Capitol Hill Blue
I've been looking to see if there are any proposition odds on this. I'm taking 7pm ET TUESDAY.
First, I hope there IS a gag order. Secondly, I hope the Judge sets a severe penalty for violating the order. Third, I hope that Trump violates the gag order. smile
He is a narcissist. He will be compelled to violate every order as the law does not apply to him.
Only thing I am waiting, hoping and praying for is for Judge Merchan to issue the most comprehensive gag order in modern history so we can finally stop Trump-Putin-Bannon from flooding the zone with their s***.
The narcissistic compunction to bloviate waited no longer than the night of arraignment.
My prediction on NY trial ... he will be convicted of some of the charges ... at sentencing judge will consolidate all convictions to run concurrently .... and will then order Trump to pay fine and be on probation
I just read that the Mar-A-Lardo stolen documents case might actually go to trial before the New York porn star payoff case does. After all, the NY case is all about business fraud and money laundering. Not unthinkable that the sentence could just be some whopping fines and probation. Or a suspended prison sentence, for when he screws up later. But Trump's lawyer got a three year sentence for that same conspiracy, with Trump named as an unindicted co-conspirator. And Trump was the instigator of those crimes! Bragg had to indict now because the statute of limitations will run out soon.

The documents case is much more serious, and includes several instances of obstruction, witness tampering, and perjury that was critical to the case. The fact that it involved so many co-conspirators makes a RICO prosecution much more likely.

Jack Smith's other grand jury is looking at the insurrection and fake elector scheme. That may be the biggie, and the one that gets a whole bunch of politicians disqualified from holding office.
But Trump's lawyer got a three year sentence
yeah but ... doesn't mean they would get the same sentences. More an indicator, in my humble legally uneducated opinion, that there will be convictions of at least some of the instances, and if convicted of one charge with several instances, then consolidation would be appropriate. Fines and probation or suspension as you suggest seems in the future of this case .... if convicted.

documents ... obstruction
yep ... I want to hear John Solomon and Kash Patel testify ... are they delusional or just political thugs

Jack Smith's... insurrection and fake elector scheme.... a whole bunch of politicians disqualified from holding office.
All but one politician as far as I know who was charged with participation in an insurrection at the state levels for disqualification, were acquitted. There were two ways this happened. First Republican judges ruled against plaintiffs and second, defendants couldn't remember anything. Remember Rep Greene and her smirky smile, saying she couldn't remember saying anything or remembering anything that happened. I don't hold much hope for disqualification for most.

However, if any of them actively participated in the conspiracy, such as Rep Scott and not those who just encouraged it, then I believe they may be in the sights of the special counsels investigation.

The one you didn't mention was the GA case. Trump on 3 recorded calls suborned elected politicians to break the law by finding non-existent votes. We know they were non-existent because Trump was told by GA officials the counts were correct, and he was told by his own people there was no fraud. GA has state laws for precisely this conduct.

Appears the only defense Republicans will use is election interference. I like it because now anyone with impunity, who has committed crimes, can claim they are running for office and make the same claim of election interference and therefore be outside the purview of law enforcement.
Turns out Bragg's reluctance to indict Trump back when the two prosecutors resigned was pure genius: Trump's civil tax and bank fraud case has gone first, and at a civil case when you take the Fifth, prosecutors can tell the jury they can infer he is guilty for refusing to answer the questions. So he got deposed for 7 hours and DID answer questions. Then posted on social media that his company's properties and financial condition is actually much higher than those "so-called" statements of financial condition. But he is also being charged with tax fraud, and understating the financial condition is also criminal! Telling the truth on such a document is just unacceptable to Trump.

Now when Bragg et al prosecute the criminal case, they have all the sworn testimony of Trump's deposition as well as his moronic social media posts. So it doesn't matter if Trump clams-up and takes the Fifth. Sworn testimony is sworn testimony. If Trump tries to recant it under oath, he gets charged with perjury. If Bragg had indicted for the criminal case first, then he would not have had nearly as much evidence.

One very good reason not to gag Trump is that he keeps on incriminating himself every time he opens his mouth or posts. Like they say: Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
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