Capitol Hill Blue
Here Is What Donald Trump Wants To do In His First 100 Days
* FIRST, propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress;

* SECOND, a hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal workforce through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health);

* THIRD, a requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated;

* FOURTH, a 5 year-ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service
It is clear that he has no clue how government works. Certainly, some of his legislative priorities match those of a Republican House and Senate. Most of this stuff would be a disaster.
I really doubt he will be able to get a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress. 3/4th of the states need to ratify something to make it a Constitutional Amendment. It usually takes years. Not to mention that he's proposing to limit terms of the very people who need to pass the bill! Like that's ever going to happen.

Many federal programs are authorized by law: He would need to continue those programs which may require hiring people to do the work. So to freeze all hiring he has to change a whole bunch of laws, and all those laws are there because somebody wanted them.

Third, I don't see a lot of new regulations coming out of a Trump administrations, so he can fulfill this promise by doing absolutely nothing.

Fourth, fine with me. This is a Liberal idea.
PIA aren't you glad Darbe is back?
Sure, I welcomed him back in the Roundtable.

I just think Trump is a compulsive liar, and almost everything he has promised his supporters will take a very long time (if ever), and either be implemented in a half-assed manner or not at all. Most of his promises are of the "Let's make pi = 3.0" variety: Not physically or economically possible

For example, the idea of not letting Muslims into America has already vanished from Trump's website.
And here is what we have to do until this scum is removed from politics:
Over 10k people in the streets in NYC!!!

[Linked Image from]
Sarah Palin for Cabinet?

No comment required.
The new FLOTUS (former ranter Muzz sends her regards):
[Linked Image from]
Trump Picks Top Climate Skeptic to Lead EPA Transition

We had a small window to actually do something about climate change. Humanity had a good run. There are times when I'm glad I don't have children.
Of all the bad things that come out of this, this will have the greatest impact on the planet.
Originally Posted by Ezekiel
The new FLOTUS (former ranter Muzz sends her regards):
[Linked Image from]

I know, been using that to piss off my conservative friends.
Former Ranters?
What can we do to get them back?
Time to invest in pitchfork and popcorn companies?
Here is something to add to the top of the list:

Trump Presidency Could Be Worth $14 Billion to His Troubled Lender

DONALD TRUMP’S ELECTION has likely given a massive lifeline to Deutsche Bank, the German financial firm that has been rocked recently by rumors that they would have to pay a $14 billion fine to the Justice Department over crisis-related mortgage abuses.

That money is unlikely to ever be imposed, now that one of Deutsche Bank’s biggest borrowers – Trump – will soon be sitting in the White House.

That conflict of interest is one of the innumerable ones facing Trump as he leaves his life of grifting behind and becomes the nation’s chief executive. While the Justice Department is nominally independent of the White House, I had to stop writing this sentence because of constant laughing. Trump could easily move to protect his personal investments by aiding his business partner Deutsche Bank.

The Intercept
From Ezekiel's link:

Trump has vowed to hand over his businesses to his children, a vague statement that goes much less far than a blind trust or some other segregation that other elected officials have used. After all, Trump’s family are among his closest political advisors.
Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
Former Ranters?
What can we do to get them back?
Generally being a little more tolerant when they write something the people here don't like might be a good start.

"Instead of loving your enemies, treat your friends just a little better"
What can we do to get them back?

How about this: Obama met Trump today in the White House. The meeting was scheduled to take 10 minutes but lasted over 90 minutes. Trump left saying that Obama was very nice, and Obama said he would do anything he could to help Trump.

Trump himself and his immediate sycophants have no idea how politics works. I would not be surprised if Obama ends up being one of Trump's closest advisers. Obama DOES understand politics very well and he has dealt with an uncooperative Congress his entire administration. Trump ran against the Republican establishment, so he will probably find himself in a similar situation. Obama will probably be the only person who can guide him.

As far as Trump's kids being "his closest political advisers", that is beyond laughable. His kids have never held ANY political office. They would give him no better advice than anybody off the street.
The expression on Trump's face, his body language, his voice, everything about him was a HUGE "tell".

The guy's been badmouthing Obama for five years, never met him, then walks in and, I dunno what Obama said, or did, but you could see by Trump's face, in forty foot high letters, just how impressed he was. Suddenly "reality tee vee" was busted to smithereens by REALITY.

Obama is a true badass.
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