Capitol Hill Blue
Posted By: matthew Clinton could still become President, IF.... - 11/10/16 11:30 PM
Clinton could still become President, if the great American tradition of the "faithless elector" were implemented.

The Electoral College does not meet to vote until December 19. If, between now and then, something intensely negative for Trump should happen, some of Trump's electors could decide to change their vote, or abstain. (Some might be required to pay a $1000 fine -- but I'd be willing to chip in a few bucks for them -- smile )

Of course, to prevent all hell breaking loose, the reason would need to be pretty shocking --- evidence of collusion with big-wigs in Russia or other countries, evidence of saving his favorite bank, Deutsche Bank, from paying their 14 billion dollar fine to the US, sexual abuse of children, or some such thing.

But then, we all think there must be some such nefarious activity in Trump's past, don't we?
Umm. I don’t think that would help things at this time if that were to happen.

I firmly believe this is Trump’s-- and his associates-- whole feast to sink or swim in. While I wish them the best cool, there is a part of me that wants them to fail spectacularly. In full view of their supporters (surrogates?) from whence they shall not escape. But that would only be for my own chuckling schadenfreude.

All hail Trump! The true champion of Real Americans.
Not only that but, just because your car will LET you put it in PARK while you're streaking down Interstate 10 at 75 MPH doesn't mean that it's a good idea to actually do it.
I guarantee you such a move would set off a constitutional crisis, and maybe even a civil war.
Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
I guarantee you such a move would set off a constitutional crisis, and maybe even a civil war.
You mean bigger than the one that's already here?
Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
I guarantee you such a move would set off a constitutional crisis, and maybe even a civil war.
That would be interesting.

Will I have time to get some popcorn and a drink?
Well, she did beat him by over 200,000 votes.

I'll just hold my breath until this happens... Only 39 more days.

Far more likely is for an assassin to take out Trump & Pence & Ryan & Hatch on January 20th. Then the next in the succession is the Secretary of State, but Trump will not have appointed a new Secretary yet, so it would fall to John Kerry as the current Secretary of State.

He would serve a full four year term.
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Well, she did beat him by over 200,000 votes.
395,595 last I counted.
Please... just stop...

Believing that the Electoral College is going to go mass rogue is no different than believing that Jill Stein was going to get 60 MILLION votes the day before the election...

The GOP cheated, fair and square... they are just better at doing it than the DNC...

Thanks, #NeverHillary
Now popular vote at 574,064 more votes for Clinton.
Originally Posted by SnarkyPolitics
Please... just stop...

Believing that the Electoral College is going to go mass rogue is no different than believing that Jill Stein was going to get 60 MILLION votes the day before the election...

The GOP cheated, fair and square... they are just better at doing it than the DNC...

Thanks, #NeverHillary

How did the GOP cheat?
Originally Posted by Ted Remington
How did the GOP cheat?
In another thread I set it out in more detail. Voter suppression in Florida, North Carolina (with surgical precision), Ohio and Wisconsin was sufficient to skew the electoral college. Papers will be written on it.
On Election Day, there were 868 fewer polling places in states with a long history of voting discrimination, like Arizona, Texas, and North Carolina. These changes impacted hundreds of thousands of voters, yet received almost no coverage. In North Carolina, as my colleague Joan Walsh reported, black turnout decreased 16 percent during the first week of early voting because “in 40 heavily black counties, there were 158 fewer early polling places.”
The GOP’s Attack on Voting Rights Was the Most Under-Covered Story of 2016 - The Nation.
Trump wants Top Secret clearances for his spawn, because he thinks it's like handing out backstage passes...
What are the chances Trump will get a free pass on the blind trust thing...?
It looks like he's gonna get a free pass on his tax returns...
I am expecting scandalous headlines in the next 30 days about "missing" votes found in Florida and North Carolina.
How about blocking over 3 MILLION legitimate voters with Voter ID schemes, just to start...??
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