Capitol Hill Blue
Posted By: pdx rick It happened! No more Roe - 05/03/22 02:10 AM
Read and weep.

Also this.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/03/22 02:19 AM
Where's Mellow?
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/03/22 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Read and weep.

Also this.

premarital sex
extramarital sex
same sex relationships
sex education
interracial marriage

ALL of it is on the menu.

Their words, not mine!
The Christian Taliban.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/03/22 03:50 AM
ISIS or American Conservative?

• Theocracy for government?
• Holy book as Science?
• Their religion is the only real one?
• Become violent when others speak against them?
• Guns solve everything?
• Accept only their own 'kind'

Posted By: rporter314 Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/03/22 03:44 PM
I hope you guys were not surprised. It was a foregone conclusion Roe would be gone as soon as they had a case to hear. The whole point of getting 3 ultra conservative justices was to overturn Roe.

I hope none of you think it will stop there .... they own your thoughts, and they are coming for you
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/03/22 05:31 PM
they are coming for you

I hope they wait until the Spring pickleball and shuffleboard sign-ups are done, I'm gonna be kind of busy until then.

On the bright side, this will mobilize pro-choice voters come November and will further erode trust in the conservative supreme court. This is the sort of judicial overreach that gets noticed by independents and will affect the outcomes of elections for as long as the decision stands.
Posted By: jgw Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/03/22 06:38 PM
They have also actually began working on anything LGBTQ stuff, especially marriage and the raising of children by such. I am anxiously awaiting their educating us all about their brand new, wiz bang, reality with vigor and understanding.

The Supremes, if they stick to their guns, will have opened up a lot of doors for the the loons and crazies to move through in their efforts to impress us all with the TRUTH!!

Between the just plain crazies and the almost functional brainless idiots its gonna get interesting real quick. Those two groups alone are growing and, I think, now make up something in excess of 30% of our entire population right now. I keep on wondering just how long its gonna take them before they take it all down. I am seriously thinking of buying a house, right now, in Mexico. You can buy a really nice one down there for the right price!
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/03/22 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Where's Mellow?

She's at her sister's house, she's okay. If anyone here happens to say anything intelligent she might reply, but I'm not holding out much hope or making much effort to goad her into typing.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/03/22 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
ISIS or American Conservative?

• Theocracy for government?
• Holy book as Science?
• Their religion is the only real one?
• Become violent when others speak against them?
• Guns solve everything?
• Accept only their own 'kind'


Know what?
A friend of mine just said that a lot of Bible stories could easily double as "Florida Man" headlines.
How about "Florida Man threatens to cut baby in half to stop two women from bickering" ?
Or "Florida Man goes for a walk, gets into an argument with a flaming shrubbery, walks back home and gets his brother to help
him convince a group of thousands of other Floridians to run away with them and they promptly get lost for another 40 years." ?

Florida man gathered up two of every animal on earth and took them for a long boat ride! Everyone thought he was crazy!

Florida Man buys wife with 200 foreskins!

See? It works!!
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/03/22 08:59 PM
California man obsessed with foreskins...!

Yeah, that works too.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/03/22 09:31 PM
I have been working my way through this screed opinion, but it is a hard and disgusting slog, kinda like trying to find your keys that got dropped in the garbage can. The appendix is probably the most appalling. He cites every abortion law from the 19th Century without acknowledging why those laws were passed. I'll give you a hint - slavery was still legal, then, too. This is extremely dangerous stuff, but shows the utter extremity of Alito.

I will note, however, that it is unlikely this opinion will be the final one issued by the Court (although it may be). This was a February 10 First Draft. Those almost always get greatly modified, and often the "majority coalition" which initially voted is broken into factions. I think there will be at least 3 opinions. One (Alito, Thomas, Barrett, Kavanaugh) will seek to overrule Roe and Casey entirely, on the basis in this opinion. I think Gorsuch and Roberts will be in the middle, with a concurrence, arguing for only the narrowing of Roe and Casey, but upholding the law in question. And, of course, at least one vigorous dissent, although the issue may inspire multiple separate dissents.

What is breathtaking is the temerity and mendacity of this opinion. Alito claims this is "only about abortion," but everyone knows that is a lie, obviously, just as Barrett and Kavanaugh lied directly in the face of everyone about "respecting precedent" in their confirmation hearings. They knew why they were picked, and this is just the start. The basis for this opinion is the same basis for Dred Scott and other mendacious decisions of the past - we have the authority, so we'll dictate the outcome. They do not believe in the 9th Amendment, the 14th Amendment, or in "equal rights," at all. As was listed above, "LGBT" rights, contraception, and any other "privacy interests" are on the chopping block (except for corporations).
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/03/22 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
I have been working my way through this screed opinion, but it is a hard and disgusting slog, kinda like trying to find your keys that got dropped in the garbage can. The appendix is probably the most appalling. He cites every abortion law from the 19th Century without acknowledging why those laws were passed. I'll give you a hint - slavery was still legal, then, too. This is extremely dangerous stuff, but shows the utter extremity of Alito.

I will note, however, that it is unlikely this opinion will be the final one issued by the Court (although it may be). This was a February 10 First Draft. Those almost always get greatly modified, and often the "majority coalition" which initially voted is broken into factions. I think there will be at least 3 opinions. One (Alito, Thomas, Barrett, Kavanaugh) will seek to overrule Roe and Casey entirely, on the basis in this opinion. I think Gorsuch and Roberts will be in the middle, with a concurrence, arguing for only the narrowing of Roe and Casey, but upholding the law in question. And, of course, at least one vigorous dissent, although the issue may inspire multiple separate dissents.

What is breathtaking is the temerity and mendacity of this opinion. Alito claims this is "only about abortion," but everyone knows that is a lie, obviously, just as Barrett and Kavanaugh lied directly in the face of everyone about "respecting precedent" in their confirmation hearings. They knew why they were picked, and this is just the start. The basis for this opinion is the same basis for Dred Scott and other mendacious decisions of the past - we have the authority, so we'll dictate the outcome. They do not believe in the 9th Amendment, the 14th Amendment, or in "equal rights," at all. As was listed above, "LGBT" rights, contraception, and any other "privacy interests" are on the chopping block (except for corporations).

He also quoted a 17th century jurist who was famous for putting women to death as witches. Yeah, he's a whackjob alright.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/03/22 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Greger
California man obsessed with foreskins...!

Yeah, that works too.

Not sure if you've seen or heard the innumerable and humorous "Florida Man" memes, but I assure you this was not a personal attack on you just because you live in Florida.

It's a variation on a theme, or "meme" and nothing more.
It was a joke.

"Florida Man" meme on Wikipedia

Also...I am not a biblical character.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 12:11 AM
This ruling is an attack on privacy. THAT is what Roe is about.

Then there is the issue of “abortion is not in the Constitution.”

Welp neither are owning AR-15s and Corporations are people, my friend. Neither of those concepts are there either.

This decision will drive a blue wave in November. The House has already passed legislation to codify abortion, only the Senate is needed now. A blue wave will add more Dem Senators and we won’t need DINOs. Sinema and Manchin. THEN Joe can pass ALL of his Agenda.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 01:01 AM
I would not be too surprised if we see some lawsuits against states that force women to carry to term. Not many people know this but carrying to term and giving birth is over 50 times more dangerous than any abortion. When you look at medication-induced abortions it goes WAY WAY up. It might actually be infinite, because medication-induced abortion is so safe.

There could be a counter argument because women could simply choose not to have sex, but here's where the lack of exceptions for rape and most incest cases falls apart. The state is forcing those innocent victims to take part in a dangerous medical experiment that may cost them their lives.
Posted By: perotista Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
This ruling is an attack on privacy. THAT is what Roe is about.

Then there is the issue of “abortion is not in the Constitution.”

Welp neither are owning AR-15s and Corporations are people, my friend. Neither of those concepts are there either.

This decision will drive a blue wave in November. The House has already passed legislation to codify abortion, only the Senate is needed now. A blue wave will add more Dem Senators and we won’t need DINOs. Sinema and Manchin. THEN Joe can pass ALL of his Agenda.
I think you can dream, but I think abortion for the most part is already baked in. Those who rank abortion at near the top of their issues in determining how they'll vote, pro-choice already vote democratic, pro-life Republican. As for your blue wave, the question is if the SCOTUS overturns Roe, will the abortion issue among independents rise above rising prices, empty store shelves, thinning to flat wallets, inflation and the economy in general? Today, prior to the release of the draft among independents 38% list the economy, inflation as their most important issue, 4% list abortion. Those numbers need to change for a blue wave. I don't know if they will or won't. Time will provide that answer.

Has anyone else thought about the leaked draft as being a trial baloon? Both parties do that all the time when they're thinking about doing something or proposing legislation or something akin to that. To fire off a trial baloon to see how the public will react before doing anything? Perhaps that is the cynic in me. But it's the first thing I thought of.
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 02:36 AM
"Florida Man" meme on Wikipedia

I live here Jeffery, I'm well aware of the Florida man memes. While they may not seem like an attack to you, I am a Florida man and they feel like an attack to me.
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 02:56 AM
abortion for the most part is already baked in

I disagree here. As a political football yes. But as a health care issue, it doesn't just go away.

There will be ugly repercussions and there will be lawsuits. But Amazon, among other corporations, said they would reimburse travel expenses for an employee who had to go out of state for a medical there will be workarounds. Teen pregnancies are down so perhaps there won't be too many young women harmed or killed by this before it ultimately gets straightened out.

But I think this sends ripples into the independent ranks as well as the partisans.
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 03:15 AM
This decision will drive a blue wave in November.

No, but it will help to limit the losses to exactly the margins we've been predicting for months.

Even if it's not true.

Supreme court justices have a lot of time on their hands, they only hear a few cases a year and the rest of the time sit around dreaming of opinions they might like to write. Maybe sometimes they actually write them...and maybe they somehow got leaked...

Who knows...?

But it's gonna cause a sh*tstorm for a while and will be an overall positive for Democrats.
Posted By: perotista Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 12:56 PM
Today, I'm focused on the midterms. The politics of it all, who'll it will help or hurt. Not the medical.That will come later if the SCOTUS does strike down Roe. I'm leaning toward a trial baloon now. Although I'm far from sure and wouldn't bet a nickle on it.

How that s*** storm will affect the midterms remains to be seen. According to Gallup, very in-depth report, those who are pro-choice and or pro-life are evenly divided. 49-47. 2nd graph. There a ton of information in their report or poll, history galore.

The group to watch in my opinion is the 32% who believe abortion should be legal, but only in limited circumstances. Rape, incest, life of the mother, maybe a couple of other excepts, but not everyone for any reason group. Only 19% believe abortion should be illegal in all circumstances. That’s a small group. What I need to determine is how much importance this group of 32% place on abortion vs. other issues especially inflation, rising prices, etc. Like the 1-6 hearings, I don’t think this will be the panacea the democrats think it will be. As for Abrams running on the leaked draft, that’s fine. But I think she is doing nothing more than speaking to the choir, energizing her existing base. Nothing wrong with that if it gets them to the polls. My question is how many independents will change their mind or decide to vote for her because of abortion? I don’t think it will be many. Rising prices, inflation, thinning to flat wallets is where their attention is. In other words, this may be baked in already with a handful changing their minds. Time will tell.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by perotista
Today, I'm focused on the midterms.

Oh there shouldn't be any confusion. If Roe is overturned, there will be no red wave. It will be a blue wave because of Roe, because of J6 hearings this summer, becasue of COVID deaths among the unvaxxed who are mostly GOP, and because the GOP has no platform other than to own the Libs.
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 02:28 PM
In regards to the midterms, I think you're right. It's mostly baked in. But it's a great hook to get out the democratic base and get a few left leaners up off the independent couches as well.

Not enough to "win the election" and keep the House but another factor keeping the Democratic losses to a minimum. Further down the road we'll see deaths from coathanger abortions, mothers and babies dying together, horribly deformed infants forced to live as permanent wards of the state, eleven year olds giving birth to their father's children...

There's a pretty good reason that Roe passed the first time. And it's not just because some people love killing babies.
Posted By: perotista Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 02:38 PM
pdx, what you don’t understand is the party out of power doesn’t have to stand for anything, say anything, have a platform, do anything. They just must be an alternative to the party in power. That’s our two-party system. Don’t like the party in power, don’t like what they’re doing or not doing, angry at them, you’re only alternative is to vote for the party out of power. Quite simple really. Don’t read too much into something that is basically just one sentence long. It’s the KISS principle. No need to bring in quantum physics to an election when simple one plus one math will do nicely.

Just keep in mind what is hot today, may not be hot in a week or a month.
Posted By: perotista Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 03:16 PM
This just in today, check out questions 86A through 86L and you’ll see people all over the place on their view of abortion, when, under what circumstance etc. Questions 84, 85 and 87-94 also deal with abortion.
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by perotista
Today, I'm focused on the midterms.

Oh there shouldn't be any confusion. If Roe is overturned, there will be no red wave. It will be a blue wave because of Roe, because of J6 hearings this summer, becasue of COVID deaths among the unvaxxed who are mostly GOP, and because the GOP has no platform other than to own the Libs.

Would you care to place a small wager concerning the midterms?

I don't think we'll see Roe overturned before November, so if you're hoping for it to save Democrats from their unpopularity I think you'll be disappointed. Ditto for J6, deaths among Republican voters and your imagined lack of a political platform.

If wishes were horses we'd all have a ride.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 06:15 PM
Let’s go big Greger…$10

Pero: what alternative? Just simply existing?
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by Greger
I don't think we'll see Roe overturned before November,
June/July, actually. "Court sessions continue until late June or early July." per the Supreme Court's webpage.
Posted By: perotista Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Let’s go big Greger…$10

Pero: what alternative? Just simply existing?
Yes, simply existing. You have two choices, the party in power and the party out of power. The party out of power is the alternative to the party in power. If you mad at one, in this case the party in power or think it isn’t doing what it’s supposed to or doing the wrong things, having the wrong priorities, ignoring the issue you think is most important, etc. Your only option is to vote for the other party, the party out of power.

You may dislike or even border on hate of both parties, so you vote against the party you dislike the most or vote for the party you hate the least. If you’re satisfied with the way things are going, you vote for the party in power. If you are dissatisfied with how things are, you vote for the party out of power. All the party out of power must be is an alternative to the party in power. Rather simple.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by perotista
You may dislike or even border on hate of both parties, so you vote against the party you dislike the most or vote for the party you hate the least. If you’re satisfied with the way things are going, you vote for the party in power. If you are dissatisfied with how things are, you vote for the party out of power. All the party out of power must be is an alternative to the party in power. Rather simple.
Unfortunately, also rather simplistic - but that reflects the bulk of the electorate. They don't have the capacity to "think big", and that allows them to be manipulated by those with more deviousness and brazenness.
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 09:09 PM
rather simplistic - but that reflects the bulk of the electorate

It's the bulk of the electorate we're talking about. We already know how Democrats and Republicans will vote. The 40% or so who don't even bother to pick a party are the ones who will decide the election.
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Originally Posted by Greger
I don't think we'll see Roe overturned before November,
June/July, actually. "Court sessions continue until late June or early July." per the Supreme Court's webpage.

I'm making a cautious prediction that this leak will spook the court out of making such an earth-shattering decision in this session. I view it a bit like Putin's war and think they might be biting off more than they can chew.
Posted By: perotista Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Originally Posted by perotista
You may dislike or even border on hate of both parties, so you vote against the party you dislike the most or vote for the party you hate the least. If you’re satisfied with the way things are going, you vote for the party in power. If you are dissatisfied with how things are, you vote for the party out of power. All the party out of power must be is an alternative to the party in power. Rather simple.
Unfortunately, also rather simplistic - but that reflects the bulk of the electorate. They don't have the capacity to "think big", and that allows them to be manipulated by those with more deviousness and brazenness.
That’s a good way to put it. Both parties have their propaganda machines going full tilt. The problem is our elections has ceased being about ideas, solutions to our problems, a vision for the future. They have turned into one negative attack ad after another negative attack ad. No substance. People get tired of hearing all of that. Myself, I didn’t bother to turn on the TV for the last month prior to the Georgia senate runoffs. Nothing but how evil a scumbag their opposing candidate was. Nothing as to what they stood for or what they had in mind trying to do. Given this type of information, it’s no wonder the bulk of the electorate have become simplistic. It’s a wonder folks go out and vote anymore. Their choice, scumbag A or scumbag B.

The bulk of the electorate, especially independents aren’t political junkies. They don’t pay much if any attention to politics until an election nears. This year, so far, they view their situation, especially financial as worsening under Biden and company. They don’t like Trump nor the GOP. But they’re the only alternative, the only way to send a message to Biden and company to do something about their worsening financial situation. In short inflation, rising prices, empty store shelves. They for the most part, in general don’t give an owl’s hoot about the 1-6 hearings, they may not even care about the abortion issue. At least abortion takes a back seat to their thinning to flat wallets.

You can say, these folks don’t see the big picture. They don’t. Ask yourself this, will the 1-6 hearings or even the abortion issue put food on the table, make gas affordable so these folks can go to work, bring down housing prices so they can shelter their family? Will the hearings or maybe the overturning of Roe help these people meet their and their families daily needs?
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by Greger
rather simplistic - but that reflects the bulk of the electorate

It's the bulk of the electorate we're talking about. We already know how Democrats and Republicans will vote. The 40% or so who don't even bother to pick a party are the ones who will decide the election.
I disagree. It will be suburban women just like in 2018 and 2020.

Bozeman Daily Chronicle
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by Greger we
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Originally Posted by Greger
I don't think we'll see Roe overturned before November,
June/July, actually. "Court sessions continue until late June or early July." per the Supreme Court's webpage.

I'm making a cautious prediction that this leak will spook the court out of making such an earth-shattering decision in this session. I view it a bit like Putin's war and think they might be biting off more than they can chew.
There is no time to tell Americans that they have no right to privacy.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/04/22 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by perotista
Both parties have their propaganda machines going full tilt.

Only one party fomented an insurrection by lying about reality. What are they going to run on? Next time we’ll be more successful?
Posted By: logtroll Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/05/22 12:25 AM

Any woman who is forced against her will to carry a pregnancy to term shall be entitled to the following compensation;
- The equivalent of a CEO salary for the term of the contract;
- Full medical benefits;
- Full life insurance;
- Generous retirement benefits;
- Adoption of the birthed infant by a responsible family, which will obligate itself to:
a) caring for the child into adulthood in a responsible and loving environment;
b) providing a 4-year college education;
c) refraining from imposing any sort of oppressive religious or philosophical belief system;
d) voluntary imprisonment for not less than 18 years for violating any of the above stated conditions.

Seems reasonable to me, let's pass a law!
Posted By: perotista Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/05/22 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by perotista
Both parties have their propaganda machines going full tilt.

Only one party fomented an insurrection by lying about reality. What are they going to run on? Next time we’ll be more successful?
One last time, the party out of power doesn’t have to run on anything. Especially if the party in power has made quite a lot of the electorate dissatisfied or mad at them. They only must be the alternative. I use the phrase the party out of power as they must be there for a change in government if that is what the people want. In 2018, the Democrats were the alternative. The people didn’t like Trump and didn’t like the Republican controlled congress. They thought they were idiots. All the Democrats had to do was be the alternative to the party in power. They didn’t have to stand for a thing. Just be there to replace the party in power. 2022 is the same for the GOP. Although this year’s election could fall into that very unique category like 2016 and 2020 were. 2018 was a normal election.

Now in 2010, the Republicans did run on repealing the ACA. That was a farce, anyone with a bit of knowledge knew they couldn’t do that. Not without the senate’s concurrence and the signature of the president. Which the Democratic controlled senate wasn’t about to go along with the repeal, which would be immediately vetoed if the senate did. That shows you how much understanding some folks have on how government works. It worked; the GOP retook the house.

2006, people were tired of the wars and tired of republican rule. The Democrats didn’t have to stand for a thing or do a thing. Just be there to pick up the win and take back congress.

1994 is really the only time the party out of party came up with a program, a platform if you will. The contract with America which worked. It was unneeded in my opinion; people were angry at Bill Clinton and the democrats in congress.

That’s the key to a wave election, angry people at the party in power. I’ll add this, it is hard for people to get angry at the party out of power as they’re not in charge. They can’t do anything to really get the people mad at them. They don’t have the power to change anything, to get anything passed, to institute any new program. They’re just there filling up space and sucking in air until the people want an alternative to those who are in power.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/05/22 01:19 AM
Decent Americans are not going to vote for a party that supports anti-democracy insurrectionists. Oh! Also the pro-Russia party.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/05/22 01:36 AM
If Rightwingers want to play the game, " It's not in the Constitution," two can play that game.

* AR-15s are not in the Constitution
* Only "well-regulated" (read government sanctioned) militias can own guns
* Corporations are not people
* Money is not free speech
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/05/22 02:28 AM
Write them a letter, Rick, it sounds like you have a sound case. I'm sure they'll get on top of it.

But seriously, all you have to do is swing the court to a liberal majority...that's gonna take around twenty years but it's gonna happen. The next ten years are gonna be kinda bumpy but after that, all I see is rainbows and unicorns.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/05/22 02:37 AM
Sooner than that Greger.

* Impeach Kavenaugh for lying during his confirmation hearing that Roe is settled law.
* Impeach Gorsuch for lying during his confirmation hearing that Roe is settled law.
* Impeach Barrett for lying during her confirmation hearing that Roe is settled law.
* Impeach Thomas for a long history of conflicts of interest in the service of a right-wing agenda and mixing his powerful role with his conservative political activism.

Posted By: perotista Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/05/22 12:49 PM
Infor for Rick, so you view of a decent American is one who has the same political beliefs as you. These numbers are prior to the abortion draft release. It’s takes a week for the polls to catch up to that. Now I’d tag this, save it. Look at it again in a week’s time to see what has changed. Has the release of the draft changed any opinions on how they plan on voting?

1 Politico/Moring consult shows a dead head in the Generic congressional vote 43-43. But RCP averages of all recent polls shows the GOP ahead 46.7 to 42.9 for you to use to place Politico/morning consult in context with the rest.

Independents per Politico poll are planning on voting Republican by a 31-26 margin. Independent men going GOP 33-26 and independent women 27-26. RCP averages shows a 45-40 margin toward the GOP. RCP doesn’t break their independent vote via gender.

Although Politico doesn’t break down the suburban vote via gender. It does show the Suburbs planning on voting Republican 45-40 Republican. RCP averages doesn’t break it down into Urban, suburban and rural.

2 Issue of importance in determining how one votes.

All voters rate the economy, taxes, wages, jobs, inflation at 41%, Women’s issues are at 6% which include health care, abortion etc. Independents put all economic issues at 47%, women’s health issues at 6%. Among independent women, the economic issues fall to 41%, women’s health issues rise to 11%

I think you need to realize each individual places the amount of importance on certain issues differently. Usually an individual most important issue is one that affects them personally. This applies mostly to swing or independent voters. For the most part those who identify with either major party will vote for their party’s candidate regardless of how an issue affects them. An example 34% of all voters give Biden an approval on the economy, 60% disapprove. Democrats 64% approve/28% disapprove. Independents 24% approve, 67% disapprove and Republicans 9% approve, 89% disapprove. You couldn’t have a better example as to how party affiliation affects one’s view on the issues.
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/05/22 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Sooner than that Greger.

* Impeach Kavenaugh for lying during his confirmation hearing that Roe is settled law.
* Impeach Gorsuch for lying during his confirmation hearing that Roe is settled law.
* Impeach Barrett for lying during her confirmation hearing that Roe is settled law.
* Impeach Thomas for a long history of conflicts of interest in the service of a right-wing agenda and mixing his powerful role with his conservative political activism.


I haven't heard any plans to impeach any SCOTUS Justices...perhaps you have info I'm not privy to...?

Or perhaps you are simply dreaming up impossible schemes that are never going to happen.
Posted By: perotista Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/05/22 03:49 PM
This is an opinion piece from Politico, a web site I have great respect for. It is one of the most unbiased sites much like RCP and 538. Otherwise I wouldn’t pay much if any attention to an opinion piece. But it does hit home on Roe.

POLITICS Opinion | Abortion Might Not Be the Wedge Issue It Used to Be

This from the article seems to confirm my belief that abortion is already baked in. I believe that the answer to that question is true, that most folks have done exactly that.

After decades of abortion litmus tests for candidates, what if the vast majority of voters already changed parties at some point to align with their beliefs on abortion or aligned their beliefs with their party’s increasingly firm ideological stand on the issue?

Also, record high voter turnout hasn’t always benefited the Democrats as I pointed out in previous posts. The Republicans benefited from record high turnouts in Virginia and in New Jersey last year. A record high turnout helped Biden win the presidency, but it also helped the GOP gain 13 house seats, a governorship and 2 state legislatures in the same election. A record number of ticket splitters in 2020. Approximately 7 million. Those who voted for Biden, against Trump, then voted Republican down ballot. Perhaps to hold Biden and the Democratic agenda in check. History shows that high voter turnout always benefited the party out of power. Mainly because the party in power did something to make the voters angry.
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/05/22 05:46 PM
After decades of abortion litmus tests for candidates, what if the vast majority of voters already changed parties at some point to align with their beliefs on abortion or aligned their beliefs with their party’s increasingly firm ideological stand on the issue?

So it's locked in with the partisan voters since it's been a political football for five decades but we already knew how they would vote anyway.

Yet at the same time, you insist that independents have no interest in partisan legislation from the bench striking down half a century of settled law just to own the libs? I suggest that a lot of independent women, bartenders, retail workers, food processors et al will get off the couches in November and make their voices heard.

Maybe just a slight statistical uptick and not enough to affect the outcomes, but I suspect it will be there nonetheless.

Every election has surprises...some happy, most not.
Posted By: perotista Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/05/22 08:22 PM
I agree again to a degree. I divide independents into three groups or categories, independents lean democratic, independents lean republican and independents with no leans, which I call pure or true independents. Independents never come close to voting in their numbers or percentage of the electorate. In 2020 for example, according to Gallup, independents made up 40% of the electorate, but only 24% of those who actually voted. Which makes sense since Republicans and Democrats own the horses, independents don’t. They’re just casual fans who decide which horse to root for, bet on.

I’m keeping a close eye on the generic congressional ballot to see if the needle moves any. Although it probably is a waste of time until the polls catch up with the release of the draft. About a week from now. Then give it another couple of weeks to see if the polls revert to where they were prior to the release. Which is usually what happens. In a month from now, I look again to see how much of an effect the leaked draft had on the voters. Only 4% of independents listed abortion as an issue that will determine their vote, pre-draft, that is another number I’ll be watching.

I’m back to time will tell. It certainly will let us know what direction all of this is taking us.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/05/22 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by Greger
After decades of abortion litmus tests for candidates, what if the vast majority of voters already changed parties at some point to align with their beliefs on abortion or aligned their beliefs with their party’s increasingly firm ideological stand on the issue?

So it's locked in with the partisan voters since it's been a political football for five decades but we already knew how they would vote anyway.

Yet at the same time, you insist that independents have no interest in partisan legislation from the bench striking down half a century of settled law just to own the libs? I suggest that a lot of independent women, bartenders, retail workers, food processors et al will get off the couches in November and make their voices heard.

Maybe just a slight statistical uptick and not enough to affect the outcomes, but I suspect it will be there nonetheless.

Every election has surprises...some happy, most not.

Imagine we're talking about Dred Scott right now INSTEAD of Roe and people are on the news telling each other that black people and their friends in the other racial communities that America will normalize Dred seven months from now. Do you really think people would forget?

That's what Republican "strategists" are saying right now, the American people will "forget all about the attack on Roe by November and that Republicans will sail on to easy victory in the House and Senate.
Posted By: perotista Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/06/22 12:56 AM
Right now, I’m sitting back, relaxed, drinking some ice coffee waiting for new numbers, polls to come out in the Generic Congressional Ballot category. I’d say by Monday or Tuesday, we’ll have an early idea of whether there’s been a shift or not. On 1 May the SCOTUS draft was leaked. On 2 May 2022, RCP averages of all the recent polls had Republican congressional candidate at 46.5%-42.5% over the Democratic congressional candidates. Nate Silver’s 538 had their generic congressional ballot at 45.2-42.8 Republican. These are starting numbers to watch incase the needle moves and in what direction.

I’m also taking life easy waiting on New York, Missouri, New Hampshire and Kansas to complete their redistricting so I can determine the number of safe seats each party has and how many competitive, at risk, switchable seats there are for the upcoming midterms. The competitive, at risk seats are currently held by 29 Democrats and 10 Republicans. Safe seats as of 5 May 2022, 164 Democratic, 191 Republican.

The senate races have been a bore. But that will change as candidates are chosen by both parties. Today, the tossup states are Democratic held Georgia, Arizona and Nevada. Republican tossups Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The democrats have a slight advantage in Democratic held New Hampshire while the GOP has a slight advantage in Republican held North Carolina. The rest look safe or solid for the party that now holds them.

These are the numbers to watch over the next couple to three weeks to determine whether the leaked draft benefited the Democrats and if so, whether it was a lot or minimal. Then we’ll take a look a month from now to see if all these numbers reverted back to pre-leak draft numbers as is usually the case. Americans have short memories. I also think more are worried about rising prices, empty store shelves, inflation than abortion. Now I could be wrong about that. I doubt it. I think Inflation will be with us for the long haul. Abortion is today's hot topic, it will probably have cooled come November.

Time will tell and privde the answers.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/06/22 01:46 AM
POLITICS Opinion | Abortion Might Not Be the Wedge Issue It Used to Be

  • Then why is abortion the only thing that conservatives talk about?.
  • Why did the Fedealist Society hand Trump 3 anti-abortion nominees?
  • Why do conservative poliicos fundraise off of abortion?
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/06/22 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by Greger
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Sooner than that Greger.

* Impeach Kavenaugh for lying during his confirmation hearing that Roe is settled law.
* Impeach Gorsuch for lying during his confirmation hearing that Roe is settled law.
* Impeach Barrett for lying during her confirmation hearing that Roe is settled law.
* Impeach Thomas for a long history of conflicts of interest in the service of a right-wing agenda and mixing his powerful role with his conservative political activism.


I haven't heard any plans to impeach any SCOTUS Justices...perhaps you have info I'm not privy to...?

Or perhaps you are simply dreaming up impossible schemes that are never going to happen.
Google SCOTUS impeachment. There are drives and petitions.
Posted By: perotista Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/06/22 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
POLITICS Opinion | Abortion Might Not Be the Wedge Issue It Used to Be

  • Then why is abortion the only thing that conservatives talk about?.
  • Why did the Fedealist Society hand Trump 3 anti-abortion nominees?
  • Why do conservative poliicos fundraise off of abortion?
LOL, Liberals fund raise off abortion also. As for the 3 SCOTUS nominees, Republican president, pro-life, no brainier. Democratic presidents nominate pro-abortion judges. Since the beginning of Roe it has always been this way. That leaked draft is probably worth a billion dollars in donations to the Democratic Party. Elections are all about money. Since 1964 the presidential candidate who raised and spent the most money won with one exception. 2016. Clinton raised and spent 1.19 billion to Trump's 646.8 million.

The midterms are the same. Want to know who'll win, follow the money.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/06/22 03:45 AM
Supreme court justices are more likely to die than to be impeached AND CONVICTED. Impeach Justice Thomas and I'm sure he will just chock it up to partisan tom-foolery. We already know he has zero ethics, seeing as he refused to recuse himself when his wife was involved in a case. Republicans are all throwing hissy fits about investigating and punishing Alito's draft leaker, but the DOJ and FBI are not, because leaking it violates no laws!

BUT (and it's a might big but) lying to Congress under oath is perjury, and that can result in indictment, conviction, and imprisonment. Supreme Court justices have no immunity (like that JD memo says the President has). The House could refer them to the Justice Department for prosecution, and nothing would stop the Justice Department from charging them. And if they get convicted, there is this:

Article III, Section 1:

The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.

A felony conviction for Perjury is NOT "good Behavior".
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/06/22 09:54 AM
There is a reason why the adage “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” exists.

Go ahead and force women into pregnancies they don’t won’t. You conservatives are playing a very dangerous political game. I’ll be enjoying the popcorn while watching your political demise. smile
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/06/22 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by perotista
The midterms are the same. Want to know who'll win, follow the money.
Would that be the same conservative dark money that funded the insurrection? Asking for a friend. smile
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/06/22 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Republicans are all throwing hissy fits about investigating and punishing Alito's draft leaker, but the DOJ and FBI are not, because leaking it violates no laws!
Yet nary a word from Republicans about Trump removing 15 boxes of classified documents to Mara-Largo which IS a crime.

Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/08/22 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
There is a reason why the adage “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” exists.

Go ahead and force women into pregnancies they don’t won’t. You conservatives are playing a very dangerous political game. I’ll be enjoying the popcorn while watching your political demise. smile

To use a "Karen-ism"...."It's called: your ass got burned from the flame of your overreach. The court crossed a line that no reasonable person will tolerate."

[Linked Image from]
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/08/22 03:04 AM
PS: Rally for reproductive rights in Texas.

[Linked Image from]
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/08/22 07:11 AM
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. The end of conservatism is on the horizon. Hizzah.

Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/08/22 02:06 PM
Yes, scorned women rule the earth! There is no stopping them, they always get what they want.

Witness all the scorned women in Afghanistan who have just been told they must now cover their faces. That ole Taliban better look out 'cause the scorned women gonna whup they ass...


Women have only recently even been allowed to vote here...

The Equal Rights Amendment has never passed.

Women are scorned every day and they keep coming to work despite their assh*le sexist bosses.

Where were the scorned women when Trump was elected? I guess women weren't smart enough to recognize that he was a racist sexist assh*le?

But they'll see that you'er right this time and all will vote for Democrats!
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/08/22 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Greger
Yes, scorned women rule the earth! There is no stopping them, they always get what they want.
More women should get what they want - the world would be a happier place.

Here's another adage that is true:
Happy wife, happy life.

Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/08/22 03:25 PM
Did anyone think they'd stop at Roe?
Yeah, right.
At this point, it is not hyperbole to say that we're about to zoom past even the Taliban because even those kinds of countries still allow procedure for rape or life of the mother.
Tennessee just banned mifepristone/misoprostol pills.
These folks will not stop until ladies have to wear burquas and stay home.
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/08/22 03:31 PM
For an even happier life, get rid of the wife.

Why buy a cow when milk's cheap, eh?

Old adages are a dime a dozen.
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/08/22 03:38 PM
Did anyone think they'd stop at Roe?

They actually haven't done anything yet. Or at least haven't announced what they are planning to do. But I too expect to see burkas on the Supreme court agenda soon and the few remaining infidels on the court beheaded.

It's just the logical sequence of events.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/14/22 05:41 PM
Just as I predicted, a new poll shows that Democrat enthusiasm for the November 2022 has doubled.

Care to guess what is driving the enthusiasm? I'll give you a hint, it's not inflation or Fox New's faux outrage of the week: the lack of baby formula.

Posted By: perotista Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/16/22 07:51 PM
It’s been two weeks since the leaked draft on abortion. For all the hell being raised about it, there has been no significant changes to the generic congressional ballot.

2 May 2022 Generic congressional ballot, RCP averages 46.5-42.5, Republican, 538 averages 45.2-42.8 Republican
9 May 2022 Generic congressional ballot, RCP averages 46.4-43.2 Republican, 538 averages 45.4-42.8 Republican
16 May 2022 Generic congressional ballot, RCP averages 46.8-43.3 Republican, 538 averages 45.5-43.0 Republican

We haven’t seen any significant movement on President’s overall job performance since the leak either.

2 May 2022 Biden’s overall job performance, 41.7% approve, 53.0% disapprove
9 May 2022 Biden’s overall job performance, 42.3% approve, 52.9% disapprove
16 May 2022 Biden’s overall job performance, 41.6% approve, 53.4% disapprove

Two weeks after the leaked draft, the polls have been stagnate. No movement one way or the other to speak of. Which brings me back to my original theory of abortion being already baked in. That over the last 50 years those who are pro-choice have migrated to the Democratic Party and those pro-lifers to the GOP. You also have a bunch in the middle who don’t give abortion much thought, if any. It’s those who abortion is a very hot issue have already sided with the party that holds their view on this issue. Which could mean all the ruckus and protests won’t affect how folks vote in the midterms much. Those folks’ votes were already determined. I’ll give it another week or two, then move on to the next issue. Most likely the 1-6 public hearings, but I don’t expect much movement there either. Inflation, rising prices is the most important issue to swing voters, not abortion, not the 1-6 hearings when it comes to deciding who they’ll vote for in November. At least as of today, it is.
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/16/22 09:06 PM
I'm thinking that Democrats could have passed a bill that allowed abortions for a diversity of medical or moral reasons.

But they went for the full monty and it's out with the trash.

What if the Supremes' decision includes exceptions for sensible medical or moral reasons?

Democrat enthusiasm for November 2022 has doubled.

Does that mean twice as many Democrats will vote? They're gonna need to if they hope to offset the chances of a red wave. No denying this will help, but short of a miracle the House is lost.
Posted By: perotista Re: It happened! No more Roe - 05/16/22 09:54 PM
I agree Greger, but not via a red wave. A net gain of 12-15 seats. Yeah, the democrats overplayed their hand with the national law. Here’s the latest YouGov/Economist poll. Question 93
Abortion should always be legal. There should be no restrictions on abortion. 29%
Abortion should be legal, but with some restrictions (such as for minors or late-term abortions. 29%
Abortion should only be legal in special circumstances, such as when the life of the mother is in danger. 29%
Abortion should be illegal. It should never be allowed. 13%
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/25/22 02:57 AM
Now that 50-year old precedent, reaffirmed several times by the SCOTUS itself is history...

...Clarence Thomas wrote:

The Supreme Court must revisit and overrule past landmark decisions that legalized the right to obtain contraception, the right to same-sex intimacy and the right to same-sex marriage.
Go fck yourself Clarance Thomas, and I hope your white-trash, frumpy hag wife, rots in prison for being a insurrection fomenting bytch.

Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/25/22 03:34 AM
Thomas called the above rulings,”errors.” Hey Clarence, let’s start with Loving v. Virginia error, and proceed from there. smile
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/25/22 04:19 AM
Since today’s SCOTUS majority is keen on the history of rights, with Alito citing 13th century dogma as a basis for women to lose agency over their own own bodies today, perhaps a good judicial exercise would be for Thomas to perform, is to reflect on exactly the type of rights the Founders wanted for him to have.
Posted By: perotista Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/25/22 12:34 PM
I’m sticking with my view that the avid pro-choicers have all become democrats over the last 50 years and the avid pro-lifers Republicans. Only 4% of independents ranked abortion as an issue in deciding who they’ll vote for. Of course, this was prior to the SCOTUS overturning Roe, this will change some, maybe. I think most independents tend to ignore the abortion issue as it’s a subject they don’t like thinking or talking about. I could be wrong here, no numbers to back it up, but it makes sense to me.

I’m sure that the great divide, the polarization and the super, mega, ultra-high partisanship we have today just got larger. The divide instead of being the Grand Canyon is now the Atlantic Ocean. Partisanship now reaches to the moon and the hate for the other party and their voters has now become impossible to bridge. The old political times, era if you will where compromise and playing the game of give and take are now over. The feeling on both sides of the aisle is you can’t compromise with the enemy.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/25/22 01:34 PM
The Utah Republicans passed a "trigger" law that was signed by their governor and it was waiting on deck for the assumed outcome of the SCOTUS ruling, the overturning of Roe v Wade. As of yesterday, UT became the first state to make performing an abortion a felony.

Sponsor of the UT bill, Kerianne Lisonbee, states that it is a woman's duty to control a man's ejaculate, saying:

I trust women enough to control when they allow a man to ejaculate inside of them and to control that intake of semen

Let's see how well that works out for Kerianne, if she is ever sexually attacked and impregnated.

These people are sick. mad
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/25/22 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by perotista
...I think most independents tend to ignore the abortion issue as it’s a subject they don’t like thinking or talking about....
It that is true, these people bury their head in the sand like an ostrich, they have no right to vote to put others into office who then make decisions for everyone else.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/25/22 01:40 PM
I've written this hundreds of times:

Q: What's the difference between al Qaeda, ISIS, and the American Conservative?
A: Not much, they all think that guns and religious law are the solution to everything.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/25/22 01:43 PM
Gorsuch, Beer Pong Kavanaugh, and Coat Hanger Barret all lied during their confirmation hearings stating that Roe was settled law and they need to be impeached.
Posted By: perotista Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/25/22 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by perotista
...I think most independents tend to ignore the abortion issue as it’s a subject they don’t like thinking or talking about....
It that is true, these people bury their head in the sand like an ostrich, they have no right to vote to put others into office who then make decisions for everyone else.
Abortion is only one issue on a list of around 20 that folks will decide on who to vote for this midterm. Inflation, the economy is number one. You have Climate Change, Immigration, education, foreign policy, national security, health care, Taxes, government spending, civil rights, civil liberties, gun control, gun rights, crime, criminal justice reform and more in no order.

Each individual must decide which is most important to them and then vote accordingly.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/25/22 02:23 PM
I think the only thing important is to vote "democracy".
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/25/22 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by perotista
Inflation, the economy is number one.
Voting on inflation is asinine. The Biden Administration can't control global markets due to a pandemic and Russia's fool-hearty and neurotic desire to make Ukraine country part of Russia.

If people are not able to process information enough think and reason adequately, they have no business voting. mad
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/25/22 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Rick
these people bury their head in the sand like an ostrich, they have no right to vote to put others into office

Originally Posted by Rick
If people are not able to process information enough think and reason adequately, they have no business voting.
So you're suggesting that Democrats need to stop people from voting to achieve their agenda...

Make them take a purity test to earn the privilege of voting perhaps?

But really...if Trump was still president and inflation was through the roof...

Would you be shouting desperately from the rooftops that it isn't his fault and anyone who thinks it is shouldn't be allowed to vote...?
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/25/22 05:00 PM
I’ve advocated for a competency test to vote.

There is a reason why Donald Trump said that he loves the poorly uneducated because they are the most loyal.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/25/22 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Greger
...if Trump was still president and inflation was through the roof...

Would you be shouting desperately from the rooftops that it isn't his fault and anyone who thinks it is shouldn't be allowed to vote...?
If Trump were still president, Trump would have let his buddy Vlad take all of Ukraine, there would be no united NATO opposition to Russia taking Ukraine because Trump wanted NATO dismantled, there would be no sanctions, and the Russian oil would be flowing and Ukraine grain exports would be shipping. There would not be inflation as we have now.

It's not rocket science Greger.

The inflation is the pain we all must suffer to put a Russian despot Rightwing Fascist into check. Being selfish at the moment is not good for all of humanity.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/25/22 06:28 PM poll taken yesterday:

[Linked Image from]
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/25/22 06:29 PM
If you doubt taking the agency women have over their own bodies away won't affect the November 2022 election, you're not thinking rationally - or your male point-of-view is getting in the way. crazy
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/25/22 07:02 PM
Appears in Politico:

'The dog that caught the car': Republicans brace for the impact of reversing Roe

In interviews with Politico's David Siders, Republican Party campaign consultants are throwing up their hands in frustration at a ruling that will make it harder for them to do their jobs in November - particularly as they try to bring suburban women back into the fold after four years of Donald Trump.

As one GOP adviser put it:
"This is a losing issue for Republicans.”

Writes Siders:
"... according to interviews with more than a dozen Republican strategists and party officials, they just didn’t want it to come right now — not during a midterm election campaign in which nearly everything had been going right for the GOP," adding, "In Republican circles, a consensus has been forming for weeks that the court’s overturning of a significant — and highly popular — precedent on a deeply felt issue will be a liability for the party in the midterms and beyond, undercutting Republicans to at least some degree with moderates and suburban women."

GOP strategist John Thomas explained,
"This is not a conversation we want to have. We want to have a conversation about the economy. We want to have a conversation about Joe Biden, about pretty much anything else besides Roe."
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/26/22 10:16 AM
Some reports are that Trump is mighty pissed off about the ruling: Being anti-abortion is a good political issue for Republicans. Ending Roe v Wade is a disaster!
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/26/22 12:30 PM
I was thinking about this…

Now that Rightwingers have what they want, what incentive do they have to vote any longer?
Posted By: perotista Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/26/22 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Some reports are that Trump is mighty pissed off about the ruling: Being anti-abortion is a good political issue for Republicans. Ending Roe v Wade is a disaster!
There’s a lot of issues, problems that could be solved by our elected officials. But many of our problems are of the variety of being too valuable a campaign tool to fire up one’s base than to solve the solvable problem. The abortion hasn’t been solved. It’s been moved to the state level. We’ll be living in an era where half the states abortion is legal with little to no restrictions and the other half where it is illegal or have a ton of restrictions like only in the case of rape, incest and the life of the mother or like here in Georgia where a heartbeat law had passed but was ruled unconstitutional. That ruling has been appealed with the SCOTUS recent ruling. That mean abortion would still be legal up to around 6 weeks if I read that right. Rape, incest and the life of the mother, there is no time limit on those.

I also read yesterday that half of all abortions these days are done by pills, not surgery. It’ll be interesting to see if and how these pills are addressed.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/26/22 01:14 PM
Thomas wants abortion pills gone. In his gleeful, giddy partisan response to the overturning of Roe on Friday, Thomas cited other SCOTUS rulings he wants reversed.
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/26/22 03:13 PM
Conservative justices want to win the cases they've been losing for decades. They now have the numbers to do it...

It's a democracy goes by the number of votes.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/26/22 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Greger
Conservative justices want to win the cases they've been losing for decades. They now have the numbers to do it...

It's a democracy goes by the number of votes.

Clerks for Thomas quoted Thomas as saying that "the liberals made me miserable for 43 years, now I'm making them feel miserable."
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/26/22 04:12 PM

I can't agree with them but I can't blame them.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/26/22 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Greger

I can't agree with them but I can't blame them.

So SCOTUS is powered by butt-hurt.

Posted By: perotista Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/26/22 04:49 PM
Our modern political era of polarization, the great divide and the super, mega, ultra-high partisanship that we live in today lends itself to political revenge and payback. For the last 50 years it’s been the Republican’s contention that what the Democrats couldn’t get at the ballot box, they got through the courts. Today, the tables are turned. Today, it’ll be the Republicans using the courts to get what they couldn’t get at the ballot box. It’s a new found power for the GOP.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/26/22 05:48 PM
Apparently, there are many in the Jewish faith who will be challenging this SCOTUS ruling at the state level. Apparently, the majority SCOTUS Catholic Christian sect's view of a fetus' relationship with a woman's body is in conflict with the Jewish faith's view of the fetus in a woman's body.

Get out the popcorn. smile

Given that Congress "shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion," this will be an interesting fight. laugh
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/26/22 06:30 PM
Congress has made no laws concerning abortion. The Supreme Court has not banned abortion. They have simply returned the power to regulate it to the states.

If you need an abortion, Rick, please let me know and I'll arrange to get you to a state where it is legal.

And if Jews want to tell everyone else what's Kosher and what's not, they need to become a majority and get their candidates elected so they can write the laws instead of the filthy Christians.
Posted By: jgw Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/26/22 06:36 PM
This entire thing confuses me. Roe, as far as I have ever understood it was about privacy. The word "abortion" was never there from the getgo. My understand was that it about things that are nobody else's business and private and Roe made that a right. Abortion was there because somebody decided that abortion was nobody else's business. What this one means is that, basically, nobody has a damned thing that is their own business and nobody else's now! One of the Supremes even noted that whilst going along with it all. When the Roe thing ended there was some discussion of this but it all got buried in the current fight. The really strange thing is that, for 50 years, everybody had a right to keep some things personal because they could - they/you can't anymore! Queer? - you haven't any rights when it comes to personal rights anymore. Do stuff that is not illegal but spit upon by the public? Good Luck! In the future the newsies are going to have a field day!

As far as I can tell nobody either doesn't understand what happened or just doesn't give a damn. I suspect the news, in future, is going to give us a bit more dirt in their reporting as that will draw in those interested in private matters of others and its going to be a freaking disaster. If anybody has forgotten - we all now have entertainment news and everybody seems to love it but a lot more lives are going to be miserable over this one. Abortion is just a small part of what is coming.

Oh, over the years I have tried to get somebody to actually get some laws passed that dealt with abortion. Everytime I tried I was told that everything was fine because of Roe. I tried, I failed. We had 50 freaking years to fix this and I couldn't get anybody to even consider! I tend to get a bit disturbed when I see something that isn't going to work so I made myself a pest at times. This is, however, a really good example of paying attention when they are trusting in a law that is not particularly specific when specificity is necessary. This was one and we are all going to pay the price, regardless of political party preference - EVERYBODY!! That includes them smug Republican jackasses!

I know, sometimes I go too far but, I fear, I might be right on this one!
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/26/22 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Greger
Congress has made no laws concerning abortion. The Supreme Court has not banned abortion. They have simply returned the power to regulate it to the states.

...but states have, and as my post outlines, people of Jewish faith will be challenging those states laws. smile
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/26/22 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Greger
...And if Jews want to tell everyone else what's Kosher and what's not, they need to become a majority and get their candidates elected so they can write the laws instead of the filthy Christians. filthy Christians (your words) already know, Jewish faith believers can run things being the minority. smile So can Muslims. laugh
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/26/22 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by jgw
This entire thing confuses me. Roe, as far as I have ever understood it was about privacy. The word "abortion" was never there from the getgo. My understand was that it about things that are nobody else's business and private and Roe made that a right.
Rightwingers and the supposed centrists that support them, conveniently ignore that a Conservative SCOTUS in 1973 formed that opinion using 14th amendment privacy gurantees. Now that Conservatives are mostly Fascists, they want to control people's lives and bodies because they're so damn nosy and in everyone's business these days.
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/26/22 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by Greger
Congress has made no laws concerning abortion. The Supreme Court has not banned abortion. They have simply returned the power to regulate it to the states.

...but states have, and as my post outlines, people of Jewish faith will be challenging those states laws. smile

Do you imagine those laws haven't already been challenged? By better arguments than a religious conflict?

At any rate...abortion is still perfectly legal in the eyes of the federal government, the constitution, and the majority of the people in the United States. They are, and will continue to be readily available to most who need them. But, like firecrackers, they won't be available in all states.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/26/22 11:10 PM
Speaking of privacy, we still have HIPAA, which makes it illegal for medical workers to tell others private medical info. So how does this apply in Texas, where people not entitled to private medical information are supposed to sue people involved in an abortion? How would they know who to sue? Is all their "evidence" fruit of a poisoned tree, to use the legal term?

And Jews attacking the constitutionality of state anti-abortion laws is because the current Supreme Court values Freedom of Religion over every other consideration. The constitution explicitly forbids all government (including state governments) from supporting one religion over any other. So they can't say Christianity requires xyz so it's the law, while ignoring the requirements of Judaism. Or Islam. Or LDS! Enforcing one religion's beliefs as law, leads to all sorts of ridiculous results. Keeping government and religion strictly apart solves all of them. It's going to take a while, but religious people will figure this out when they realize other religions have to be treated equally.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/26/22 11:17 PM
That’s the thing…Xtians think their religion is the only one that should matter. They’re going to in for a big surprise. smile
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/26/22 11:18 PM
I wonder how John Roberts is handling his loss of control over the Court?
Posted By: jgw Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/27/22 08:42 PM

Oh, its also pretty clear that the Supremes are taking care of business! There is a coach who lost his job because he forced players to publicly pray. Seems the do that or don't play. Then there is Justice Thomas who seems to have a few plans as well.

Interesting times?
Posted By: jgw Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/27/22 08:47 PM
The problem is simple - the Democratic party. They just don't seem to want their side to win and would rather publicly fight with one another. They have tuned down a bit but, still at it. That's only the beginning and its a shame. I figure that there are lots of voters who yearn for a party that would actually fight to win against the Republicans. I suspect what happens that most just give up and don't vote.

I know, doesn't help ......
Posted By: Greger Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/27/22 09:00 PM
There is a coach who lost his job because he forced players to publicly pray.

I don't think he forced anybody to do anything. He was fired for praying on the 50-yard line after the game. There are no laws against praying. It wasn't in the classroom and occurred after the official event had ended. If others joined him, that is their business and none of mine.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/28/22 01:51 AM
[Linked Image from]
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/28/22 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by Greger
There is a coach who lost his job because he forced players to publicly pray.

I don't think he forced anybody to do anything. He was fired for praying on the 50-yard line after the game. There are no laws against praying. It wasn't in the classroom and occurred after the official event had ended. If others joined him, that is their business and none of mine.
Kennedy had a history of trying to impose prayer on his players and had previously been reprimanded for conducting pre-game prayers in the locker room. Although he stopped this, he continued praying on the 50-yard line after games, and was asked by school officials to not do this if it was disruptive or involved students. Kennedy refused.


....and for the record, the "coach" made a very dramatic, and public, display to gain attention and force a result. Kennedy was not fired from his position, he was asked to cease his public displays on school property, and chose instead to resign.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/28/22 01:57 AM
We are hurtling toward theocracy at a dizzying speed. Last week, the Supreme Court ruled that religious schools could receive public funds - as in, the state must take money from everyone and give it to religious schools so they can teach kids Jesus hung out with dinosaurs. Then, on Friday, the justices ruled that states may force the Christian religion on people by barring them from having abortions. On Monday, the justices ruled that the Establishment Clause was for decorative purposes only.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/28/22 02:04 AM
Your Tax Dollars At Work:

[Linked Image from]
Posted By: jgw Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/28/22 08:47 PM
You are wrong. I watched parents talk about this one. They said that their kids felt that they had to pray if they were to play. They saw what happened if you didn't do it. That is, as far as I am concerned forcing to do religious stuff. Consider, if you were a Jew or Muslim or whatever other than Christian that the clown has you praying to Jesus!

Oh - Praise the Lord! First they took over the Republican Party and now they are forcing the kids to pray. Take a ferry over to Bremerton and hang around the football field and ask the kids. I suspect they will not be real delighted, and you might get arrested, but, eventually you'll find out the truth - one way or the other.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: It happened! No more Roe - 06/28/22 08:49 PM
I can't wait to see a Santeria priest sacrificing a chicken on the 50-yard line.
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