Capitol Hill Blue
Posted By: pdx rick Dear Editor... - 05/03/22 02:06 AM
Can we have a Biden Admin Forum?

Also, can the emoji choices be expanded?

Please, and thank you. smile
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Dear Editor... - 05/03/22 02:46 AM
Agreed and last time I tried to create a new forum you know what happened.
I couldn't get it right, but I will keep trying.
Also, I AM trying to restore the emojis, they're called GRAEMLINS in UBB Land but I cannot figure out how to restore them the way I added them on the old board.

I hope I can figure this stuff out!
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Dear Editor... - 05/05/22 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
Agreed and last time I tried to create a new forum you know what happened.
I couldn't get it right, but I will keep trying.
Also, I AM trying to restore the emojis, they're called GRAEMLINS in UBB Land but I cannot figure out how to restore them the way I added them on the old board.

I hope I can figure this stuff out!

I've begun adding back the "graemlins" and I am trying to figure out how to add a Biden forum which I agree is at least a year overdue.
God do I ever miss Scoutgal but now I miss her even more because she knew how to twiddle the buttons.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Dear Editor... - 05/06/22 01:54 AM
The Biden Administration forum is showing now.

The newly added gremlins are selectable, but don't show when posted.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Dear Editor... - 05/06/22 10:47 AM
Also too, can we have Doug's CHB columns post here again so we can comment on them? Please and thank you.

Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Dear Editor... - 05/06/22 11:53 AM
Rick, I appreciate your adding to Jeff's punch list, but he's just one guy...

Here's a genuine suggestion. You have the ability to start threads. If you want to take on the responsibility of posting CHB columns for discussion (a great idea, I think), it's within your power. I think the forum still exists. Have at it, my friend. smile
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Dear Editor... - 05/07/22 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Rick, I appreciate your adding to Jeff's punch list...:)
Honey-do list. laugh

Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Rick,Here's a genuine suggestion. You have the ability to start threads. If you want to take on the responsibility of posting CHB columns for discussion (a great idea, I think), it's within your power. I think the forum still exists. Have at it, my friend. smile
Assignment accepted, sir. smile
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Dear Editor... - 05/07/22 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Rick, I appreciate your adding to Jeff's punch list, but he's just one guy...

Here's a genuine suggestion. You have the ability to start threads. If you want to take on the responsibility of posting CHB columns for discussion (a great idea, I think), it's within your power. I think the forum still exists. Have at it, my friend. smile

No no I don't mind....the problem is, I think I must be a kind of idiot-savant or an artificially induced one.
I can learn ANY editing software in twenty minutes, okay?
But this UBB Threads software is like trying to learn brain just burps and farts when I try.

I think I WILL "get it" eventually and don't worry, I know which areas to stay away from so I won't blow up the forum.

Posted By: Doug Thompson Re: Dear Editor... - 06/01/22 05:12 PM
Back out in the real world after wife Amy and I came down with COVID just a day apart. She tested negative this morning and I was cleared Tuesday. I tested negative after five days, then positive again the day after, and wasn't cleared until I had two negative tests in a row (which happened Tuesday). CDC says the infection rate this Memorial Day was five times higher than last year but deaths are down except for Seniors 75 and over, even with boosters. Hope they fix that before I turn 75 in December.

I agree that UBB is throwing curves at us. I'm looking for a PHP forum software that will import our UBB data to see if we can come up with something better. I hope I can stay healthy long enough to do it, with help from you folks.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Dear Editor... - 06/02/22 06:56 AM
Last Saturday 05/28 I woke up to a sore throat and ear ache. Also felt pressure in my head. Took aspirin and Tylenol and slept most of the day. Sunday felt normal. Did have a deep cough the was very infrequent. Felt fine/normal most Sunday. Felt fine Memorial Day. Felt fine yesterday TU 05/31.

Woke-up this morning WE 06/01 and did not feel fine. Even considered calling in sick for a split second, but dismissed calling in sick because I am the only driver to get all eight of us to work. Only me plus three others rode today. I was not feeling great at work and left after three hours of work.

The transit authority that we get our vanpool from allows four rides home each calendar year via taxi for riders. I told the other three to take a taxi home.

Came home, slept for six hours, took a COVID test and was POZ. Welp, I went just over two years without catching COVID. For me, it's like a cold plus hay fever. The worst symptom that I have is watery eyes (ergo thinking I had a cold + hay fever at the same time. The cottonwood pollen is so much and so thick, it looks like its snowing in 70+-degree weather). The second worse symptom is my internal organs ache.

Other than that, the occasional sneeze, the occasional deep cough, I feel somewhat fine/normal. Going to give Urgent Care a call in the morning to see if I can get that drug that is available now while you have COVID.
Posted By: Greger Re: Dear Editor... - 06/02/22 03:27 PM
Damn, sorry to hear that. I continue to mostly isolate myself but am considering another booster.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Dear Editor... - 06/02/22 09:06 PM
The EUA for Paxlovid says you need to be at some increased risk to get it. Like at least a senior, or with one of the comorbidities. Doesn't mean you can't get it. Apparently there is a lot of it around, it's free, and all a doc needs to do is write you a prescription. You can find drug stores, etc. with it by looking at I have heard a lot of reports that it works fine for anybody who is not taking certain drugs, and does even for them if they can stop that drug for a week. Those are usually "cured in 24 hours" reports.

I think it would help younger & healthier victims avoid Long Covid, by lowering their viral load quickly which would cut down on their inflammatory response.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Dear Editor... - 06/03/22 08:06 PM
I could not get the drug because my symptoms and degree that I have COVID is being labeled as mild. I’m not having trouble breathing. I’m not coughing up phlegm. Just super watery eyes and achy internal organs with an occasional very deep coughing fit and minor headache. I was told the drug is being reserved for “people who really need it.”

The home test I took on Wednesday showed POZ is about a minute, was supposed to be 15 mins. I thought that was weird.

Anyway, being paid to stay away from work and my sick days are not being used.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Dear Editor... - 06/03/22 08:36 PM
You are probably past the viral stage, and into the inflammation stage. I found some fluticazone nasal spray useful at that point. AKA Flonase, but the generic is much cheaper. It's over-the-counter, no prescription required. It is a steroid, but a very mild one. You could ask your doctor if you are good to use steroids yet.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Dear Editor... - 06/04/22 04:48 AM
I was directed to take vitamin C and zinc supplements. I’m getting the vitC from fresh OJ, but I did have to go get zinc supplements. I’ve never taken a supplement in my life - not even vitamin supplements - this us the first time time ever doing so. I got some zinc that is 400% RDA and used a pill splitter to quarter it.

The Telenurse also said my CPAP machine will be good to get warm moist air down into my lungs.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Dear Editor... - 06/04/22 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
I was directed to take vitamin C and zinc supplements. I’m getting the vitC from fresh OJ, but I did have to go get zinc supplements. I’ve never taken a supplement in my life - not even vitamin supplements - this us the first time time ever doing so. I got some zinc that is 400% RDA and used a pill splitter to quarter it.

The Telenurse also said my CPAP machine will be good to get warm moist air down into my lungs.

Take large doses of D3 as well.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Dear Editor... - 06/04/22 10:48 AM
I drink a lot of milk. I buy a gallon a week. smile
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Dear Editor... - 06/05/22 12:51 AM
Did you report your positive result to the Health Department? Other riders/employees? My son avoided a positive when 5 Co-workers got it.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Dear Editor... - 06/05/22 01:23 AM
HR knows. In fact, on Thursday everyone in my area was told to WFH until TU 06/07.
My riders know
TeleNurse knows knows

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