with that definition.

Correct. If they were lies, they never would have been classified. Trump wants to have his feces sandwiches and eat them too.**

** Disclaimer - Trump doesn't like feces sandwiches. He hates bread.
Posted By: Greger Re: Bolton’s book - 06/20/20 05:21 PM
Trump believes that any conversation with Him is classified. Remember all the non-disclosure agreements everyone around him has always signed? You can't force cicil servants to sign them because they don't work for you, they work for the government.

But he has always demanded loyalty from the people he will throw under the bus at a moments notice.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Bolton’s book - 06/20/20 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Greger
Trump believes that any conversation with Him is classified.
Never having worked in government prior, and having the IQ of a knat, Trump would think that any conversation with him is classified. Hmm
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Bolton’s book - 06/20/20 06:54 PM

Judge: Bolton gets to publish his book

#TrumpLosesAgain smile

Posted By: CPWILL Re: Bolton’s book - 06/20/20 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Funny thing: Trump tweeted that Bolton's book is all lies. Then how could it release classified information? Trump just killed his own case.

Trump and his fan base do not suffer from being overly-devoted to intellectual coherency or consistency.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Bolton’s book - 06/20/20 08:18 PM
Trump must be his lawyer's nightmare: He is constantly undermining any legal suit he has a part in. They go to all the trouble to create some fanciful justification for their case, and then he goes on twitter and craps all over it. His fans may be stupid enough to believe two (or more!) mutually exclusive things at once, but judges make a career of never doing that. Trump makes the common mistake of assuming judges are no smarter than he is.

John Roberts is willing to suspend belief and accept a ridiculous legal theory, but not when Trump can't bother to stick with just one lie.
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