Capitol Hill Blue
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The attempted J6 coup runs deeper than previously thought. cry
Back in the Seventies Rod Serling had this to say about Nixon's involvement in Watergate and it seems to apply every bit as much for Trump:

"Twenty-eight men associated with the White House or Nixon's campaign have been indicted with 15 already pleading guilty or convicted. To those who believe Nixon had no knowledge of the affair to buy this you have to buy something else: that the President is without will, without sight, without hearing, without judgment or any instinctive knowledge of right or wrong.
I think we dare not impeach this man.
I think we should commit him- I think it is the act of ultimate compassion."
Whatever it takes...

...leaving a criminal psychopathically lying sociopath out to hold rallies and continuing to push the big lie on people, is continuing to radicalize people and endanger the lives of the rest of us and endanger the health of our democracy.

Secret Service’s January 6 text messages story has shifted several times, panel is told

Liars can never keep their lies straight. It is often said, that everything Donald Trump touches turns to crap - apparently, Trump touched the Secret Service as well. eek

The Secret Service’s account about how text messages from the day before and the day of the Capitol attack were erased has shifted several times, the inspector general for the Department of Homeland Security told the House January 6 select committee at a briefing on Friday.

At one point, the explanation from the Secret Service for the lost texts was because of software upgrades, the inspector general told the panel, while at another point, the explanation was because of device replacements.

The inspector general also said that though the secret service opted to have his office do a review of the agency’s response to the Capitol attack in lieu of conducting after-action reports, it then stonewalled the review by slow-walking production of materials.
Did you read the incredibly defensive post from their communications chief? This is their lead communicator? No wonder they are in hot water.

I don't know if the deletion of texts was deliberate or grossly negligent, but it was certainly wrong. As a law enforcement agency, regardless of motivation, they had to know all communications related to January 6 had to be preserved. Moreover, federal law requires they be backed up. If they are agency devices, everything on them is a federal record. (Just ask Hillary Clinton.) Two strikes against them already.
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
I don't know if the deletion of texts was deliberate or grossly negligent, but it was certainly wrong.
There are federal statues about keeping ALL records. Secondly, the J6 first made the request of January 16, 2021 for the Secret Service records - 10 days after Trump's attempted coup.

Everyone knows that J6 and the days leading up to J6 were important to putting the pieces together for the attempted coup. The Secret Service's dog doesn't hunt.

The good news is that there are backups of backups. Those texts are not lost. It will just be very inconvenient in getting to them.

...and I predict all roads will lead to Tony Ornato.
It appears that some Secret Service agents are part of Donald Trump's plot to overthrow the government. This is what we know:

  • After the blockbuster testimony about Donald Trump's anger that he couldn't go to the Capitol, some in the Secret Service seem to be part of an anonymous whisper campaign disagreeing with her story.
  • Tony Ornato and Bobby Engel seem to exist in Trump's orbit outside of they Secret Service job duties.
  • Other witnesses who have come forward and validated Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony, including a member of the MPD.
  • We find out that Secret Service documents are missing from the critical days of the 5th and the 6th.

These concerns go deeper than just the text messages, these concerns are about the alliances that the law enforcement agents have with Trump. The J6C should be looking into possible legal issues and obstruction of justice charges.

Had the coup attempt succeeded, and Trump declared himself dictator for life, the Secret Service would have become Trump's Schutzstaffel as what happened in 1930s Germany - with history repeating itself.
Originally Posted by pdx rick
It appears that some Secret Service agents are part of Donald Trump's plot to overthrow the government. This is what we know:

  • After the blockbuster testimony about Donald Trump's anger that he couldn't go to the Capitol, some in the Secret Service seem to be part of an anonymous whisper campaign disagreeing with her story.
  • Tony Ornato and Bobby Engel seem to exist in Trump's orbit outside of they Secret Service job duties.
  • Other witnesses who have come forward and validated Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony, including a member of the MPD.
  • We find out that Secret Service documents are missing from the critical days of the 5th and the 6th.

These concerns go deeper than just the text messages, these concerns are about the alliances that the law enforcement agents have with Trump. The J6C should be looking into possible legal issues and obstruction of justice charges.

Had the coup attempt succeeded, and Trump declared himself dictator for life, the Secret Service would have become Trump's Schutzstaffel as what happened in 1930s Germany - with history repeating itself.

(SARCASM ahead)
Awwwww geez Rick, you're exaggerating again! Trump will probably be a good president, so will all the other Republicans, fascism isn't so bad, stop being hysterical.
Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
(SARCASM ahead)
Awwwww geez Rick, you're exaggerating again! Trump will probably be a good president, so will all the other Republicans, fascism isn't so bad, stop being hysterical.
AND GET OFF MY LAWN! if Trump's incompetency would suddenly disappear. crazy
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
(SARCASM ahead)
Awwwww geez Rick, you're exaggerating again! Trump will probably be a good president, so will all the other Republicans, fascism isn't so bad, stop being hysterical.
AND GET OFF MY LAWN! if Trump's incompetency would suddenly disappear. crazy

Incompetency = least of the problems.
Outright fascism.
Outright criminality.
I'll be interested to see what information the Secret Service discloses today.
It appears the Secret Service was shining the Committee on. Secret Service will say no new Jan....ds were deleted; investigation requested.

They have also rolled out a new slogan, "When we say SECRET, we really mean it." I agree with this assessment: Opinion: The Secret Service's actions on text messages don't pass the smell test

"If the deleted data was the result of some bizarro act of benign negligence, that data should be easy to recoup. In fact, I would argue that the bigger and far more nefarious outcome of the Tuesday deadline will be if the Secret Service says it was simply unable to reconstruct all or most of the missing data.

As nearly every IT professional knows, with the right resources, a good forensic IT team can gather just about any data that has been "deleted" -- nothing is ever really gone for good. If, in fact the Secret Service indicates that the records are really gone, it could mean they were erased with intent, but we'll have to wait for the outcome of the investigation to know
An obvious question is: Why was the Secret Service texting instead of using their radios?
Wondering exactly how all those Secret Service texts got deleted? Just watch this:

James Murray Is The Problem At The Secret Service

Seems Trump wanted his loyal agent Tony Ornato to be the next director of the Secret Service. But Ornato had other plans. He recommended his buddy agent James Murray for the role. After a 10 minute interview, Trump decided Murray was his guy. And Murray is STILL director of the Secret Service! All Secret Service agents were warned three times to preserve Jan 6th texts and call info. One of those even had step-by-step instructions on how to do it. And yet somehow most of those texts are gone.

Were there messages telling agents to remove Pence from the Capital? Because that was the plan, and dollars to donuts Trump plotters are still in the Secret Service right up to leadership positions. I think the Secret Service needs an enema.
It wasn't that long ago when Republicans practically burning the White House down because Hillary Clinton deleted email coupons from Bed, Bath, & Beyond from her lame homebrewed server. It wasn't that long ago that the forensic reconstruction of deleted texts between FBI officials Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, which were conveniently leaked to reporters and then weaponized by congressional Republicans so they could pretend that it was illegitimate to investigate Trump's coordination with the Russians influencing our 2016 election.

So maybe Dems could take a page from Rep. Liz Cheney and grow a pair in time to hold some hearings on this apparent SSgate coverup, because this SS deleting texts crap reeks to high heaven.
Why is the Secret Service at Ivana Trump's funeral? Why is the Trump spawn STILL being protected? mad
SecretServicegate is now a criminal investigation. Tony Ornato is in a lot of trouble now. smile
Originally Posted by pdx rick
An obvious question is: Why was the Secret Service texting instead of using their radios?
I think we now know what they were texting about:
One tranche was the texts to family members saying goodbye; a second tranche was gossiping about Trump's unhinged tirade.
I suspect there might have been a much smaller, much more incriminating set of text messages between certain individuals. Director James M. Murray needs to testify under oath as to exactly why he deleted all his text messages, even though his office directed all members of the Secret Service to preserve them. Same for Tony Ornato.

This certainly looks like Tampering with Evidence, a felony with up to a 20 year prison sentence.
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
I suspect there might have been a much smaller, much more incriminating set of text messages between certain individuals. Director James M. Murray needs to testify under oath as to exactly why he deleted all his text messages

Hard time for the conspirators is good but it doesn't solve the issue of a security team that simply cannot be trusted anymore.
The entire Secret Service apparatus has to be purged and dismantled.
I don't trust them to protect anybody anymore.

I think the Bidens would be safer in the hands of the MS-13.
I suspect a lot of Secret Service agents, FBI agents, etc. know exactly who in their midst are insurrection supporters. And I also think their are a lot of conservatives in those agencies who take their oath to defend the constitution and protect their assigned people seriously. I bet the sociopaths have been quite vocal about their support for Trump and their willingness to use criminal behavior to keep him in office. So a purge of the people who shouldn't be there could be very quick, and relatively painless. Republican and conservative is fine, Extremists have to go. Garland needs to clean house. If he's worried about acting in a partisan manner, NOT to act is a partisan manner.
The texts from J5 and J6 are missing from Chad Wolf and Ken Cuccinelli, who were running DHS at the time as well.

CNN is reporting that Department of Homeland Security Inspector General Joseph Cuffari knew about the deleted Secret Service texts for more than a year before he told the January 6 committee about them and stated he found out in December 2021 which we now know, turns out not to be true. Cuffari knew about the deleted texts in the Spring of 2021.

Additionally, the Washington Post is reporting DHS Inspector General Joseph Cuffari announced he would make an attempt to retrieve the messages in February. He called off the effort later in the month. On Feb. 18, 2022, numerous employees working under Cuffari ordered investigators not to seek out phones or the data that might have been on them.

The J6 committee is now moving into the coverup phase of Trump's attempted coup.

There are a lot of Trump loyalists still infecting our government and these traitors to America needed to be rooted out and prosecuted.
People refuse to learn from history: There were five Watergate burglars, but eventually 40 people from the Nixon administration went to jail. The cover-up got a lot more folks in serious career-ending trouble, than the original crime. Looks like history is repeating it's self.
If people learned from other people's mistakes the jails would be empty....
I read today that a bunch of January 6th texts from DOD have been discovered missing as well. Not too surprising: Trump had supporters in every government agency, including the DOD and every armed service. After the insurrection failed, I think a lot of them went into CYA mode: "Trump? I don't know any Trump."
Trump did a lot of last minute appointees after he lost the election, appointing anti-democracy appointees such as Kash Patel and Chris Miller to the DoD and Jeffrey Clark at DoJ. These people were appointed so they could help Trump remain in power. Then when it failed, they all helped to destroy the evidence. frown
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