Capitol Hill Blue
Good morning ranters. Welcome to the Saturday morning round table. Today is the first day of September, 2007.

On September 1, 1983 A Soviet jet fighter shot down a Korean Air Lines Boeing 747 when it entered Soviet airspace over the Sea of Japan. 269 people were killed, including US Congressman Lawrence McDonald..

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While approaching the Kamchatka peninsula, 6 MiG-23 fighters were scrambled. Because a US Boeing RC-135 intelligence plane was flying in the area East off Kamchatka, the Soviet defense forces probably thought the B747 radar echo to be the RC-135. KAL 007 left Russian airspace over the Okhostk Sea and the fighters returned to their base. Passing abeam the Nippi beacon (4 hours after take-off), the aircraft was 185 miles off course and headed for Sakhalin.

Two Soviet Sukhoi Su-15 fighters were scrambled from the Dolinsk-Sokol Airbase at 17:42 UTC and 17:54 respectively. At 18:16h UTC flight 007 re-entered Soviet airspace. At 18:22h the Soviet command ordered destruction of the target (for the 2nd time). Two air-to-air missiles were launched by one of the fighters and struck the Boeing at 18:26h. Cabin pressure was lost and the aircraft suffered control problems, causing the Boeing to spiral down and crash into the sea.

One of many perplexing details that raise questions about what really happened to KAL 007 after the attack is that the jetliner remained airborne for at least 12 minutes. During a press briefing on the morning of September 1, 1983, Secretary of State George Shultz told reporters: "At 1826 hours the Soviet pilot reported that he fired a missile and the target was destroyed. At 1830 hours the Korean aircraft was reported by radar at 5,000 meters [16,400 feet]. At 1838 hours the Korean plane disappeared from the radar screen."

To date, no one has adequately explained how a jetliner supposedly blown up and hurtling out of control toward the sea would take at least 12 minutes to fall 35,000 feet.

Other events that occurred on Sept 1

69 Traditional date of the destruction of Jerusalem
1661 1st Yacht race, England's King Charles vs his brother James
1772 Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa forms in California
1799 - The Bank of Manhattan Company opened in New York City, NY. It was the forerunner of Chase Manhattan.

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1807 - Former U.S. Vice President Aaron Burr was found innocent of treason.
Never has an American trial produced such an impressive set of key players:

the defendant-- Aaron Burr, founding father, Vice President, and slayer of Alexander Hamilton in their famous duel three years earlier;

the trial judge--John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court (and the most important justice in history);

the force behind the prosecution--Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence and president of the United States;

defense attorneys--Edmund Randolph and Luther Martin, both delegates to the Constitutional Convention and among the most prominent men of the day; prosecutors-- Charles Lee, former Attorney General, and William Wirt, future presidential candidate.

The Treason Trial of Aaron Burr

1836 Reconstruction begins on Synagogue of Rabbi Judah Hasid in Jerusalem
1858 1st transatlantic cable fails after less than 1 month
1859 RC Carrington & R Hodgson make 1st observation of solar flare
1859 - The Pullman sleeping car was placed into service.

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1865 Joseph Lister performs 1st antiseptic surgery
1878 - Emma M. Nutt became the first female telephone operator in the U.S. The company was the Telephone Dispatch Company of Boston.
1884 - The Thomas A. Edison Construction Department and the Edison Company for Isolated Lighting merged.

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1887 - Emile Berliner filed for a patent for his invention of the lateral-cut, flat-disk gramophone. It is a device that is better known as a record player. Thomas Edison made the idea work.
1897 - The first section of Boston's subway system was opened.
1905 - Saskatchewan and Alberta became the ninth and tenth provinces of Canada.
1914 St Petersburg, Russia changes name to Petrograd

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1922 NYC law requires all "pool" rooms to change name to "billards"
1922 - The first daily news program on radio was "The Radio Digest," on WBAY radio in New York City, NY.
1923 - About 100,000 people were killed when an earthquake hit Tokyo and Yokohama, Japan.
1939 Physical Review publishes 1st paper to deal with "black holes"

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1941 Yellow star becomes obligatory for Jews in the Reich to wear
1942 - A federal judge in Sacramento, CA, upheld the wartime detention of Japanese-Americans as well as Japanese nationals.
1945 - The U.S. received official word of Japan's formal surrender that ended World War II. In Japan, it was actually September 2nd.
1951 - The ANZUS Treaty, a mutual defense pact, was signed by the U.S., Australia and New Zealand.

1962 UN announces Earth population has hit 3 billion
1969 - Col. Moammar Gadhafi came into power in Libya after the government was overthrown.
1970 - The last episode of "I Dream of Jeannie" aired on NBC-TV. The show premiered was on September 18, 1965.
1972 - America’s Bobby Fischer beat Russia’s Boris Spassky to become world chess champion. The chess match took place in Reykjavik, Iceland.
1975 Gunsmoke goes off the air
1977 1st TRS-80 Model I computer sold

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1978 Jacqueline Smith of Great Britain scores 10 straight dead center strikes on a 4" disk in World Parachute Championships in Yugoslavia
1979 - The U.S. Pioneer 11 became the first spacecraft to visit Saturn.
1979 LA Court orders Clayton Moore to stop wearing Lone Ranger mask

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1985 - The Titanic was found by Dr. Robert Ballard and Jean Louis Michel in a joint U.S. and French expedition. The wreck site is located 963 miles northeast of New York and 453 miles southeast of the Newfoundland coast.
1986 - Jerry Lewis raised a record $34 million for Muscular Dystrophy during his annual telethon for Jerry’s kids over the Labor Day weekend.
1993 - Louis Freeh was sworn in as the director of the FBI.
1995 - Illinois Congressman Mel Reynolds announced his resignation. He had been convicted of having sex with an underage campaign volunteer.

1997 - In France, the prosecutor's office announced that the driver of the car, in which Britain's Princess Diana was killed, was over the legal alcohol limit.
1998 - The movie "Titanic" went on sale across North America.

1998 - Mark McGwire, of the St. Louis Cardinals, hit his 56th and 57th homeruns to set a new National League record. He would eventually reach a total of 70 for the season on September 27.
1999 - Twenty-two of major league baseball's 68 permanent umpires were replaced. The problem arose from their union's failed attempt to force an early start to negotiations for a new labor contract.

Some who were born today:

1854 Engelbert Humperdinck Germany, opera composer (Parsifal)
1864 Sir Roger David Casement Ireland, martyr (IRA)
1866 James "Gentleman Jim" Corbett heavyweight champion boxer (1892-97)
1875 Edgar Rice Burroughs novelist (Tarzan, Mars Saga)

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1900 Richard Arlen actor (Alice in Wonderland)
1922 Melvin R Laird (Rep-R-Mich), US Secretary of Defense (1969-73)
1922 Yvonne De Carlo Vancouver BC, actress (10 Commandments, Munsters)
1923 Rocky Marciano heavyweight champion boxer (1952-56)

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1933 Conway Twitty [Harold Jenkins], Miss, country singer (Hello Darlin')
1933 Ann Richards (Gov-Tx)


1935 Seiji Ozawa Hoten Manchuria, conductor (Boston Symphony Orchestra)
1939 Lily Tomlin Detroit, comedienne/actress (9 to 5, Laugh-in, All of Me)

How smart are you? Here’s a little intelligence test to wake up your brain this morning. (Hint – Watch your spelling!)

A little humor for the morning…
A Cowboy meets an Indian herding sheep in the Black Hills.
Cowboy: "Hey, cool dog you got there. Mind if I speak to him?"
Indian: "Dog no talk."

Cowboy: "Hey dog, how's it going?"
Dog: "Doin' all right."
Indian: (Look of shock!)

Cowboy: "Is this Indian your owner?" (pointing at the Indian)
Dog: "Yep."
Cowboy: "How does he treat you?"
Dog: "Real good. He walks me twice a day, feeds me great food and takes me to the lake once a week to play."
Indian: (Look of total disbelief)

Cowboy: "Mind if I talk to your horse?"
Indian: "Horse no talk."
Cowboy: "Hey horse, how's it going?"
Horse: "Cool."
Indian: (Extreme look of shock!)

Cowboy: "Is this your owner?" (pointing to the Indian)
Horse: "Yep."
Cowboy: "How's he treat you?"
Horse: "Pretty good, thanks for asking, he rides me, brushes me down often, and keeps me in a lean-to to protect me from the elements."
Indian: (Look of total amazement)

Cowboy: "Mind if I talk to your sheep?"
Indian: "Sheep lie."

Thought for the day:
The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it. ~Franklin P. Jones
Have a great Saturday, everyone.

Great intro, Sky! Love the joke! [Linked Image from]
I hope everyone is having a wondeful Labor Day Weekend! [Linked Image from]
Good morning all! I'm up WAY too early. Had an 8:30 service call to get a new client's computer up and running. Glad it's behind me now. I think I'll go back to bed. z-z-z-zzz
1858 1st transatlantic cable fails after less than 1 month

1979 LA Court orders Clayton Moore to stop wearing Lone Ranger mask

“Human society is born in the shadow of religious fear, and in that stage the suppression of heresy is a sacred social duty. Then comes the rise of a priesthood, and the independent thinker is met with punishment in this world and the threat of eternal damnation hereafter. Even today it is from the religious side that the greatest danger to freedom of thought comes. Religion is the last thing man will civilise. ”
-- Chapman Cohen

From the Church of Ineffable Stupidity:

a) General betrays us
Despite all facts to the contrary, General P will be expected to toe the company line and claim that sectarian and religious deaths are down. If you exclude the 500 kurdish deaths, the daily increase in sectarian violence and play games with statistics.
General P will also say that our troops are safer and their deaths are down, despite an increase of 38% since the surge began.
- - -

b) Larry Craig - family man. Family values man. a Man's man.
- - -

c) IraqNam
A major cholera outbreak has started in the Kurdish region.
Geez, you think the lack of water, sewage and power have anything to do with that?

US arms given to Iraqi army troops have ended up being used against turks in Turkey. And here you thought that Turkey was our friend.
- - -

d) Condi Rice
- - -

e) Condi Rice. More concerned with her legacy than with doing her job.
In fact, her friends say that she rarely questions whether she is right or wrong, instead choosing to believe in a particular truth with absolute certainty until she doesn’t believe it anymore, at which point she moves on.

being stubborn on top of being wrong is NOT an asset.
as her star wanes
Ahhhhh, the smell of pigskin in the air, crowds roaring, cheerleaders cheering! It's College Football Saturday, to kick off the Labor Day Weekend! Younger son is already parked in front of the big screen with remote in hand, and I must wait until tonight to see my favorite team play. USC vs Idaho. [Linked Image from]
From the Church of Ineffable Stupidity:

a) Just months after the creation of the cretinous Big Ten Football orficials' own cable TV program (which limits all Big ten games to that station, they pick a fight with Comcast, the biggest cable provider in the mudwest.

ergo, no college football here.
- - -

b) sexual transmission day
three clients, three cases of being infected by wayward spouses & spousettes
Another day of heat here in Southern California. Even at the coastline it is 80 and increases rapidly to 115 in the LA valleys. Good thing both UCLA and USC play away today.

A trip through the many climates of Los Angeles
Originally Posted by agnostic
From the Church of Ineffable Stupidity:

a) Just months after the creation of the cretinous Big Ten Football orficials' own cable TV program (which limits all Big ten games to that station, they pick a fight with Comcast, the biggest cable provider in the mudwest.

ergo, no college football here.
- - -

Poor Ag!!! [Linked Image from]

Scout, which is your team this year? [as if I didn't know]

College Football
Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
Another day of heat here in Southern California. Even at the coastline it is 80 and increases rapidly to 115 in the LA valleys. Good thing both UCLA and USC play away today.

A trip through the many climates of Los Angeles

Yep! It' at least 107 out my way. [Linked Image from]
This is my last post at CHB. I will log off and not be able to pick up my PMs. I've been insulted for the last time. I am not a leech simply because I accept Social Security that I've paid into since 1952 when I began making a paycheck.

I've enjoyed my return but will not take the kind of insults that I found this morning. You can all kindly go straight to hell!
Interesting post.

A Fond Farewell

I'm thinking about the Hack Gap again right now. I'm wondering about the "can dish it out but can't take it" ratio. I'm thinking about all the times Rush has cut off phone calls and Billy O has cut off microphones. I'm wondering, when was the last time a Librul hack has cut off a phone caller simply for expressing a dissenting view? When was the last time a microphone?

When was the last time we Ranters were treated to such a fond farewell?

Best wishes to you Sandy. May you find the group you are looking for.
..just got home from the Crab Shack. This new opening gig ain't so bad. [Linked Image from]

I don't have to work at any of my jobs until 7 a.m. on Tuesday [Linked Image from]

What's a single, gay guy living in San Francisco Bay Area to with all of that free time? [Linked Image from]

Oh, I'll think of something [Linked Image from]
Originally Posted by agnostic
b) Larry Craig - family man. Family values man. a Man's man.
- - -

[Linked Image from]

No! Absolutely not a "man's man." [Linked Image from] Way, way too fey! [Linked Image from] Senator Craig would be laughed right out of a leather bar [Linked Image from]

Originally Posted by Sandy Price
This is my last post at CHB. I will log off and not be able to pick up my PMs. I've been insulted for the last time. I am not a leech simply because I accept Social Security that I've paid into since 1952 when I began making a paycheck.

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Alright, what's going on around here? [Linked Image from]

Can't you Ranters play nicely? [Linked Image from]
Anyone else counting down the days to the false flag op?
SANDY...please stay.
sorry, CalRick. What I meant was his board membership of the NRA, his board membership in several anti-tax, pro-family, conservative groups which are against people simply wanting to be themselves. frankly, seeing him in leather? nyet, nyet, soviet.
Gee whiz, all sorts of stuff going on around here today.

I rarely get on here during the weekend (too much other stuff that needs my attention), but I'm sort of keeping a low profile around home this weekend. I had minor surgery on Thursday (just a small, black spot removed from my lower big deal). I knew I'd have some swelling and bruising near the incision, but didn't expect to wake up this morning and have a purple chin too! socializing for this kid!
Originally Posted by SuZQ
I had minor surgery on Thursday (just a small, black spot removed from my lower big deal).
I'm telling you, SuzQ, looking at your photo it doesn't show at all.
Thanks, Steve, glad to hear it. The thing I always see in that picture is the spot in my bangs where I have a cowlick smile.
The Most Unintentionally Inappropriate Logos

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Originally Posted by SuZQ
... I had minor surgery on Thursday (just a small, black spot removed from my lower big deal). I knew I'd have some swelling and bruising near the incision, but didn't expect to wake up this morning and have a purple chin too! socializing for this kid!

Hope the swelling and bruising recess quickly Q [Linked Image from]
Thanks, Rick, me too. Know any home remedies for getting rid of bruising quickly?? I don't want to be cooped up all day tomorrow, but I'm a little self-conscious about my purple face!

I just came back in from taking my dog for a her evening walk. Nice and dark (I live in the country), but lots and lots of stars out tonight. cool
...well I'm off - to The City.

Tomorrow is the Harrison Street Fair - and you know what that means...

Yep, bears have invaded the City!

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Don't wait up...[Linked Image from]
Have fun...I'm off to slumber land :sleep:. Boy, some of you East Coasters really stay of late!
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