Capitol Hill Blue
Posted By: itstarted The Social Credit System - 08/19/19 06:29 PM
You may know about this... if so, consider yourself in the top 1% of all Americans. IMHO, as important to our lives and freedom as environmental dangers.

Since there is so much to this, I won't try to do an overview. Suffice it to say, I believe there is enough "tracking" in the US today, to allow implementation in our lives in a matter of years, not decades.

Some links and quotes:

The Communist Chinese government is bragging about its social credit system preventing 2.5 million “discredited entities” from purchasing plane tickets and 90,000 people from buying high speed train tickets in the month of July alone.

“China restricted 2.56 million discredited entities from purchasing plane tickets, and 90,000 entities from buying high-speed rail tickets in July,” tweeted the Global Times, a Chinese government mouthpiece.

Over 3.59 million Chinese enterprises were added to the official creditworthiness blacklist last year, banning them from a series of activities, including bidding on projects, accessing security markets, taking part in land auctions and issuing corporate bonds, according to the 2018 annual report released by the National Public Credit Information Centre.

Wiki Social Credit System

Millions stopped from flying

Millions of businesses under the controls

Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: The Social Credit System - 08/19/19 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by itstarted
You may know about this... if so, consider yourself in the top 1% of all Americans. IMHO, as important to our lives and freedom as environmental dangers.

Since there is so much to this, I won't try to do an overview. Suffice it to say, I believe there is enough "tracking" in the US today, to allow implementation in our lives in a matter of years, not decades.

Some links and quotes:

The Communist Chinese government is bragging about its social credit system preventing 2.5 million “discredited entities” from purchasing plane tickets and 90,000 people from buying high speed train tickets in the month of July alone.

“China restricted 2.56 million discredited entities from purchasing plane tickets, and 90,000 entities from buying high-speed rail tickets in July,” tweeted the Global Times, a Chinese government mouthpiece.

Over 3.59 million Chinese enterprises were added to the official creditworthiness blacklist last year, banning them from a series of activities, including bidding on projects, accessing security markets, taking part in land auctions and issuing corporate bonds, according to the 2018 annual report released by the National Public Credit Information Centre.

Wiki Social Credit System

Millions stopped from flying

Millions of business interferences

Unfortunately I suspect that there will be an enormous effort to bring this to the West, particularly the United States.
Posted By: itstarted Re: The Social Credit System - 08/19/19 07:25 PM
I have a feeling that posting this on a separate thread would get me kicked off the forum... In some ways, it's connected with the Social Credit System... if only the means by which china will protect against their own technology.

Learn the word "QUANTUM" because you'll be hearing it for the coming decade.

Quantum Tech in China

The Chinese are bringing back home, the Techs that we have educated at our finest schools...

Am trying to merge the two subjects, Quantum Tech and the Social Credit System... looks like we're getting behinder. frown
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: The Social Credit System - 08/19/19 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
Originally Posted by itstarted
You may know about this... if so, consider yourself in the top 1% of all Americans. IMHO, as important to our lives and freedom as environmental dangers.

Since there is so much to this, I won't try to do an overview. Suffice it to say, I believe there is enough "tracking" in the US today, to allow implementation in our lives in a matter of years, not decades.

Some links and quotes:

The Communist Chinese government is bragging about its social credit system preventing 2.5 million “discredited entities” from purchasing plane tickets and 90,000 people from buying high speed train tickets in the month of July alone.

“China restricted 2.56 million discredited entities from purchasing plane tickets, and 90,000 entities from buying high-speed rail tickets in July,” tweeted the Global Times, a Chinese government mouthpiece.

Over 3.59 million Chinese enterprises were added to the official creditworthiness blacklist last year, banning them from a series of activities, including bidding on projects, accessing security markets, taking part in land auctions and issuing corporate bonds, according to the 2018 annual report released by the National Public Credit Information Centre.

Wiki Social Credit System

Millions stopped from flying

Millions of business interferences

Unfortunately I suspect that there will be an enormous effort to bring this to the West, particularly the United States.
I think we're already there, although it is largely commercial (so far). Credit scores, which are often arbitrary and inscrutable, are used in loans, credit card, housing and employment already. The only missing step is government applications - but DID is working on it.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: The Social Credit System - 08/19/19 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by itstarted
I have a feeling that posting this on a separate thread would get me kicked off the forum...

Why would you think that?

Originally Posted by itstarted
In some ways, it's connected with the Social Credit System... if only the means by which china will protect against their own technology.

Learn the word "QUANTUM" because you'll be hearing it for the coming decade.

Quantum Tech in China

The Chinese are bringing back home, the Techs that we have educated at our finest schools...

Am trying to merge the two subjects, Quantum Tech and the Social Credit System... looks like we're getting behinder. frown
Posted By: itstarted Re: The Social Credit System - 08/19/19 08:53 PM
Why would you think that?


Sorry... a bit of carryover. I've been posting on various forums, and have gotten used to having thoughtful subjects disappearing after 5 or 6 members make their 10 word reply, and figure they know all there is to know about the subject.

I enjoy discussions... (not arguments, but discussions). Two sides to most subjects, and I like learning... not winning or losing, but learning. Am afraid it's becoming old-fashioned. Diogenes is dead.

Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: The Social Credit System - 08/20/19 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by itstarted
Why would you think that?


Sorry... a bit of carryover. I've been posting on various forums, and have gotten used to having thoughtful subjects disappearing after 5 or 6 members make their 10 word reply, and figure they know all there is to know about the subject.

I enjoy discussions... (not arguments, but discussions). Two sides to most subjects, and I like learning... not winning or losing, but learning. Am afraid it's becoming old-fashioned. Diogenes is dead.


Oh please, rest assured, I cannot for the life of me imagine anything you might do that would set off the fire suppression system at the Rant. You're not known for starting flame wars.

You're at home! laugh
Posted By: logtroll Re: The Social Credit System - 08/20/19 01:30 AM
I object!! It started it!!!
Posted By: logtroll Re: The Social Credit System - 08/20/19 01:31 AM
Diogenes is dead...
No, no, no,
He’s outside, looking in.
Posted By: itstarted Re: The Social Credit System - 08/25/19 07:04 PM
Will add one last thread, and let this one go... frown

A first person look at the Chinese Social Credit System

(use the free "mercury reader" to avoid the many ads)

What really makes me think, is the idea that the entire process could be transferred into a U.S. Government operated system almost overnight. Today, the emphasis is on the hacking of our military intelligence, but that is only the tiniest tip of the iceberg. Imagine members of government seeing the Social Credit System as being a protective arm of our own government. Indeed, what part of our population would disagree with being provided with a safer and more honest future?
Posted By: Greger Re: The Social Credit System - 08/25/19 09:37 PM
I don't get it. Looks like China is just catching up to the rest of the world....
Posted By: itstarted Re: The Social Credit System - 08/25/19 09:42 PM
So... Greger... did you really read the article in the link? If you really did... nice 15 word summary...

See ya!... smile
Posted By: itstarted Re: The Social Credit System - 08/25/19 09:52 PM
Sorry I have to leave you guys... Used to like the discussions, but something more than a few words. I could get that on facebook or twitter. On most of the sites, that I frequent, only the folks who are interested in the subject being discussed, post, and in most when they do, it's because it holds some interest for them.

I seriously doubt that most who posted opinion on this subject, really read the cited links. That's okay but I need a little more comeback to consider a few quick opinions to be a discussion on a given subject.

Thanks Jefferey...for the kind words, and the warm welcome. Sorry it didn't work out
Good luck.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: The Social Credit System - 08/25/19 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by itstarted
Sorry I have to leave you guys... Used to like the discussions, but something more than a few words. I could get that on facebook or twitter. On most of the sites, that I frequent, only the folks who are interested in the subject being discussed, post, and in most when they do, it's because it holds some interest for them.

I seriously doubt that most who posted opinion on this subject, really read the cited links. That's okay but I need a little more comeback to consider a few quick opinions to be a discussion on a given subject.

Thanks Jefferey...for the kind words, and the warm welcome. Sorry it didn't work out
Good luck.

I hope you'll reconsider.
Seems to me that it would be frighteningly easy to install a similar social credit system here, if only because the three major credit bureaus would bankroll most of it if they could graft it onto the credit rating machinery they already have in place now.

From financial credit to social credit, maybe not as large a leap as one might think.
Posted By: Greger Re: The Social Credit System - 08/29/19 01:07 AM
I did read the article, or most of it. I just didn't understand the Social Credit System and hoped for some clarity...

Sorry it's.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: The Social Credit System - 08/29/19 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by Greger
I don't get it. Looks like China is just catching up to the rest of the world....
I just read about it for the first today. The articles I read today are relation to Costco opening and Shanghai Disney opening this June 2019.

From what i gather, it's meant to shame people into behaving better.

I did not know this thread existed until today. gobsmacked

Posted By: Greger Re: The Social Credit System - 08/29/19 03:33 PM
I thought that had something to do with it but the article cited above went on and on about credit/debit cards of some sort for making purchases, simply some modernization.

But perhaps modernization what it's really about....

The phrase to "save face" has been around a long time. It's been part of English vernacular since the 19th century. The concept is a core social value in Asian cultures, among others. The meaning has remained stable across time. Saving Face signifies a desire -- or defines a strategy -- to avoid humiliation or embarrassment, to maintain dignity or preserve reputation.

In a modern society spinning seemingly out of control some "core social values" are being lost. Is the social credit system a means to artificially maintain them? While it seems a bit barbaric and weird as hell, it just might work in China.

I wouldn't try exporting it to western nations though.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: The Social Credit System - 08/30/19 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Greger
I wouldn't try exporting it to western nations though.

That doesn't mean someone won't try. They WILL try very hard.
And all they have to do over here is diddle the software currently used by the three major financial credit bureaus. Just expand it a little to include desirable and undesirable behavior.
It can be adjusted around election time, too!

Didn't vote for Trump for his third term? Well there goes any chance of you ever getting a decent job or purchasing a decent home!
We wouldn't want libruls doing that, would we?

What can stop the credit bureaus? Is there a law or are there laws that restrict what goes into their credit scores?
How strong are such laws?
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