Capitol Hill Blue
Posted By: pdx rick Trump and Russia - 02/15/17 07:32 PM

This Russian-connetion thing is not going well for our forty-fifth President. NSA captured conversations between the Trump people and Russia a full year before the election.

[Linked Image from]

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Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 02/15/17 07:36 PM

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Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/05/17 06:51 AM

...and the Trump-Russian connections thicken:

New Development on the Michael Cohen 'Peace Plan' Meeting
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/05/17 06:56 AM

[Linked Image from]
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 03/05/17 03:13 PM
Often overlooked by media is the underlying basis for even looking at Russian connections and its meaning.

If Mr Trump had taken the standard arms length approach to Russia, I suspect there would not have been much investigation into any connections which for the most part can easily be explained as routine government business. However, when Mr Trump appeared to be in a bromance with Putin it raises questions about the relationship and when all the contacts are considered in that context, we have questions which matter.

Speculating on possible results of connections, we have the most odious possibility Mr Trump would be willing to allow Russian intervention in Eastern Europe without US retaliation. The evidence which supports that possibility is not hysterical as conservatives and Republicans would have people believe, but is based on facts when considered in the broader context of a changed Republican platform and the many ties between Russians and Trump associates.

The bottom line is we do not know the extent of Russianization of the Trump administration.
Posted By: Greger Re: Trump and Russia - 03/05/17 04:50 PM
This just in...

At least 7 Russian officials have turned up dead since Election Day. Here's what we know.

Vitaly Churkin, Russia's ambassador to the United Nations, died suddenly in New York earlier this week, apparently of cardiac arrest.

Churkin, Russia's envoy to the U.N. since 2006, reportedly became ill at his Russian Mission office in Manhattan on Monday and died at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. He was to turn 65 the next day.

The New York City medical examiner said more study is required into the cause and manner of Churkin's death, though federal law enforcement has said it does not believe there was any foul play.

Still, because Russia is no stranger to political murders, the sudden death of a Russian official automatically raises suspicion. So while Churkin may indeed have died of natural causes, some have noted that it follows several other recent deaths of Russian officials, all occurring suddenly or under mysterious circumstances — including a man who is believed to have helped former M16 spy Christopher Steele compile his bombshell dossier on Donald Trump's links to Russia.

It's from Feb 27 but it's the first I've heard of it.
Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 03/05/17 04:57 PM
If Trump had "seriously thought", an oxymoron for his cognition, about running for public office he would have taken more care to conceal his dirty doings. Clearly he did not understand, or misunderestimated, the tenacity of investigative journalism. All he would have to have done would be to hire a shop to do a first pass opposition research on himself. Of course he is way too paranoid to trust anyone to compile such a dossier.

I think he just wanted the bragging points and attention and it got out of hand. He never figured he would get this much screwtiny, as who go to the expense and trouble to do deep international background on an early looser in a primary of 17 colorful candidates.

Now there is a desperate, and likely futile, attempt to retroactively cover up all of that large scale, low hanging fruit, much of which is almost certainly highly criminal money laundering for the Russian oligarchs.

rporter314: Speculating on possible results of connections, we have the most odious possibility Mr Trump would be willing to allow Russian intervention in Eastern Europe without US retaliation.

I am not too worried about this now as I suspect that similarly to his modus operandi of dealing with other contractors, he will simply stiff them. He is a master bait and switch artist. Now that it is exposed his quid pro quo options are severely limited, and he can now earnestly claim to his Rusky friends: I would love to help you all I can, but my hands are tied. They could still destroy him in a flash, but he is betting/hoping that even weakened, they view him as a still useful asset/idiot. The Russians are obviously worried by this unpredictability, that now seems likely worse than the Hillary demon that they knew and understood. What will it take for them to play their high trump card and anoint Prez Pence? Time will tell!

I doubt that Russian golden sexploitation blackmail would worry him, as Pussy-Grabber in chief snatched victory from the jaws of defeat in that scandal, that has immunized him from paraphilia related damage. Even the incestuous and pedophilia angles are shockingly ignored by the true believers. In fact, these otherwise exclusionary characteristic, have strengthened his appeal to the "mens rights" nut/whack jobs, and inexplicably many women have, with sincere so-called Christian values, turned the other cheek.

Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/05/17 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Greger
This just in...

At least 7 Russian officials have turned up dead since Election Day. Here's what we know..
5'7" Vlad is a regular killing machine. gobsmacked
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/06/17 12:12 AM

So Mark Levin goes on Fox and Friends Sunday and says there is "overwhelming evidence" that BAMZ!!! spied on Trump at Trump Towers:

President* Trump sees the Levin interview and loses his sh!t and goes on a Tweeting frenzy:

[Linked Image from]

Then James Comey Asks Justice Dept. to Reject Trump’s Wiretapping Claim

I can't believe we have a POTUS that acts like some drama queen and flies off the handle when he is slightly provoked. rolleyes
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 03/06/17 12:39 AM
conservatives believe The Great One is a Constitutional scholar ... I listen to him occasionally and he impresses me as an idiot => he argues the Constitution and then proclaims Pres Obama is a secret Muslim (without benefit of any facts)

Of course he also says only conservatives have the intellect to discern facts and make logical arguments ... I have to conclude he goes brain dead occasionally
Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 03/06/17 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by rporter314
I have to conclude he goes brain dead occasionally

Occasionally?? There is no resurrection from brain death!
Which reminds me, what did folks around here give up for lent?
I gave up any hope that there was any sanity in the GOP.
It will not likely improve after Easter. I am reading Revelations and preparing for end-times, as best I can without accepting the Gospel!
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 03/06/17 01:24 AM
Don't forget, Murdoch is NOT a fan of Trump. He made his peace with Trump but he's probably enjoying all of this, at our expense, of course.

Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 03/06/17 01:26 AM
Preliminary reports say that Trump booted Bannon and Priebus off Air Force One before heading down one more time to Mar-A-Lago.


As President Trump was in the air aboard Marine One headed for Air Force One on the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews, a last-minute phone call was made from the West Wing to the team on board the president’s plane with a directive to remove Priebus and Bannon from the manifest, sources said. They would not be coming to the Sunshine State.
Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 03/06/17 03:21 AM
Here is a timely update suggesting that we should be prepared for a Hail Mary play tomorrow, in a desperate attempt to distract/derail/deturd the Russian Investigation. You can smell their fear! I am hoping that it is the right time to resurrect that old and beloved thread, based on Bill Maher's memorial to the fallen, yes, Farewell to Douchebags1 I got a little list, and they'll none of them be missed.
Note the list of players:Priebus, Bannon, White House counsel Don McGahn, and Sessions among others. Sessions is particularly notable because he wasn’t scheduled to make the trip but was added to the roster at the last minute, and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly who will likely be in charge of implementing the plan that will be known as: la Noche de Cristal.

Beware of cornered narcissists with power! Nothing is more dangerous!!

Donald Trump panics over Russia: Jeff Sessions, Priebus, Bannon all huddled at Mar-a-Lago
Just hours after Donald Trump tried to create his most absurd distraction from the Russia scandal to date by falsely insisting that President Obama had been spying on him, it turns out Trump’s entire team is now in panic mode. In fact Trump’s entire senior team is huddled at his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida as we speak, as they to figure out what their Russia endgame might be.

The Donald Trump advisers huddled at Mar-a-Lago today include White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon, White House counsel Don McGahn, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions among others. Sessions is particularly notable because he wasn’t scheduled to make the trip but was added to the roster at the last minute. But at this late stage in the Russia scandal, what options do the Trump team even have left? None of them are good.

One option is for Jeff Sessions to resign, in a last ditch attempt at staving off the Russia scandal. Dana Boente, seemingly now a Trump loyalist despite having been originally appointed by Obama, would then presumably become acting Attorney General, giving him control over the Trump-Russia investigation. But even sacrificing Sessions seems unlikely to stave off the heat for long. Sacrificing Michael Flynn last month did little to stop the bleeding.

Another option is for Donald Trump to launch a controversial major new initiative on Monday, in the hope of creating a distraction from Russia. That may explain why Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly is also at Mar-a-Lago right now, as any expansion of Trump’s anti-immigrant bender would go through DHS. But even such a stunt might only take the heat off Russia for a day or two.

As it is, Donald Trump is already so cornered that he’s now falsely accusing President Obama of wiretapping him on a “Nixon/Watergate” level. That’s an absurd and desperate last stab at trying to survive a scandal which Trump seems to be figuring out he can’t survive.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/06/17 04:44 AM

Originally Posted by pdx rick
So Mark Levin goes on Fox and Friends Sunday and says there is "overwhelming evidence" that BAMZ!!! spied on Trump at Trump Towers:


[Linked Image from]
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/06/17 05:03 AM
Donald Trump is already so cornered that he’s now falsely accusing President Obama of wiretapping him on a “Nixon/Watergate” level. That’s an absurd and desperate last stab at trying to survive a scandal which Trump seems to be figuring out he can’t survive.


Fvck that mother fvcker!

Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/06/17 08:49 AM
[Linked Image from]
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/06/17 09:36 AM

So this gal named 'Becca wrote this little diddy on her blog:

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, well-placed Russians started stealing many billions of dollars worth of Russia’s assets, from its natural resources to its hard cash. Looking for places to park their money, a whole lot of them decided on condos in Trump Tower, buying like 10 each for made up amounts of money, because who can determine what real estate is “really” worth?

His personal attorney, Michael Cohen, owns an ethanol company in the Ukraine.

He partnered for years with a convicted felon (a dude who stabbed another dude in the face with the broken stem of a margarita glass!) who was mobbed up DEEP in both Russia and Little Italy — and then, once Russian investments had saved him from bankruptcy (again), said he barely knew him.

And his entire cabinet, with the possible exception of Ben Carson, has bizarre ties to Russian banks (new Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, for instance, was until two days ago (FR MAR 3rd 2017) the vice-chair of the Bank of Cyprus, which launders Russian money) and Russian oil companies. Jeff Sessions was hosting dinner for and having white papers written for him by a fellow named Richard Burt, who was lobbying for Gazprom and sits on the board of … Alfa Bank.

Even Betsy DeVos, that nice dumb lady ready to dismantle public education in the US, has weird ties to Alpha Bank (though that one seems thin!) — AND the rogue elements in the FBI who were leaking to her brother, Erik Prince (yes, of Blackwater), that Anthony Weiner was going to be arrested before the election, right before Anthony Weiner’s computer got turned over to the FBI.

That's some really good dirt, 'Becca!! cool
Posted By: Golem Re: Trump and Russia - 03/07/17 05:14 PM
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Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 03/07/17 05:41 PM
Speaking about precious bodily fluids, this I think is the origin of that phrase used in this context!

And here is the original so-called "Money Shot" rolleyes
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 03/07/17 07:07 PM

FORBES:Trump's Wiretap Tweets Raise Risk of Impeachment

This is a defining moment, perhaps THE defining moment.
No, I don't mean Trump's idiotic tweets, I mean the idea, the notion, that this nation seems to be prepared to IGNORE the salient points put forth by Noah Feldman, to wit:

"In a rule of law society, government allegations of criminal activity must be followed by proof and prosecution. If not, the government is ruling by innuendo.
Shadowy dictatorships can do that because there is no need for proof. Democracies can’t."

What Noah Feldman says demands another question:
Is the United States of America still a nation of laws or have we now become a nation of men instead.

The points made here raise, perhaps for the final time, whether America is a nation of laws or a nation of men.
If America has now proven to be the latter, then there is nothing left worth saving.

And so far, I do not SEE ONE DAMN THING that supports the argument that we are still a nation of laws.
So don't take the easy way out and just accuse me of being Debbie Downer, or buying into hopelessness.
At the very worst, I am operating on a surplus of caution, preparing for the worst while still hoping for the best.
And for me, that concept of "best" merely consists of a revised definition of what America really is.

(I would define Pennsylvania as being red at this time, not blue.)

[Linked Image from]

I COULD choose to just cut out Canada and call Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, California, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota and Illinois "America" and call the rest "Trumplandia" like it shows on my map.

Or I could include Canada in the hopes that Canada might be interested in acquiring some 130 to 140 million new hardworking taxpayers and a helluva lot of natural resources and high tech capabilities.

Either of those are extremely hopeful positions, the former being much more "apple pie American", the latter being a pragmatic and more economically responsible approach to future prosperity.

But the one thing I do KNOW in my heart and soul, is that it's a fact that Trumplandia WILL NEVER EVER make peace with the above parts of the country. They haven't in the 160 years since the Civil War. It's never going to happen.
I love all my dear friends who live down there but I see them as wonderful people who live in a foreign country.
I respect their decision to live there.
I tried my best to BE one of those people for thirteen years and it wasn't enough to measure up to the values that are held dear by a majority of people down there. I was still a Yankee as far as most people were concerned.
Thus, I was still, even after thirteen years, a foreigner.
I've just come to the conclusion that maybe those people were right.

I am no longer interested in trying to save some idiots in Kentucky who are determined to re-segregate schools,
(KY House Bill 151) or save health care for people who voted for the man who is determined to take it away from them, or fight to save a river two thousand miles from my home which had just cleaned up it's oil spills just in time for a law to be passed that allows the same companies to spill even more oil into it all over again, or try to stop a war that apparently GOD TOLD some wealthy men they had every right to start, or hold back gerrymandering which is bound to become enshrined in a state constitution should two more Republican legislators win their seats in the next three weeks, or fight to save overtime in a state that had already taken it from me ten years ago anyway.
We can get rid of Trump. We could get rid of FORTY Trumps.
Oh gee, forty down and forty million left to go?

That is the country they WANT.
I'm saving my humanity for protecting my family, my friends and my loved ones.

It's not that I suddenly hate my country.
I loved America. That country doesn't exist anymore except for a few small pockets with a giant cesspool in the middle.
It's just gone, plain and simple.

Maybe a new America will rise from the ashes, but probably not in my lifetime. Maybe, with a little luck, in my kids lifetimes.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 03/07/17 07:17 PM
call the rest "Trumplandia"

It already has a well-established name: Dumbf**kistan

These maps have been around for years.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/07/17 07:27 PM

I could live with this new map. I have more in common with the folks in blue on this map, than I do with the red middle.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 03/07/17 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
call the rest "Trumplandia"

It already has a well-established name: Dumbf**kistan

These maps have been around for years.

Yeah, and sometimes they get revised a wee bit.
And this time, it is starting to look like this map is in earnest.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/08/17 10:10 AM

...and we should be a wall along our eastern and southern borders keeping those nasty red-state deplorables out.


Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 03/08/17 03:03 PM
Vote data 2016
Projections from the United States Elections Project show that there were 231,556,622 Americans eligible to vote, but 138,884,643 voted. That means that 40 percent didn’t vote, while 60 percent did. The voter turnout will likely increase as the popular vote continues to be counted.

Voting Eligible Population Ballots: 138,884,643 (60 percent)
Voter Eligible Population That Didn’t Vote: 92,671,979 (40 percent
Voter Eligible Population Total: 231,556,622
It might be fun to divide the U.S. up into red states and blue states based on which went for whom (the map is somewhat inaccurate, btw - I know that NM went blue), but remember that in all of them there are many voters of both hues.

When I was a yoot up in Idaho, it was a SOLIDLY blue state based on large numbers of blue collar workers (timber, mining, farming). I vaguely remember the reddening of the mountain bluebird state as outside money from energy corporations (mainly Texas based) poured in to back Republican candidates, buying their votes on national big energy issues - I also remember an influx of wealthy 1st world Californians seeking seclusion and refuge in 3rd world Idaho. (One could be middle-class in CA, but rich in ID on the same money). With all the money came waves of gooey propaganda that gradually converted the blue collar workers from hating the oligarchs to hating liberals and environmentalists who were trying to protect what was left of the now heavily logged, mined, industrially farmed, and pigshit polluted landscape. The propagandists spun that effort to protect the environment into an assault on jobs. Voila! Idaho became a red state. The jobs went away anyhow, because of mechanization, depletion, and economics; but the New World View, created by corporate spin, continues to dominate in many peoples' minds.

You all know how Trump is crazy, right? He's delusional, narcissistic, self-absorbed, all too ready to believe rumors and innuendo - these are also the qualities that make people vulnerable to unethical salesmen. We all suffer from these frailties, to varying degrees. It's my opinion that the right wing suffers from them more, both in politicians who take advantage of voters' gullibility, and the gullibility of voters. But on the flip side, this human condition also makes it extremely difficult for top quality politicians (there are a few, and many more who would like to be) to advance truly good ideas (note the pragmatic resistance to Bernie Sanders displayed here at RR during the primaries).

Back to the voter numbers and the map... Trump was elected with quite a small number of votes. Some big fat guesses are that more than half of his votes came from gullible folks (see the Idaho story above) who suckered more for his sales pitch than for Clinton's. Some portion of his votes were from people who have a shallow ideological notion that they would prosper more with a Trump administration (in various way; money, racial dominance, religious dominance, power, etc.).

The potential vote number for the "liberal" way were huge, but the sales pitch neither turned out the apathetic, nor stimulated the dutiful. The undecideds who didn't vote (40% of all eligible voters) and half of Trump's voters (25% of eligible votes) equals 52% of the eligible vote that could have gone Left that didn't, if the Left only had a pitch that hooked people. Add to that the 27% that she did get (79%) and you can see that the nation is not that red!

Why is it so hard, then? Partly, it is because the Left is generally not comfortable with the snake-oil "alternative facts", propaganda, fear-mongering, and hyperbole that the Trumpests are so good at. This is not a character flaw, but it is a competitive disadvantage when the average human condition is one of mental laziness and gullibility.

The solution? Frankly, I don't know. It is not a natural thing for ethical people to toss ethics aside in order to "win", no matter how pragmatic the reason. But, as the Logtroll is fond of saying, "You can't solve a problem until you understand what the problem is..."
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 03/08/17 03:28 PM
I am a little disappointed as I was hoping you would say you have a solution looking for a problem.

I know it is not politically correct to mention such things but something stands out to me. Whether there is any real basis for this observation, I don't know, and I don't know if it makes any difference.

It struck me that a number of conservatives are 2nd or 3rd generation descendants of immigrants. What do the interlopers know about America and our democratic traditions? Maybe Americans have forgotten what it means to be American. Does the Tocquevillian notion of American exceptionalism even apply in a modern world?

Education is the key. "An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people." (paraphrase of Pres Jefferson). We have fallen into two broad camps of the educated and the ignorant, of fear and hopeful optimism. The specter of fascism has reared its head only because fear and ignorance are tolerated, endorsed and elevated to a virtue.

I do not care what ones conclusions are, but they must be immersed in logical, objective thought based on facts. We have entered a critical inflection zone in which a continuation down this path will guarantee the dissolution of democracy in America. Will we have real patriots willing to fight against this tyranny or will Americans quietly acquiesce to the wishes of a dictator?

Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 03/08/17 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by rporter314
Education is the key. ...
Will we have real patriots willing to fight against this tyranny or will Americans quietly acquiesce to the wishes of a dictator?
I have these questions:

What does this education look like, and how is it accomplished?

What does the fighting look like?

I am all for good general education, and better educated people statistically seem to be more rational thinkers. But how do we get representatives who will work for better general education? There needs to be a successful sales pitch (another form of education) developed for this that will get the positive attention of the zombie voters.

I am ambivalent about the "fighting" angle. My assessment is the the Rightie activists are better fighters, because they are unethical. It appears that having vastly greater numbers of protesters is an effective optic, but the violent factions need to be suppressed. The most effective turnout strategy is to vote, as the title fight is the election.

One essential item needed for a top sales pitch is to have it delivered by a top salesman. Hillary was not a top salesman, though I observed that she was getting better at it. But learning to be a top salesman is no substitute for charisma. Especially in today's pervasive visual media world.

For some reason, conservatives don't seem to need as much charisma. Neither Bushes had much - Gore and Kerry were total duds. I would not have said that Trump has much, but I think he has plenty with some kinds of people - it's "negative" charisma. Carter was low on it, Reagan very high, Bill Clinton very high, and Obama very high (but sporadic). I suggest that charisma be the top characteristic of the next liberal candidate.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 03/08/17 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by logtroll
Vote data 2016
Projections from the United States Elections Project show that there were 231,556,622 Americans eligible to vote, but 138,884,643 voted. That means that 40 percent didn’t vote, while 60 percent did. The voter turnout will likely increase as the popular vote continues to be counted.

Voting Eligible Population Ballots: 138,884,643 (60 percent)
Voter Eligible Population That Didn’t Vote: 92,671,979 (40 percent
Voter Eligible Population Total: 231,556,622
It might be fun to divide the U.S. up into red states and blue states based on which went for whom (the map is somewhat inaccurate, btw - I know that NM went blue), but remember that in all of them there are many voters of both hues.

That said, it's easy to figure out what the majority is in a lot of them. New Mexico might be starting to turn purple but the GOP still runs most of the city and county government, and there is still enough of a Right Wing majority to keep them in there.

In the end, this is still a football game, whether we want it to be or not, so in the end, either the Blue Team wins or the Red Team wins. From a football perspective, the map is still somewhat accurate despite all the growing trends.
One thing is clear though. Civil war of some kind is an inevitability because you can get rid of a THOUSAND Trumps but you will still be stuck with all those people who would rather stick needles in their eye than not vote Republican, and the Republicans know this.
They know this because their chief skill lies in targeted messaging and proper investment in focused messaging tools.
They have spent literally billions and when someone spends billions, it's a good bet that at least SOME results are expected.
The result that the GOP expects is quite simply "the dismantling of the administrative state."
I can only think of maybe five Republicans who are willing to voice objections over a statement like that, thus their silence on Bannon's signature line of agitprop equals consent.
The phrase is a highly polished way of saying something much more despicable: the dismantling of liberal democracy in favor of corporate authoritarian theocracy along white supremacist lines and built on a foundation of purist libertarian anarcho-capitalist economics.
They also have spent billions on dismantling education, so that the kind of talk Bannon uses isn't subjected to critical thinking.
That is an INSURANCE policy, and a very long lasting one at that.
It's generational in scope.

I am not a betting man but I will place a bet on a breakup of this country that vaguely resembles the breakup of the USSR some time in the next ten to twenty years, and some sort of resulting internal war type reaction.

And I'd say it's a safe bet that the breakup is probably going to happen along lines vaguely similar to that map, give or take a couple of states here or there.
Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 03/08/17 05:32 PM
NM is still pretty blue. The dems in the state are plagued with the same problem recently of gubernatorial candidates with low charisma running for office. Our single R Congressman comes from a part of the state that is essentially Texas oil country. The state lege is all blue by pretty solid margins.

Registered voters: 46% D; 31% R

NM political demographics
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/08/17 06:48 PM

Us blue-staters took a vote - we don't want New Mexico. Bye Felicias. smile
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 03/08/17 07:32 PM
I don't know about that, Rick.
But the problem is, no way is a land bridge going to be built between NM and the three West Coast states, so New Mexico will still be a slightly blue island in the middle of a red war zone anyway.

Maybe New Mexico and Colorado could try pairing their fortunes together.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 03/09/17 10:30 AM
Want charisma, celebrity, glamour?

Run George Clooney. Yes, he's a progressive Democrat. And VERY popular.
Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 03/09/17 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Want charisma, celebrity, glamour?

Run George Clooney. Yes, he's a progressive Democrat. And VERY popular.
Spot on, mate! And his partner is even more spectacular.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 03/09/17 04:19 PM
What does this education look like, and how is it accomplished?
first let it be noted that based on sociological studies many people are fixed in youth as being either conservative or liberal. On top of that there is a group who possess an irrational fear of government in particular and change in general. Can not address the irrational

I also believe for the most part people can learn the basics of clear logical thought based on facts. This is critical for education. It is a long term project as one must learn what facts are and how to process them.

What does the fighting look like?
I look around the world and see varying degrees of violence related to changes in government. America was founded in a revolution. Turkey experienced an attempted coup. Hungary revolted from Russian rule. Any number of countries are in civil war.

In the west we have a long tradition of orderly non-violent transfer of power. It makes sense. Suppose a president assumes some degree of authoritarian power (unitary executive) which borders on the collapse of democracy. Would Americans be sheep and allow the water boarding to begin? Would we allow government to deport Muslims?

I know these are extreme examples but the current occupant of the WH has surrounded himself with people who are purveyors of bigotry and a revolutionary approach to deconstruct government. The one redeeming feature of dictatorship is the ease with which everything can be done without the encumbrances of government interference.

I just had to ask the question as apparently repubicans/conservatives are on board for anything.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 03/09/17 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Want charisma, celebrity, glamour?

Run George Clooney. Yes, he's a progressive Democrat. And VERY popular.

Heh heh heh...Republicans would start slitting their wrists if he decided to run. ROTFMOL
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/09/17 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Want charisma, celebrity, glamour?

Run George Clooney. Yes, he's a progressive Democrat. And VERY popular.
Oprah Winfrey is thinking about running too. We'd def get the black and women's vote. Hmm

Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
[Heh heh heh...Republicans would start slitting their wrists if he decided to run. ROTFMOL
They'd really be slitting their wrists if Oprah ran. laugh
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 03/10/17 02:10 AM
Oprah would be cool, but George has that White and Male thing going for him.

Plus far more celebrity than Trump and women LOVE him. They like and admire Oprah but very few of them have Oprah sex fantasies.

I'm just thinking that if people are dumb enough to vote for celebrities, might as well give them one who is sane and ethical. Of course, Trump is not the first: Think Ronnie and even Eisenhower.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/11/17 11:45 PM

Turns out that Michael Flynn was a foreign agent while working for the Trump campaign, Mike Pence had to know this while he heading the transition team.

Trump was supposedly FOR SHOCKED that his former National Security Adviser Michael "Good Guy" Flynn was a foreign agent - at least that's what the White House said.

AP reports that the Trump transition team was indeed told before the inauguration — sometime between November 8 and January 20 — that Flynn would probably have to register as a traitor foreign agent if he wanted to be national security adviser. That comes from a “White House official and a person with direct knowledge of the discussions." Per the AP:

A White House official said Flynn’s personal lawyer contacted Trump transition attorneys before the inauguration about the possible filing as he was being considered for appointment as Trump’s national security adviser. The official said the transition team was not made aware of the filing’s details and Flynn’s related business dealings, and advised Flynn’s lawyer that it was a personal matter they would need to handle. The official was not authorized to discuss private conversations and spoke on condition of anonymity.

***Pffft*** Trump didn't know?!? I call bullsh!t. gobsmacked

Trump's White House can't even figure out how to lie about Flynn being a foreign agent. Sad. coffee

[Linked Image from]
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 03/12/17 09:52 PM
One thing to note: Flynn was a Turkish agent, not Russian. Turkey is in NATO, so technically not an enemy. So "traitor" may be a little far-fetched.
Posted By: matthew Re: Trump and Russia - 03/13/17 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by rporter314
In the west we have a long tradition of orderly non-violent transfer of power. It makes sense. Suppose a president assumes some degree of authoritarian power (unitary executive) which borders on the collapse of democracy. Would Americans be sheep and allow the water boarding to begin? Would we allow government to deport Muslims?
Certainly! They would stampede like sheep into dictatorship and martial law (or its equivalent).

All that is needed is for the Deep State to engineer a Reichstag Fire, or a 9/11 or other incident. Laws and Constitution would be trampled into dust by the mindless herd.

We've already seen it happen with the so-called "Patriot Act."
Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 03/17/17 03:49 PM
Dr Strangelove Updated

[Linked Image from]
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/19/17 04:55 PM

There is a website that lists, in esquisite detail with supporting links, 76 connections of Donald J Trump to Russia Oligarchy or Putin himself. It's really quite good.


Here are a few examples, minus links. If you want to read the details of the links, go the link provided above.

Trump's son in Law is Jared Kushner, the former owner of the Observer. The Observer received the DNC hacks from Guccifer 2.0 who is rumored to be a Russian agent.

Guccifer 2.0 and Roger Stone were apparently in contact up to 16 times during the 2016 campaign.

Jared Kushner’s parents are friends with Netanyahu. Netanyahu has forged an alliance with Putin.

His Chief Strategist is Steve Bannon. Bannon is the CEO of Breitbart, with the Mercer family having majority ownership. The Mercers, along with Bannon are heavily involved in Cambridge Analytica a data gathering firm. Cambridge Analytica’s parent company is SCL Group, which lists Dmitry Firtash as a board member. Breitbart and Bannon have extensive ties to the far right movement in Europe which is also funded by Putin.

His second campaign manager is Paul Manafort. He had to resign in August due to having questionable Russian ties like Dmitry Firtash and the former Ukrainian President. Manafort lives in Trump tower, along with Kellyanne Conway and her husband.

Mike McSherry, former Delegate strategist for the Trump campaign also lobbied for the same Ukrainian presidential candidate as Paul Manafort.

Rick Gates, Manaforts top aid also lobbied for Pro-Putin Ukrainian candidate.

Per Politico, Manafort met with Konstantin Kilimnikmultiple times during the campaign. The first time appears to be in April, maybe when Trump gave that speech? Kilimnik is thought to be part of Russian intelligence.

They worked Oleg Deripaska on investment funds in Ukraine. Firtash worked with Russian Mob Semion Moglivech boss to help Gazprom oversee Natural Gas distribution to Ukraine.

Trump advisor J.D. Gordon is claiming that he was the advisor who had the Ukraine language softened at the Republican National Convention, at the request of Donald Trump.

Kellyanne Conway’s husband has business dealings with the Russian government and deleted tweets about it once Conway was chosen. (Conway, Bannon, and the Mercers are part of the “Council on National Policy” a secretive far right think tank group.)

George Conway represented a firm that bribed the Russian government.

Trump sold his condo to Dmitry Rybolovev, whose private plane keeps showing up where Trump is. Rybolovev is a Russian billionaire with ties to Putin.

There is a Pro-Russian Think tank called the Center for the National Interest (CNI). CNI Board Member Henry Kissinger, former US Diplomat and current Putin confidante, has gotten close to Trump.

Kissinger suggested both Tillerson and KT McFarland to Trump.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/19/17 07:51 PM

Stop the presses:

Key Democratic Officials Now Warning Base Not to Expect Evidence of Trump/Russia Collusion
The Intercept

Key Democratic officials are clearly worried about the expectations that have been purposely stoked and are now trying to tamp them down. Many of them have tried to signal that the beliefs the base has been led to adopt have no basis in reason or evidence.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/19/17 07:53 PM

...and then there is this as well:

Russian bank tells DOJ mysterious Trump computer connections may have been hacker hoax

A Russian bank has reported to U.S. authorities that mysterious communications resumed recently between one of its computers and an email server tied to President Trump’s business empire, and it has developed evidence the new activity may be the work of a hacker trying to create a political hoax, Circa has learned.

Alfa Bank is asking the U.S. Justice Department for help solving the mystery and pledged its full cooperation.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/19/17 07:53 PM

Bummer. cry
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/19/17 08:59 PM
I'm not one who believes there would be a smoking gun. Remember, these are Russian professionals. Where evidence will connect Trump's minions and Russia are the amateurs, like Mike Flynn, Jared Kushner, or Donald Trump, Jr., who are not sophisticated enough to cover their tracks. Trump, of course, has the ability to stifle any serious investigation by not providing documents, serving up distractions and the support of moral-less sycophants in his administration and Congress.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/20/17 02:53 AM

I'm frustrated NW_P, I see a repeat of the Reagan/W years in our country's future. It sucks. Hmm
Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 03/20/17 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
I'm frustrated NW_P, I see a repeat of the Reagan/W years in our country's future. It sucks. Hmm

Maybe you are still blocking on the Bush years! Reagan, who would now be a pinko librul, only invaded Grenada. Bush and Cheney brought the world to catasstrophy that just keeps on giving.

Consider how you think the world would be now, if Gore had been president. Now try to conceive the long term damage inevitable after only a few years of Trump! I cant and dont want to even consider it! Butt, here we are!
I blame Karl Rove and FuxGnus!

Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/20/17 05:05 AM
Originally Posted by TatumAH
...Bush and Cheney brought the world to catasstrophy that just keeps on giving...
Well Cheney did. I never believed that George W was the affable dimwit that many said he was. I always thought it was a con, and that he really was dark, sinister, and soulless man.

Turns out that George W really IS an affable dimwit and it's Cheney (...and Libby) that re-wrote the Intel to get us into a unnecessary war of inconvenience, I learned after viewing the Frontline link above.

Originally Posted by TatumAH
Consider how you think the world would be now, if Gore had been president.
I actually have, many times. Which is why I don't believe there is a God - no way would a supposed superior and intelligent being allow the Republicans to ever control our government and our lives.

Pretty sure that our world would be a much better and safer place today, had Gore been President instead of W Bush.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/20/17 05:14 AM

I don't see Michelle Obama hugging Dick Cheney. Just sayin' Hmm

[Linked Image from]
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/21/17 08:08 AM

Interesting development:

FBI’s Russian-influence probe includes a look at far-right news sites

Operatives for Russia appear to have strategically timed the computercommands, known as "bots," to blitz social media with links to the pro-Trump stories at times when the billionaire businessman was on the defensive in his race against Democrat Hillary Clinton, these sources said.

The bots' end products were largely millions of Twitter and Facebook posts carrying links to stories on conservative internet sites such as Breitbart News and InfoWars, as well as on the Kremlin-backed RTNews and Sputnik News, the sources said. Some of the stories were false or mixed fact and fiction, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the bot attacks are part of an FBI-led investigation into a multifaceted Russian operation to influence last year's elections.

- McClatchy News
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 03/21/17 12:36 PM
"I'm not gonna sit here and say, 'I'm not a Russian stooge,' because it's a (expletive) lie."

Noting he had appeared on RT "probably 100 times or more," he said sarcastically, "There's my Russian connection." (Alex Jones)

---Guess what, dumbass: If you're on RT all the time, you ARE a Russian stooge.
RT is the mouthpiece of The Kremlin.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 03/21/17 08:12 PM
Well no, simply BEING on RT a lot may just mean you are in the news. They do want people to watch after all.

But if RT loves you, THEN you are at least a "fellow traveler". Trump may not have been in the direct employ of the Kremlin, but they certainly were headed in the same direction for a very long time and a lot of Russian money ended up in Trump's accounts because so many Russians bought real estate in Trump buildings. In all past decades since the 40's this is exactly the kind of thing the FBI would watch very closely.

I still suspect they have some video of Trump doing nasty stuff, because they try that with everybody of any importance who visits Russia. Maybe it's impact would not be significant since Trump has already bragged about his sexual misadventures with women and teens.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/22/17 03:03 AM
I became increasingly depressed, today, as it became increasingly obvious that Putin won our election. Recent reportage has showed conclusively that the Russian election disruption campaign was orchestrated to deliver, and successfully delivered, Trump the White House in order to disrupt our Democratic institutions, and weaken our position in the world.

No mistake, we are already at war - we just didn't know it. Trump was not legitimately elected, the Republican party colluded in giving that power to Putin, and it will take a MASSIVE effort of political will to right the ship. I doubt we're capable of mustering it.

I'm now curling up in the fetal position with my copy of a Russian-English dictionary to be able to communicate with our new overlords.
Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 03/22/17 04:29 AM
I know how you feel! Putin and his crew were mainly motivated by his hatred of Hillary Clinton, and intended to weaken her almost certain Presidency. This hatred was enthusiastically magnified, with exquisite timing, so that many American voters, already uneasy with her, were convinced that anything would be preferable. I saw otherwise sane humans expressing florid hatred for her, and was puzzled by it, but now it is clear brainwashing.

Putin and the boys are no doubt orgasmic, with elation that can only be compared to what Bin Laden felt as he saw on TV, expecting some annoying minor damage to Twin Towers, and seeing total collapse of both.

He may have also realized at that point: 1. Ooops I may have gone too far!
and 2. I am a dead man walking!

Putin has no similar second thoughts, and I doubt if he has anything to fear. This is what is so troubling, along with our realization that the constitution has nothing to remedy an illegitimate win. There is no do-over amendment, but there should be. Otherwise, the lesson learned by the GOP is that there is no downside to traitorous action, and will be bound to repeat it.

I have been considering the amendment and ratification process, and am also reaching for SSRIs. I predict there will never be another ratified amendment or at least not one acceptable to Democrats. Two thirds of House and Senate, and two thirds of state legislatures. Unless, of course in our worst dreams the GOP could repeal the Twenty-Second Amendment.

Tat mad
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/22/17 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
I became increasingly depressed, today, as it became increasingly obvious that Putin won our election. Recent reportage has showed conclusively that the Russian election disruption campaign was orchestrated to deliver, and successfully delivered, Trump the White House in order to disrupt our Democratic institutions, and weaken our position in the world.
CONservatives on other sites yammer that there is no evidence that votes were changed.

Because CONservatives so fail at nuance, I explain to them an election can be "hacked" by releasing emails for one side in order to paint that side in a bad light. - which is EXACTLY what happened.

No one ever claimed that votes were altered. Perception was altered.

v. hacked, hack·ing, hacks
a. To alter (a computer program): hacked her text editor to read HTML.
b. To gain access to (a computer file or network) illegally or without authorization.

Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 03/22/17 07:27 PM
Exactly what Comey said under oath.

In an influence campaign that the U.S. intelligence community in January said was ordered by Russian President Vladi­mir Putin, hackers working for Russian spy agencies penetrated the computers of the Democratic National Committee in 2015 and 2016, as well as the email accounts of Democratic officials. The material was relayed to WikiLeaks, the intelligence community reported, and the anti-secrecy group launched a series of damaging email releases that began just before the Democratic National Convention last summer and continued through the fall. The Russians’ goal was not only to undermine the legitimacy of the election process but also to harm Clinton’s campaign and boost Trump’s chances of winning, the intelligence community concluded.

“They’ll be back in 2020. They may be back in 2018,” Comey said. “One of the lessons they may draw from this is that they were successful, introducing chaos and discord” into the electoral process.

FBI Director Comey confirms probe of possible coordination between Kremlin and Trump campaign

This is not opinion or fake news. This is testimony under oath before Congress by the director of the FBI.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 03/22/17 10:25 PM
я только немного говорю по-русски

I may be able to stumble around a little, temporizing as I try to learn Mandarin ... I don;t know who he will sell out to first

You are correct, in that the effort to set this right will require a level of political will not seen since 1860 and it is made even more difficult with the deep political divide.

The seemingly prescient dystopian novels from the 50's and 60's may have come true.

Hold Fast
Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 03/22/17 10:45 PM
Я только немного говорю по-русски??
Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 03/22/17 10:47 PM
You need to ask Phil for a decoder ring...
Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 03/22/17 10:49 PM
My orphan Annie decoder ring asks: Do you speak Tiger?
Tiger Translate
Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 03/23/17 12:59 AM
Well wasn't today fun kids?

Nunes running interference - possibly leaking classified information, Schiff "more than circumstantial", Manaforts 2005 help Russia Manifesto, and CNNs potential coordination between trump campaign and hackers.

Also brietbart under investigation for Russian ties.

Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 03/23/17 01:02 AM
Ohh also Wall street journal editorial board hitting hard against trump for his, well speaking trumpian.

Is it my birthday or something?
Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 03/23/17 02:24 AM
No Birthday, but maybe a delayed St.Patty's day gift! Sorry, but we are out of gin.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/23/17 11:38 PM
It was only Monday (3 days ago) that Director Comey exploded Trump's wire tap lie....
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 03/24/17 01:40 AM
I really want to see the paranoid psychotic, Roger Stone, testifying about the "Deep State" and their plans to kill him.

Or what about the goofy Carter Page as he begins talking to himself.

Or Gen Flynn, the great American hero, consummate paranoid Islamophobe, testifying about the "Deep State" and why they got everything wrong about the 1.3B Muslims who are out to get everyone.

Or Manafort. Just a businessman innocently connected to Russian power circles.

Taken as a whole, I see a good movie in 2 years ... The Real Manchurians
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/25/17 09:08 AM

Oh my!! Trump's bff at The Enquirer, Michael Pecker, just threw Michael Flynn under the bus:

[Linked Image from]

Wonder what that is all about? Is Flynn gonna turn states evidence against the Orange Clown™...erm, President Trump - and Trump caught wind and this is his pre-emptive strike?!? Inquiring minds want to know! laugh
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 03/25/17 09:14 AM
The Enquirer is such a load of crap these days. Last week their cover story was about Obama's trial for wiretapping. Don't their readers ever wonder why nothing "reported" ever turns out to be true? I guess they take there modus operendi from Trump.

And Trump didn't catch Flynn, he hired him!
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/25/17 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
...And Trump didn't catch Flynn, he hired him!
Details, details, to the Trump faithful. coffee
Posted By: Ujest Shurly Re: Trump and Russia - 03/25/17 03:29 PM
The beginnings of another Joe McCarthy episode. How many day till impeachment?

The current administration has all the earmarks of a failed Presidency and not even a hundred days yet LOL
Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 03/28/17 12:15 AM
Report: judge-granted FISA warrant defined Donald Trump as a Russian agent of influence
Report: judge-granted FISA warrant defined Donald Trump as a Russian agent of influence

Now that Congressman Devin Nunes has announced on live television this week that someone in the White House is under surveillance, and now that Boris Epshteyn has abruptly resigned from the White House in the fallout from it, Mensch is confirming that Epshteyn was one of the four people named in the warrant. But it’s one of the other three names that sets off the biggest alarms.

In addition to Boris Epshteyn, the other three people in the Trump campaign who were named in the FISA warrant were Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and Donald Trump himself. For these four men to have been named in the FISA warrant granted by the judge, they would need to have been considered Russian agents, or Russian agents of influence.

Four and a half months ago, former British Parliament member and current political journalist Louise Mensch reported that she had an inside source confirming a FISA eavesdropping warrant which covered the Donald Trump’s campaign ties to Russia. It was met with skepticism by some at the time, but events have since unfolded to vindicate her original reporting and sourcing. Now Mensch is finally able to reveal the four Trump campaign people covered in the warrant – and Donald Trump himself is one of them.

As Mensch reported at the time, a judge issued the warrant against two Russian banks for alleged money laundering, not against any individual people – but four people from the Trump campaign were named within that warrant (source: Heat Street). Now that Congressman Devin Nunes has announced on live television this week that someone in the White House is under surveillance, and now that Boris Epshteyn has abruptly resigned from the White House in the fallout from it, Mensch is confirming that Epshteyn was one of the four people named in the warrant. But it’s one of the other three names that sets off the biggest alarms.

In addition to Boris Epshteyn, the other three people in the Trump campaign who were named in the FISA warrant were Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and Donald Trump himself. For these four men to have been named in the FISA warrant granted by the judge, they would need to have been considered Russian agents, or Russian agents of influence.

In other words, back in October, a federal judge concluded that the FBI had sufficient evidence that Donald Trump was a (witting or unwitting) “agent of influence” of the Russian government with regard to Russian money laundering.
Posted By: Spag-hetti Re: Trump and Russia - 03/28/17 06:16 PM
America and Russia have one thing in common -- a lot of people in the streets protesting. I suppose Trump is watching the goings on in Russia, looking for tips on how a real leader handles protesters.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 03/28/17 10:12 PM
Nunes 3 stooges attempt at stonewalling continues. I wont be suprised in the slightest if he shows up on TV with the remains of a custard pie on his face.

WaPo playing a blinder:

WaPo: WH tries to muzzle Sally Yates
WH: We would love sally to testify
WaPO: erm heres the letters you sent trying to stop her


House meetings cancelled, Yates apparently to testify in Senate Ctte.

1st republican comes out demanding Nunes recuse himself... Jared linked to Shady Russian Banks. Things are getting hotter and faster! I got blueballed for 6 years with Bush (Phrasing). Please dont let it happen again.

This on top of the wet fish slap in the face of trumpcare last week.

As the bottom feeders in 4 chan would say: TOP KEK.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 03/28/17 10:14 PM

[Linked Image from]

Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/28/17 11:22 PM
My initial impression was that the Russian thing was overblown. I no longer think so. The desperation with which the Trump administration is trying to prevent the investigation indicates SOMETHING is going on, and it doesn't look good.
Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 03/29/17 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
... and it doesn't look good.
Or does it? coffee
Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 03/29/17 11:42 PM
20 witnesses to testify in front of the Senate intel Ctte. 5 tomorrow publicly.

I'm 50/50 on whether the stonewalling will continue in the Senate.
Posted By: Irked Re: Trump and Russia - 03/30/17 02:26 AM
If the stonewalling don't continue, the Boss will know who needs to be shown the door. And that right quick.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 03/30/17 05:03 PM
1st session of Senate Intel Ctte hearing

hoo boy

Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/30/17 05:04 PM
Here’s what we’ve learned from the Senate hearing on Russia so far -WaPo.

The Senate Intelligence Committee wants to avoid the partisanship we've seen in the House intelligence committee.

Russia has a history of meddling in other countries' affairs.

Some Russian interference techniques are easier to spot than others.

This isn’t just about the U.S. and Russia.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/30/17 09:35 PM
This may be the final nail for Nunes: White House aides shared intelligence files with Nunes. At least three or four news outlets have now reported this, including this link from FOX.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 03/30/17 10:14 PM
sooo .... going back to Spicer's question, why would the WH release the reports to Rep Nunes so Nunes could report them to the WH?

Is it the Keystone Kops or a highly sophiscated [sic] intelligence apparat?
Posted By: Greger Re: Trump and Russia - 03/30/17 10:35 PM
Keystone Cops.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 03/30/17 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by rporter314
sooo .... going back to Spicer's question, why would the WH release the reports to Rep Nunes so Nunes could report them to the WH?

Is it the Keystone Kops or a highly sophiscated [sic] intelligence apparat?

It seems to be a physical manifestation of the Gish Gallop
Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 03/30/17 10:44 PM
Part 2 of the hearing a lot more technical detail on the how. Not as explosive as part 1.

If only Ma_Russian were here to provide some much needed discussion.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 03/30/17 10:45 PM
Flynn offers to testify on Russia ties in exchange for immunity: report

Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 03/31/17 12:05 AM
so .... would one say Hannity's Litany of Lies is a Gish Gallop or is alliteration a little too much
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 03/31/17 12:15 AM
I have not read the article and will probably wait a while to check the developer solution.

Has Gen Flynn's attorney advised Flynn he may have committed crimes? Does he have something to offer? Maybe the story of Gulen's rendition was true? Are even more people implicated? Turkey is a non-Russian actor. Did Rep Nunes see some incidental collection of conversations with Turkish folks which implicate the WH?

I was going to write a political thriller but my fiction was too tame.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 03/31/17 12:43 PM
Rumour has it that the FBI has refused the offer!
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 03/31/17 01:03 PM
Would not that mean the FBI has everything Gen Flynn has to offer?
Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 03/31/17 03:50 PM
Is it time for Nunes to be firmly planted into the Douchebadg slot, or do we need a poll with a 2/3 majority. With things moving so fast I forgot to confirm the Ryan care bill here after opening the douchebag file on 3/17.

Many jobs and positions that require special skills have various certification needed as prerequisites, though there are often grandfather clauses allowing proven job experiences to take the place of actual certifications. This WH crew and many Representative failed to take :Coverup 101! Nunez never learned this on the job, as the GOP did nothing during the Obama years, so cover up skills were never finely honed, or became atrophic through disuse.

Repeating Benghazi or Emails makes cerebral neuron shrink like Jerky.


#299657 - 03/17/17 02:01 AM Re: A Farewell to Douchebags 2006

I am warming up this thread so that the RyanCare bill will feel comfy when it arrives soon. Susan Collins just denounced the bill publicly, 10 teaparty types, think it's to liberal, and Corker told the house that they could kiss their assets goodbye, if the send it to the Senate. Not to mention, but I will that Chris Matthews just coined a new name for spicer. He called him the new Baghdad Bob!

Greger was right, that this is getting amusing/entertaining!

#299930 - 03/24/17 09:52 AM Re: A Farewell to Douchebags 2006
I'm making a reservation here for Davin Nunes who has doomed his own chairmanship of the Oxymoronic so-called House of Reprehensibles "INTELLIGENCE" committee. He blundered so badly and publicly that many are asking how did this (need a term to describe this), (moron will have to serve as a working handle till consensus is achieved), end up as chairman of a previously important committee?
#299657 - 03/17/17 02:01 AM Re: A Farewell to Douchebags 2006

I am warming up this thread so that the RyanCare bill will feel comfy when it arrives soon. Susan Collins just denounced the bill publicly, 10 teaparty types, think it's to liberal, and Corker told the house that they could kiss their assets goodbye, if the send it to the Senate. Not to mention, but I will that Chris Matthews just coined a new name for spicer. He called him the new Baghdad Bob!

Greger was right, that this is getting amusing/entertaining!

#299930 - 03/24/17 09:52 AM Re: A Farewell to Douchebags 2006
I'm making a reservation here for Davin Nunes who has doomed his own chairmanship of the Oxymoronic so-called House of Reprehensibles "INTELLIGENCE" committee. He blundered so badly and publicly that many are asking how did this (need a term to describe this), (moron will have to serve as a working handle till consensus is achieved), end up as chairman of a previously important committee?
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/31/17 03:55 PM
Here's the thing about Flynn's offer and demand: he's the biggest fish so far. Remember Oliver North? He got transactional immunity, lied anyway, and his convictions were eventually thrown out even though that testimony was not used against him. The FBI doesn't want to go through that again.

Trump's morning tweet, however, may be a signal to his toady Nunes to make the offer even though no one else would. He could be doing what George HW Bush did with Cap Weinberger - he pardoned him so that he could never testify against Bush for his role in Iran-contra. Notorious Presidential Pardons - TIME. Prosecutors were livid.

We don't need Flynn's testimony. We're more likely to be convicting him. This is getting deep and ugly, fast.

Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 03/31/17 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by rporter314
I have not read the article and will probably wait a while to check the developer solution.

I was going to write a political thriller but my fiction was too tame.

Developer solution is useless, if fixative solution is used first. No silver emulsion, no image, latent or otherwise.

Darkroom skills like dodging and burning have become political terms. I was ready to release my get rich darkroom invention, the darkroom light clapper, when digital killed the darkroom market forever.

Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 03/31/17 10:03 PM
Do we have any facts to "fix"????

So far we have Gen Flynn had connections to Russians of unknown legality and he wants immunity of some kind. We can speculate using some of the new degrees of separation flow charts connecting a wide variety of Trump associates with Russians of varying kinds and we can add an intriguing story about illegal rendition.

NWP:: of course the Contra story is always on my mind. Why would anyone believe Gen Flynn would not lie or has already made a deal with Mr Trump. This is a kin to reporters who continue to say surveillance could not have been done because someone had to have a warrant .... unless of course it was illegal surveillance which they never mention.

This machine has so many moving parts Rube Goldberg would be proud
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 03/31/17 11:50 PM
I don't see why this is such a big deal. If they have probable cause they get a warrant. If they have a warrant then they investigate. This is what the FBI and other law enforcement agencies are supposed to do! It is not partisan and it's not even political. If Donald Trump was doing something illegal they are supposed to catch him, even if he's running for President.

Some of his "accusations" just make him seem more guilty. Not to mention the botched Nunes fiasco. It's sort like watching The Three Stooges trying to cover up a pie-theft.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 04/01/17 01:52 AM
What is in the public domain so far:

Senate Intel Ctte detailed the Russian interference in the US election. Watch the hearing if you haven't. its illuminating about the methodology. A fake news infrastructure was built up. That infrastructure was merged with hack and release of info. A concerted info warfare attack was made favouring one candidate....Trump.

FBI Director Comey confirmed that there is an ongoing investigation into the trump campaigns links to Russian operatives. Flynn, Manafort, Page and Stone are the key figures so far ( not yet named formally).

Trumps campaign/administration has been favourable towards the russian government, going so far as to tone down the GOP platform in August. This would appearto be a quid pro quo. It could just be an expression of foreign policy softening, another "reset"

Those are the known facts. At the moment we are reading the behaviour of the trump administration in that context. The kind interpretation is that a bunch of amateurs is attempting to minimise any political damage from the optics of wrong doing (where no wrong doing took place) giving the appearance of guilt.

The kind interpretation is that The Donald is an aloof administrator who is focused on results rather than details, persuaded by strong personalities competing within his team rather than reasoned deliberation. Style and appearance over substance.

Even if I were that kind, this is the president of the united states under discussion. Even if that kind interpretation were true the buck stops with him. There are no training wheels for a presidency.

On a slightly different note, i actually felt sorry for the man today. see for yourself

Posted By: Greger Re: Trump and Russia - 04/01/17 03:41 AM
i actually felt sorry for the man today.
Not me...they had to make sh!t up about Obama. This guy manages to create gaffs and screwups for every news cycle.
Posted By: Greger Re: Trump and Russia - 04/01/17 03:58 AM
The kind interpretation is that The Donald is an aloof administrator
The kind interpretation would be that he is an administrator at all. there's your aloof administrator.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 04/01/17 04:24 AM
Actually, I'm not all that unhappy about Ivanka and her husband taking on so much. Donald can just go play golf and hang out in Florida, and our first woman President will be Ivanka. She's got to be more competent than her dad. At least she's not hitting the senility deadline.

Oops, forgot about President Nancy Reagan after the shooting. It's great to have family you can depend on when it just starts to get away from you.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 04/01/17 03:14 PM
Admittedly, I have mixed feelings about Ivanka and Jared. They are widely seen as moderating influences on Donald. The problem, of course, is motivation. Although I tend to defend the patriotic impulses of government officials, I see little evidence of that in Trump world.
Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 04/01/17 03:40 PM
Not to mention that they do not appear to have much in the way of relevant qualifications, experience or skills.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 04/01/17 05:51 PM
Well, I have said that any jerk off the street could do a better job than Donald Trump. Ivanka meets that qualification. She also graduated cum laude with a bachelor's degree in economics in 2004 from Wharton. So she has the capability to learn the job. Maybe the temperament?

Certainly things that Donald does not have. Probably better qualified than some US Presidents.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 04/01/17 06:21 PM
Good God, is the bar really that low?!
Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 04/01/17 07:51 PM
Obviously, it is lower than that. Maybe in negative territory.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 01:54 AM
It's a misnomer to refer to what the Russians did as "hacking" because they actually did very little computer hacking compared to their MAIN efforts.
Their main efforts were not directed at computers, they were directed at the American people in the form of psyops and psychological warfare.
Computers did not get hacked so much as the ability of the American people to think critically and act upon reliable and accurate information.
The Russian Act of War was an INFORMATION WAR.
And the man sitting in the Oval Office right now was part of a plan AGREED UPON by our own Republican Party in concert WITH the Russians.
This is the problem, not a few errant cyber-attacks on some servers.
Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 03:15 AM
Gen Michael Hayden was on Real Time Bill Maher last night, and he made an excellent point. The Russian Intel crew know American culture better than most Americans. They knew the hot button wedge issues, lying Hillary, anti-Obamacare ignoranuses, downwardly mobile working class white, etc, and played their disinformation perfuctly. But it wouldn't have worked without those inherent weaknesses of the low info voters. It is hard to protect ourselves from the effects of the truly ignorant, and proud of it, voters. We collectively deserve it, as somehow we let Rove, Rush et al immunize the population against intellectual arguments. "Yur not goin to fool me with one of them intellectual arguments, I know better than to listen to logic! La la la la la la I cant hear you!!!

Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 06:37 AM
Originally Posted by TatumAH
Gen Michael Hayden was on Real Time Bill Maher last night, and he made an excellent point. The Russian Intel crew know American culture better than most Americans. They knew the hot button wedge issues, lying Hillary, anti-Obamacare ignoranuses, downwardly mobile working class white, etc, and played their disinformation perfuctly. But it wouldn't have worked without those inherent weaknesses of the low info voters. It is hard to protect ourselves from the effects of the truly ignorant, and proud of it, voters. We collectively deserve it, as somehow we let Rove, Rush et al immunize the population against intellectual arguments. "Yur not goin to fool me with one of them intellectual arguments, I know better than to listen to logic! La la la la la la I cant hear you!!!

Which is exactly why I advocated for political purity in this thread. Why should we constantly be banging our head against the wall because of them? Hmm

There would be plenty of disagreements amongst ourselves - without them putting their ignorant opinions in too. gobsmacked
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 06:40 AM
Inside every good scam is a tiny bit of truth. Actual hacks did supply some of those bits. So they could leak Podesta's emails when they were anti-Bernie and the Bernie Bros lapped it up. Not "some established Democrats prefer the establishment Democrat instead of the Socialist" but rather "THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED", so some Bernie Bros stayed home on election day.

Hillary was accused of killing Vince Foster though that was pure right-wing fantasy. So they posted thousands of stories about "Killer Hillary". Hillary and Bill had a charitable foundation, so they posted stories about Hillary's quid-pro-quos, with zero evidence that ever happened. On and on.

The funny thing is I could see it happening on Slate's and other comment sections. I called out the posters as Russian agents often, to no avail. Turns out, I was right. You can fix ignorance, but you can't fix stupidity. Trump voters are probably the very people getting phished and phone scammed by con-men posing as IRS agents.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 07:57 AM

This Trump-Russia thing is about money-landering and the 2016 election was simply a foothold to get the investigations going. I think that intelligence community knew about the money-laundering and found out in a not-so-Kosher way and is using the 2016 election as a ruse to connect Trump to Russian money laundering from those who ripped Russia off in the 90s.

They'll say: We started off looking at election-collusion, but look at what we found, instead, (and/or) we found this (money-laundering) in the investigation also too.

Everything I'm reading now-a-days is about Russian Oligarchs and Mobsters buying condos in various Trump Towers across the globe for WAY OVER asking price and Trump pocketing money for his efforts in helping hide the Russian assets.

Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 09:00 AM

Oh yeah...this is BIG. Trump WILL BE going to jail. Google Felix Sater and Felix Satter.

I was also correct in hypothesizing how the Intel Community came to knowledge in a not-so-Kosher way: This is a Whitey Bulger-type fvck up that the FBI did, big time. Interestingly enough, both Whitey Bulgar and this one with Felix Sater / Satter come about the same time periods in American history too - at least in the Felix Sater / Satter case it starts in 1983 with Trump Tower - whereas White Bulgar started in the '70s.

How the Intel community allowed Donald J Trump to be sworn in as president is beyond me.

There is without a doubt that EVERYTHING that is happening legislatively and even in confirmations needs to be placed on hold.

Our country is in a real mess right now.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Admittedly, I have mixed feelings about Ivanka and Jared. They are widely seen as moderating influences on Donald. The problem, of course, is motivation. Although I tend to defend the patriotic impulses of government officials, I see little evidence of that in Trump world.
Trump is following the footsteps of other dictators: Installing family members and creating a bubble at the expense of putting government employees in place who know that they are doing.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 10:49 AM
and every Trump supporter will say ... so what
Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by rporter314
and every Trump supporter will say ... so what

Which is exactly what the recent polls are showing. 90% of Trump voters are still supportive of him, in spite of hard evidence of all the goings on. These people are immunized from the truth and data, as is shown by their belief that their coal mining jobs will be back, and the hope of Trump saving their coal pensions from the big bad coal companies. Irrational hope has to be dashed, trashed, and immolated before thay will realize they have been played. Irrational hope is all they have left, except for opiates, that are even more effective on psychic pain than physical pain. Both will be difficult to escape from.

Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by TatumAH
Irrational hope is all they have left, except for opiates, that are even more effective on psychic pain than physical pain. Both will be difficult to escape from.
Sleepers... wake!!
Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 03:44 PM
Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 06:58 PM
There are some very heavy sleepers out there, contataed to just go baroque waiting for enlightenment.

Bach at the, better than, OK Chorale, the cornet and horn parts are straining the upper range of modern instruments. Many switch to antique piccolo cornets and short horns, though at that time valve horns were a thing of the future. Fortunately, I just got a new horn that has a key that takes it up to eleven, and can Handel the higher range.

Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 07:09 PM

From early February 2017:

[Linked Image from]
He will die in jail
Oh be still my heart! laugh
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 07:25 PM
These people are immunized from the truth and data, as is shown by their belief that their coal mining jobs will be back, and the hope of Trump saving their coal pensions from the big bad coal companies.

And that Nigerian prince is going to transfer the millions into their bank account any day now...
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 07:39 PM

I wonder if the fact that Donald J Trump knows the Feds are coming for him and that he will "die in jail" - is the reason why he wants to destroy America as we know it - because he's having a temper tantrum of what is future will be like and he wants to "get even" with the Country which "did this to him." Hmm
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 08:01 PM
Rick .... how exactly will he be convicted of anything?

No agency in the IC can prefer charges, only the DoJ can .... ever notice who the USAG is? All he has to do is say, nothing to see, move along. Who can do anything about that? the UN???? The SuperBad ultra right?

o maybe you are thinking the House will prefer charges? Does the behavior of Rep Nunes ring a bell? and suppose they do, do you really believe the Senate would convict?

From a political perspective there is nothing anyone can do about Mr Trump except vote the bum out next election. From a legal perspective I am about 50-50 anyone would do anything if he shot someone in Times Square.
Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 08:20 PM
Can President Pardon Himself? Possibly Yes!

Could President Donald Trump Pardon Himself For Crimes?

But if any of those cases, or any new and as yet undiscovered case results in criminal charges against Trump, he now appears to be in the best legal position he’s ever been in, thanks to his narrow victory over Hillary Clinton in Tuesday’s presidential election.

Here’s why Trump, if has violated federal laws in his past, can now say with certainty that he got away it them — if he so chooses

As he begins his transition to the White House, United States President-Elect Donald Trump faces an obstacle no incoming president has ever faced before — a minefield of lawsuits, including one scheduled to go to court on November 28 — an in which the president-elect may be forced to testify.

That would be one the three lawsuits Trump faces over fraud allegations stemming from his ownership of Trump University, which claimed to teach students Trump’s own “secrets” of real-estate investing, in exchange for a tuition fee of up to $35,000.

But Trump also faces more than 70 other lawsuits and has been sued by or has sued others in more than 4,000 cases through his career — including a lawsuit by a woman alleging that Trump violently bound and raped her when she was 13 years old, in 1994. The rape lawsuit was dropped just days before the presidential election, however.

Trump has so far avoided facing criminal charges. But many of the legal actions Trump faces or has faced appear to involve alleged criminal activity, in addition to the now-defunct rape lawsuit, ranging from violating immigration laws to failing to pay workers to breaking tax laws.

But if any of those cases, or any new and as yet undiscovered case results in criminal charges against Trump, he now appears to be in the best legal position he’s ever been in, thanks to his narrow victory over Hillary Clinton in Tuesday’s presidential election.

Here’s why Trump, if has violated federal laws in his past, can now say with certainty that he got away it them — if he so chooses
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 09:53 PM

Originally Posted by rporter314
Rick .... how exactly will he be convicted of anything?

Money-laundering. The "Russian Collusion Election" thing is just get the public behind, and used to, Trump being investigated and when they turn up "something" on him.

Google Felix Sater/Satter - this thing is real and deep and Trump WILL BE GOING TO PRISON. I guarantee it. smile
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 10:00 PM

Rape charges the are least of Trump's problems. Hmm
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 11:03 PM
He could pardon himself from criminal charges but if he did he would surely face impeachment. The founding fathers knew High Officials in the government could abuse their power to pardon themselves so they created impeachment as an alternate route to justice.

Interestingly, he can't pardon himself from civil charges, so he can still be deposed, compelled to testify, lose, and face large fines and jury awards. EG. His $25 million settlement with Trump University fraud victims.
Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 04/02/17 11:30 PM
All he has to do is either wait for a conviction vote after impeachment, and pardon himself for everything even crimes yet to be discovered. Then just to make sure, he lines up Pence to redoo the pardons, just in case.

The pardon power is why I figure few of his crew will squeal on him, in exchange for immunity. They already have preemptive immunity, likely as part of their original employment contracts. If you rat on him, you can kiss your pardon good bye. On the other hand, how much do you trust him, who regularly stiffs contractors. Scooter Libby learned this the hard way, though it would have been done if Cheney had his way. Trump would not be embarrassed by ethically corrupt pardons.

I figure, along with Michael Steele, that T-rump will resign before the end of his term, but only after all the best lawyers have worked over his retirement/autopardon package.

His problem is that he may have screwed up and mistakenly retained some attorney, with long nascent ethics, that left open a backdoor that vacates his auto-pardon act on a technicality.

Strange times bring on strange discussions!

Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 04/03/17 12:26 AM
I think you guys are assuming a normal rational universe for Mr Trump. In case you have not noticed, he may actually be above the law. How is that for a concept.

While it has only been 10 years since Republicans/conservatives have controlled all of government, the difference is they have moved further to the right. They have an agenda and believe God has ordained them to change America before it slides off into the 9th circle of hell. One has to recognize when zealots have single vision and you are in their way.

Mr Trump fulfills a prophesy, there will be a savior from liberal dementia and a return to a land blessed by God. Now, does anyone believe Republicans/conservatives would compromise the opportunity to complete their mission? His supporters are virtually 100% behind him, and you really believe loyalist USAG Sessions will throw him under the bus????

Now it could be he resigns if his narcissism can not handle the tsunami of criticism ... the other .... well, stop making sense
Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 04/03/17 01:49 AM
Pardoning oneself does mean above the law, doesnt it?

I suspect that you are no longer the 3.14159, either irrational or transcendental, and have been invaded, colonized, and finally completely immortalized by transubstantiation by the almighty,(though Lutheran) omniscient, and omnipresent IRKED!

Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow
Your Humble Servant
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 04/03/17 02:26 AM

Welp, I have high hopes. smile

Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 04/03/17 12:01 PM
Well, calm down on the enthusiasm there. Still at 80-90% approval amongst Republicans. Do not expect any real change there until you see Fox news turning on him bigly. They are pushing the Obama spying counter narrative at the moment.

No impeachment until and unless that changes.

Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 04/04/17 04:54 AM
You are confusing Republicans in The House with House Members. Republicans have 237 and Democrats have 193 members out of 430 current members. we need 216 votes to impeach him. Figure 193 Democrats vote to impeach and that leaves just 23 Republican votes needed.

Just less than 10% of the Republicans. If Trump is already under 90% approval among Republicans, he is in trouble. This a unique occurrence because every Democrat would vote to impeach, and Trump lost the popular vote so badly. Republicans also have Pence, a perfectly normal conservative Republican to step in.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 04/04/17 10:33 AM
2/3 majority in senate to convict? 23 house repubs are bit going to jump ship at this time. My reference to fox is that when they recognise that it is time to shift rhetoric to maontoan viewership, that gives the GOP cover to also do so.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 04/04/17 11:10 AM
the process is too complicated.

someone has to investigate to see if crimes have been committed. a committee has to request a committee hearing. it has to get out of committee. etc etc

does anyone believe Spkr Ryan will allow charges to be filed??
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 04/04/17 07:28 PM
It doesn't happen right away. There has to be some major screw-up first, but this administration has done nothing but screw-ups. I have confidence in their ability to do that thing that turns enough people sick, so the Republican leadership decides to let him go.

Trump has committed far worse stuff than Nixon, and they dumped Nixon. Maybe they are waiting for their Supreme Court guy to get in, and then they'll do it before Trump can screw-up anything too important.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 04/06/17 02:47 PM
House intel chairman stepping aside from House Russia investigation. Nunes says this is temporary. We'll see.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 04/06/17 03:57 PM
Did you see the a-holes replacing him? The water carrying will continue. Roll on 2018.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 04/06/17 05:49 PM
Rep Nunes was replaced with Rep Conaway, who is incapable of leading a parade down a one-way street in a small Texas community.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 04/06/17 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by rporter314
Rep Nunes was replaced with Rep Conaway, who is incapable of leading a parade down a one-way street in a small Texas community.
ROTFMOL , smile
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 04/07/17 01:29 AM
Well, he could be too ineffective to impede the investigation. At least he probably knows he shouldn't run over to the White House to tell on the other kids.

Regarding Nunes: Sometimes your highest purpose in life is to serve as a bad example for others.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 04/07/17 03:25 AM
I thought this the other day .... could the ultimate distraction be Mr Trump going to war????

Who would investigate a war president? etc etc
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 04/07/17 05:46 AM
It will be very interesting to see how Russia reacts. Assad is a Russian client and ally. I guess they tried to make sure there were no Russian planes where they sent those cruise missiles.

I think it would have been much more effective to just send one cruise missile to take out Assad.

1.5 million dollars * 59 cruise missiles = 88.5 million dollars

Is the plan to spend Russia into submission, ala Reagan?
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 04/07/17 08:14 AM

In 2013 when a Sarin gas attack left over 1400 dead outside of Damascus, most Republicans did not approve of President Obama striking Syrian military forces, so he didn't.

In 2017 when a Sarin gas attack left at least 70 people dead, President Trump sends in 59 cruise missiles and Republicans say: "God Bless America."

If it was up to me, use of chemical weapons would get your head of state's location nuked immediately. If they missed, they would keep on doing that until he or she was dead. Use of banned weapons makes the entire regime war criminals subject to execution.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 04/07/17 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Regarding Nunes: Sometimes your highest purpose in life is to serve as a bad example for others. kidding! rolleyes , coffee
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 04/07/17 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by rporter314
I thought this the other day .... could the ultimate distraction be Mr Trump going to war????

People are saying™ the very same thing. Hmm
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 04/07/17 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
In 2013 when a Sarin gas attack left over 1400 dead outside of Damascus, most Republicans did not approve of President Obama striking Syrian military forces, so he didn't.

In 2017 when a Sarin gas attack left at least 70 people dead, President Trump sends in 59 cruise missiles and Republicans say: "God Bless America."

Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 04/07/17 12:52 PM
Can someone please explain the moral difference between killing with chemical weapons and "conventional weapons*"?

Not sure I really understand it. Are there nice ways of killing?

*including depleted uranium shells and white phosphorous.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 04/07/17 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Schlack
Can someone please explain the moral difference between killing with chemical weapons and "conventional weapons*"?

Not sure I really understand it. Are there nice ways of killing?

*including depleted uranium shells and white phosphorous.
This would take a very long time thoroughly. The short answer is, yes there is a moral difference, the most significant being the sheer illegality of chemical weapons (which CAN include white phosphorus). And, yes, there are "nicer" ways of killing. We have a number of treaties that cover these issues, the lead one being the "Geneva Conventions".
Posted By: Ujest Shurly Re: Trump and Russia - 04/07/17 03:31 PM
Believe it or not conventional weapons are not considered indiscriminate while Nuclear, Chemical and Biological weapons by their very nature are indiscriminate. An indiscriminate weapon not only takes out the target(s) but also kills, wounds, maims the general population and the flora and fauna around the target(s).

Moral difference? I do not think there is one. But it is more a matter of degrees, or the lessor of the evils. It is the choice of the user on which weapon to use and that choice is what makes the act and the chooser evil.

edited: This is a response to Schlack, not pdx rick.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 04/07/17 08:45 PM
Shooting at an enemy soldier who is shooting at you, certainly has different moral dimensions than dropping sarin gas on a village full of civilians. Somebody ends up dead, but you have to consider what they were doing when you killed them.

We (collectively) define what is and is not a war crime, but poison gas is one of the oldest banned weapons. I hope we have progressed a little over the last 100 years.

BTW: I think Hiroshima and Nagasaki were war crimes and terrorist acts in that they were attacks primarily on civilian populations in order to induce terror. Pearl Harbor, on the other hand was primarily an attack on military targets.
Posted By: Ujest Shurly Re: Trump and Russia - 04/07/17 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
BTW: I think Hiroshima and Nagasaki were war crimes and terrorist acts in that they were attacks primarily on civilian populations in order to induce terror. Pearl Harbor, on the other hand was primarily an attack on military targets.

Beg to differ, both Hiroshima and Nagasaki were valid military targets. Now it is arguable that conventional bombing or fire bombing could have been used to the same effect over days as opposed to one bomb. Regardless, nukes are indiscriminate. If only we as a species could "forget" how they are made...

Hiroshima - "As a military target, Hiroshima was a major army base that housed the headquarters of the Japanese 5th Division and the 2nd Army Headquarters. It was also an important port in southern Japan and a communications center."

Nagasaki - "The city of Nagasaki was one of the most important sea ports in southern Japan. Although it was not among the list of potential targets selected by Oppenheimer's committee, it was added later due to its significance as a major war production center for warships, munitions, and other equipment."

Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 04/08/17 12:03 AM
True, there were important military and manufacturing targets in both. We killed about a quarter of a million people. I'm not saying it wasn't right to end the war in days instead of months. But part of the reason for using the gadgets was to bluff the Japanese into believing we would just keep destroying one city after another until Japan was dead. If they would surrender, the country and people could survive.

It was terrorism by any definition because our intention was to terrorize them.

And it worked. They surrendered, we occupied very benevolently, and their country was saved. And we supplied military security for the next 70 years, so they barely had to spend a cent on it.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 04/12/17 12:34 PM
Manafort firm received Ukraine ledger payout


Cater Pages Fisa Warrant


Trump just made some very strange comments about Stephen K. Bannon

Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 04/12/17 03:02 PM
'It's not too late' to get rid of FBI Director James Comey, Trump says

Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 04/12/17 07:53 PM
Comey was appointed to his job in 2013 and confirmed by the Senate. His term is 10 years. It would look like Nixon all over again if Trump fired him in the middle of an investigation into Trump's team. Firing people who were investigating him would have led directly to impeachment if Nixon had not resigned.

From Comey's point of view, being fired by Trump would be the best way to repair his reputation! In a few years, he could run for the Senate, or something similar.
Posted By: Irked Re: Trump and Russia - 04/13/17 03:04 AM
The Senate: with some nice robes, gilded laurel wreaths and empty talk - just right up the Boss' alley.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 04/20/17 12:37 PM
Key Official in Trump-Russia Investigation Will Step Down

Mary B. McCord, who has been helping oversee the Justice Department’s probe into Russian interference in the presidential election, is stepping down from her post as the acting head of the department’s national security division and leaving the federal government in the coming weeks, a source familiar with McCord’s role told The Intercept. The source, who asked not to be identified as McCord’s departure has not been formally announced, said that McCord plans to work in academia after leaving government.

It was not immediately clear who will take over for McCord. “I can confirm that Mary is leaving DOJ next month,” said Marc Raimondi, a spokesperson for the Justice Department, by email. “I cannot provide any additional material at this time.”

Report: WH Directed Intel Agencies To Find Cover For Trump's Wiretap Claims

Erik Prince acted as Trump envoy in Russian meetings: report

Page's visits to moscow warranted FBI investigation

Add to that rumours of state investigations (Trump only has power of fed pardons), and Guiliani and flynn flirting with the FBI for immunity.

When does dripping become a flood.


Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz Will Not Seek Re-Election
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 04/20/17 02:38 PM
Chaffetz wants to be gone to avoid the stain of the collapse. Expect more exits.
Posted By: TatumAH Re: Trump and Russia - 04/20/17 04:32 PM
Chavez more time with family

"I've been away from my family for more than 1,500 nights," Chaffetz added. "You have to reevaluate your life when you're sleeping on a cot in your office and you just turned 50."

"I want to re-introduce myself to my family," said Chaffetz, who is about to become an empty-nester after his kids move out.

So after all that time away from family and the stress-free raising of teenagers, is it safe to return, now that the nest is emptying? Could be a real motive explaining the timing.

He has found it less fun to investigate his own party instead of the enemy Democrats. He used to be a field-goal and extra point kicker in college, so I bet he also could handle a punt.

Still, there sure is a lot of Russian money and rumors from unnamed sources about Kompromat. It would be safer to be outside of the kill radius when the Russian bomb explodes.

Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 04/20/17 07:10 PM
stain of collapse ... hmmmm

Rep Chaffetz was a one trick pony ... harass and demonize Sec Clinton while demonstrating he did not have a clue about IT ... maybe failure was too much for him or maybe he thought he succeeded when Mr Trump won the election and it was time to retire

I don't put too much into people quitting or retiring from government service unless we see 400 quit at one time (I am being hyperbolic) or don;t attach meaning where there is no meaning

i dunno
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 04/20/17 10:34 PM
Chaffetz wants to run for Utah Governor in 2020. He needs time away to organize for that, and for the electorate to forget what he has NOT been doing in Congress.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 04/20/17 11:41 PM
I am not sure any state is deserving of these folks.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 04/22/17 04:41 PM
Russia tried to use Trump advisers to infiltrate campaign. Well, duh, CNN!
The FBI gathered intelligence last summer that suggests Russian operatives tried to use Trump advisers, including Carter Page, to infiltrate the Trump campaign, according to US officials.

The new information adds to the emerging picture of how the Russians tried to influence the 2016 election, not only through email hacks and propaganda but also by trying to infiltrate the Trump orbit. The intelligence led to an investigation into the coordination of Trump's campaign associates and the Russians.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 04/22/17 06:04 PM

Sally Yates to testify on TU May 2nd 2017. Sally Yates is the one that first notified the Bannon Administration...erm, Trump Administration that Paul Manafort was a foreign agent.

Sally was to testify at the last hearing which Devin Nunes conveniently cancelled because Sally was going to testify at that meeting. Now that Devin Nunes is out of the way, Sally Yates is free to tell us what she knows.

US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 04/22/17 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
...and for the electorate to forget what he has NOT been doing in Congress.
That's the most important goal for Chaffetz to accomplish. smile
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 05/14/17 05:38 AM

Trump firing Comey because of the Russian Collusion investigation is like shooting a drug-sniffing dog for pointing out your suitcase at the airport.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 05/15/17 10:55 PM
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador

[Linked Image from]
Posted By: jgw Re: Trump and Russia - 05/16/17 01:07 AM
One can only wonder when the Republicans will grow a pair and take care of business. Now that the jackass is revealing others secrets perhaps this is the straw that breaks but, on reflection the congressional jerks, with few exceptions, are determined to continue to sniff the jackass butt. If there was ever a great example of elected being willing to support, say, and lie to keep their jobs now is the time.

Now they are talking about the jackass apologizing - that, in itself, would be interesting as he does not apologize.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 05/16/17 02:18 AM
I think the President can choose to unclassify anything he wants, so there is no question of criminal charges. This is a classic example of a High Crime: He used his high office to do something anybody else would go to jail for, and is very harmful to the interests of the US. If he did it unintentionally, then he is just too stupid to trust with secret info.

Either way, yet another of the many impeachable offenses he has already committed. I'm thinking this is going to be really embarrassing for House Republicans when he actually is impeached and the list contains hundreds of charges. How much damage is he going to do before he is removed? Are they going to be held accountable for it because they failed to do their duty?
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 05/16/17 03:30 AM
come on guys .... Mr Trump saw it on Fox so everything is OK
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 05/16/17 05:40 AM
Once again the Trump lie-machine tries to say it was Hillary's fault...
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 05/16/17 01:18 PM
for the narcissist, Mr Trump, another is always at fault

I think I asked the question long ago whether a narcissist could run government effectively and I believe my answer was possibly

I am now reconsidering both my naivete with regard to narcissists and my conclusion

you may now pull out the wet noodle ... I await the forums flogging
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 05/16/17 09:06 PM
a narcissist could run government effectively

The big problem is that a President can't know everything. He can't be omniscient, but Trump's narcissism makes him think he is. He is spectacularly incompetent at doing the job, but lacks the ability to see that. A President who is incompetent and knows it can surround himself with experts and pay attention to them, so he can do a passable job. Somebody so screwed up he ignores his expert advisers, and indeed undermines them at every opportunity, is hopeless.

Trump is gone in a year or two. If Congressional Republicans fail to act, then they mostly lose their jobs at the next election. All those gerrymandered districts designed to give them 5% leads will backfire and result in a massive loss in Congress. Their districts mostly have no depth of support: Designing them for 5% leads will not be enough to save them.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 05/16/17 09:33 PM
Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation

WASHINGTON — President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo that Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting.

“I hope you can let this go,” the president told Mr. Comey, according to the memo.

The existence of Mr. Trump’s request is the clearest evidence that the president has tried to directly influence the Justice Department and F.B.I. investigation into links between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia.

Mr. Comey wrote the memo detailing his conversation with the president immediately after the meeting, which took place the day after Mr. Flynn resigned, according to two people who read the memo. The memo was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence an ongoing investigation. An F.B.I. agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations.

“I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Mr. Trump told Mr. Comey, according to the memo. “He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 05/16/17 09:57 PM
I'm not usually a meme person but this one got to me.

[Linked Image from]

Posted By: Ken Condon Re: Trump and Russia - 05/17/17 12:37 AM
Drums keep pounding rhythm to the brain

Ladi dadi dee.........

Ladi dadi daaaa...............ohhh.....

Posted By: Ken Condon Re: Trump and Russia - 05/17/17 01:18 AM

Although---this is likely true---regarding most things a competent POTUS should know.....
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 05/17/17 03:03 AM
Olbermann counted 17 new charges on the Impeachment Bill just last week.

Oldermann counts 17 new charges

This bill is going to be so long nobody in Congress will bother to read it.

Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 05/17/17 10:40 PM
Special counsel appointed in Russia probe

caution autoplay video

Not sure if this is still dripping or whether its beginning to stream like russian hooker pee
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 05/19/17 04:18 PM

So what's President Trump up to today, FR May 19th 2017?

Donald J Trump is still lying that his Campaign had "zero, none" contact with Russia (besides Jeff Sessions’s two, and Mike Flynn’s four, Carter Page’s trip, Milwaukee Sheriff DAVID CLARKE’S TRIP, Paul Manafort’s entire adult life spent licking Vladimir Putin’s vag), there were oh, an extra EIGHTEEN MEETINGS WITH RUSSIA, many of which came before Trump was even the GOP nominee.

So glad that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has looked far and wide and collected the scattered remains of his reputation and appointed straight-arrow Robert Mueller as Special Counsel.

So what's Vice-President Pence up to today, FR May 19th 2017?

Mike Pence is lying too. How do we know that Mike Pence is lying? His lips are moving, and because Pence got a letter waaaaay back on November 18th 2016, from Rep. Elijah Cummings, the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, and that letter said:

“Dear Vice President-elect Mike Pence, This is just a note to the Future You (like about March 2017) letting you know you probably shouldn’t lie about whether or not you knew Mike Flynn was a foreign agent, who is about to NOT RAID ISIS BECAUSE TURKEY DOESN’T WANT HIM TO, is being paid so much bank by Turkey and Flynn is totally lying about it.”
The boring official version here.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 05/19/17 04:31 PM

Get used to saying President Paul Ryan. Hmm
Posted By: Schlack Re: Trump and Russia - 05/20/17 01:20 AM
Has Fox turned on him yet?

Posted By: Greger Re: Trump and Russia - 05/20/17 01:23 AM
Get used to saying President Paul Ryan.
At least it would get him out of the speaker position...
Posted By: jgw Re: Trump and Russia - 05/20/17 06:27 PM
Yah, that will get us a president with no integrity, honor, principles or believability. Its hard to believe, but that would be several steps up from what we have right now.
Posted By: Greger Re: Trump and Russia - 05/20/17 09:56 PM
no integrity, honor, principles or believability.
But at least he would have a clear cut agenda....
Posted By: Greger Re: Trump and Russia - 05/20/17 10:00 PM
I think it's a moot point though. On the off chance that, for one reason or another, Donald Trump does not finish his term we will get Mike Pence for the duration.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 05/20/17 10:58 PM
True, but Pence is just another Evangelical Republican as opposed to an insane child. I doubt he would drop the bomb just to hurry along the End Times. He's not an insane cult Christian. He's just a Christian, and a Republican to boot!

How Christian can a Republican be, after all? So many things in the Republican mainstream are the opposite of hard-core Christian beliefs. For example, for example "Give away all your money to feed the poor, and follow me." is a direct quote from Jesus. How about "Feed the poor, heal the sick, cloth the naked, visit prisoners in jail: When you do these things for the least these of our brothers, you do them for me."

You get my point: Pence is really just a social conservative with Christianity as cover. A true Christian movement would flummox him!

All these goddamned hippies wandering around without jobs, preaching the gospel. Let's have them beaten and jailed. Then we can put them to work in forced labor camps...
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 05/23/17 04:16 AM
Trump will have an opportunity to resign for "health reasons" before his term is up.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 05/23/17 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by Greger
I think it's a moot point though. On the off chance that, for one reason or another, Donald Trump does not finish his term we will get Mike Pence for the duration.
Nope. Not at all. Elijah Cummings sent Pence a letter on November 18, 2016 stating that Mike Flynn was a foreign agent. Mike Pence lied about knowing that fact.

As I wrote above: Get used to saying President Paul Ryan.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 05/23/17 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Trump will have an opportunity to resign for "health reasons" before his term is up.
Trump's father Fred died from Alzheimers - given Donald's behavior - it's not so much of a stretch to conclude that genetics has passed the disease along. Hmm
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 05/23/17 02:11 PM
The depth of obstruction and desperation of President Trump are coming to the surface. Trump asked DNI, NSA to deny evidence of Russia collusion - CNN. The money quote has to be this:
"The White House does not confirm or deny unsubstantiated claims based on illegal leaks from anonymous individuals," said a White House spokesperson who declined to be named.
The irony is completely lost on these amateurs.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 05/23/17 03:13 PM
I think I met Anonymous in my youth. A fetching fellow, full of fire. He could tell stories for hours as his eyes twinkled impishly. I thought at the time, they were too outlandish to be true but as I aged I learned many of his stories were true. How was I to know? I doubt seriously he is still alive, unless one of his descendants has taken his mantle and continues to delight us with more outlandish stories.
Posted By: Golem David Brooks: Let’s Not Get Carried Away - 06/20/17 06:02 PM
Let’s Not Get Carried Away

David Brooks
The New York Times
June 20, 2017

I was the op-ed editor at The Wall Street Journal at the peak of the Whitewater scandal. We ran a series of investigative pieces “raising serious questions” (as we say in the scandal business) about the nefarious things the Clintons were thought to have done back in Arkansas...

In retrospect Whitewater seems overblown. And yet it has to be confessed that, at least so far, the Whitewater scandal was far more substantive than the Russia-collusion scandal now gripping Washington.

There may be a giant revelation still to come. But as the Trump-Russia story has evolved, it is striking how little evidence there is that any underlying crime occurred — that there was any actual collusion between the Donald Trump campaign and the Russians. Everything seems to be leaking out of this administration, but so far the leaks about actual collusion are meager...

Things are so bad that I’m going to have to give Trump the last word. On June 15 he tweeted, “They made up a phony collusion with the Russians story, found zero proof, so now they go for obstruction of justice on the phony story.” Unless there is some new revelation, that may turn out to be pretty accurate commentary.
Full article

Brooks is not a Trump fan.
Here is the fundamental problem with his analysis. He completely overlooks the obvious, the leaks.

What does that mean you ask? The leaks have only been about the events and not the substance. Thus we have facts such as Manafort having close ties to Yanukovych who had close ties to Putin, but we have no idea what their relationship entailed, because the leakers do not have that information. What of Kushner's meeting setup by Kislyak with Gorkov, both of whom are close associates of Putin. We have no substance of this meeting, only the leak. Or what of Erik Prince's secret Seychelles meeting with Russians close to Putin allegedly held to make back channel connections to Russia. We have the leak but not the substance. Should I continue?

The point is there are a bevy of connections with Russia none of which has the appearance of propriety ... back channels with sanctioned Russian bankers and assorted Russians known to be associates of Putin, talk of sanction relief outside the confines of Congress, not to mention one campaign associate and advisor who had contacts with Guccifer and Assange, both know to be implicated in the DNC hacking.

Mr Brooks has overlooked the lack of substance because the leakers do not know the substance. There are far too many questions for anyone to simply say there is nothing to report.

I would say, simply, "it's too early for a full report.
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
I would say, simply, "it's too early for a full report.
Exactly. Plus Mueller has 13 very seasoned special prosecutors working for him on this project including those specializing in internet espionage and money laundering.

Speaking of money laundering - just out today...

Trump, Russia and a Shadowy Business Partnership

Enjoy! laugh

ps. I wrote about Felix Sater/Satter last April here on RR.
I'm encouraged that Mueller has hired such competent staff. Even if he were fired, the investigation would go on.
My predictions

Gen Flynn will be charged
Manafort did nothing illegal
Page & Stone are too delusional and flaky to prosecute
Kushner too ignorant to be charged
Mr Trump will escape (even the possible criminal ties to Russian mobsters will not stick)

and most importantly Republicans will not impeach a tool no matter what he has done

Fair predictions...I'd add to it that Flynn will be pardoned by Trump.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 06/22/17 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by rporter314
Mr Trump will escape (even the possible criminal ties to Russian mobsters will not stick)

I too suspect that Trump will follow Steven Seagal.
Because, like Seagal, Trump may feel that Putin is “the greatest world leader alive today”.

Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 06/22/17 10:38 PM
I'd modify the predictions.... Jared and Trump are both vulnerable to financial crimes prosecutions unrelated to Russia. I submit that THAT is why Trump is in such a panic. Manafort and Flynn have clearly both violated lobbyist registration requirements. I don't think Trump will pardon either of them, because it will be too late.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 06/23/17 03:20 AM
I don't see any enthusiasm for filing charges against either Kushner or Mr Trump related to consorting with Russian mobsters (surrogates for Putin). He could shoot etc etc

Manafort is a civilian and may get a hickey

Gen Flynn, xmilitary, should have known better

I think you under-estimate Mr Trump ... I see pardons for everyone with a nice "I hope you go frak yourself" if you object .... what can I say .... he is a narcissist

but anyway it will be like France in 1917, slogging through the trenches to find any nuggets left behind
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 06/23/17 08:23 AM

Pretty sure "they" are going to after Trump for money laundering. "They" don't want him going scott-free.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 06/23/17 10:52 AM
its political Rick

for example: emoluments clause ... one could argue he is in violation of the Constitution which is probably technically correct but the clause was written when people did not own huge chunks of wealth and could be possibly influenced from ordinary income made through ordinary business transactions. It was written for the case some government or individual made a personal gift to the president which could etc etc. I think his situation could rise to the level of a problem since the "income" is large.

but here is the problem for you ... I don't see any Republican making noise about this "problem" which is real, so why would you think any Republican would make waves over business dealings with mobsters?

He runs the presidency as if it were a reality show ... how demeaning can he get? obviously even more ... is that enough? nope

what about lying all the time? nope

what about giving away state secrets? nope

he is the president and unless it is a BJ in the oval and Sen Cruz objects you got nothing until and unless Republicans believe he will severely damage the party. and so far, even though some are making talk like that, they are not publicly jumping ship.

Bottom line ... watch the Republicans not the evidence
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 06/23/17 10:20 PM
As long as they act before the 2018 elections, they should be okay. Several months to be safe. Then they can claim they were just trying to support the duly elected President but couldn't put up with all his crimes.

If they fail to impeach him, Democrats will make massive gains in Congress. Then THEY will impeach him. He's toast either way. Republican Congressmen will want to keep their jobs.
Posted By: Greger Re: Trump and Russia - 06/25/17 02:26 AM
If they fail to impeach him, Democrats will make massive gains in Congress. Then THEY will impeach him. He's toast either way. Republican Congressmen will want to keep their jobs.
Deep in my heart I hope that this is true. But, barring some unforeseen major crisis, the practical side of me feels that Republicans will likely hang on to their majority by the skin of their teeth in the midterms.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 06/25/17 08:55 PM
I have come to believe that Trump's ties to Russia are deeper, and more nefarious, than I previously thought. I came to this conclusion based upon the timing of his "rigged election" tweets/statements. SOMEONE on the Trump team planted that thought/created that mantra. And it happened weeks BEFORE the hacks actually occurred. So, either Trump knew, or someone on his staff told him it was going to happen and he needed to be ahead of it.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 06/25/17 11:40 PM
but his comments implied the system was rigged against him i.e. the media was against him, the electoral system was against him, etc

i think that meme was to energize conservatives who have long been told everyone is against them (and they believe it)

here are some items which have some basis
Manafort did and continued to have close ties to Russians and in fact supported loosening sanctions to accepting Russian annexation of Ukrainian territories

Page was easily manipulated since he was a little flaky ... he still believes he is aware of Russian kompromat but was he aware of changing policy positions based on suggestions from Russians?

Stone is also delusional but he had contacts with both Guccifer and Assange ... this guy is a well known trickster and what could be more tricky than getting the Russians to help Mr Trump win an election they already wanted him to win .... is it a case of like minds or was he useful to the Russian effort?

Gen Flynn ... my God man ... are you frakking serious

Kushner and his secret meetings with Russian mobsters and spooks ... eyes wide open or is ignorance bliss?

I have to wonder if there was criminal collusion how did they communicate? Did they send smoke signals? The closest anyone has to campaign collusion is Stone and all his coms were tete de tete, so unless some intel group has access to Assange or Guccifer, there is not much going to happen.

It is possible Mr Trump has knowledge the Russians were working for him but it would have been 2nd hand and of course since no one was "tapping" American conversations, Mr Trump would have to give it up.

Maybe think Col Jessup ... is Mr Trump narcissism and ego so great he would blurt it out and dare anyone to frak with him?
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 06/26/17 02:20 AM
Well he DID say on TV during the campaign that Russia should hack Hillary's emails. He may have just been lying as usual, but maybe not?

Stone probably told him all about Guccifer and Assange and what they were doing.

So really, if he knew about it and publicly encouraged it, what more do you need? Copies of checks from Trump to Guccifer? Signed letters thanking him? An invitation to spend Christmas with the Trump family?

He's guilty as hell, and if he wasn't President he would have been indicted long ago.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 06/26/17 12:49 PM
A curiosity is his tweet from the other day blaming Pres Obama for not doing anything. Many reporters have interpreted that to mean Mr Trump accepts Russian meddling but nothing can be further from an accurate interpretation. What Mr trump was saying is IF Pres Obama thought it to be important etc .... since we know Mr Trump does not think it important nor does he think it is true or valid, Mr Trump will do nothing.

Also note that by rejecting any truth or validity of the Russian statements by anyone, including the IC, he is in essence elevating his own stature as the winner of the election without any help from Russians i.e. it is about him and his narcissism.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 06/26/17 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by rporter314
but his comments implied the system was rigged against him i.e. the media was against him, the electoral system was against him, etc
That is exactly what caught my attention... Trump historically, and repeatedly, "projects" onto opponents exactly the fault he perceives in himself ("I'm not a puppet, you're a puppet"). His "crooked Hillary", "Lyin' Ted", etc, etc, ad nauseum. I could flesh that out, but it would take too long. The point is, he does that to blunt an attack he's either had, or knows is coming. In this case, what is telling is that he started it merely two weeks BEFORE the hacks started (July 2016). Roger Stone very well could be his source (given his Guccifer and Assange connections).

Witting collusion does not require in depth knowledge. Trump is a very simple machine that is extremely easy to manipulate. His actions and reactions are very predictable - like a toddler. He has no "governor". He has a reputation for agreeing with the last person he had contact with. Simple. Be there last one in the room.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 06/26/17 06:54 PM
there may be another possibility .... he is so clueless someone like Stone could have said something vaguely resembling help and Mr Trump completely misunderstood what was said ... I mean beside being a narcissist he strikes me as not very bright in the sense he is slow on the uptake ... it seems like he misinterprets a lot .... probably a result of his narcissism

someone mentioned he has a size problem which seems to meld into what you may be saying ... all I can say is

Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 06/26/17 08:21 PM
Yes, he's a narcissist, he's been one for decades. Probably was one in elementary school.

But there's something else going on. If you look at his old interviews and such, he was much more articulate, had a normal vocabulary, understood the questions, etc. Inventing new words like "bigly" is a sign that your brain is so damaged that you can't think of any word to express the concept of "large", That's pretty far gone. It's not going to get better. There are several degenerative disorders of the brain, and they are all progressive.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 06/27/17 01:11 PM
I agree that Trump shows increasing signs of mental decay. So do many neuro- professionals:
EXPERTS: TRUMP’S SPEAKING STYLE “RAISES QUESTIONS ABOUT HIS BRAIN HEALTH" - Vanity Fair. Given that, I think it is important to have an open, honest discussion about mental health - especially as it can have such a direct affect on all of us.

The larger political/existential problem is the lengths to which Trump's circle, the GOP, and the right wing press are willing to provide cover for him. The latest is the ridiculous FOX-promoted meme/talking point that Colluding with Russia isn't a 'crime'. Good God! It's a semantic s***-sandwich equivalent to excusing Al Capone because he was "generous". "It's technically not treason if we're not 'at war'" or "it's not sex of there's a condom in use".
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 06/27/17 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
...Trump is a very simple machine that is extremely easy to manipulate...
As are his sycophants. Perfect matches. Hmm
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 06/27/17 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Yes, he's a narcissist, he's been one for decades. Probably was one in elementary school.
Fred, the dad, couldn't stand Donald and sent him away to military school to keep him away from the family.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 06/27/17 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
If you look at his old interviews and such, he was much more articulate, had a normal vocabulary, understood the questions, etc. Inventing new words like "bigly" is a sign that your brain is so damaged that you can't think of any word to express the concept of "large", That's pretty far gone. It's not going to get better. There are several degenerative disorders of the brain, and they are all progressive.
...and A LOT of indicators of cocaine use. crazy
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 07/01/17 04:17 PM
I think Trump's plan with his Putin tête–à–tête next week is to get pointers from a fellow autocrat. Trump is a rank amateur, but Putin is an old pro.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 07/02/17 07:15 PM

Trump has turned the presidency into a reality show. This week, Putin will meet Trump "for the very first time." (wink, wink)

Is it possible that Putin will play along with Trump turning the presidency into a reality show, by giving the Real Housewife of Pennsylvania Avenue a rose?
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 07/03/17 12:49 PM
he he he

is Real Housewives high production?

Already a report of my first untyped prediction ... he won't bring up Russian involvement in campaign, which goes to a "high production" meeting

Crimea - nothing
Ukraine - nothing
Syria - nothing

Mr Trump will lay claims to a "highly productive" meeting and closer ties to and better relations with Russia leading to more better results to MAGA.

Now I could have packed more adjectives and adverbs in that to make it more appealing to Mr Trump base of support who will proclaim on Fox & Friends Mr Trump has brought peace to the world and cured cancer.

People used to talk about the fake moon landing but now .... well use your words

You get the picture ... I am embarrassed to be an American who had 13 ancestors who fought in the RW so we would have an opportunity to get Mr Trump as president
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 07/03/17 03:20 PM
Goes to prove, once again, "anyone" can become president...

(that use to be an aspiration)
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 07/08/17 09:51 PM

So Pooty and The Orange One™ had a first supervised date that was to last 30 mins. The date ended up lasting over two hours. Trump's handlers connived Melania Trump to walk-in on the two (obviously) love birds and break them up and to bring The Donald home.

Golly, I hope that Melania didn't walk in on Pooty and BLOTUS in a compromising position - say like two very randy dogs in heat - and have to tear the two off of each other and bring her man home. coffee

Man o' man, these DJT stories are too much fun! laugh
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 07/09/17 04:40 PM
OK it took me a while to work this out, but I think I know what is going on

whether the Trump campaign was colluding or not doesn't matter at this point. Mr Trump as a narcissist believes he did it on his own without any help from anyone. But he also knows if the Russians were able to help in 2016 then they could also help in 2020.

Now does it make sense Mr Trump will not confront Putin? Now does it make sense Mr Trump will not do anything to endanger the relationship? Does it make sense Mr Trump would gladly use Russian help to win the 2020 election?

I believe Mr Trump has sold America out to the Russians.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 07/10/17 04:26 AM
Unless he is stopped, Pronto, he will be giving the keys to the kingdom to his bromance. Trump’s plan to work with Putin on cybersecurity makes no sense. Here’s why. - WaPo. When I saw this, I was genuinely appalled.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 07/10/17 10:06 AM
he has since .... maybe if the tweet is correct ... canceled the open collusion between the US and Russia on the very criminal activities of Russia.

Perhaps he will relegate this pursuit to meetings which haven't happened and won't be acknowledged until reporters find the trail
Posted By: Ma_Republican Re: Trump and Russia - 07/10/17 06:25 PM
Still waiting to see something that looks like something. All I have seen so far is a bunch of nothing. I mean, it isn't like he was selling arms to Mexican drug gangs.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 07/10/17 10:58 PM
The question I have for you Tim is, if Sec Clinton had been elected and you found out her campaign advisors were meeting Russians and denying those meetings, you would be ok with that?

The bottom line is you would prefer to believe lies about the Clintons rather than the truth about Mr Trump.

Fast & Furious - the facts (something conservatives hate to see) .... a low level group of ATF hatched a plan approved by an USADA to allow the sale of guns to cartel straw buyers in order to catch cartel bosses. It is a movie styled premise but when reality slaps them in the face the USADA says he can't indict any buyer because the NRA lobbied Congress to allow all Americans the right to buy 1000 semi automatic rifles.

There was no evidence ever found that anyone outside the small conspiracy was involved in it.

So the question remains, why believe lies?

Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 07/11/17 01:19 AM
Because they are more convenient than the truth? Certainly easier to produce! After all, Trump does it daily, and clearly has passed that trait on to his son.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 07/11/17 01:23 AM
If there were recordings, they'd have been doctored; if there were video, it would be "actors"; if there were rubles with Trump fingerprints on them, they'd have been "planted"... The Republican party is nothing but Colonel Klinks and Sergeant Schultzes.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 07/11/17 03:04 AM
Now, that gun is smoking, there's blood on the floor, there are fingerprints on the gun, three witnesses pointing at him... but Donald Junior wants you to believe he is innocent of everything... even though he denied it three different ways before the cock crowed three times... oh wait, different story.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 07/11/17 05:02 AM
There is A CHANCE that the NYT story is a carefully crafted deception intended to discredit the NYT. The problem is, so much of it has been corroborated. Doesn't this all smell like a KGB operation?
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 07/11/17 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Unless he is stopped, Pronto, he will be giving the keys to the kingdom to his bromance.
Interesting that you write that NW_P. I'd like to direct you to this Tweet by Donald J Trump regarding Ivanka Trump taking a seat at the G20 the morning of July 10th 2017:

[Linked Image from]

The matter that I would like to focus on in the Tweet is the line:

" her mother gave the country away..."

WTF?!? Why would he write that????

DJT wrote that, because as he has done all along - he accuses others of the very thing which he, himself, is doing at the time. Time after time, after time, DJT has done this - during the campaign and as President!!! Hmm
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 07/11/17 10:22 AM

Even Miss Drudge is shaking her head:

[Linked Image from]
Posted By: matthew Re: Trump and Russia - 07/11/17 10:41 PM

Among the powerful facts that DNI missed were a series of very deep studies published in the [Financial Times] that examined the structure and history of several major Trump real estate projects from the last decade—the period after his seventh bankruptcy and the cancellation of all his bank lines of credit. ...

The money to build these projects flowed almost entirely from Russian sources. In other words, after his business crashed, Trump was floated and made to appear to operate a successful business enterprise through the infusion of hundreds in millions of cash from dark Russian sources....

The second Financial Times article puts Trump at the middle of a money laundering scheme, in which his real estate deals were used to hide not just an infusion of capital from Russia and former Soviet states, but to launder hundreds of millions looted by oligarchs. All Trump had to do was close his eyes to the source of the money, and suddenly empty apartments were going for top dollar.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 07/12/17 04:14 AM
Matthew, I think you have identified the nub of the mystery. The corruption of the Trump family is broad and deep.

I belive the link should go here.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 07/12/17 03:21 PM
Trump sees himself as an oligarch who has come to power. He models himself after Putin, and is trying to install his oligarchs/supplicants into positions of authority. Like Russian oligarchs, he did not get into his position honestly, but by manipulation of laws, abuse of others, and by graft. Like his Russian counterparts, he is also, quite literally, beholden to Putin for his current status.

Trump has specific reasons for sucking up to Russia. First, he owes Russians a lot of money. Behind Trump’s Russia Romance, There’s a Tower Full of Oligarchs. Second, they have been pouring money into his coffers - and are doing so now. Third, the Magnitsky Act is preventing him from building Trump Tower, Moscow, with his friends who offered dirt on Hillary.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 07/12/17 06:02 PM
We really have pretty good proof Trump Senior knew about the collusion before it happened. Hours after Trump Junior setup the meeting, Trump Senior went public and announced he would very soon give a speech about all the Clinton wrongdoings.

Then when the meeting flopped, he skipped that speech. That on and then off behavior is proof that somebody (not necessarily Trump Junior) told him all about the meeting to receive opposition research from a foreign government, both before and after the meeting. Trump Senior did not attend, but he was definitely in the loop.

"What did the President know, and when did he know it?" Sound familiar?
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 07/12/17 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
We really have pretty good proof Trump Senior knew about the collusion before it happened. Hours after Trump Junior setup the meeting, Trump Senior went public and announced he would very soon give a speech about all the Clinton wrongdoings.

Then when the meeting flopped, he skipped that speech.

LOCK HIM UP!! laugh
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 07/13/17 01:32 PM
DJT, Junior may be the Achilles heal to this organization.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 07/13/17 03:52 PM
I think this is a useful tool to understanding Trump's web of Russian ties. In my opinion, the business ties are most critical, but help explain some of the others (like Flynn and Manafort).
All of Trump’s Russia Ties, in 7 Charts (a little outdated).
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 07/13/17 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
DJT, Junior may be the Achilles heal to this organization.
...and "everyone" thought that Eric was the dumb one. coffee
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 07/15/17 02:51 PM
I think the whole Russia debacle can be explained in two thoughts: Trump is remarkably dumb and manipulable - he's instinctually corrupt, and so is his family; and Russian agents look for gullible folks like them to manipulate. Everything about this affair screams "KGB". It also serves Putin's interests that the Trumps get bogged down in scandal, because it keeps the US from being engaged in world affairs. How much better that Trump already agreed with him.
Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 07/15/17 03:24 PM
Speaking of manipulability, how deep does the putrescence run? It's not just the Russians who are using Trump for a stooge.

Hi-jacked democracy

He called the company a central point in the right’s “propaganda machine”, a line I quoted in reference to its work for the Trump election campaign and the referendum Leave campaign. That led to the second article featuring Cambridge Analytica – as a central node in the alternative news and information network that I believed Robert Mercer and Steve Bannon, the key Trump aide who is now his chief strategist, were creating. I found evidence suggesting they were on a strategic mission to smash the mainstream media and replace it with one comprising alternative facts, fake history and rightwing propaganda.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 07/15/17 03:40 PM
In Shakespeare's Henry VI, the conspirators knew that to usurp the throne they had to get rid of the institutions that supported the government. Bannon took the wrong lesson from that play, and his take is, First thing we do, let's kill all the journalists!
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 07/15/17 10:05 PM
KGB-type chess moves may even be to get Trump elected but much compromised, and THEN to announce it to the world to render him even more ineffective than he already was. All the revelations we are getting now are probably part of their plan.

Not to say they are not true: Trump is badly compromised, but it is even better for them if everybody knows that. Republican Congressmen's failure to impeach him is playing right into their plans, instead of quickly dumping him.

Which leads us to the question, which is better for Putin: America run by a competent but fairly friendly Democratic Party, or run by an incompetent but unfriendly Republican Party. (I'm thinking post Russian-operated Trump.)
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 07/19/17 01:53 AM
Trump gets new instructions from his Russian handler... Trump, Putin had second, undisclosed talk at G-20.
According to Tuesday reports, in their second conversation, Trump spoke with the Russian leader for roughly an hour, joined only by Putin's translator. The meeting had previously gone without mention by the administration.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 07/19/17 02:45 AM
Unfortunately we will never get the truth of the content of the meeting. Mr Trump will lie about it and Putin will lie about it and the translator .... well ... he died of polonium poisonings yesterday

Again I will auto flagellate. I never imagined a narcissist would believe he is superior to the devious expertise in manipulations of a trained KGB agent. I suspect believes he is so smart he can out maneuver Putin. He may have given away the keys to the backdoor and the password to the security vault.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 07/19/17 12:43 PM
Trump IS a Russian agent.
Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 07/19/17 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Trump IS a Russian agent.
That he is, as well as many of his closest cohorts:

Foreign agent definition

Under the 2012 Russian foreign agent law, nongovernmental organizations have to designate themselves "foreign agents" in all external communication if they engage in "political activity" and receive any foreign funding.
Perhaps another reason Trump won't release his tax records...
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 07/20/17 03:54 AM
After today, I'm pretty sure Mueller is closing in.
Posted By: matthew Re: Trump and Russia - 07/20/17 10:29 PM
The real estate trickster goes bankrupt in 2008; No American banks will bail him out because they know from bitter experience that Trump is a cheat and a louse.

His only hope to survive is to get huge loans from shady Russian Mafiosi and their German go-fers.

Do you think they permitted Trump to survive out of the goodness of their hearts, without putting their talons into his flesh, and demanding that he toe the line?

Anyone who believes that has the mind of an imbecile and the naivete of a child !
Posted By: matthew Re: Trump and Russia - 07/20/17 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by logtroll
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Trump IS a Russian agent.
That he is, as well as many of his closest cohorts:

Foreign agent definition

Under the 2012 Russian foreign agent law, nongovernmental organizations have to designate themselves "foreign agents" in all external communication if they engage in "political activity" and receive any foreign funding.
Perhaps another reason Trump won't release his tax records...
I think that is the MAIN reason Trump won't release his tax records.

If Mueller can get his hands on those.... tonbricks
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 07/21/17 02:18 AM
If Mueller can get his hands on those

I'm sure he has subpoena power and the ability to ask a federal judge for a search warrant. That's all it takes.

Tax returns are not classified or anything. You show up at an IRA office with a search warrant signed by a judge and they give you what it specifies.
Posted By: itstarted Re: Trump and Russia - 07/22/17 10:15 PM
First... apologies for not going thru the thread, as I'm sure this has been discussed... But...
It's a subject that has suddenly brought all of the Russia/US politics into focus for me.

The Magnitsky Act

A close reading makes a lot of names and activities more meaningful. Why the media continues to use "adoption" as a theme for discussion is beyond me. Even Rachel hasn't dug into this to do it justice.

And it's not as simple as that. Magnitsky involved the repeal of the
Jackson-Vanik amendment... which had restricted man, many US moneyed-elite interests.

Small wonder that the breadth of the involvement of banks and great corporations hasn't risen to the surface. Money laundering and political influence extends so deeply into the business world and the power brokers that it's possible a full spilling of the details would devastate the world markets.

Try this: From Slate

My darkside conspiracy theory. crazy

Posted By: matthew Re: Trump and Russia - 07/22/17 10:48 PM
Good find, Cousin It !

But I am sure that at least as much money has been stolen and laundered by the American oligarchs as has been stolen by Putin and his oligarchs and hangers-on.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 07/23/17 01:26 AM
Sessions may just be toast: WaPo published a story about his MANY meetings with Russians, both before and after the election. Intelligence agencies intercepted communications from the Russians back to Moscow after the meetings and they are VERY incriminating. Specifically, what Trump could do re Russian sanctions if elected. Not at all what Sessions testified to various times under oath.

He recused himself because he knows he is right up to his neck in it. He's trying to save his ass from going to prison, but has already committed perjury several times. I think he hoped they might just forget about him when Trump goes down, if he gave the appearance of being uninvolved. Too late now!
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 07/24/17 10:34 AM
I think we might be seeing the beginning of the end here. Trumps personal lawyer just quit, probably because he is seeing nothing but pain in the near future if he stays. Trump is talking about desperation moves like pardons. His legal team is trying to come up with justifications for firing Mueller. He's going after Jeff Sessions, which is the first step in firing Mueller. (Because Sessions is recused. so he can't fire Mueller.) The Mueller investigation is seeking to turn Manafort and get him to testify. And the Mueller investigation has broadened the scope to include all of Trump's business transactions. (Including foreign bank records, which has REALLY freaked Trump out.) They are even going back to look at all the fishy real estate deals with Russians that are probably money laundering attempts. And his "boys" are going to Congress to testify this week. (What are the odds one of them spills the beans?)

He's either going to have a heart attack or stroke, strike a resignation deal, or flee to Moscow. I suspect it's all over in the next two weeks. I bet he pardons his family members on the way out the door.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 07/24/17 10:41 AM
Manafort is an interesting case: He owed a Russian oligarch about 17 million dollars for several years, and the guy has been pursuing it. Right up until Manafort joined the Trump campaign. Then the Russian (a good buddy with Putin) suddenly stopped.

Mueller has taken over the long (several years) tax investigation and money laundering case against Manafort, so Mueller may just have him by the short hairs.
Posted By: Ujest Shurly Re: Trump and Russia - 07/24/17 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
I think we might be seeing the beginning of the end here.

He's either going to have a heart attack or stroke, strike a resignation deal, or flee to Moscow.

I suspect it's all over in the next two weeks.

I bet he pardons his family members on the way out the door.

One can hope.

Only Mother Nature can decide that. I think he is more likely to resign and fight any charges, after all that has been his M.O. for decades. He would never run to Moscow, he would be clearly a traitor, he would have to leave his empire and it sure would be taken from him by the government.

I think you are being to optimistic here. I would speculate December at the earliest, next year the most likely.

Betting on a sure thing is always a safe bet, and I agree.

Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 07/24/17 02:13 PM
Even though either Mr Trump is or is not thinking, or has he mentioned to advisors or not, pardons, he has tweeted it.

It could be a message to Mueller. It doesn't matter what you find the president can pardon everyone (and I think he thinks he can pardon himself) involved.

If that should happen and no charges filed from DoJ, it would fall onto Spkr Ryan to decide whether impeachment charges should be filed.

Is anyone taking bets????
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 07/24/17 02:26 PM
I am of two minds here: although Trump is an unmitigated disaster, is as crooked as is humanly possible, and is undisciplined and uninformed, at least he is ineffectual. Pence is far more dangerous.
I want them both gone as soon as possible, but thing CAN (and will) get worse, first.

Trump will not resign. Not a chance. He will hold onto his perks until the cows come home and Rome burns. He cares not a whit about the country, only what is in it for him. What will be interesting is to see how loyal he is to his family.
I think he genuinely loves Ivanka and thinks of Jared as his mini-me. The question is, will he sacrifice them to save himself? THAT'S where the betting should be interesting.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 07/24/17 02:47 PM
My money is on an invocation the 25th amendment before impeachment, and here's why: if a cabinet coup occurs, Trump can't pardon himself or anyone else. He can't "muddy the waters". I'd also expect Congress to create a Commission to examine the issue rather than leave it to the cabinet. It would be cleaner, and there is already a bill to create one filed.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 07/24/17 06:11 PM
I just Kushner say "I am not a crook" .... o ... wait a sec .... that was someone else

as long as Mr Trump has pardon power
as long as Mueller does not file charges
as long as DoJ will not file charges
as long as HoR will not file charges

what are the alternatives other than vote the bum out?
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 07/24/17 06:22 PM
He thinks his pardon power is a way out, but it's really not. If he tries to use it and remain President, it just creates "unexceptional witnesses" who can be forced to testify against him with threats of jail time for contempt of court or congress.

He thinks he can fire Mueller, but doing so makes this the Trump version of The Saturday Night Massacre, and inevitably leads to impeachment. Besides, several Democratic state AGs could then hire Mueller and his team. The President has no control over them.

2018 is just 5 months away. Every Representative has to get reelected. Good Luck with that.
Posted By: Ujest Shurly Re: Trump and Russia - 07/25/17 02:46 PM
Three ugly Watergate lessons for President Trump enough said. Go ahead President Donald (Everybody is picking on me) Trump, wield your Pardon Power, one of your rats will, with Pardon in hand, turn on you.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 07/25/17 06:35 PM
you're still thinking as if Mr Trump is a rational logical person ... stop it.

He is a narcissist, so all those things a rational politician would or would not do do not apply to him. If he thinks at the moment it occurs to him he should fire AG Sessions or SC Mueller he will do it regardless of political consequences. His actions would be predicated on his belief they would enhance him personally.

Thus guy is so predictable you can close your eyes and know what he will do at some point in time not because of his political ideology but because of his personality.

If he ever says he was wrong on anything. you win
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 07/25/17 10:03 PM
one of your rats will, with Pardon in hand, turn on you.

He counts all the people he might pardon as loyal, inside his personal bubble. He's going to be shocked to find out they would rather testify than go to jail for him. I bet they ALL testify! Including his daughter.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 07/25/17 11:49 PM
Here's something which crossed my mind

what if Mr Trump fires all his cabinet (or just some top positions) and took the job for himself. Why he would be so great that his greatest would transcend this universe.

I am brushing up on loyalty oaths .... it may come in handy if he sends the military out looking for disloyal Americans
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 07/26/17 06:47 AM
He would also eliminate the "cabinet officers" section of the 25th Amendment. I think Congress would have to appoint a special committee to consider it instead.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 07/26/17 07:06 AM
I really think Kushner's attempt to establish a back channel via the Russian Embassy directly to Putin is an outright admission that at least he is a Russian agent. This channel would presumably be encrypted so American intelligence could never see what was in it, but Russian leadership and intelligence would.

They have a name for that. It's called spycraft, and it's not for American, it's for Russia. If Kushner thought it up and acted alone, then maybe he is the only Russian spy. Did others know about it before hand?

Maybe he's just an idiot and he didn't realize what he was doing. A lot of folks have forgotten all the KGB's nasty ways because there is no more cold war. But PUTIN WAS THE HEAD OF THE KGB! If you think the current embodiment of the KGB doesn't still do all the same stuff, then you are a fool.
Posted By: itstarted Re: Trump and Russia - 07/27/17 12:12 AM
I'd like to come back to "Magnitsky".

Seems like the media is beginning to dig into this a little bit. (Check out Bill Browder) Browder Testimony

I believe it's about money... laundering and misusing worldwide banks to cover tracks. yes.... generic... not just Russia, but virtually all countries where the top 1% has grown so rapidly over the past 10+ years.

It is said that Putin may be the richest man in the world. True or not, no way to know. We do know where much of the money came from, but it's impossible to know where it went. Other countries, including the US have multi-billionaires who have increased their fortunes exponentially over this short time.

I DO realize that this is a dark conspiracy theory, but bit by bit, more information is trickling out. ie. seven involved financial (bank) workers in Russia have been murdered or died from unexplained causes, just since Magnitsky was jailed.

As we become concerned about Sessions, Mueller, Rosenstein and the chain of command, it sounds like "politics"... We talk about Trump being fickle, or inconsistent, and like him to an ignorant angry bear. Maybe not. Maybe just muscle.... to put a stop to what could be the greatest scandal in history.

Trump stuff we forgot about... Oct. 2015

And somethings we never hear about...
Trump Tax Plan?

Possibly, what we consider as an "honor oath" could turn to lies... not just from the very top, but from those who have too much to lose.

We're more than a month into hearings. What you and I might think could be handled in a few days, shows no sign of what may be going on.

Many bits and pieces... Just one, here:

...and one to watch "Dmitry Firtash"...

I kinda hope I'm all wrong about this but I really expect we're headed into unkNown waters.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 07/27/17 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by itstarted
I believe it's about money... laundering and misusing worldwide banks to cover tracks.
A lot of people do, Cousin It. Here is an article from The New Republic which lays out a pretty good case of Russian Mobster Money-Laundering and our great and wonderful President. smile
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 07/27/17 01:39 PM
yeah but .... and here is the but

the president is above the law .... he can pardon himself therefore etc and ergo qed

money laundering has nothing to do with Russia .... it is about gangsters

o did i mention he can pardon himself (and friends)

it has nothing to do with the election therefore etc ergo qed

i mean .... i didn't know he was the best president ever (except for that Lincoln character0 until he told me

yes heil ... ooops strike that hail Trump King of all lands from sea to shining sea
Posted By: Greger Re: Trump and Russia - 07/27/17 04:09 PM
I really expect we're headed into unkNown waters.
Aye, Captain IT, unknown waters ahead. And in a truly dramatic twist we aren't headed there in a slowly steaming ship of state but on a runaway train.
Posted By: itstarted Re: Trump and Russia - 07/27/17 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by itstarted
I believe it's about money... laundering and misusing worldwide banks to cover tracks.
A lot of people do, Cousin It. Here is an article from The New Republic which lays out a pretty good case of Russian Mobster Money-Laundering and our great and wonderful President. smile

Thanks rick... that's quite a read.
Posted By: jgw Re: Trump and Russia - 07/27/17 08:10 PM
I tend to believe that Trump and the Russians is a pretty easy one. His Russian partner, Aras Agalarov loaned Trump a pile of money and now they are asking Trump for 'little' favors in lieu of interest. This is why, for instance, when there are any meetings, Agalarov, or an Agalarov minion is not far away. I also think that the Mueller investigation is going to find this one. In that regard Mueller has hired a regular passel of forensic accountants and, I also think, they are hard at work on Trump. I wouldn't even be surprised that Mueller also has his tax reports.

All this is, incidentally, pure speculation (I get lots of training on speculation by watching the TV news, which seems to be approximately 98% speculation and very little else)
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 07/29/17 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by jgw
All this is, incidentally, pure speculation (I get lots of training on speculation by watching the TV news, which seems to be approximately 98% speculation and very little else)

Good speculators make fortunes rise and fall.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 07/29/17 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
Originally Posted by jgw
All this is, incidentally, pure speculation (I get lots of training on speculation by watching the TV news, which seems to be approximately 98% speculation and very little else)

Good speculators make fortunes rise and fall.
Indeed. Just ask BillO, Milo Y. laugh , coffee
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 07/31/17 06:29 PM
The other shoe drops:

Bill Browder’s Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing

This is VERY important. Trump Jr. et al went to that meeting to talk about Russia forbidding adoption of Russian children, so they said it was nothing important. But that adoption freeze was Russia's response to the US Magnitsky Act, which sanctions and freezes assets of all human rights violators in Russia after they murdered Magnitsky because of a 200 million dollar corruption case that leads directly to Putin. Putin keeps his billions invested in the west, so he is subject to these sanctions!

The meeting wasn't about child adoption, it was about lifting those sanctions that threaten Putin's personal fortune and his protection of other cronies in Russia.

"Pyotr Katsyv, father to Denis Katsyv, is a senior Russian government official and well-placed member of the Putin regime; Denis Katsyv was caught by U.S. law enforcement using proceeds from the crime that Sergei Magnitsky uncovered to purchase high-end Manhattan real estate (the case recently settled with the Katsyv’s paying $6 million to the U.S. government). Natalia Veselnitskaya was their lawyer.

In addition to working on the Katsyv’ s money laundering defense, Ms. Veselnitskaya also headed the aforementioned lobbying campaign to repeal the Magnitsky Act. She hired a number of lobbyists, public relations executives, lawyers, and investigators to assist her in this task.

Her first step was to set up a fake NGO that would ostensibly promote Russian adoptions, although it quickly became clear that the NGO’s sole purpose was to repeal the Magnitsky Act."

from Bill Browder's testimony before Congress

These are the people at that meeting...
Posted By: Greger Re: Trump and Russia - 07/31/17 08:42 PM
The other shoe drops
So many shoes. Like nails in the Republican coffin there never seems to be enough.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 07/31/17 11:20 PM
I think this explains exactly why Putin wanted to get Trump elected so badly. He had run-ins with Clinton when she was Secretary of State and if she became President it could mean real trouble for him.

He and his buddies are heavily invested in US assets that could be seized and he remains in power because he protects so many Russian oligarchs from such seizures and sanctions. If some of these rich guys turn on him, he could wind up dead shortly. Along those lines, I won't be too surprised if Trump isn't assassinated now that he can't protect Putin. Or maybe Russia will just leak whatever it has on him.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 08/01/17 04:11 PM

This page 28 has lots of very informative information. Thanks guys for your contributions and insights. smile
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 08/02/17 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
I think this explains exactly why Putin wanted to get Trump elected so badly. He had run-ins with Clinton when she was Secretary of State and if she became President it could mean real trouble for him.

He and his buddies are heavily invested in US assets that could be seized and he remains in power because he protects so many Russian oligarchs from such seizures and sanctions. If some of these rich guys turn on him, he could wind up dead shortly. Along those lines, I won't be too surprised if Trump isn't assassinated now that he can't protect Putin. Or maybe Russia will just leak whatever it has on him.

I have been saying all along that you don't piss off Putin and stay alive very long. His body count is absurdly high, and he has the ways, means and resources to reach out to almost anyone on the planet, particularly a globe trotting billionaire who routinely tosses off standard operating procedure with regards to op sec and exec sec.
Almost all of his communications are unsecured, a twelve year old could track his physical location at any given time in ten minutes.

And our intel community is certain that the Kremlin has had eyes and ears in the White House since the Inauguration.

Donald Trump has "disappointed" the richest mobster on the planet, who just happens to also be a deadly former KGB agent and leader of the Russian Republic.

It might not be as easy for Putin to dispense with the orange "stone in his shoe" as it was for his other targets but believe me, now that it's clear that he will not be getting the BIG FAVORS from the President that he expected, his team is working on it.

I'm not advocating it, I am not going to cheer for it and I am not suggesting it, but I am predicting it, for the simple reason that our chief executive has his ass hanging way out in the breeze and doesn't seem the least bit concerned about how vulnerable he is.

He still thinks he is untouchable.
The whole scenario is playing out like the movie "Casino" only Trump thinks he's Ace Rothstein, when in reality he's acting like Nicky Santoro.

Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 08/03/17 12:29 AM
The best way to understand Trump's Russia/Putin behavior is applying Occam's razor. As has been observed by many, Trump's behavior regarding Putin has been unusual. Trump has demonstrated regularly that he holds no loyalty to anyone else when they are no longer useful to him, yet his loyalty to Putin persists. The consensus conclusion is that Putin has something on Trump.

The question then becomes, what? Again, Occam's razor provides a solution. Trump, in the 90's suffered financial disaster from his gross mismanagement. As a result, American banks wouldn't lend to him. At the same, Russian mobsters and oligarchs were looking for money laundering opportunities. Trump's organization got a remarkable infusion of unexplained cash-based purchases from Russian sources. In 2000 Putin gained control of the Russian government. By all accounts he has maintained control through bribing and rewarding oligarchs and eliminating enemies. He views the United States as his primary enemy.

My conclusion is that Trump is a useful idiot in Putin's plans. It is what makes the most sense (simplest solution). Trump's candidacy was a win-win for Putin. He damaged Clinton, even if Trump lost, and Trump winning causes more discord and hamstrings the government. Even if Trump is damaged because of his association with Putin, his ineffectiveness is beneficial. An ineffectual President means an ineffective adversary. As a bonus, both Trump and his brood are so manipulable, chaos is virtually guaranteed. He can (and has) compromised them at will. Don Junior and Jared Kushner were both easily baited into compromising meetings. Ditto Ivanka. The President's NATO hostility and overt sucking up are fringe benefits.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 08/03/17 08:21 AM

I agree for the most part of the analysis of Trump's finances. We know that every start-up Trump has even done has failed. We know that Russian Oligarchs paid way over asking price for units in Trump's real estate properties. We know that Trump doesn't own many of his properties and is merely a partner. We know that many buildings with the Trump name on them are not even owned by Trump, but by Russian "businessmen."
Posted By: Ujest Shurly Re: Trump and Russia - 08/03/17 03:56 PM
Ergo, President Donald (a Russian puppet) Trump is a puppet of the Russians.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 08/03/17 11:44 PM
Bob Mueller has a Grand Jury empanelled and is issuing subpoenas. You don't do that until you are pretty sure somebody is going to jail. Witness testimony is secret, but eventually you get to indictments and those are public.
Posted By: Ujest Shurly Re: Trump and Russia - 08/04/17 12:04 AM
As soon an indictment comes down for one of his sons President Donald (What can I do with Presidential Pardon Powers) Trump will give the indictee(s) a pardon. Nothing will be done about it, unless an indictment is returned to The House of Representatives on President Donald (I am not under investigation) Trump, we can only hope...
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 08/04/17 01:19 AM
The trick is, we mustn't pin our hopes on any of these Mueller probes as being a quick fix for Trump being in office. Much as many would like for them to be that, the process will take as long as it takes, by necessity and by necessity it could take a very long time.
I've come to the conclusion that the single biggest motive force that would drive Trump, and even Pence, from office is RATINGS.
Yes, that's right...just like TV and radio, RATINGS is possibly the single biggest factor in removing the cancer, because if approval ratings for this administration, AND approval ratings for Republicans in general, dip to single digits or even close to it, Congress will abandon these two faster than The Plague, and they will lose both their power base IN Congress AND their mandate to lead the country.
So, an undeniable hemorrhage in approval will most likely be the one thing that might trigger possible impeachment and/or a 25th Amendment push to drive Trump from the Oval Office.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 08/04/17 01:25 AM
This very thing was foreseen by one of the founding fathers at the time the Constitution was written. He said that the President pardoning somebody would make that person an "unexceptional witness". He didn't mean "average". He meant that the pardoned person could be compelled to testify because he was in no jeopardy of incriminating himself. So he can't refuse to testify by claiming the Fifth Amendment.

In the case of Grand Jury witnesses, the pardoned person refusing to testify could be held in contempt and jailed as long as the Grand Jury exists. And that could be a VERY long time! Years even. And Presidential pardons have no effect on contempt charges.

So a President who pardons people who can testify against him is making a huge mistake. I'm sure Trump's lawyers have explained this to him. That's probably why he asked about pardoning himself. (Maybe he could, for actual crimes, but it says right in the Constitution you can't pardon impeachable High Crimes.)

The Presidential pardon is only useful to Trump on his way out the door. He can perhaps make a deal, so he resigns and pardons his immediate family members. Then he gets a pardon from President Pence, Nixon-style.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 08/05/17 05:12 AM
It's a LOT worse than you think:


Fairly long NewsWeek story that is worth reading.

I bet you thought the Cold War was over and we could all be friends now. But Putin's KGB-equivalent is still up to it's old tricks. Still using compromat, still using blackmail, still paying people to act as agents, even still poisoning people with polonium or sticking them with umbrellas to silence critics. But now they also have the internet! I think maybe we need the House Unamerican Activities Committee back. It's really getting bad, and Trump is just one of many Russian irons in the fire.

Maybe it's time to bring up internet death again.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 08/05/17 12:00 PM
What we really have is a confluence of interests between the Kremlin and certain segments of the GOP. Both seek to cripple the American government. Trump is just the most obvious.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 08/09/17 02:55 AM
I was listening to a news outlet and the reporters were all essentially saying Mr Trump has some grand plan regarding Korea.

When will these folks get it. Mr Trump is a narcissist. When he says he will reign "fire and fury" on Korea he is simply exerting his belief he is all powerful, in charge of the largest arsenal on the planet, etc, and therefore making him appear to be greater than the crazy guy in Korea.

There is no grand plan to some how suggest China should do something by him using off the cuff remarks as military policy. It was nothing more than the usual narcissistic babble to make himself appear to be God-like.

Allow me the hannity .... geeeeez
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 08/09/17 04:41 PM
No wonder Trump is so nervous...FBI raided Manafort home as part of Russia probe - CNN.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 08/09/17 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
No wonder Trump is so nervous...FBI raided Manafort home as part of Russia probe - CNN.
FBI to Manfort: Knock knock, Motherfvcker!!! laugh
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 08/09/17 07:48 PM

Oh!! gobsmacked CNN says it was a 'no-knock warrant.'

UPDATE: FBI to Manfort: Bam Bam, Motherfvcker!!! smile
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 08/10/17 12:53 AM
Not that Manafort actually HAD anything incriminating left in his house: He was smart enough to know somebody was coming long ago, and dump it all.

But it's a very good chilling example for everybody else in the Trump administration. Make your deal NOW with Mueller and maybe you won't go to prison. Mueller and team have many years of expert prosecutor experience. Even an experienced lawyer-turned-politician would be very afraid of them. Trump is a poor babe in the woods, in this case. He has no idea just how screwed he is, or he would be vacationing in Argentina.

Or maybe Moscow. I hear Snowden's apartment building has a vacancy.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 08/10/17 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Not that Manafort actually HAD anything incriminating left in his house: He was smart enough to know somebody was coming long ago, and dump it all.
My thinking is that the raid occurred early morning the day ofter Manafort's July Congressional Hearing. Perhaps Mueller was looking for communications between Manafort and Trump from the time that Manafort got home to the time of the raid. Hmm
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 08/10/17 04:26 PM
I think we are underestimating Manafort's hubris. He's been an untouchable Washington insider for decades. He assumes the "normal" process- some vague testimony, subpoenas for documents that he and his lawyers can partially and misleadingly respond to, and the short attention span of Congress... "this'll be over in months." He needed to "preserve" records... so that he could "respond" - and he didn't want them where he couldn't control them.

There are many reasons (tactical and legal) that a prosecutor would prefer a search warrant to a subpoena: no time to react, it doesn't "telegraph" what your legal theory is, it intimidates - and a big one here - it preserves records from claims of "taint". Since the records were obtained independent of Manafort's testimony it can't be claimed that they were "fruit of the poisonous tree" - learned about because of congressional testimony (remember Iran-contra and Oliver North's appeal). Moreover, it could be a precursor to a perjury charge.

I think the significance is that a warrant requires a higher burden - a probable-cause belief a specific crime has been committed, that evidence of the crime will be found at that location, and specificity about what they are looking for - all approved by an impartial judge. Manafort can now be squeezed hard.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 08/10/17 10:10 PM
A search warrant probably means they had his phones tapped as well during that post-testimony period. So anything he conveyed by phone to anybody is known and legal evidence.

It's rather fortunate that Congress did not want to hear too much from Manafort. They offered no immunity and now Mueller is free to use all his prosecutor tricks on Manafort. He's one of the most obviously guilty of the Trump team, so Mueller should be able to work him to full advantage. If he wants to stay out of prison for a good long time, he'll cooperate and testify about everything.

I assume Mueller knows about everything (and with Trump that's a lot of stuff). Now he's going to have a witness to corroborate it before the Grand Jury. Like I said, make your deal NOW before Mueller's dance card is full if you want to stay out of jail.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 08/11/17 10:27 PM
hmmm .all interesting but I suspect Mr Trump is not very detail oriented. He may have said things in broad strokes which his minions took to an extreme i.e. Mr Trump may not know anything or be aware of anything. Remember this guys has a 2 inch attention span.

In his narcissistic reverie, he may have been oblivious to a possible conspiracy of his underlings who would do anything including criminally colluding with the Russians to get Mr Trump elected. I can see it now ... a scene from the middle of the movie ... Mr Trump stepping onto the balcony of his penthouse in Trump Tower walking slowly to the rail, firmly grabbing it and looking intently over the city, firm in his mind that the conspiracy in the other room of which he has no knowledge will catapult him to the presidency ... <slow pan into smoke filled room with Stone, Manafort, Page Kushner Jr plotting how to use the Russian info ... slow fade with voices heard saying ....kompromat ... Clinton .... victory>
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 08/29/17 02:52 AM
Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNN. Financed by the Russian Government. This gun is not just smoking... It's still loaded.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 08/29/17 04:56 AM
Yes but as long as Trump still has the support of the GOP-sturmers, you can keep dropping smoking guns all day long and Team Trump will just merrily file off the serial numbers and keep thumbing their noses.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 08/29/17 05:02 AM
Uh ohhhh, what a surprise...

"It’s an episode indicating Manafort, who now faces criminal investigation in the Trump-Russia saga, made sure to try to spread the wealth to the Democratic Party before assisting in Donald Trump’s takeover of the Republican Party. And it underscores that a truly independent investigation into Russian election interference would likely implicate Democratic figures as well as Republicans—something already emerging, as work that PR firms with ties to Hillary Clinton and other Democrats did for Vladimir Putin’s allies become increasingly conspicuous."

Paul Manafort Teamed Up With Obama’s Lawyer to Help Putin Ally
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 08/29/17 10:25 AM
it was a former attorney and there was no evidence presented which linked anyone in WH to former attorney's work, in fact State refuted the report. the best i could figure is some attorneys are slugs and would do anything for a buck.

never seen it but isn't this a case of call Saul

Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 08/29/17 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNN. Financed by the Russian Government. This gun is not just smoking... It's still loaded.
Yup. The New York Times published Felix Sater's emails:

[Linked Image from]

Buddy our boy can become President of the USA and we can engineer it. I will get all of Putin’s team to buy in on this...
I've written about Felix Sater many times here at Reader Rant.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 08/29/17 11:27 AM

[Linked Image from]
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 08/29/17 08:53 PM
The truly weird thing is that 150 years ago Americans by the millions went to war to kill Confederates. Seventy five years ago Americans by the millions went to war to kill Nazis. Seventy years ago until just a few years ago we spent countless lives and enormous treasures challenging Russians and their allies around the world.

Now we have a President who loves Confederates, Nazis, and Russians, and even more startling Conservatives who supposedly honor the past are fine with that! Have Conservatives finally all just gone insane?
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 08/30/17 03:29 AM

The Confederacy IS the Conservative past. Is sure wasn't the progressives who owned other humans. Hmm

It isn't progressives who are shaking their tiny fists in fury shouting: Leave the Confederate moments and our history alone!
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 08/31/17 01:32 PM
Mueller has taken a pardon-proof approach to squeezing Manafort, working with State authorities to ensure Trump can't provide a pardon to unpressure Manafort- Trump can only pardon federal charges. The same approach can work on Jared and Trump (Junior and senior) to the extent they have committed State crimes (like fraud).
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 08/31/17 05:39 PM
Why would you think these people would allow themselves to be leveraged? Mr Trump "knows" he is above the law. Why wouldn't the rest of his coterie "know" the same thing?
Once Mr Trump starts throwing pardons out the window like a bunch of confetti, no one will talk.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 08/31/17 11:40 PM
Trump can't touch state convictions and state prisons work perfectly well. Last time I checked, almost all executions are carried out by states rather than the federal government.

As long as those convictions are state convictions and contempt charges are in state courts, Trump can do nothing. Pardoning people who can testify against you (IE. in the same conspiracy) is a huge tactical error: You just immunize them from federal prosecution which means they can't take the fifth amendment and refuse to testify. They will be required to testify or go the jail for contempt. If those are state courts, Trump can do nothing about those contempt charges.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 10/03/17 04:45 PM
North Korea appears to have a new Internet connection — (thanks to Russia)

A state-owned Russian telecommunications firm has given North Korea a new Internet connection, potentially increasing Pyongyang's ability to stage cyberattacks and protect the embattled country's online infrastructure.

The new connection was first spotted by Internet analysts at Oracle Dyn, who noted that a new connection for North Koreans provided by the Russian firm TransTeleCom appeared in Internet routing databases about 5:38 p.m. Pyongyang time Sunday.

Hate to say it but perhaps it IS time to rethink Russian access to the rest of the internet currently in Western hands, at least until they have a few months to think about the consequences of their actions.
If the Russians wish to enjoy a quarantined intranet between themselves and North Korea, they should go ahead and do so however if the West needs to take steps to protect themselves, it may have to start with the West dealing a death blow against Russia's own connectivity to the West. They're already implicated in espionage and cybercrime activity against Western democracies, including the United States. How much more should we tolerate before we hit back at the fifth column?
Okay all my fellow liberals, let's hear you pronounce judgment on this, my most conservative position ever in my adult life.
Yeah, sometimes I shock myself with how conservative some of my views can be.
But please, before you condemn my newly minted conservative position, try offering other solutions instead. How else can Western democracies protect themselves from Russian state sanctioned cybercrime activities AND North Korean intrusions into the open internet?
Any ideas? I'd love to hear them.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 10/03/17 04:52 PM
Seriously, maybe my addled old brain is out of fresh ideas on how to deal with this. So aside from just cutting as much Western connectivity to Russia as is possible, what else can we do?
The global internet is a robust architecture and it is probably impossible to completely isolate Russian connections to the West however Russian IP addresses are as unique as any other country's IP numbers, and it is possible to segregate blocks of IP addresses based on their national origin alone.

In addition, it is also possible to build software that can deep scan the origin of packets from that region and allow defensive measures to be engaged at the next level down. Knowledge of how that works exactly is beyond my ken and beyond my pay grade, I am not well enough trained to speak confidently on those ideas, so I am asking for help.

Is this a Quixotic stab at a moving target bound to end in failure?
Is it even possible to quarantine an entire segment of the internet effectively based on national origin for defensive purposes. Would any such effort in that direction achieve any measurable results?
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 10/04/17 03:07 AM
It's not impossible at all, from the very beginning of the internet. It is called Internet Death and it was reserved for nodes with bad behavior. In the past, that was defined as things like a DDOS attack: A node can send millions of packets asking another node to respond and effectively shut down that other node because it is busy responding. What you do is to identify that sender's IP address and block it in every router. It can send it's millions of packets and as soon as they hit a router they get discarded. But that also kills all legitimate traffic from that node.

That's just one example and pretty simple. But what about more complex "bad behavior"? What about phishing attacks? What about perfectly normal postings to Slate or Capital Hill Blue that pretend to be a Trump fan making a fake news story about Clinton?

Because that the real "bad behavior" now. That's how the Kremlin got Trump elected, and it has been doing stuff like that for a very long time. Whatever disrupts American Democracy the most. I would not be surprised if Republicans announcing they were going to oppose everything Obama proposed in 2008, originated in the Kremlin. That's just what they do, they have been doing it in one form or another for more than 50 years, and they will do it in the future.

Russians are still Russians, and Putin is the former head of the KGB.

It is entirely possible to stop, but where do you cut the cables? Is China in the new internet? Wait, they are the main supporter of North Korea and cutting off connection to China is unthinkable because of all our business ties.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 10/04/17 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
It is entirely possible to stop, but where do you cut the cables? Is China in the new internet? Wait, they are the main supporter of North Korea and cutting off connection to China is unthinkable because of all our business ties.

China hasn't gifted Kim Jong Un with a shiny new Internet Connectin Musheen.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 10/04/17 05:40 AM
China hasn't gifted Kim Jong Un with a shiny new Internet Connectin Musheen.

But they could, very easily. I think we need something much more sophisticated than just cutting a connection. We need content-oriented packet inspection by AI. But you can't just inspect packets from North Korea. What about the Kremlin Troll Farm? What about ISIS and Al Queda? What about 20 or 30 other regimes that would like to harm us or steal from us, not to mention all the individual scam artists using the internet?

I think you need to inspect every packet that goes through every router on the backbone. And I think this is inevitable because all the nefarious stuff on the internet is making it more of a necessity.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 10/05/17 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
China hasn't gifted Kim Jong Un with a shiny new Internet Connectin Musheen.

But they could, very easily. I think we need something much more sophisticated than just cutting a connection. We need content-oriented packet inspection by AI. But you can't just inspect packets from North Korea. What about the Kremlin Troll Farm? What about ISIS and Al Queda? What about 20 or 30 other regimes that would like to harm us or steal from us, not to mention all the individual scam artists using the internet?

I think you need to inspect every packet that goes through every router on the backbone. And I think this is inevitable because all the nefarious stuff on the internet is making it more of a necessity.

I will agree that simple quarantine or wholesale death to entire blocks of IP nodes is the equivalent of killing a wasp nest with a howitzer gun. I am, despite my frustration, reluctant to use a blunt tool if a more precise one becomes available.
Precision however, costs money.
I smell disaster capitalism because today's social media is currently becoming a vast network of inundated Houston and Florida flood plains. The intellectual baseline is now fully infected with parasites and the host body is experiencing convulsions.

And just like the current health care situation, the free market gurus will attempt to make the case that a secure and more beneficial internet looks like a brand new cash cow, in need of a nice spanking new set of supportive fees and surcharges.
The Republicans will also, despite their protestations against "big government", insist on a whole new government agency to TSA the living Hell out of everything we see, hear and read on this new secure internet, and conservatives would love nothing better than to see that agency heavily politicized, backed by a privatized data mining firm that they own stock in, and funded by tolls, constant tolls everywhere.
That will fit in nicely with their fantasy of a multi-tiered internet where the big comm moguls enjoy faster speeds while the proles and sops are segregated to the slow lanes.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 10/06/17 12:32 AM
That will fit in nicely with their fantasy of a multi-tiered internet where the big comm moguls enjoy faster speeds while the proles and sops are segregated to the slow lanes.

More or less, that is already here: My cable company offers several different connection speeds, and you pay for speed. So do telcos with DSL tiers, etc.

Maybe this could be voluntary? For $5 a month you get super-secure packet delivery? It could be done right at your ISP's router just before it gets to your computer. Your choice if you want to pay for it.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 10/06/17 12:51 AM
For five bucks a month? Of course I would subscribe, and I'd advise everyone else to do the same, if for that five bucks I can be sure I'll never see a post from Russian, Chinese or other paid bots again, in my email or on social media.
I suspect however, that such a feature would be about forty bucks a month extra within two years and it would also open several boxes of the Pandora variety.
Know what Facebook Jail is? It's where you get unceremoniously blocked from posting anywhere from 12 hours to 30 days, or even permanently if Facebook decides you posted something that violated community standards, which usually amounts to a person reporting your post because it hurt their feelings.
No appeals, no recourse, nothing.
Don't wanna pay the extra forty bucks? Well, you might find yourself scooped up into the jail bucket a lot more often.

For your own good, of course!
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 10/22/17 12:51 PM

From Eric Swalwell (D-CA) U.S. Representative's government website:

[Linked Image from]


Representative Swalwell is pretty bold putting this out there on his Representative site. I'm surprised that Rep Swelwell hasn't received an angry 4 am Tweet when Trump takes a dump from his porcelain throne.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 10/23/17 11:50 PM
Bill Browder is a U.S.-born British citizen whose Moscow-based investment company was robbed of $230 million over a decade ago by well-connected Russians via a scheme that involved intimidation and tax fraud.

Sergei Magnitsky was a lawyer who worked for Browder and helped publicize the fraud/theft. He died in a Russian jail in 2008 under very suspicious circumstances.

The Magnitsky Act is a U.S. law passed in 2012 that sanctions Russian individuals believed to be involved in Magnitsky's death and other human rights crimes. Browder is the most prominent public advocate of the law, which prohibits sanctioned individuals from using the U.S. banking system.

Now Russia claims Browder killed Magnitsky and keeps putting him on the Interpol wanted list, and the State Department is cooperating by revoking Browder's visa!

United States Reportedly Revokes Visa of Putin Critic

I think Putin is getting desperate because the Act threatens his personal fortune and his ability to stay in power by protecting his fellow oligarchs. This is what that meeting with the Russians was all about.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 10/28/17 06:18 AM
Breaking News: CNN reports that Mueller's Grand Jury in Washington DC has returned the first indictment. It may be unsealed on Monday and they may arrest the person charged.

Right Now is the time, all you Trump administration folks: Call up Mueller's office and get in there to make a deal. If you sing the right song, you may avoid prison and personal disgrace. If you miss out, you go down for your crimes.

Remember: There were only 5 Watergate burglars, but 50 Nixon administration people were indicted.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 10/28/17 04:03 PM

LOL Good times!!!

[Linked Image from]
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 10/28/17 04:51 PM
Hannity and Nunes may become subjects of the probe...
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 10/28/17 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Hannity and Nunes may become subjects of the probe...
I understand why Nunes would be, but why Hannity?
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 10/28/17 08:45 PM
Hannity has been a suspiciously loyal purveyor of Russian propaganda and stalwart of Trump and cronies.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 10/28/17 09:36 PM
If Hannity advised anyone to commit a crime, he's guilty of that crime as well as conspiracy. Apparently, he and Trump talk on the phone every night. Think nothing criminal ever came up? Remember, cover-up things like concealing evidence, lying to federal investigators, and obstruction of justice are actually crimes. Just warning Comey to be careful what he says about meetings with Trump because there might be tapes, might be witness intimidation.

In fact, a lot of Trump's standard MO might be crimes, or at least impeachable High Crimes. Lying, bluffing, using your high office to attack your enemies, etc.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 10/29/17 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Breaking News: CNN reports that Mueller's Grand Jury in Washington DC has returned the first indictment. It may be unsealed on Monday and they may arrest the person charged.

Right Now is the time, all you Trump administration folks: Call up Mueller's office and get in there to make a deal. If you sing the right song, you may avoid prison and personal disgrace. If you miss out, you go down for your crimes.

Remember: There were only 5 Watergate burglars, but 50 Nixon administration people were indicted.

HAR!!!! You think they're going to call and try to get a deal?
HAHAHAHAHAHA! You know there isn't a snowball's chance in Hell of that happening. President Trump? RULE OF THE OPPOSITE THANG!
He's going to try to intimidate Mueller and attempt to lay the ground work to try and get him fired instead.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 10/29/17 08:41 PM
He who ignores history is doomed to repeat it. I have no doubt Trump will make such a stupid blunder. That will make impeachment a certainty. If Republicans in Congress did not act, in 2018 there would be a massive sweep of them out of office. Then we have the impeachment. Think they won't get 2/3 of the Senate to agree? Not after they see what happened to all their Republican comrades in the House.

And Trump will have a very hard time killing the investigation, even if he fires Mueller. For one thing, New York state would immediately hire Mueller and make it a state investigation. That works fine, and there is nothing Trump can do about it. If he tries anything too crazy, his cabinet revolts and uses the 25th Amendment to say he has had a breakdown and is unfit for office.

Besides, it doesn't take all of the Trump folks to be prosecution witnesses. Mueller wouldn't want ALL of them. Prosecutors only want two or three witnesses so they can prosecute all the other people. We're talking about Trump appointees here: The only loyalty most of them have is to themselves. I can see Obama appointees and employees going to jail for Obama. I don't see Trump's.

If Trump was smart, he would make a state visit to Argentina or Moscow and never come back.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 10/30/17 06:01 PM
Just as I expected: Three down and one of them makes a deal. George Papadopoulos is going to walk or at least do minimal prison time. Get in there and make your own deal now, before it's too late, Trump people! If you make them actually go to trial and prove your case, they're going to throw the book at you. And DO NOT accept a pardon: You won't go to Federal prison which would be a walk in the park. You'll go to New York State prison, and you could easily die in there.

This is a big part of why hiring a bunch of white-collar crooks for your gang doesn't work out in the end: They have no loyalty to anyone but themselves, and will sell you out to save their ass in a minute.
Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 10/30/17 10:30 PM
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 10/30/17 11:50 PM

We need someone to communicate that DT is not doing these trips. It should be someone low level in the campaign so as not to send any signal.
- Papadopoulos email 05/2016

That folks, IS the collusion.

We need to march and protest until Donald J effing Trump is removed from Office. mad
Posted By: matthew Re: Trump and Russia - 10/31/17 12:26 AM
Well, the Papadopoulos and Manafort are hitting the fan, and where they will spray, nobody knows.

We can be sure they will twist, slowly, in the wind until they name names, and so the tale will unfold. Much the same thing happened with John What's-His-Name when Nixon began to fall.

Everyone seems to have forgotten Wilbur Ross, Sec. of Commerce, and his money laundering with the Russian Oligarchs through the Bank of Cyprus.

I am reminded of Stalin's show trials in the 1930's, except in the USA the torture is less physical (at least, if you are a member of the upper classes), and as befits a "democratic" society, both Republicans and Democrats will have their "separate but equal" show trials --- the Repubs will do unto the Others as the Dems have done unto them --- I see it already forming in gossip about Fusion GPS and lawfirm Perkins-Coie doing the Democrat's dirty work with the Russians.

Get out your chemicalized popcorn and poisonous sugar-drinks, folks --- it should be very entertaining as these whiffs from the cesspool of Oligarch manipulation of American "democracy" turn into miasma when the cover of the cesspool is fully removed!
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 10/31/17 03:13 AM
[Linked Image from]

Let's see how low these indictments, and future indictments, can make Trump's number go. smile
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 10/31/17 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
[Linked Image from]

Let's see how low these indictments, and future indictments, can make Trump's number go. smile

I would like to know what the magic number is that makes even the most hardcore supporters in Congress call a special meeting where they all get together and decide that "it's him or them, and it's going to be HIM".

What was the approval number that Nixon hit?
I think it was 24%
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 10/31/17 11:14 AM

[Linked Image from]
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 10/31/17 10:21 PM
Learned some very interesting stuff about Paul Manafort: He spent years in Ukraine working for the pro-Putin fellow to make him President using EXACTLY the same campaign tactics. President fled the country just ahead of the mob. When people in Ukraine heard that Manafort was working for Trump, they could see it all happening again, to their dismay.

Manafort has been a buddy of Trump for a very long time. He took the position with Trump without pay. (He already has millions from the Ukraine stuff.) When Trump made the announcement that Manafort was out, he really wasn't. That was just PR.

Manafort's daughter said in a lot of emails to friends that he took the job so he wouldn't be an employee, but rather a Trump equal partner. Looks like he was much more than "an adviser". She also said that Trump and Manafort are perfect partners. Trump sees himself as an American version of a Russian oligarch. It's all about money and power for both of them.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 11/01/17 02:13 AM

Paul Manafort also brought a lot of Russian Oligarchs to Donald Trump. These Oligarchs, whose ill-gotten wealth came from the break-up of the Soviet Union, purchased condos ( some Oligarchs more than one - several units ) in various Trump residential towers for WAY OVER ASKING PRICE. The Oligarchs got to tie their ill-gotten monies in real estate and Trump pocketed the extra money paid for the units.

Money laundering is a big part of Mueller's investigation.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 11/01/17 12:15 PM
The Manafort indictment has to have Trump pissing-his-pants nervous. It practically describes the Trump Organization.
Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 11/01/17 12:17 PM
I see Manafort has three passports and sometimes travels using fake names. Is Mueller exposing a global crime syndicate?
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 11/01/17 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by logtroll
I see Manafort has three passports and sometimes travels using fake names. Is Mueller exposing a global crime syndicate?
Well, yes. I think this line sums it up beautifully:
How do investigators decipher a story in which just about every participant was lying to just about every other participant just about all the time, usually for the sole purpose of exaggerating his own significance and power? And how do the rest of us connect it to reality?
The Papadopoulos Plea Deal and the Great Blowhard Convergence of the 2016 Election - the New Yorker. Have you ever seen as many "padded resumes" in any one place?
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 11/02/17 04:34 AM
Sessions is going down. He lied to the Congressional committees and said that he was unaware of any connection between Russia and the Trump campaign, but Pappadapolous testified that Sessions was at the meeting where he brought up his Russia contact.

Partisan Senators and Reps in investigative hearings can go easy on you and accept your lies, but that is a trap: It's still perjury! And the Special Prosecutor will still indict you for it.

Trump lies so constantly that all his people have come to think they should lie as well. But if you lie to the FBI or Congress, that's Perjury. And here we have the ultimate fate of those who use "alternate facts".
Posted By: Greger Re: Trump and Russia - 11/02/17 09:37 PM
Sessions is going down.
From your lips to God's ears...
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 11/02/17 11:29 PM
The Keebler Elf has baked his last batch of rotten cookies.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 11/02/17 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
The Manafort indictment has to have Trump pissing-his-pants nervous. It practically describes the Trump Organization.

I was under the impression that Paul Manafort and Trump are almost sandbox buddies, with a friendship that goes back more than a decade.
Am I wrong?
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 11/03/17 03:20 AM
Yep, and the Trump campaign was a duplicate of the campaign Manafort ran in Ukraine to get the Russian-puppet elected. That Presidency ended with the guy fleeing the country just ahead of a lynch mob. Hopefully, this happens in our case too.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 11/04/17 01:08 PM

Carter Page met with Russian officials during a July 2016 trip to Moscow

As the New York Times reports, Page admitted to meeting with Kremlin operatives during his lengthy House Intelligence Committee hearing yesterday.

As the Times points out, the admission spins a different narrative than that which Page presented mere hours before their report was published. On Friday, and again earlier this week, Page mentioned his Russia trip, but did not include his meetings with Kremlin officials, and portrayed the visit as “academic” in nature.

In his CNN interview on Friday, Page also decried the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court warrant the FBI obtained to monitor him due to suspicions that he is a Russian foreign agent.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 11/04/17 08:23 PM
And he said he told Sessions about it, in direct conflict with Sessions sworn testimony before Congress. Is Sessions so senile he really does not remember? Or is he just a perjurer. Either way I don't think he can serve as AG.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 11/08/17 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Carter Page met with Russian officials during a July 2016 trip to Moscow

As the New York Times reports, Page admitted to meeting with Kremlin operatives during his lengthy House Intelligence Committee hearing yesterday.

As the Times points out, the admission spins a different narrative than that which Page presented mere hours before their report was published. On Friday, and again earlier this week, Page mentioned his Russia trip, but did not include his meetings with Kremlin officials, and portrayed the visit as “academic” in nature.

In his CNN interview on Friday, Page also decried the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court warrant the FBI obtained to monitor him due to suspicions that he is a Russian foreign agent.

And howzabout that Paul Manafort dude, bitching and moaning about having to be under house arrest?
What judge is crazy enough to let a confirmed (as in THREE PASSPORTS) flight risk like that bargain for his freedom?
Posted By: Ted Remington Re: Trump and Russia - 11/13/17 01:59 AM
Jeff asked me to drop this over here:

Putin actually answered, "Why, yes, I did, Donny, and now you are my slave for the rest of your term. Why? Because you cannot tell anyone the truth, since your administration would be gone by the time you got back to DC. All it takes is one nod from me and you are history. So let's talk about a unilateral reduction in America's nuclear arms and a complete removal of your military presence from anywhere that is not US territory. By the way, the borscht is terrific just after the beet harvest."

If Trump asked this question at all, he placed himself in a position of abject slavery to the Russian bear.

If you think about it for a minute you will see that Putin, a retired KGB colonel, would have had no choice except to say yes. There was never a greater opportunity for the Russians since 1917. Even if the true answer is no.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 11/13/17 02:03 AM

Ted, did you see this thread?
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 11/13/17 02:07 AM
President Trump:
"Every time he sees me, he says, 'I didn't do that,' " Trump said. "And I believe, I really believe, that when he tells me that, he means it."
John McCain:
"There's nothing 'America First' about taking the word of a KGB colonel over that of the American intelligence community."

Trump says he believes Putin's election meddling denials
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 11/13/17 04:13 AM
Ted Remington:

Facebook post

When asked by the Donald if Russia had interfered in the American election, Putin actually answered, "Why, yes, I did, Donny, and now you are my slave for the rest of your term. Why? Because you cannot tell anyone the truth, since your administration would be gone by the time you got back to DC. All it takes is one nod from me and you are history. So let's talk about a unilateral reduction in America's nuclear arms and a complete removal of your military presence from anywhere that is not US territory. By the way, the borscht is terrific just after the beet harvest. Start by getting a [censored] haircut."
If you think about it for a minute you will see that Putin, a retired KGB colonel, would have had no choice except to say yes. There was never a greater opportunity for the Russians since 1917. Even if the true answer is no.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 11/14/17 02:31 AM
Anyone doubt anymore that WikiLeaks is a Russian operation? The Secret Correspondence Between Donald Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks - CNN.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 11/14/17 09:56 PM
“I had no recollection of this meeting until I saw these news reports I got caught,” Mr. Sessions said.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 11/14/17 10:52 PM
I thought the same thing, how can AG Sessions remember only what has been reported and has no recollection of anything else. Seems odd, but then I have always thought AG Sessions was odd in a variety of ways
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 11/15/17 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
“I had no recollection of this meeting until I saw these news reports I got caught,” Mr. Sessions said.
The Ronald Reagan defense. coffee
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 11/15/17 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by rporter314
I thought the same thing, how can AG Sessions remember only what has been reported and has no recollection of anything else. Seems odd, but then I have always thought AG Sessions was odd in a variety of ways
Jefferson Beauregard's dotard bloated orange boss is no better! mad

(One day)

I have the best memory and the greatest mind.

(The next day)

I don't remember.

- Donald J
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 12/02/17 01:32 AM
Flynn has a deal with Mueller, and deals do not get made to implicate lower people in the organization. So who is higher than Flynn in the Trump administration? Who's ass is grass?

Obvious answer is Kushner, but Pence and Trump himself are also possible answers. Flynn supposedly was asked to resign because he lied about Russia contacts to Pence, but maybe he was doing exactly what he was told to do, and only these three would be in a position to tell him what to do.

Trump already said publicly that he didn't tell Flynn to make a deal with the Russians before the inauguration (which is a violation of The Logan Act), but that he would have if he thought Flynn was NOT doing that. Typical backhanded Trump confession! Since Trump has a very flexible memory and only a slight acquaintance with the truth, I think there is a very good chance Trump was one of those who told Flynn to break the law and undermine the Obama administration.

Anyway. Mueller knows all of Flynn's secrets now: You don't get such a plea deal without telling the whole truth to the prosecutor. And you don't get a such minor charge unless the prosecutor has a half dozen other charges he could make.

I think Trump should be thinking of an exit strategy. One he can claim as a "win".
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 12/02/17 03:38 AM
Something to remember

Mr Trump is a narcissist. He has built an elaborate delusional world to insulate himself from reality in which he is the greatest etc. In is world he has done no wrong.

How would anyone convict someone who can not discern the difference between a delusional world and reality? If he were deposed I guarantee he will "lie", but in his world he will be telling the truth.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 12/02/17 03:41 PM
[Linked Image from]
Posted By: Ujest Shurly Re: Trump and Russia - 12/02/17 04:04 PM
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 12/02/17 08:06 PM
The Trump people insist that this will be over by December. Frankly, I don't see how Mueller can prepare so many indictments by then. That's a lot of paperwork.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 12/02/17 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
The Trump people insist that this will be over by December. Frankly, I don't see how Mueller can prepare so many indictments by then. That's a lot of paperwork.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 12/02/17 08:25 PM

[Linked Image from]
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 12/03/17 03:24 AM

[Linked Image from]
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 12/03/17 03:27 AM
Maybe they are talking about Trump's 25th Amendment "victory retirement"?

I really think he should spend more time with his family for the short time he has left. At this rate, he won't know who they are pretty soon.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 12/03/17 04:17 AM

Trump boasts that he's very intelligent, but the reality is that Trump, is a simpleton. This whole Russia scandal is about Trump kissing Putin's butt so that Putin will approve a Trump Tower in Moscow - something that Trump has wanted since the early '90s.

Opportunists like Jared Kushner used his father-in-law to get in good with the Russians so that Jared could get Russian-backed money for his failing real estate business. The buiding that Jared owns at 666 Fifth Avenue was purchased at the height of the housing bubble, and a HUGE interest balloon payment is coming due in a few months. THAT is why Jared wanted "back-channels" to Russian oligarchs - so he could get funding for his real estate business.

Having said all of the above, Donald J Trump is involved in shady Russian oligarch money laundering which is a separate issue from his 2016 Election campaign issues - which was to get in good with Puty so that Trump Tower - Moscow could be built.

Robert Mueller is simply rolling all of these shenanigans into one giant criminal investigation.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 12/03/17 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
The buiding that Jared owns at 666 Fifth Avenue was purchased at the height of the housing bubble, and a HUGE interest balloon payment is coming due in a few months. THAT is why Jared wanted "back-channels" to Russian oligarchs - so he could get funding for his real estate business.

There used to be a restaurant called "Top of the Sixes" on the top floor of that building. My folks used to take us all there whenever we came to NYC with them.
Food was so-so but the whole thrill of the place was the view, I guess.
They did have decent steaks but not much else.
By the time Jared purchased it, the Grand Havana Room, a cigar bar, had replaced TOT6's.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 12/03/17 09:24 PM

The UK Independent wrote in March 2017, that in April 2016 during the height of the GOP Presidential primary, Donald Trump met with Russia's US Ambassador, but that the Ambassador has since been recalled back to Moscow to get the Ambassador away from questioning him about the meeting with Donald J. Trump.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 12/03/17 10:38 PM
There is a REASON WHY Flynn was only charged with, and plead guilty to, a minor charge of lying to the FBI.
There is a REASON WHY Flynnn was able to get a plea deal like that from Mueller. Prosecutors NEVER EVER make a deal like that to get at LOWER people on the totem pole, they only make deals like that to get people HIGHER UP, and there are only a very few people higher up than Flynn.

I think we ALL KNOW who those higher-ups are, don't we?
Posted By: Greger Re: Trump and Russia - 12/04/17 02:26 AM
I think we ALL KNOW who those higher-ups are, don't we?
Well yes, we do. But do we really think a handful of indictments will bring this administration down? With a congress like this even Richard Nixon would have remained in office.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 12/04/17 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by Greger
I think we ALL KNOW who those higher-ups are, don't we?
Well yes, we do. But do we really think a handful of indictments will bring this administration down? With a congress like this even Richard Nixon would have remained in office.

2018 brother. That's our assignment, sweep both chambers in 2018.
Because even with all these indictments aside, if we do NOT sweep both chambers in 2018, we're toast anyway.

So all of this hinges on what kind of legislature we can give Mueller to work with in 2018.
Posted By: Ujest Shurly Re: Trump and Russia - 12/04/17 04:04 PM
Well it is time for this:

VOTE 2018
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 12/04/17 06:43 PM
Never mind that we have a president that tweets every thought in his head.
Would be fine if they weren't the thoughts of a nine year old on CRACK COCAINE.
FDR used to have "fireside chats" on the radio. Well okay, a lot of people don't "listen to the radio" in the same way anymore, so okay...a prezzy could do a podcast.
Can you imagine what's going to happen to the American psyche if Trump discovers what podcasts are?

The smart people are not in charge anymore. The racist/bigot imbeciles have the floor now...until 2018.
If we don't take their lollipops away from them in 2018 then we are finished.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 12/22/17 01:03 AM
We now know WHY Republicans are going after Mueller's investigation NOW. Another shoe is about to drop: White House Counsel Knew in January Flynn Probably Violated the Law (Foreign Policy) - And he told the President. Actually, he told the President the day before Trump tried to strong arm FBI Director Comey to drop Flynn investigation.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 12/22/17 01:29 AM
The timeline fits perfectly. Slam dunk on the Obstruction Of Justice charge. Nobody can deny it.

A big part of the problem is that Trump is not a lawyer, so he has little idea of what is criminal and what is not. He's always done whatever he wanted and hired shyster lawyers to either get him out of it or in more cases, negotiate a settlement. He's still got the same caliber of lawyer and doesn't realize that Mueller and company are REAL lawyers and will eat Trump's lawyers for lunch.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 12/22/17 02:06 AM
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 12/22/17 03:25 AM
The timeline fits perfectly. Slam dunk on the Obstruction Of Justice charge. Nobody can deny it.
Dont delude yourself. For proof watch the love fest at the WH. 11 Congressmen got up and praised Mr Trump and told him he was the greatest .... and you think these people will impeach him?

Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 12/22/17 04:48 AM
I for one am not one of those that think that impeachment of Trump AND Pence frees us from the core problem, but it certainly does terminate two of the worst current actors.
No one thought that killing Osama bin Laden would cause all of Al-Qaeda to lay down arms and run away, but the action still did considerable damage to their cause and their ability to conduct their craft.

Likewise, the killing of LaVoy Finnicum did similar damage to the Y'all-Qaeda paramilitary bunch.
Suddenly the Malheur Snack Brigade realizes that drawing a bead on law enforcement and hijacking a federal installation carries consequences.

Likewise, the impeachment of one, and possibly two sitting chief executives, preferably in a post 2018 victorious Congressional rout, signals that the Insane Clown Posse of the Elephant Party no longer owns the mandate to destroy the underpinnings of representative democracy like they thought.
So at best, "President" Paul Ryan would have to satisfy himself with jerking it to Ayn Rand books in the Executive Crapper and running out the clock until 2020 while we repair the damage and groom a sensible liberal candidate to lead us back to the United States of Sanity.

Minus a 2018 sweep of both chambers, impeachment is not going to happen.
I'm liberal, not stupid. I accept the fact that with Republicans owning the Trifecta plus the Golden Meatball, Trump could be caught fellating a nine year old while holding a crack pipe and his supporters in Congress would just say that we're "taking all of that out of context".
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 12/22/17 09:00 AM
"President" Paul Ryan? If there was a 2018 Congressional rout, the Speaker could well be a Democrat.

It's really a gamble the Republicans have to think about. If they impeach Trump and optionally Pence, they end up with Republican control of the White house for three more years.

If they wait to be escorted out of the majority in Congress in 2018, the speaker could be a Democrat and impeachment of both Trump and Pence could put that Democrat in the Oval Office.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 12/22/17 12:18 PM
Representative Nadler from New York, the new senior member of the judiciary committee was on Chris Hayes' "All In" last night. He detests Trump, and the feeling is mutual. But he judiciously pointed out that impeachment is not going to happen - even if the House indicts, Trump will not be convicted in the Senate, which requires a 2/3 vote. There simply is no plausible scenario where a sufficient number (14-18 even if all Democrats vote to) of Republicans will vote to convict, ESPECIALLY if they are in the minority. They are power-mad and without principles. Is sad, but true.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 12/23/17 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
"President" Paul Ryan? If there was a 2018 Congressional rout, the Speaker could well be a Democrat.

It's really a gamble the Republicans have to think about. If they impeach Trump and optionally Pence, they end up with Republican control of the White house for three more years.

If they wait to be escorted out of the majority in Congress in 2018, the speaker could be a Democrat and impeachment of both Trump and Pence could put that Democrat in the Oval Office.

What most of my liberal friends don't seem to understand is that the latter sounds like it is really well worth fighting for.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 12/23/17 12:43 PM
The first problem would be to find "crimes" worthy of actual of House charges being filed. Run of the mill emolument, 3rd party associations, etc, don't and would qualify for anyone but rabid partisans.

Channeling what Rep Nadler said, another Rep said essentially the same thing i.e. GOP control of House and Senate precludes almost every scenario one could devise based on currently known "facts".

So unless Mr Trump has committed a crime to heinous to even imagine what it would be, he will be free to do whatever he pleases. Remember it is Mr Trump who has control of the base, not the leaders of the GOP. It is purely political. And this gets even worse when one throws a little speculation in. Mr Trump "enjoys" about 35% approval rating. What if he went to war? Like a TV reality show cheerleader, Mr Trump has been campaigning for such a confrontation between the US and NK (or another country of your choice). The public would probably support a new war if properly provoked. Approval ratings high, statues to his greatness, and songs praising his greatness. Mueller? Who is that?

However, there is one scenario in which there may be a problem. Suppose he, in one of his narcissistic delusions believes he has now become emperor of America and can disband Congress as ineffective, etc etc. This may be the only scenario which would prompt the GOP into action.

Rambling so don't mind me
Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 12/23/17 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by rporter314
The first problem would be to find "crimes" worthy of actual of House charges being filed...

Maybe they could get him to lie about what the meaning of 'is' is, under oath? That's on the record as an impeachable offense, as I recollect...
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 12/23/17 02:04 PM
LOL .... sure for Dems

just don't forget the administration lies with impunity .... so you want to charge someone with something which is "normal" for these folks (and it is not just the administration .... see Amb Hoekstra and his lies for textbook example)?

In addition don't forget Mr Trump suffers from a personality disorder, narcissism, which means he lies all the time. Even if under oath, he believes what he says is true. How do you convince someone who resides in an alternate reality they are lying and then how can you charge someone with a crime in this reality with something from that reality?

Ordinary "crimes" (lying, cheating, fraud, murder, etc) do not apply to Mr Trump. Like he said and like everyone who looks at this objectively says, a Republican Congress will not file charges.

So what would induce Congress into action? I am thinking stepping across Constitutional boundaries. Think .... "I do not work for you Mr President". Dissolution of courts. Pre-emptorily rounding up dissidents. .... If there is one thing which motivates at least Congress, it is power.

I don;t hold much hope with this bunch of Republicans who have apparently been to the crossroads.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 12/23/17 07:16 PM
They've chosen sides already. If there is a putsch, it will be "Republican."
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 12/23/17 07:27 PM
Nonsense: They will impeach or Amendment 25 him the minute support for him threatens to lose them their jobs. Pence may be an idiot and a toady, but at least he's not a loose cannon.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 12/24/17 02:43 AM
i think almost all Republican strategists have offered the notion they will be drowned in 2018 to the point they may lose one or both houses of Congress. No one is suggesting they file charges.

Perhaps they believe their big beautiful tax cut for the wealthy and businesses will save them?

Now is the time to save their jobs ... their party. They all went home to unwrap Christmas presents. No one took a pen home.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 12/24/17 08:16 AM
It's nice to see that Russian corruption has a cost:

Goodbye Russia: A generation packs its bags

Magnitsky is not an isolated case at all. Thousands of young educated Russians are deciding they don't want to live in Putin's Paradise.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 12/24/17 09:31 PM
Impeachment takes time. They don't have that time. Interestingly, Rhona Graff was interviewed this week. What I wonder is: were they trying to get information from her, or to close down the Mueller investigation by souring the process and "warning" her about how the inquiry might go...
Too many Congressmen and Senators are working to protect Trump from his own failures.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 12/25/17 12:50 AM
Too many Congressmen and Senators are working to protect Trump from his own failures.
what surprises me is the GROWING number who are starting to defend him. Had there been any real interest we should have seen perfunctory endorsements, instead we are seeing full throated defense (Spkr Ryan, Sen Graham as examples).

I am not in law enforcement but based on the "shows" I watch, I would think cleaver investigators would ask questions which provide no clues what the intent or direction of the interview was.

Now based on my educated analysis of Mr Trump's mental state, there are a couple of things which bother me. A narcissist by the very nature of the disorder lies, so nothing he says is of any value, unless the investigator knows how to ask questions which are invariant to Trump's alternate world and reality. Any one who has been around Mr Trump has to know he demands large amounts of praise and adulation (because he is a narcissist). What value is their testimony if they have been trained to lie? and what if they are willing to protect Mr Trump (a la loyalty). Would Mss Graff lie for him?

So even if they get everyone for perjury, we are no closer to the truth of what happened than when they started investigating, unless of course they have the hard copy for everything.

Roger Stone, the delusional Clinton demonizer, says the cabinet has considered the 25th but from an establishment Republican perspective. Even though he has no credibility, in my opinion, he may be right but not about why they would consider it.

I am about 85-95% sure Spkr Ryan will not allow charges to be filed regardless of what Mueller finds out about Mr Trump.
Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 12/25/17 01:48 AM
Politifact's "Lie of the Year":

Russia did not mess with U.S. elections
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 12/25/17 03:02 AM
Mr Trump denies Russian interference in election

This works from 2 different perspectives both of which support his narcissism

1. The Russians interference, with or without his knowledge, simply means they were supporting Trump's greatness as a powerful individual.

2. Any criticism which mentions Russian interference undermines Trump's greatness.

Mr Trump, as a narcissist would see Russian help in a different light than someone without a personality disorder. Thus while you may see it as criminal, he would see it as praise and adulation which would not be criminal.

The 25th would be the way to go, if there are enough honest men left in the administration.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 12/25/17 05:33 AM
Actually, one of the main reasons I believe there was collusion is that Trump insists there wasn't. I have not heard a lot of truth come out of that mouth, so I assume he's lying. Probably most of his supporters have figured out by now that almost everything he says is a lie. They just don't care.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 12/25/17 12:06 PM
for the most part I think that is true and valid.

Almost everything of a personal nature which depicts him as great is probably a lie. Largest crowds, biggest hands, greatest negotiator, etc. He is however a fast food junkie. It will depend on as an example food. For instance, the tacos (or whatever it was) are the greatest tacos made, which by happenstance are made at his hotel therefore making him great.

and, as you say, as the music plays on, with a resounding cacophony of dissonance, his supporters think it is the sweetest music ever played by any mortal or immortal human.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 12/25/17 02:39 PM
I think that was a typo, you meant "immoral", right?
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 12/25/17 06:13 PM

from Mr Trump's perspective it would be a 20 foot tall statue ... ahhh ... correction ... 30 foot tall .... but today only ... tomorrow he may be greater than great ... you know its gotta be taller than "THE WALL"

and even if you think he is "immoral" his supporters still love him

sometimes i can see a couple of the dimensions moving in and out of my reality and I can see Mr Trump's alternate reality clearly ... now i have to wonder if the forces of nature will impose a new and different reality on all of us ... there are no facts but the ones Mr Trump says are true whether valid or not
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 12/27/17 08:04 PM
The alternate reality dimensions of this situation remind me of so many dystopian/alternate reality fantasies like the Matrix, Inception, Dr. Strange... am i just not seeing reality?
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 12/27/17 08:07 PM
Well it is very difficult to ignore the fact that Trump and today's Republicans are transforming America into "The Hunger Games", aka "one of the great modern dystopian stories of the decade".
Posted By: Greger Re: Trump and Russia - 12/27/17 09:10 PM
"one of the great modern dystopian stories of the decade".

I think you're wrong.

If Republicans remain in power, eliminate the voices of Democrats, load the judicial system with partisan judges, continue the willy nilly deregulation of environmental and labor laws, and pretty much get everything they want, this will be the greatest dystopian story of the century.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 12/27/17 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by Greger
"one of the great modern dystopian stories of the decade".

I think you're wrong.

If Republicans remain in power, eliminate the voices of Democrats, load the judicial system with partisan judges, continue the willy nilly deregulation of environmental and labor laws, and pretty much get everything they want, this will be the greatest dystopian story of the century.

We're both saying the same thing, actually.
I was saying Hunger Games was a STORY, you're saying Trump's America will be a REALITY.
Posted By: Spag-hetti Re: Trump and Russia - 12/29/17 03:04 PM
Trump was recently saying his approval ratings are about the same as President Obama's in his first year in spite of “massive negative Trump coverage & Russia hoax!”

Yeah, the only thing Obama had dragging him down was Trump flapping his gums about sending mythical investigators to Hawaii to investigate his birth certificate and the (literally) unbelievable things they were finding out down there.

P.S. The only polls that show Trump even close to Obama are obvious outliers.

Trump can't wait to do revisionist history, he's into revisionist present.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 12/29/17 06:30 PM
Trump is nearly as popular as Vladimir Putin - In Russia. Some people have selective hearing, and selective memory. Trump has selective reality.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 12/30/17 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by Spag-hetti
Trump was recently saying his approval ratings are about the same as President Obama's in his first year in spite of “massive negative Trump coverage & Russia hoax!”

Yeah, the only thing Obama had dragging him down was Trump flapping his gums about sending mythical investigators to Hawaii to investigate his birth certificate and the (literally) unbelievable things they were finding out down there.

P.S. The only polls that show Trump even close to Obama are obvious outliers.

Trump can't wait to do revisionist history, he's into revisionist present.
It's just like a white supremacist like Donald J Trump to want to discount accomplishments of America's first black president. Hmm
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 12/30/17 03:36 AM
am i just not seeing reality?
did you take the red pill or the blue pill?

Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 12/30/17 03:48 AM
you're treating Mr Trump as a rational player. He has a personality disorder which precludes him seeing any reality but his own delusion.

For him if it elevates him, praises him, loves him, etc it is true. If it is negative, it is false.

He lives in an alternate universe in real time. From his perspective what he says is true and valid.

The problem is you are not a part of his universe.

reminds me of this
Originally Posted by Bob Dylan,
Talkin’ World War III Blues
Half of the people can be part right all of the time
Some of the people can be all right part of the time
But all of the people can’t be all right all of the time
I think Abraham Lincoln said that
“I’ll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours”

Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 12/30/17 10:23 PM
[N]ow that Mueller is closing in on the White House, the same right-wing figures who zealously defended Starr at every turn have begun to turn on the investigation. The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board called on him to step down, and Newt Gingrich reneged on his initial praise. Some Trump allies even stooped so low as to attack the entire Federal Bureau of Investigation. Even Donald Trump’s personal lawyer has gotten in on the act.

The difference between how the right is treating Mueller and how it treated Starr makes clear that these attacks are not being made in good faith. Trump’s allies are trying to discredit Mueller to insulate the president from being held accountable for the misconduct Mueller might bring to light.

They’re not angry that Mueller is doing his job badly; they’re afraid he’s doing it too well.
There must be consequences in the partisan crusade against Mueller- The Hill (David Brooks) And, it appears, a number of Republicans agree: Republican Attacks on Mueller and F.B.I. Open New Rift in G.O.P. - NYT. "Now some Republican lawmakers are speaking out, worried that Trump loyalists, hoping for short-term gain, could wind up staining the party, dampening morale at the F.B.I. and Justice Department, and potentially recasting Democrats as the true friends of law enforcement for years to come."
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 12/31/17 12:25 AM
And don't forget: We have internet now. Everything any of these Trump supporters say will be recorded and available to their opponents in every election for the rest of their lives. When this is all over and Trump is gone and pretty universally despised, they are going to have to see themselves attacking the forces of the rule of law over and over again. Their political lives will be over. The history books will label them all traitors.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 12/31/17 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
And don't forget: We have internet now. Everything any of these Trump supporters say will be recorded and available to their opponents in every election for the rest of their lives. When this is all over and Trump is gone and pretty universally despised, they are going to have to see themselves attacking the forces of the rule of law over and over again. Their political lives will be over. The history books will label them all traitors.
Yup. My hope is that the Dems smarten-up and quit bringing compostable "faux-plastic" knives to street-fights. And, instead, bring solid stainless steel, serrated-edged knives to these media campaign ad street-fights. smile
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 01/04/18 05:59 AM
Heh, heh, heh: Trump had his lawyer sent Bannon a Cease and Desist letter claiming he violated a confidentiality agreement, and to stop libeling him. But this is a trap for Trump! If there ever WAS a court action, Bannon would testify under oath and prove everything he claims. Then Trump would have to testify under oath and he would perjure himself. He just can't help it. His brain has obviously deteriorated enough that he can't remember what he said the day or hour before.

His lawyers will NEVER let him take the stand.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 01/04/18 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Heh, heh, heh: Trump had his lawyer sent Bannon a Cease and Desist letter claiming he violated a confidentiality agreement, and to stop libeling him. But this is a trap for Trump! If there ever WAS a court action, Bannon would testify under oath and prove everything he claims. Then Trump would have to testify under oath and he would perjure himself. He just can't help it. His brain has obviously deteriorated enough that he can't remember what he said the day or hour before.

His lawyers will NEVER let him take the stand.
In the words of Don Trump Jr: "I love it."

This Bannon v Trump in-fighting is so awesome. I'll have to buy a Costco-sized carton of microwave popcorn and just sit-back and do some reading. smile
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 01/04/18 12:32 PM

Steve Bannon said that Donald J Trump is a money launderer (quelle surprise! laugh ) and that Robert Mueller is on the right track. smile
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 01/04/18 07:32 PM
Donald J Trump is a money launderer

That's been so obvious ever since all the US banks figured out Trump would always rip them off.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 01/04/18 08:22 PM
Deputy AG, FBI director make unannounced visit to Paul Ryan's office. "Muzzle your dog," they said, "and you'll be the next President."
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 01/04/18 08:45 PM
Can Mueller file charges against sitting members of Congress who are patently trying to obstruct an investigation?

Why would any sane rational person want to do that if they were innocent?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 01/04/18 09:21 PM
I think we know now that the FBI investigations started long before the Steele dossier was published, because George Papadopoulos made a drunken confession to Australia's top diplomat in England that the Russians had hacked Democratic emails. Australia contacted the FBI. The stuff in the Steele dossier just confirmed some of their info.

So Nunes' entire theory is blown all to hell. He's barking up the wrong tree and instead of changing trees, he's just barking louder. He's going to be disgraced and then out of office after November.

The recent revelations from Fusion just make these Republican committee members look like gangsters instead of Congressmen.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 01/04/18 10:01 PM
That's a good question. Probably not, although... I was going to post a lengthy response when I came across this article while researching. It does a better job than I could, anyway. Why It is Pointless to Sue a Member of Congress for Defamation - Point of Order. Although the issues are different, the concept is the same.
It is very difficult to define the outer boundaries of the “job” of a Member of Congress. Almost anything the Member does may have an impact on his relationship with his constituents. Even matters which are indisputably personal, if they become a matter of media inquiry, can impact the Member’s image and thus affect his ability to effectively represent his constituents. This, at least, was the reasoning of Council on Am Islamic Relations v. Ballenger, 444 F.3d 659 (D.C. Cir. 2006), where the court stated: “A Member’s ability to do his job as a legislator effectively is tied, as in this case, to the Member’s relationship with the public and in particular his constituents in the Congress. In other words, there was a clear nexus between the congressman answering a reporter’s question about the congressman’s personal life and the congressman’s ability to carry out his representative responsibilities effectively.”

One person's "obstruction" is another's "constituent service".
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 01/05/18 01:59 AM
perhaps constituent nullification ... o thats right ... they voted for Mr Trump
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 01/05/18 09:39 AM
This is so much like Watergate, it is stunning: If they just acknowledged the original crime, sent a few people to jail, and then moved on, it would not have been a big deal. Instead it is all the things they do right up to the highest levels to cover up the crime, that get them in deeper and deeper. Covering up a crime IS Obstruction of Justice! It is much more serious than even the original crime, unless somebody was killed. And it is certainly a High Crime when the President does it.

If Trump was not such a basic crook, at the first mention of Russian dirt they would have called in the FBI. Maybe NOBODY would have gone to jail at all!

There were five Watergate burglars, but 40 government officials were indicted or jailed in the end.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 01/05/18 11:34 AM
considering the "fact" or belief these people are incompetent, they may be trying to coverup something which was not a crime, which would be fitting.

Then of course, once a SP came into the picture, it would only be a matter of time before the SP uncovered problems with the money.

Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 01/05/18 05:36 PM
Yeah, it's interesting that there are so many entirely different people with different piles of illegal money! It's not just one person with one money laundering event. It's as if Trump couldn't find people who had not ever done it.

Is there some kind of money launderers club we don't know about?
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 01/05/18 06:22 PM

It is the Trump Train .... get on board ... Moscow bound ....
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 01/05/18 07:12 PM

Micheal Wolff's book Fire and Fury is causing the Trump WH and the RNC into full-on meltdown/panic mode. I love it!!
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 01/05/18 07:44 PM
Wolff must be VERY happy now. I don't see how any book could have a better release. He's going to make a butt-load of money! But it brings up a very interesting question: Why would the Trump administration let somebody have such access when they know the day-to-day operations are in shambles? Was that just a case of the shambles being non-functional to that extent? Nobody noticed a reporter sitting there on the couch, talking to everyone, and taking notes on everything?

Or did Donald approve it, assuming anyone must be a sycophant, and then nobody questioned it. That seems quite likely. The fact that Donald denies knowing the guy makes me believe he did that. Just like he didn't know Flynn or Manafort.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 01/05/18 08:43 PM

Because Donald J Failure is such a narcissist that he probably thought the book would be a glowing affirmation of what an awesome human being he is... Hmm
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 01/05/18 09:18 PM
Michael Wolff is a smooth operator. He did the same thing to Murdoch. He wrote a number of seemingly positive articles to get in the door... Then...
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 01/06/18 04:47 PM
Har!!! You'd think Rupert would have given Donald Trump a heads up, an advance warning!
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 01/09/18 03:55 AM

I wrote this at dead Andrew's blog for aggrieved and angry white supremacists, and it was removed. gobsmacked

”Donald Trump is a money launderer. Robert Mueller is on the right track.”

- Steven Bannon, Fire and Fury

Whiny, crybaby beta cucks... coffee

Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 01/09/18 05:43 AM
"You can't stop what's coming..."
---Anton Chigurh - "No Country For Old Men"

[Linked Image from]

Mueller indicates he is likely to seek interview with Trump
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 01/10/18 04:15 AM
7 eye-opening revelations from the Fusion GPS testimony - The Week. Mark your calendars. This is big.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 01/10/18 05:33 AM

VERY interesting developments in the Russia collusion investigation today. I'm sure some bloated orange turd is sweating like a whore in church right about now. coffee

After sending Pee-Wee Herman out to defend him on Sunday, Donnie Dementia must be freaking out right now.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 01/10/18 10:30 PM
Clearly Mueller's probe is winding down: Mueller adds veteran cyber prosecutor to special-counsel team - WaPo (subscription).

Honestly, there is a chance that Mueller will find insufficient evidence against Trump. I would not be shocked (although disappointed). I think, though, what he wants to do is lock Trump into testimony, now, so that he can focus on discrediting it later.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 01/10/18 11:01 PM
A year after Buzzfeed published the Steele dossier, and just a day after the Fusion GPS transcript was produced, is a good time to take A Second Look at the Steele Dossier.
In this special Just Security article, highly respected former member of the CIA’s Senior Intelligence Service, John Sipher examines the Steele dossier using methods that an intelligence officer would to try to validate such information. Sipher concludes that the dossier’s information on campaign collusion is generally credible when measured against standard Russian intelligence practices, events subsequent to Steele’s reporting, and information that has become available in the nine months since Steele’s final report. The dossier, in Sipher’s view, is not without fault, including factual inaccuracies. Those errors, however, do not detract from an overarching framework that has proven to be ever more reliable as new revelations about potential Trump campaign collusion with the Kremlin and its affiliates has come to light in the nine months since Steele submitted his final report.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 01/11/18 12:51 AM
New York Times: Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election fits into a nearly two-decade pattern of meddling with governments around the world, and the United States’ response to its brazen attack is being hindered by President Trump, a new report prepared by Senate Democrats concludes.

“The report, which is to be released on Wednesday, is one of the most extensive to date on foreign interference by Russia and President Vladimir Putin. It tracks Russian efforts in 19 countries, chronicling misinformation campaigns, the funding of far-right political causes and the manipulation of energy supplies long before 2016 in an attempt to glean lessons for American officials considering how to counteract similar efforts here.”

PDF file
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 01/22/18 01:24 AM

[Linked Image from]
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 01/26/18 07:48 AM
Well, well, well, apparently when Trump whispered to his Don, "Will no one rid me of this meddlesome Special Counsel?" No one answered.
Posted By: Spag-hetti Re: Trump and Russia - 01/26/18 03:01 PM
What is the deal with Nunes? He has written a memo that we aren't allowed to read, but we are to believe that it proves beyond a doubt malfeasance by the Obama administration. Apparently this memo was not written to be read, it is to be waved in the air while foaming at the mouth.
Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 01/26/18 03:42 PM
It is The ConROT Way. They think of it as 'manu-fact-uring'.
Posted By: Spag-hetti Re: Trump and Russia - 01/26/18 05:00 PM
Loggy said:
It is The ConROT Way. They think of it as 'manu-fact-uring'.

Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 01/26/18 09:15 PM
Nunes is actually under investigation by the Ethics Committee for leaking secret documents to make his phony case against Fusion. This guy has no sense of shame.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 01/26/18 09:23 PM
Interesting article about all the administration figures willing to commit perjury. Looks quite like "somebody" asked them all to do that, which is the crime of Suborning Perjury. This is very similar to Watergate. Almost all the 40 people indicted were for the cover-up, not the original crime.

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Conspiracy

This many people exposing themselves to perjury over Russia can’t be a coincidence.

With Mueller looking at people's tax returns, it looks like Trump and Kushner families have all engaged in massive money laundering schemes for years. Ivanka's going to look cute in an orange jumpsuit! Lots of companies are going to change hands because felons are not allowed by the states to serve as officers. Trump supporters are going to be overwhelmed by the sheer criminality. The hard core is going to be reduced to people similar to Charles Manson fans.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 01/26/18 09:47 PM
I predict DoJ will not file charges. The several States may, but not AG Sessions.

Likewise I predict no level of "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" will be enough for Republicans in the House to file charges.


Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 01/26/18 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by rporter314
I predict DoJ will not file charges. The several States may, but not AG Sessions.

Likewise I predict no level of "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" will be enough for Republicans in the House to file charges.


Let's see what we wind up with in November.
Posted By: Ujest Shurly Re: Trump and Russia - 01/27/18 01:07 AM
" Ivanka's going to look cute in an orange jumpsuit!"

Well PIA, some say that Orange is the new Black... blush
Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 01/27/18 03:26 AM
Well, Agent Orange is certainly not the new Barack!
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 01/27/18 08:55 AM
I predict DoJ will not file charges. The several States may, but not AG Sessions.

Your prediction is already proved wrong as soon as you made it! Charges and indeed convictions have already been made by the Special Prosecutor. Sessions has nothing to do with it. In fact, he's probably hoping he doesn't get indicted for lying to Congress! Meanwhile Mueller just keeps on interviewing and charging people in Trump's administration.

As for charges for Trump, those have no effect on a sitting President. The Special Prosecutor will report High Crimes to Congress. It's up to them to impeach and convict Trump. After he's removed from office, THEN there can be criminal charges. I predict a very great many. If there is a Blue Wave (as special elections have predicted), then there will be a Democratic majority in Congress and Ryan will not be Speaker. I think Mueller might just wait for this to bring his charges to Congress.

Then if they impeach and convict Trump and Pence together, we could end up with President Pelosi. Or they could make Hillary Speaker just before they convict them...
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 01/27/18 11:30 AM
Your prediction is already proved wrong as soon as you made it!
I was of course only referring to Mr Trump while as a sitting president. No one else is signing into law any bill from Congress. No one else is implementing policies aimed at supporting the fundamentalist Christian agenda. etc

Getting ahead of yourself with a speculative scenario. First it is not clear that even if the Democrats win the House leadership would submit Congress to proceedings which only superficially are appealing to many. Consider secondly, that even if charges are filed in the House, Mr Trump would have to be tried in the Senate. Unless you can guarantee 67 senators would vote for conviction (and then only if the charges are serious ... remember Pres Clinton committed perjury and suborned perjury and was not convicted). Your dream of a Clinton presidency ... well ... probably just a dream.

All based on what I currently know. If Mueller should find really damning evidence, my opinion would probably change.

The only real solution is 2020 and hope the ignorance of American voters does not increase between now and then.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 01/27/18 09:10 PM
I think there is strong evidence for a Blue Wave. We've seen special elections with Democratic wins in deeply Republican places. Was Alabama a special case because Moore was a child predator? Maybe, but it shows that Democrats CAN win anywhere if Republicans are disgusting enough. With enough evidence of Republican dereliction of duty, they could have a real problem in November, and if they keep shielding Trump that will be enough.

So given a Democratic Congress, does Trump even stay in office? Or does he just resign in a temper tantrum? He can't get anything he wants: Congress can pass actual laws that overcome his executive orders, and the courts have never done much to support him. I'm thinking with just a slim Democratic majority in Congress he resigns. He just does not have the skills or patience to be President with the opposition running Congress.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 01/27/18 09:40 PM
He just does not have the skills or patience to be President with the opposition running Congress.
that may be true, however, i think one should analyze the situation from the narcissists perspective.

Would a narcissist cut and run? I think in this case he can smell delusions which no one has ever seen. Already he not only believes but has his supporters convinced, he can shoot people in broad daylight on tv and they would still support him. what if his delusion becomes one of sympathy. The Democrats are so mean he can't get his MAWhateverAgain agenda passed. His supporters would idolize him. He would be proclaimed a martyr of populist causes. Can one imagine what that would do for his needy narcissistic ego?

I think there will be a wave, but whether it will be a tsunami or a gentle ripple I don't know. In either case and supposing the Dems win the House, remember how Rep Pelosi immediately called for an investigation into members of the former administration? You don't remember because they did not investigate.

BTW, have you noticed Mr Trump (really VP Pence) has packed the federal courts with ultra right wing nuts, and more importantly the SC has an inherent conservative advantage now. Think about this, should there be any legal (read that as Constitutional) matter tied to the SP and the president, do you really believe the court would not side with the president?

Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 01/27/18 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by rporter314
The only real solution is 2020 and hope the ignorance of American voters does not increase between now and then.
More ignorant "conservatives" will be pushing-up daisies between today and election 2020. smile
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 01/27/18 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by rporter314
Your prediction is already proved wrong as soon as you made it!
I was of course only referring to Mr Trump while as a sitting president. No one else is signing into law any bill from Congress. No one else is implementing policies aimed at supporting the fundamentalist Christian agenda. etc

Getting ahead of yourself with a speculative scenario. First it is not clear that even if the Democrats win the House leadership would submit Congress to proceedings which only superficially are appealing to many. Consider secondly, that even if charges are filed in the House, Mr Trump would have to be tried in the Senate. Unless you can guarantee 67 senators would vote for conviction (and then only if the charges are serious ... remember Pres Clinton committed perjury and suborned perjury and was not convicted). Your dream of a Clinton presidency ... well ... probably just a dream.

All based on what I currently know. If Mueller should find really damning evidence, my opinion would probably change.

The only real solution is 2020 and hope the ignorance of American voters does not increase between now and then.

Respectfully disagree.
A Democrat sweep of both chambers in Congress would accomplish several very therapeutic things:

1. It would put a muzzle on Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan.
2. It would also put the members of the Free Dumb ! Caucus on a short leash.
3. It would give us enough breathing room and a fighting chance to start fixing some of the damage. Maybe not all but some is better than nothing. Perfect must not be allowed to once AGAIN become the enemy of GOOD.
4. It would put Mr. Trump on a very short leash as well, and the extra bonus in that is, he may very well chafe SO HARD at such a prospect that he might martyr himself. After all, he does know that he is not going to walk out of this term, whether abbreviated or full, with any prospects of a 2020 win if the Dems can do a decent job of restoring sanity. He also knows that, whenever he does leave the White House, several Swords of Damocles await, not to mention one of these:

[Linked Image from]

He's unstable enough right now that he may just is NOT out of the realm of possibility. Nixon used the EXCUSE that he had "lost his power base in Congress". Never mind what the reality is, this is Donald Trump, and that might sound like a good enough line that he can craft his own paraphrase and pretend he is leaving "honorably", even while he plots one last scorched earth F-U salute.
We just have to prevent him from starting a WAR, which is the ultimate last hurrah for a guy like him.

I said it before, and I honestly don't think it is impossible, I'd even be willing to make book on it:

Trump leaves, flees to Russia, is awarded Russian citizenship by Vlad, and, together with Steven Seagal, becomes the latest James Bond villain.

Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 01/28/18 12:33 AM
suppose the Dems take both houses. My analysis is the best that can occur is they stop the bleeding.

The problem facing the Dems is Mr Trump will not sign any bill. How does the Senate override a veto with only 52 Democrat senators?
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 01/28/18 12:39 AM
Actually, the SC has exactly the same conservative and liberal makeup it had when Scalia was on it. Roberts is actually a bit of a pragmatist (look at his ACA vote) and Kennedy is often a swing vote. Just because Gorsuch is a turd, versus Scalia's great writing ability, doesn't change anything. If anything, the other Justices are less likely to concur with Gorsuch than they were with Scalia.

And almost all of the SC Justices care a heck of a lot more about the integrity of the Judicial System than they do about a President. He only serves 4 or 8 years (or in Trump's case even less!). They are there for life. This is why Supreme Court appointees constantly disappoint their nominators. Presidents think they are nominating someone who will be their bitch. Almost never works out that way.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 01/28/18 12:48 AM
Ryan will not be Speaker if Democrats take the House. (He may even lose his seat.) The turtle is out if Democrats can just take a few Senate seats. Zero Republican bills ever get considered again. Trump can't get anything passed and nothing but insults and threats non-stop from Congress. All his people get indicted and lose their jobs and he can't get any of his pet sociopath replacements confirmed. Just competent, experienced people who actually do things well and legal and mostly ignore him..

He might as well just take his football and go home.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 01/28/18 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by rporter314
suppose the Dems take both houses. My analysis is the best that can occur is they stop the bleeding.

The problem facing the Dems is Mr Trump will not sign any bill. How does the Senate override a veto with only 52 Democrat senators?

He also can't create much of anything except sound and fury.
He won't have the choir behind him anymore and he won't be getting his daily folder of "nice things about Donald Trump".
Stopping the bleeding is a good place to start.
Who said that the best we can hope for is 52?

Stop thinking SMALL.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 01/28/18 03:39 AM
He might as well just take his football and go home.
well ... for an ordinary person with a weak ego, they may fold under that kind of pressure, but Mr Trump is a narcissist, which comes with an inflated sense of Godliness etc. He can easily mold his delusional world to make room for the adoration of his supporters and "Fox & Friends" while biding his time flaunting his immaculate, greatest ever win as the greatest ever candidate, etc

It is not about politics, or the country. It is all about Mr Trump. Imagine ... long weekends at M-a-L ... bashing Dems and Reps and world leaders ... singing praises of Putin, Erodogan, Duarte, etc

TrumpWorld is not a part of your reality
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 01/28/18 03:40 AM
thinking realistically ... saves on the heartaches
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 01/30/18 03:12 PM
I'm, personally, at a pretty low point over developments. The TrumPublican corruption machine is grinding on. The Justice Department and FBI are being warped out of recognition. Crony politics are destroying government institutions. They might succeed in undermining the Mueller investigation. What really gets me is how brazen it is and how deeply immoral and unpatriotic they are about it. And they're getting away with it!.

I'll be honest. I really thought the country had turned a corner after the disaster of George W. Bush with the election of Barack Obama. I'm not naive enough to overlook the faults, but government was being led with vision and an attempt at decency. The 2016 election showed me just how foolish that thought really was. It hurts to be shown a fool.

There are still good, decent, and honorable people out there really trying to make things better for everyone, but they've been out manuveured by brazen crooks. Yes, I think 2018, and hopefully 2020 can reverse some of the worst predations - but that's less certain than I'd hope and the tornado of destruction is daunting. Every major institution of the country I love is under sustained attack, every principle undergirding our country is being deliberately undermined. And for what? I really think it's evil. Just pure malice. It really hurts.
Posted By: Ma_Republican Re: Trump and Russia - 01/30/18 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by rporter314
thinking realistically ... saves on the heartaches

So thinking realistically, what do you suppose happens in 2020 if the economy is still chugging along, unemployment is still down, NAFTA becomes more US friendly, illegal immigration is slowed to a stand still, the DACA kids are taken care of and the Russia circus is proven to be a Hillary campaign smear?

My guess is that 2020 is far less a sure thing than it was last week.

Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 01/30/18 06:44 PM
LOL ... so you are optimistically speculating and believe that is realistic ... I think you should take a long hard look in the mirror

reality bites:
1. if conservatives insist on "the Wall" there will be no DACA solution. conservatives and Mr Trump are holding the DACA folks hostage so they can say they solved a problem. Conservatives rely on perspectives which incite their ignorant base ... "they're coming across the border and Dems want them to" ... really?
2. illegal immigration is on the uptick .... wait for it ... during the Trump presidency
3. why would any country agree to any trade agreement which puts them at a disadvantage? You really believe Mr Trump can bully countries to do what he wants them to do?
4. facts matter ... the global GDP is running about 3.4% ... the US GDP is about 2.6% ... what you won't recognize is the GDP has been going up every year since 2010 and yet it is lower than the global GDP and BRIC is rising faster than the US rate ... so GDP is simply a continuation of the previous inertia and is being pulled up by global demands. I hope you didn't think Mr Trump did that all on his own?

unemployment is a continuation of the previous direction of work but the jobs creation number is lower than Pres Obama's last year.

I rather suspect you have been seduced by Trump propaganda and so ignore the facts. Here is an example of that propaganda: several companies are giving employees bonuses, raises, etc, the Trump administration is claiming that proves their tax bill is working. No it actually does not prove anything, but that will not stop you from believing it does. Consider the projection of one company is a 3% rise in wages. Sounds good, but when adjusted for inflation of 2%, we have a real wage increase of only 1% down from last years 1.9%.

Reality is a bitch.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 01/30/18 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Every major institution of the country I love is under sustained attack, every principle undergirding our country is being deliberately undermined. And for what? I really think it's evil. Just pure malice. It really hurts.

It is NOT JUST pure malice.
In order to install authoritarian theocratic fascism, which IS the ACTUAL admitted default of the Christian Taliban, AND the most convenient COVER FOR the billionaire elites, the institutions of democratic civil society must be softened up, corrupted, weakened, and finally, destroyed.
The final step after the daunting tornado of destruction is a global crisis, one which grips this nation in a desperate panic, one in which the American people will literally BEG for a strongman to rescue them.

That is indeed when you shall see PURE EVIL and MALICE, wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross, my friend.

Sea changes like this are never ever just about the baser instincts of ordinary greed. They are always about greed, and CONQUEST.
Add in the Messianic vision of the Christian Right and you have people who see themselves as gods walking the Earth.

History shows a very clear lesson on where this sort of thing always leads. It's now been a generation or more since the last time, and in the intervening years a new generation has been shielded from the horrors their parents knew, and they've begun to embrace an evil which was once thought wiped out for eternity.

Slouching toward the New Kristallnacht...
Posted By: Ma_Republican Re: Trump and Russia - 01/30/18 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by rporter314
LOL ... so you are optimistically speculating and believe that is realistic ... I think you should take a long hard look in the mirror

reality bites:
1. if conservatives insist on "the Wall" there will be no DACA solution. conservatives and Mr Trump are holding the DACA folks hostage so they can say they solved a problem. Conservatives rely on perspectives which incite their ignorant base ... "they're coming across the border and Dems want them to" ... really?
2. illegal immigration is on the uptick .... wait for it ... during the Trump presidency
3. why would any country agree to any trade agreement which puts them at a disadvantage? You really believe Mr Trump can bully countries to do what he wants them to do?
4. facts matter ... the global GDP is running about 3.4% ... the US GDP is about 2.6% ... what you won't recognize is the GDP has been going up every year since 2010 and yet it is lower than the global GDP and BRIC is rising faster than the US rate ... so GDP is simply a continuation of the previous inertia and is being pulled up by global demands. I hope you didn't think Mr Trump did that all on his own?

unemployment is a continuation of the previous direction of work but the jobs creation number is lower than Pres Obama's last year.

I rather suspect you have been seduced by Trump propaganda and so ignore the facts. Here is an example of that propaganda: several companies are giving employees bonuses, raises, etc, the Trump administration is claiming that proves their tax bill is working. No it actually does not prove anything, but that will not stop you from believing it does. Consider the projection of one company is a 3% rise in wages. Sounds good, but when adjusted for inflation of 2%, we have a real wage increase of only 1% down from last years 1.9%.

Reality is a bitch.

Three years out the scenario is just as realistic as any other one. Also, Trump has offered to legalize 1.8 million people, it is the Dems who are stopping it from happening. Do I believe it is a ploy, probably, but they knew that the Dems were lying through their teeth. The Dems don't care about the DACA kids, they only care about scoring political points.

I still believe that Donald Trump is a moron, somebody who shouldn't be President. He is, however, President and therefore has the bully pulpit. He beat Hillary and he will probably beat he detractors in Congress. His style isn't something I enjoy, but if he continues to succeed, I will reassess his fitness for the office. The only qualifications for the office is age, US citizenship and the number of votes in the Electoral College. Maybe has us all fooled, and this is just an act? Either way, he is on a winning streak and the longer you guys try to put him into a political box, the more likely it is that his efforts will succeed.

It has actually been kind of fun, as long as I can ignore the fact that he is a moron.

Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 01/30/18 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
Three years out the scenario is just as realistic as any other one. Also, Trump has offered to legalize 1.8 million people, it is the Dems who are stopping it from happening. Do I believe it is a ploy, probably, but they knew that the Dems were lying through their teeth. The Dems don't care about the DACA kids, they only care about scoring political points.

But we'll just pretend that being unable to bring a bill to the floor, or even initiate discussion, is also part of "the Democratic Party ploy"?
Honestly Tim, your pretense that the Dems, who have absolutely ZERO power, are going to then ignore the one thing they have left at their disposal, is thick and absurdly partisan.

I'm sure you won't believe THIS lib-tard, but I am actually okay with us transitioning to a merit based immigration system and imposing quotas on how many legal immigrants come in, but here's the catch, one which I suspect future administrations on both sides will chafe at:

It must be independent, stable, and be run with a long-term view and not subject to every little blip in the economy, every little pet peeve of some poobah, petty or grand.
It must be apolitical in the general sense, and it must be presented as the de facto long term blueprint that prospective immigrants can count on.
Choosing to leave one's homeland is a huge undertaking, and most immigrants would prefer to find an honorable excuse to "fall in love", at least a little bit, with their new home, to whatever extent is possible.

No more recruiting braceros by Del Monte buses when we're at war, then turning around and calling them "wetbacks" when the GI's come home, and busing them BACK by the millions to the middle of the desert with no water.

No more embracing them in order to displace American born Chicanos and desperate Okies fleeing the Dust Bowl, then subjecting their kids to raids just as they are wrapping up their college education.
No more deporting productive and honorable 30-40 year green card holders who are guilty of the equivalent of an unpaid parking ticket.

No more splitting apart families, no more profiting off their misery in for profit private detention facilities.

We're either welcoming them in as per The Statue of Liberty or we're saying that we're full up for the year, try again next year.

And no more classifying valid refugees as criminal border jumpers.
When the citizens of the world acknowledge that a land is gripped by terror, or when the evidence proves that our actions contributed to current events which promulgated that flow of refugees, we are to do the right and honorable thing by them.

When right, to be kept right, and when wrong, to be made right.

That above phrase is the SECOND half of the famous:
"My country, right or wrong" meme.

Posted By: Ma_Republican Re: Trump and Russia - 01/30/18 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
Three years out the scenario is just as realistic as any other one. Also, Trump has offered to legalize 1.8 million people, it is the Dems who are stopping it from happening. Do I believe it is a ploy, probably, but they knew that the Dems were lying through their teeth. The Dems don't care about the DACA kids, they only care about scoring political points.

But we'll just pretend that being unable to bring a bill to the floor, or even initiate discussion, is also part of "the Democratic Party ploy"?
Honestly Tim, your pretense that the Dems, who have absolutely ZERO power, are going to then ignore the one thing they have left at their disposal, is thick and absurdly partisan.

I'm sure you won't believe THIS lib-tard, but I am actually okay with us transitioning to a merit based immigration system and imposing quotas on how many legal immigrants come in, but here's the catch, one which I suspect future administrations on both sides will chafe at:

It must be independent, stable, and be run with a long-term view and not subject to every little blip in the economy, every little pet peeve of some poobah, petty or grand.
It must be apolitical in the general sense, and it must be presented as the de facto long term blueprint that prospective immigrants can count on.
Choosing to leave one's homeland is a huge undertaking, and most immigrants would prefer to find an honorable excuse to "fall in love", at least a little bit, with their new home, to whatever extent is possible.

No more recruiting braceros by Del Monte buses when we're at war, then turning around and calling them "wetbacks" when the GI's come home, and busing them BACK by the millions to the middle of the desert with no water.

No more embracing them in order to displace American born Chicanos and desperate Okies fleeing the Dust Bowl, then subjecting their kids to raids just as they are wrapping up their college education.
No more deporting productive and honorable 30-40 year green card holders who are guilty of the equivalent of an unpaid parking ticket.

No more splitting apart families, no more profiting off their misery in for profit private detention facilities.

We're either welcoming them in as per The Statue of Liberty or we're saying that we're full up for the year, try again next year.

And no more classifying valid refugees as criminal border jumpers.
When the citizens of the world acknowledge that a land is gripped by terror, or when the evidence proves that our actions contributed to current events which promulgated that flow of refugees, we are to do the right and honorable thing by them.

When right, to be kept right, and when wrong, to be made right.

That above phrase is the SECOND half of the famous:
"My country, right or wrong" meme.

Lets start with the DACA kids. These are people who had no choice and didn't really do anything wrong. Trump offered to allow 1.8 million apply for citizenship, implement that.

I have to admit that the current immigration system is so deeply flawed that the only solution that I can come up with is a mote with alligators and machine gun armed guard towers, but that is me. You underestimate the amount of power that the minority actually has under the current rules. As was shown with the shutdown, the Dems can easily apply pressure, they just chose the wrong issue to use.

Look, this is an easy issue. They came in illegally, they shouldn't be allowed to stay. Most immigrants today add nothing to the modern society. They do not learn the language, they do not integrate into society and they tend to segregate themselves. This behavior leads to no go zones, gangs and violence. Don't believe me? Try walking around at night in little Havana in Miami and see how you fare.

I really do sympathize, but they have overrun the country to the point where they have to be forced out. If it is a hardship to them, just think of the hardship it is for the US. My children are the lucky ones, they actually found jobs as teens. The jobs that you and I had when we were 14 and 15 are now being manned by illegal aliens. The inner city jobs, also being manned by illegal aliens. What happens when kids have too much time on their hands? They do stupid things, they get involved in stupid things and they get in trouble. Hell, in my little town of 17,000 we have had multiple ICE raids on Dunkin Donuts and gas stations. Suddenly, these establishments are putting out help wanted signs and demanding proof of citizenship.

Time for them to leave, let them straighten out their own country, instead of infecting the US.

Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 01/30/18 08:21 PM
Time for them to leave ... instead of infecting the US.

I was writing a refutation until I read the last line of your vitriol. You and Stephan Miller enjoy lunch talking about the cockroaches infesting America.

Posted By: Ma_Republican Re: Trump and Russia - 01/30/18 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by rporter314
Time for them to leave ... instead of infecting the US.

I was writing a refutation until I read the last line of your vitriol. You and Stephan Miller enjoy lunch talking about the cockroaches infesting America.

to be numerous in, as anything undesirable or troublesome

Looks pretty accurate to me.

It really is simple. They are illegal aliens for a reason, they do not belong here, they came here without permission and they should never have been allowed to linger in the US this long. They should go home and reap the results of their abandoning their people and their country. Instead of staying and making a difference, they ran away to live in a foreign country, refusing to integrate into their now surroundings and failing to follow the laws of their new country. Yeah, they deserve to be kicked out on their ass.

Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 01/30/18 09:27 PM
What a mixed up mess of contradictions: You seem to be painting every undocumented person with the "rapist, cop-killer, gang member" paintbrush!
refusing to integrate into their now surroundings
Like there was any program for them to do that!

failing to follow the laws of their new country
Statistics show again and again that these "illegals" are actually much more law-abiding than the average citizen! Most undocumented people are very careful to NEVER break any laws because they can be deported. Most never have anything to do with police or other government officials even if they are crime victims, and most pay into Social Security and Medicare with no chance of ever collecting anything. They actually subsidize our Social Security to the tune of millions of dollars every year. Avoiding contact with government officials is especially a disincentive to try to vote: It gets them nothing and exposes them to great danger.

Many were brought here as children and had no control over the country they grew up in, and don't even speak the language of the country you want to deport them to. Some have even taken part in our system enough to have college degrees, and you want to deport them after we have spent all that money to train them to be valuable contributors to our society.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 01/30/18 10:26 PM
It is very difficult, MaR, to respond when your diatribe is so far divorced from reality that it's impossible to find a reference point to begin. I'll have to wait until I'm at my computer to properly respond, but let me try this to begin:

Please provide evidence; a citation based upon facts, not conjecture or belief, that supports any one of your numerous assertions. I dare say, you've never been to "Little Havana". If so, please provide proof. A photo, perhaps?

I'm being open-ended here. You have lots of targets to choose from. My perception is that these opinions are formed from "beliefs", not reality. I'm open to proof. To date, you have provided none, nor any evidence that they are not just regurgitated talking points.
Posted By: Spag-hetti Re: Trump and Russia - 01/30/18 11:39 PM
NWP said:
Please provide evidence; a citation based upon facts, not conjecture or belief, that supports any one of your numerous assertions.

I admit that I haven't read every posting on CHB, but I have never seen MaR cite evidence, though I have often seen requests.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 01/30/18 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
Instead of staying and making a difference, they ran away to live in a foreign country, refusing to integrate into their now surroundings and failing to follow the laws of their new country. Yeah, they deserve to be kicked out on their ass.


Where were you when Del Monte was sending buses down into Mexico to recruit braceros? Being mostly Catholic, braceros typically have children, so it is not practical for them to leave their kids behind when they are being recruited onto the buses, and Del Monte sure as s*** didn't seem to worry about all those Dreamers back then.

You should have donned your school safety patrol uniform and made sure Del Monte didn't vacuum up any Dreamer kids when all those braceros were asked to come here...ILLEGALLY, but with the tacit approval of the United States, seeing as how the exception was made.

Ditto the more recent "guest workers". They too, are also from the same country, Mexico, and are typically Catholic.
They don't make any unmarried celibate braceros or guest workers, and looking at some of those Mexican braceras, it might be mighty difficult to maintain celibacy.

[Linked Image from]

Pity that those braceros had fallen in love with their braceras and forced them to pop out a couple of ninos and ninas prior to Del Monte swinging by.

See Tim, that's the hypocrisy at work, something you never addressed when I responded to you earlier.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 01/31/18 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
Instead of staying and making a difference, they ran away to live in a foreign country, refusing to integrate into their now surroundings and failing to follow the laws of their new country. Yeah, they deserve to be kicked out on their ass.

That is such an ignorant stereotype.

As I wrote on the previous page, more conservatives will be pushing up daisies between today and election 2020. They're not get any younger! The average age of a Fox News viewer is 70 for female and 74 for males.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 01/31/18 02:02 AM
refusing to integrate into their now surroundings and failing to follow the laws of their new country

Particularly ignorant around here, and I am sure in every town that "these people" live in. There is a vibrant Hispanic culture where I live. Lots of good hardworking mostly Catholic families. Spanish masses and sermons in all the churches. I shop about a quarter of the time in the local Hispanic Supermarket because they have to best produce prices and the guacamole is superb. Bilingual clerks are quite common in shops. Spanish-speakers fit right in.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 01/31/18 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
I shop about a quarter of the time in the local Hispanic Supermarket because they have to best produce prices and the guacamole is superb. Bilingual clerks are quite common in shops. Spanish-speakers fit right in.

Sounds like Los Nietos (West Whittier) where we live.
Janitzio Market down the street has a killer produce section AND a wonderful butcher. So we get produce and meats there, the rest at Food4Less a block away.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 01/31/18 06:59 AM
Okay, I have a little time and I'm on my computer, which allows me to type faster and cut and paste to make my points clearer. Tim, I try to give the benefit of the doubt whenever I can, but I'm having difficulty in this instance, as the various (I'm loathe to say bigoted, but uninformed is certainly true) comments are offensive in the extreme. I get the feeling that you haven't done any actual inquiry into the facts of immigration at all, but are, like Trump, shooting from the hip (or lip) without reference to reality, but merely "Truthiness".

To be specific:

Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
Trump has offered to legalize 1.8 million people, it is the Dems who are stopping it from happening.
No, really it is not. The DACA crisis was created by Trump, deliberately. Republicans have prevented codifying immigration reform for decades. Now, the "Offer" is to give them everything they want (and more) to get back what Trump took away. That is a common technique for the Mob - like paying "insurance" to protect your business from being burned down by the "insurer". You know, a RACKET.
Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
they knew that the Dems were lying through their teeth
A factless assertion.
Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
Most immigrants today add nothing to the modern society. They do not learn the language, they do not integrate into society and they tend to segregate themselves. This behavior leads to no go zones, gangs and violence. Don't believe me? Try walking around at night in little Havana in Miami and see how you fare.
I started a thread recently that refutes every element of this vicious slander. Not a single point is accurate.
1) Ten Ways Immigrants Help Build and Strengthen Our Economy: "Below is our top 10 list for ways immigrants help to grow the American economy.

Immigrants start businesses. According to the Small Business Administration, immigrants are 30 percent more likely to start a business in the United States than non-immigrants, and 18 percent of all small business owners in the United States are immigrants.
Immigrant-owned businesses create jobs for American workers. According to the Fiscal Policy Institute, small businesses owned by immigrants employed an estimated 4.7 million people in 2007, and according to the latest estimates, these small businesses generated more than $776 billion annually.
Immigrants are also more likely to create their own jobs. According the U.S. Department of Labor, 7.5 percent of the foreign born are self-employed compared to 6.6 percent among the native-born.
Immigrants develop cutting-edge technologies and companies. According to the National Venture Capital Association, immigrants have started 25 percent of public U.S. companies that were backed by venture capital investors. This list includes Google, eBay, Yahoo!, Sun Microsystems, and Intel.
Immigrants are our engineers, scientists, and innovators. According to the Census Bureau, despite making up only 16 percent of the resident population holding a bachelor’s degree or higher, immigrants represent 33 percent of engineers, 27 percent of mathematicians, statisticians, and computer scientist, and 24 percent of physical scientists. Additionally, according to the Partnership for a New American Economy, in 2011, foreign-born inventors were credited with contributing to more than 75 percent of patents issued to the top 10 patent-producing universities.
Immigration boosts earnings for American workers. Increased immigration to the United States has increased the earnings of Americans with more than a high school degree. Between 1990 and 2004, increased immigration was correlated with increasing earnings of Americans by 0.7 percent and is expected to contribute to an increase of 1.8 percent over the long-term, according to a study by the University of California at Davis.
Immigrants boost demand for local consumer goods. The Immigration Policy Center estimates that the purchasing power of Latinos and Asians, many of whom are immigrants, alone will reach $1.5 trillion and $775 billion, respectively, by 2015.
Immigration reform legislation like the DREAM Act reduces the deficit. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, under the 2010 House-passed version of the DREAM Act, the federal deficit would be reduced by $2.2 billion over ten years because of increased tax revenues.
Comprehensive immigration reform would create jobs. Comprehensive immigration reform could support and create up to 900,000 new jobs within three years of reform from the increase in consumer spending, according to the Center for American Progress.
Comprehensive immigration reform would increase America’s GDP.The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that even under low investment assumptions, comprehensive immigration reform would increase GDP by between 0.8 percent and 1.3 percent from 2012 to 2016."From the U.S. Department of Treasury website (2012)

2) "According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 92% of second-generation Latino immigrants asked said they spoke English “very well.” And it’s not only the children of immigrants who are learning English; according to data collected in 2012 by the U.S. Census, 44% of foreign-born people aged five and older reported speaking English either exclusively or very well.
So why are today’s immigrants adopting the majority language of the U.S. so readily?There are a lot of possible explanations, but one likely contributor is the value placed on learning English in these communities. English is seen by virtually all immigrants as a key to success for both immigrants and their children, according to the same Pew study." Do immigrants to the U.S. learn English faster nowadays?

I know, facts. It's hard, Tim, but try doing a little research before you post misinformation. Unless, of course, you did....
Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
I really do sympathize, but they have overrun the country to the point where they have to be forced out.
That's just pure BS. "Broken down by immigration status, the foreign-born population includes 20.7 million naturalized U.S. citizens and 22.6 million noncitizens. Of the noncitizens, approximately 13.1 million are lawful permanent residents, 11.1 million* are unauthorized migrants, and 1.7 million hold temporary visas." In a country of 330 million 13% of the population is foreign born and 3% are undocumented. That hardly constitutes being "overrun" unless you just mean "not like me."

I'm not saying you're a racist bigot, MaR, just that you use the arguments of one.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 01/31/18 07:36 AM
drops the mike... Bow
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 01/31/18 12:45 PM
I'm not saying your a racist bigot, MaR, just that you argue like one.
proverbially, if I see an animal with a green head and ring around its neck ... if it waddles when it moves from one place to another ... if it makes sounds like "quack quack" ... should I conclude it is a Moose or a Mallard?

I predict the MaR will complain that the first thing liberals do is accuse people of being racists (and not understand why)
Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 01/31/18 01:41 PM
Here's the distillation of The World According To Tim (please correct me if I have constructed an inaccurate strawman...)

The government is all screwed up and has created an unfair society where Conservatives pay for everything and Liberals are all useless layabouts (those being the definitions for the terms).

There is no way to fix it and the only option is anarchy.
Posted By: Ma_Republican Re: Trump and Russia - 01/31/18 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by logtroll
Here's the distillation of The World According To Tim (please correct me if I have constructed an inaccurate strawman...)

The government is all screwed up and has created an unfair society where Conservatives pay for everything and Liberals are all useless layabouts (those being the definitions for the terms).

There is no way to fix it and the only option is anarchy.

With the exception of blaming a strawman, you are absolutely correct. There is actually a way to fix it, that is to crush the liberal movement and make sure it never rears its ugly head again. There is something so wrong with the liberal's institutional jealously. They are jealous of other people's money. They are jealous of other people's life. They are jealous of other people's happiness. And finally, they live in a fantasy where only Americans can be wrong and every minority with a axe to grind has to be right.

There is no way to salvage the movement, it must be defeated and annihilated.

Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 01/31/18 09:08 PM
Thanks for distilling your rage fantasy to simple Fox- inspired talking points. It makes it so much easier to not have to respond.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 01/31/18 09:57 PM
You might consider upping your medication. I'm not a psychiatrist, but even I can see your delusions are interfering with your ability to enjoy life. It doesn't have to be this bad.

I think it could be important to get back in a balanced state so you don't go off the deep end in November. When your dreams are crushed it's tempting just to lash out and hurt a lot of your perceived enemies, but suicide-by-cop or life in prison is usually the result.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 02/01/18 07:08 PM
I no longer have any doubt that the Trump campaign was thoroughly infiltrated by Russian agents, and that the corruption of this administration has exceeded that of any other. Notwithstanding that, I don't see any reasonable opportunity to oust them, nor prevent excessive damage to the government, the economy and the military before 2020. This is existential.

I see the following scenario playing out over the next 3 years: Trump's disastrous administration will continue for the next year, and Republican partisanship and contumely will increase as they see their prospects dim. Democrats will gain 30+ house seats and perhaps a couple of Senate seats to get a one or two seat Senate majority.

By December Mueller will have indicted a few more players, and investigations in the House (and maybe Senate) will uncover even more corruption. Trump's tax returns may even appear. At least a half-dozen more Trump administration members will leave under a cloud (Ben Carson may be next). Judicial appointments will essentially cease, but the partisanship of the judiciary will become even more obvious.

By early 2019 the stench of corruption will permeate Washington, but the disaster will not abate. There will not be enough Democrats to overcome the combined efforts of Trump and the Republicans to block legislation or pursue impeachment. Gridlock will be the norm. 50 percent of the agencies will be run by interim/acting directors. Congress will take no recesses to prevent recess appointments.

By mid-2019 the economy will tank (the signs are already there). Republicans will loudly proclaim the Democrats are at fault despite the obvious cause. There will be at least one government shutdown. My greatest fear at this point will be that an unnecessary war will be instigated to try to bolster/paper over a flagging economy and crumbling government.

I can't go on. The prospects are just too horrid to contemplate.
Posted By: jgw Re: Trump and Russia - 02/01/18 09:34 PM
I believe that, in 2018, nothing will actually change OR the Dems will run the board and win massively. The win will only happen if the Dems are able to get out the vote of the left. That one may happen, if it doesn't we will be in the same boat we find ourselves today. If Mueller is able to keep going then the Dems will need a few less votes and, I believe, Trump will be done, hopefully along with those elected who are, apparently, wedded to him. That goes for his fellow travelers too.

We would all be better off if the supposed liberal talking heads actually called out the lying jackass on a regular basis instead of trying to maintain a 'fair' view of what is truly unfair (the right has no problem hammering their lies into the minds of the American electorate). His state of the union speech is an example. Here is a link to Politicfact's thoughts on that speech
If you read this, and relate it to what you hear and see on TV you will find that most cherry picked and some of this stuff was almost not covered at all. An example is the failing grade we are getting from Europe since the lying jackass too office.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 02/02/18 04:13 AM
And yet anyone with the right charisma could crowdsource a Tea Party STYLE rout of the Democratic Party, either prior to 2018 or commence it immediately after, triggering a massive reshuffling of Democratic Party values, remaking it into an actual liberal party once again.

Trump worries aside, this is our duty, this is what we need more than anything else. If we fail, expect exactly what the two posts above have outlined, and America will not go out with a bang, but a whimper...and we will be soundly defeated in that "war" too by the way. When almost everyone knows there is nothing worth fighting for, it's difficult to win, or even prevent a ringing defeat.
If we fail to achieve majorities in both chambers, or at least the Senate, we might as well bend over and accept the coming authoritarian fascist state.
It will be with us for a generation, regardless of who or how many actually support it, because it will be bought and paid for, and by cracky, they expect something for their money.

And we know what happens to moribund and universally hated authoritarian states. No matter what side of the spectrum they're on, they collapse, and if they are born moribund, they collapse in utero, and are stillborn or doomed to early failure.

That would mean the fracture of the Union as we know it today, balkanization, possibly even civil war.
China would make popcorn and profit, Russia would make popcorn and profit, and Europe would be ripe for the taking.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 02/16/18 06:48 PM
Special counsel Mueller charges 13 Russians with interfering in 2016 election - NBC. No word yet if one of them is named "Trump"...

"From in or around 2014 to the present, Defendants knowingly and intentionally conspired with each other (and with persons known and unknown to the Grand Jury)..."
Yeah, we know some of them, too.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 02/16/18 07:18 PM
Donald Trump, a Playboy Model, and a System for Concealing Infidelity - The New Yorker.

Why here, you ask? Two reasons: first, the appearance that Pecker had control over Trump (like Putin); second, the "system" Trump had in place for covering up infidelity looks a lot like other criminal conspiracies. Plus, they all look like "in kind" contributions to his campaign (the hush money payments, not the sex).
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 02/16/18 08:19 PM
What is the probability that Donald Trump is being actively blackmailed right NOW?
It's a serious, honest question.
Posted By: jgw Re: Trump and Russia - 02/16/18 09:18 PM
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 02/17/18 12:25 AM
The Indictment. Wow.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 02/17/18 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
What is the probability that Donald Trump is being actively blackmailed right NOW?
By the balls...
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 02/17/18 01:26 AM
The unbelievable spin from Trump TV: Indictment reveals Russians also organized anti-Trump rallies after election - FOX.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 02/17/18 02:05 AM
Is Donald Trump a Traitor? - The Intercept.
One year after Trump took office, it is still unclear whether the president of the United States is an agent of a foreign power. Just step back and think about that for a moment.
That this issue can be legitimately discussed is blood chilling.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 02/18/18 02:09 AM
Russians also organized anti-Trump rallies after the election

I believe they did. Because they are not pro-Trump. They are anti-American. Whatever generates the maximum chaos in America is their goal, just like the USSR since the 1950's. They only worked to get Trump elected because they knew he was a massive crook and conman.

In the very long game, they may be right: It looks like Trump will destroy the Republican Party which has traditionally been the most hard-core anti-Russian Party.
Posted By: Greger Re: Trump and Russia - 02/19/18 07:12 PM
It looks like Trump will destroy the Republican Party

From your keyboard to gods ears...

But I'm not getting my hopes up. Conservative thought, in all its forms, has proven to be remarkably resilient. The Bush administration should have done it but even after he started two wars and wrecked the world economy Republicans continued to make gains.
There is some small chance Democrats will gain some seats, possibly even a slim majority, in congress in the coming midterm election. Conservatives will be outraged and will come out in droves to vote in 2020 possibly ushering in a second term for our current president should he decide to run again.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 02/19/18 08:37 PM
Conservatives urge Trump to grant pardons in Russia probe. You read that right.
“I think he should be pardoning anybody who’s been indicted and make it clear that anybody else who gets indicted would be pardoned immediately,” said Frederick Fleitz, a former CIA analyst and senior vice president at the conservative Center for Security Policy.
You know what conservatives used to call people like this? Commies, traitors, anti-American...
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 02/19/18 08:47 PM
That would be a declaration of war: Mass pardons would escalate the conflict. Trump wants to be able to golf or appear in public without people trying assassinate him. Besides, many of these crimes are actually state crimes, too. Presidential pardons can't touch them.

Trump would probably prefer a deal like Nixon's. No prison time if he resigns. That can't happen if he escalates.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 02/19/18 10:19 PM
You guys are allowing your fantasies to enter the ballroom before reality has checked in at the cloak room.

Please make a reasonable argument why Spkr Ryan would allow the Judiciary Com to consider charges of impeachment? Continue with the argument explaining why the majority party would vote to impeach "one of their Own"? Then continue to explain how 67 senators would vote to convict.

Now, all of that is after 1) Mr Trump offers blanket pardon's to everyone, or before after or independently 2) SP Mueller presents indictments against everyone.

Consider Republicans are privately saying they expect a tsunami of blue and yet I have not heard a peep about dumping Mr Trump. Not a word about distancing themselves from Mr Trump.

Now don't get me wrong. I am just confused. I thought we lived in America, where certain principles were valued more than life itself. Perhaps I am an 18th century idealist, who still believes our form of government is the closest thing to real freedom the world has seen. I also thought the tyranny of 20th century fascism had long been eradicated on the battlefields of Europe. But to my amazement it is alive and well in America. It saddens me to thinks of all the progress which has been discarded by the arrogance of egocentric populism disguised as patriotism. For all the talk about the resilience of American democracy, I have considered more recently how fragile it has become, balanced precipitously on the tenuous fulcrum of conservative fascism.

We can overcome this assault on our democratic sensibilities by remaining resolute, and dedicate our future to the return of reasonable, discriminating democratic principles.

as the old tar said ... HOLD FAST!!!
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 02/20/18 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by rporter314
Consider Republicans are privately saying they expect a tsunami of blue and yet I have not heard a peep about dumping Mr Trump. Not a word about distancing themselves from Mr Trump.

I'm considering it.
A sufficiently biblical size tsunami of blue happens, and there goes Speaker Ryan...bye bye!
McConnell muzzled, Ryan disposed of, HOLD FAST for sure, hold fast to doing our duty and voting in November as if our lives depended on it, because they just might.

The only thing I worry about, if we indeed manage to sweep both chambers, is whether or not our useless and moribund Pelosi and Schumer have the stomach and the balls to do what is right and just.

Hold fast - FEET TO THE FIRE.
Posted By: Spag-hetti Re: Trump and Russia - 02/20/18 10:38 PM
Nice slogan, Jeffery. Vote as if your life depends on it because it does.

I just heard on TV that Prezident Drumph is creating a cyber security group of some kind. I imagine, with his penchant for choosing the wrong people for the job, he'll fill it with devout Amish, who will drive their buggies to work.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 02/21/18 12:27 AM
He'll probably just get a list of Russian sleepers from Putin.
Posted By: Spag-hetti Re: Trump and Russia - 02/21/18 02:02 AM
Heck yeah! They're pros!
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 02/21/18 05:24 AM
I realized something today: despite the disinformation campaign engaged in by the Russian government, Russia has been more open and honest with the American people than the Trump administration. That reality is simply astounding.
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Trump and Russia - 02/21/18 05:19 PM
Haven't Americans been living in myths and iconography for decades now? Why should it be a suprise?
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 02/21/18 05:50 PM
Well, except for the whole election-interference thingie that Putin keeps saying they didn't do.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 02/21/18 07:36 PM
To understand the symbiosis between TrumpWorld and Russia, read this! Trump supporters, conservatives rage over Russian bot purge, #TwitterLockOut- USA Today.
Conservative Twitter users are raging against the social media company, lobbing accusations of left-wing bias and censorship after they lost thousands of followers in an overnight bot purge.

Here's your sign, Dan BonIdjit: They're not real people! Also, a white supremacist/Trump supporter has sued Twitter for closing his account for hate speech.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 02/21/18 07:42 PM
And now this! Devin Nunes begs Russian bots to make his tweet go viral - the Week. Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer want...on to fight Russian midterm interference. Who's the "Real American" here?
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 02/21/18 08:25 PM
I really liked the Trump supporter who when apprised they she was an unwitting accomplice of Russian interference promptly stated it was BS ... she had no contact with any Russians as everyone in her group were long time friends and neighbors. Now clearly she is ignorant and not very bright to consider the obvious when pointed out that the internet contact she had was a Russian

sorry but you can not help some folks

we have a War on Poverty, so when will we have a War on Ignorance
Posted By: Greger Re: Trump and Russia - 02/21/18 08:37 PM
when will we have a War on Ignorance

It rages every day and can be seen in the liberal/conservative divide.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 02/24/18 05:26 AM
Mueller probe: Manafort hit with new charges after Gates pleads guilty - NBC. Somebody is seriously f@#$$ed.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 02/24/18 06:13 AM

Manafort is 68 years old, and Mueller is squeezing him like a vice. Mueller wants the goods on the orange fatass. smile
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 02/24/18 06:14 AM

[Linked Image from]
Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 02/27/18 04:12 PM
Jason Sattler outlines a conspiracy against the United States.
Posted By: Kaine Re: Trump and Russia - 02/27/18 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by logtroll
Jason Sattler outlines a conspiracy against the United States.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 02/27/18 06:31 PM
He doesn't seem very concerned about the impending attacks to our upcoming election.

[b] Trump has not given us permission to stop Russian attacks on 2018 elections[/b]

So it begs the simple question:
Why would Republicans WANT Russia to NOT attack our election process?
Maybe some Republicans here could answer that question, and then tell us why Trump hasn't yet authorized any action.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 02/27/18 09:04 PM
why Trump hasn't yet authorized any action.
the obvious answer is Mr Trump does not believe Russia meddled ergo there is nothing to rebuff. If he should authorize retaliation or defense against further meddling, it would be an admission the Russians may have influenced the election to help him etc etc

but on an entirely different level is the more curious thought Mr Trump is somehow still engaged in collusion with Russia to defang US response for some quid pro quo scheme.

I don't think there can be any other reasonable possibilities. Should that be the case, Mr Trump has sold America out.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 02/28/18 02:06 AM
Imagine what the response would be if it was thought that the Russians had pivoted and were preparing to help Democrats.
Posted By: Spag-hetti Re: Trump and Russia - 02/28/18 02:28 PM
Remember when Trump said he was eager to be interviewed by Mueller? And remember how his lawyers and a lot of his "talking head" supporters screamed, "No! It will be a perjury trap," or words to that effect?

I'm thinking a perjury trap would consist of Mueller asking a question and Trump lying. Pretty simple trap.

If Trump knew it was vital to tell the truth in a situation and was still that likely to lie anyway, doesn't that scream that he has a true problem? If he can NOT force himself to tell the truth, even when it is vital to his own self interest, isn't he a really sick puppy?
Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 02/28/18 04:21 PM
Y'all are really down on the whole ConROT Collective this mawnin', y'all git up on th' wrong side a th' hammock, mebbes?
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 02/28/18 06:15 PM
isn't he a really sick puppy?
well yes he is. He has a personality disorder known as narcissistic personality disorder or NPD.

let me quote
Originally Posted by Narcissistic personality disorder - wiki
Persons with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are characterized by their persistent grandiosity, excessive need for admiration, and a personal disdain for, and lack of empathy for other people. As such, the person with NPD usually displays the behaviors of arrogance, a sense of superiority, and actively seeks to establish abusive power and control over other people. Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition different from self-confidence (a strong sense of self); people with NPD typically value themselves over other persons to the extent that they openly disregard the feelings and wishes of others, and expect to be treated as superior, regardless of their actual status or achievements. Moreover, the person with narcissistic personality disorder usually exhibits a fragile ego (self-concept), an inability to tolerate criticism, and a tendency to belittle others in order to validate their own superiority.
From your perspective the delusions created by Mr Trump would be lies. From his perspective, they are a reflection of his mental state which maintains he is the greatest whatever to have lived. Failure to maintain this delusion is a major assault on his personality which can not be tolerated, therefore he would "lie" in order to maintain it.

Merely asking any garden variety question would be useless since the answers for many would inherently be lies and therefore of no probative value. SP Mueller probably knows this and would only ask questions, the answers of which would be invariant and therefore useful.

This is a little more tricky than a perjury trap.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 02/28/18 11:36 PM
I don't think Mueller wants to know Trump's opinion on himself or anything else for that matter. He wants answers that are about objective factual events. If Trump lies about those events, that is perjury. Another useful fact to know: A good prosecutor always knows the objective factual answer to every question he asks, before he asks it. And Mueller is a top-notch prosecutor.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 03/01/18 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Manafort is 68 years old, and Mueller is squeezing him like a vice. Mueller wants the goods on the orange fatass. smile

If Manafort flips, he's a dead man and he knows it. Manafort knows all about Trump's corruption but he also knows soooo very much more, and every single Russian oligarch + Putin, knows that he knows.
He's going to take his chances and look for that magical presidential pardon.
He does NOT WANT to cross Putin and his billionaire friends in Russia.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 03/01/18 07:14 AM
He's already up on state charges. A Presidential pardon does him no good. All it does is make it impossible to claim the 5th Amendment when he's in the witness box.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/01/18 04:38 PM
Manafort being under federal monitoring is probably why he is still alive right now. A pardon will not affect the threat he is under. Even paying back the $17 million or more he owes Russian oligarchs will not save his hide. He knows where bodies are buried (probably, literally), so he is a constant threat to them. (results of crossing Putin) His only real option is witness protection, but I'm not sure even that would be sufficient - his face is too well known, and he loves to spend other people's money. Can you imagine "Mr. Jones" and his family on a Montana ranch, or outside of Forks, Washington, living in isolation?
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/02/18 01:01 PM
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 03/03/18 01:40 AM
It cracks me up that her name is Nasty-a.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 03/03/18 12:15 PM
Very interesting stuff coming out about Kushner. Starting with the 10 year note coming due on his building in New York. He need a lot of money and was not very particular about where it came from. Lots of involvement with the sale of a huge Russian oil business, dealing with sanctioned Russians. Maybe involvement with a quid pro quo deal to eliminate Russian sanctions. Maybe creating the Qatar crisis a year ago, after Qatar decided not to invest in the Kushner Company. Millions and millions of dollars going this way and that.

I can see why Trump wants him out. He's not just hot, he's radioactive! Lots of this also verifies things in the Steele Dossier.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 03/03/18 05:29 PM
That is the sole reason people who live in countries where the government is corrupt enter politics.

But since we live in America where democracy is as pure as a new snowfall, that would not be the case here.

Naw ... wait a sec ... are you guys trying to say the Trump family entered politics to steal home base while the pitcher was looking? come on ... can't be
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/03/18 08:41 PM
Trump has literally spent 1/3 of his time as President at Trump branded properties. (133 days out of 407). He's made MILLIONS off of that boondoggle. Only about 2/3 of that time has been spent golfing.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 03/03/18 09:09 PM
the Trump family entered politics to steal home base while the pitcher was looking?

It's not so monolithic as that. Looks like Trump is not the leader of a gang that set out to do all of this. Instead it's a bunch of people with very flexible definitions of what's legal, and willingness to cross the line for financial gain, each with their own agendas. They do intersect at several points. For instance, Kushner probably influenced US policy toward Qatar after they decided not to give him money. He had to get several other Trump people, including Trump himself, on board with that.

It's continuing right to this day: Trump's buddy dumped a huge amount of steel-related stocks days before Trump announced steel and aluminum tariffs. Another "Martha Stewart" case, if I ever heard one.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/05/18 11:22 PM
Former Trump aide says he's refusing Mueller subpoena: 'Screw that' - CNN. Um, Sam. That's a federal Grand Jury subpoena. You don't mess with this, or you get time in jail to to think about it. Could this be Russian influence in action?
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/05/18 11:49 PM
I'm watching Sam Nunberg's interview with Ari Melber, and he's off his meds. Did anyone else watch this? And THIS GUY IS A LAWYER.!?!
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 03/06/18 12:13 AM
This is not a congressional subpoena. If you refuse a congressional subpoena, and Congress doesn't bother to vote you in contempt or decides not to act on it, you have no worries.
This is a Grand Jury subpoena, issued by a judge and the empaneled Grand Jury. Refusing a subpoena by the courts is automatically a contempt of court charge, no vote necessary.

So, it's not Congress, you WILL be arrested.
Am I wrong?
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 03/06/18 01:26 AM
I don't really know anything about him personally, like if he is on meds.

My take, if I saw him in real life in say a bar and he was not drunk (he may have had a drink but I don't think he was drunk), is he broke down mentally under some kind of pressure, personal or business. His manic blathering switching rapidly from one topic/point to another suggests a loss of cogent synaptic firing.

as an aside:: he apparently is unaware of any damning evidence

Some folks don't handle pressure very well.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/06/18 05:21 AM

Did'ya see Sam Nunberg's meltdown today? crazy Sam certainly made Robert Mueller's job a lot easier. smile
Posted By: Spag-hetti Re: Trump and Russia - 03/06/18 08:00 AM
I saw it. Lots of raggedy ends hanging out there.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/06/18 12:22 PM

The fact that Trump won't put the Congressional Russian Sanctions in place is pretty obvious that Trump is a Russian stooge.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 03/06/18 12:27 PM
they are looking into that ... Sanders hasn't discussed it yet ... don't know about it ... working on it .... will check it out .... get back you ... Mr Trump is committed to it

anyone see a pattern?
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/06/18 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by rporter314
I don't really know anything about him personally, like if he is on meds.

My take, if I saw him in real life in say a bar and he was not drunk (he may have had a drink but I don't think he was drunk), is he broke down mentally under some kind of pressure, personal or business. His manic blathering switching rapidly from one topic/point to another suggests a loss of cogent synaptic firing.

as an aside:: he apparently is unaware of any damning evidence

Some folks don't handle pressure very well. NW_P pointed out, this Nunberg guy is a lawyer. Nunberg's own lawyers are not returning his calls - for real. Apparently these non-return of calls is what set Nunberg off yesterday. Hmm
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/07/18 07:39 PM
Latest Reported Mueller Subpoena Sh...Russia Links to Murky Seychelles Meeting - Slate. This meeting demonstrates the difference between any autocracy/oligarchy and a democratic nation based on the rule of law. In a normal country, diplomatic relations are conducted by diplomats - officially appointed government agents. In kleptocracies, however, contacts are made by loyalists. Trump and his crime family think of themselves as an oligarchy and feel that laws don't apply to them. The participants in the meeting are used to the methods of crime families, not law-abiding societies.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/10/18 06:44 AM
I've changed my mind. I think Michael Cohen will be the next Mueller indictee. Thank You Stormy Daniels.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/10/18 05:36 PM
I am convinced, no matter how this proceeds, that the end of this probe will result in a constitutional crisis. There are many ways that could transpire, all of them bad. Trump could invoke "executive privilege", which will require court intervention. Trump could fire Rosenstein/Mueller. Mueller could find grounds for impeachment and/or criminal charges. Congress could simply refuse to act on any results. Trump could pardon Mueller indictees.

So far we have learned that Trump's circle of advisors is peopled we'reith all kinds of miscreants. He shares many of them with RNC leadership (see, e.g. Elliott Broidy, Roger Stone, and Felix Sater. His cabinet is/ was full of dubious characters like Tom price and Ben Carson. Where else can this lead?
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 03/10/18 07:46 PM
The overwhelming majority of Trump supporters, AND Republicans in general, are convinced, not by facts, mind you, but are convinced, that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were both allowed to get away with much much worse, by a communist socialist fascist (they're all the same in R-minds) Leftist Marxist Kenyan cabal of America haters.

So, if nothing else, they believe to their very soul that they are evening the score. How do ya like them apples, you leftie Marxist Kenyan godless America haters?
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/13/18 02:42 AM

Welp, Devin said "no collusion" and the bloated fat orange ahole Tweeted: NO COLLUSION!!

Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/13/18 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
...(they're all the same in R-minds) Leftist Marxist Kenyan cabal of America haters...
I am convinced that right-wingers lack an ability to distinguish nuance. Hmm
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/13/18 03:41 AM
Russublicans? Republissians? It is just amazing to me that the publicly "anti-communist" party is so eager to collaborate with Putin's Russian autocracy. It's the same people, you idiots! Treasonous is an appropriate description of their behavior.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 03/13/18 05:23 AM
Oh, but Russians are not Communists any longer: They are a dictatorship ruled by a strongman. Back then when they were Communists. Putin was a good Communist head of the KGB, the USSR's equivalent of the CIA. Now he's COMPLETELY different. He's just like Trump, a unitary President (for life) strongman.

Since his complete change of heart, it's okay for Republicans to like him. He wouldn't do any of those things he used to do like poisoning enemies, invading neighbors, confiscating businesses, having people accidentally killed during interrogation, etc.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/13/18 08:48 PM
Nikolai Glushkov, Russian Exile Linked To A Putin Critic, Dies In London - npr. Look at that picture.. does that look like he died of natural causes?
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/13/18 10:24 PM
I've seen two interviews of House Intelligence Committee Republicans, today. I'm infuriated by their dissembling. I'm incensed by their failure to do their duty. This was a joke of an investigation, clearly inadequate, and they've broken the committee. The American people deserve better.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/14/18 04:04 PM
House Intelligence Democrats Release Response To GOP Russia Conclusions - npr. The article includes the entire "interim report".
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/18/18 05:34 PM
The Russian connection to the trump campaign, and the Mercer family, is getting deeper and scarier. It appears that Cambridge Analytica's theft of Facebook data was facilitated by a Russian professor. Most of the Cambridge analysts are not affiliated with the United States, so could not work on us elections (but did), and that its CEO lied through his teeth TO Britain's Parliment. Most of this information was gleaned from NYT and other articles behind pay walls, so I've left off links, except this one: How Trump Consultants Exploited the Facebook Data of Millions.

This is seriously shady.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 03/18/18 10:27 PM
These Republicans are naive, stupid or both. What makes them believe anything they think or say has any impact on Mr Trump. If he decides to fire SP Mueller, he will and there is nothing Republicans can do about it except use harsh language.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 03/19/18 05:57 AM
there is nothing Republicans can do about it except use harsh language
Lots of them can clean out their offices in November.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 03/19/18 03:24 PM
It appears Republican strategist Rick Tyler agrees with me.

Reality - it's a cudgel to the head when not prepared
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 03/20/18 07:59 AM
I really doubt Trump has long to live: He betrayed Putin by putting on the Russia sanctions after everything Putin did for him. Now he's really pushing the death penalty for drug dealers.

Head of the KGB and the drug cartels: Both people who have no qualms about sending professionals to kill you! And even worse, he's pissed off all the intel agencies who could have warned him they were coming, and the FBI who could have intercepted them. And I bet the Secret Services agents will all duck rather than take a bullet for him, after Trump's despicable treatment of McCabe.

Talk about living dangerously! And he has an administration filled with people who would be willing serve their real master by putting the polonium on his golf balls, or whatever. That's the problem with hiring crooks.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 03/20/18 06:36 PM
Oh and this:

South Korea, Germany, Egypt: These are among 44 countries that don't have a U.S. ambassador

I suspect that ambassadors play a crucial role in certain things such as making security assessments and communicating with intel services, with regard to foreign security threats.
I seem to remember certain countries on that list who have tried to warn us in the past about threats.
Whether we always listened is a factor but when you don't even HAVE someone in the necessary post...who is there to listen?

Oh and, little things like trade, I guess none of that even matters either.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 03/21/18 12:51 AM
Ambassadorships are appointed positions. Often they are not professional diplomats but rather cronies or donors for the President who got a plum assignment. Usually they don't even speak the local language. All the real work gets done by the state department pros. Most of our embassies still have pros in charge.

The good part about that is that Trump has no idea who they are, so he would have a hard time firing them!
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 03/21/18 08:17 AM
Donald Trump is no longer even pretending to hide his obeisance to Vladimir Putin and his loyalty to Russia, in contravention to US interests. Today he congratulated Putin on his "electoral win" and completely ignored the chemical attack in the UK. I'm glad that several Republican Senators mentioned the word "impeachment" to reporters today, if only for the wrong reason. Does he really think no one has noticed he's put Putin's interests before the United States'? Trump is simply a traitor. There is really no other word that is sufficient.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 03/21/18 09:47 AM

Trump’s national security advisers warned him not to congratulate Putin. He did it anyway.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, wrote on Twitter:
“An American president does not lead the Free World by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections. And by doing so with Vladimir Putin, President Trump insulted every Russian citizen who was denied the right to vote in a free and fair election.”
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 03/22/18 03:15 AM
Must be hard to breath with your head so far up Vlad Putin's colon.

Seriously, though, this is the ultimate end product of the Republican ideological war on Obama and the Democrats. They told everyone that everything Obama did was wrong and bad, therefore anything opposing Obama was automatically good. Obama did not trust or like Russians, therefore Russians must be our best friends.

This "black versus white" idea is idiotic and not at all how the real world works. You can fool yourself but reality has a way of crashing down on your fantasies.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 04/04/18 03:26 AM
WaPo: Mueller told Trump's lawyers the President isn't a criminal target in Russia probe - CNN.
Special counsel Robert Mueller has told President Donald Trump's lawyers that the President is not currently being considered a criminal target of the Russia probe, The Washington Post reported Tuesday, citing three people familiar with the discussions.

The special counsel's team is compiling a report on Trump's actions as President and any potential obstruction of justice -- which Mueller has also told Trump's lawyers, two people with knowledge of the conversations told the Post.
Trump was thrilled. He shouldn't be.
Posted By: logtroll Re: Trump and Russia - 04/04/18 01:23 PM
What does the term "perjury trap" actually mean in relation to Mueller interviewing Trump?

It means that Trump is such an inveterate liar that he will probably perjure himself. How is it a "trap", though? That's right, it's not. "Perjury trap" is just a way of turning the blame for Trump being a liar onto the person he is lying to.

The Upside Down...
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 04/04/18 06:40 PM
The "perjury trap" is Trump's mouth. His lawyers have urged him to shut it.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 04/04/18 09:08 PM
I am going to argue this again. There can be almost no chance of a perjury trap interviewing Mr Trump and here is why.

As a narcissist, Mr Trump lives in a delusional world. He believes that world is real. Thus almost anything he says which in any way impinges on that delusional world is suspect and of no value. SP Mueller has to devise questions which are invariant of the real world and Mr Trump's delusional world to be of any value and to therefore spring a trap.

I don't think this is as easy as it would appear to be for folks who live in the real world.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 04/05/18 05:29 AM
I don't think insanity lets him off the hook. If Trump says objectively factual things that are not true under oath that is perjury. Insanity may be an excuse, but it is still perjury. If he's so insane he can't tell reality from fantasy, then he is not fit to serve and his cabinet or Congress must start an Amendment 25 fitness action.

And we can be sure that Mueller will ask him simple objectively factual questions, not questions that ask for an opinion.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 04/05/18 12:29 PM
Mr Trump is not insane ... psychotic .... schizophrenic. He has a personality disorder which creates delusions about himself which he believes.

Example: If SP Mueller asks about the size of the inauguration crowd and Mr Trump says, largest to ever attend, has he committed perjury or is he stating what he believes to be true in his delusion? That is objective and easily proved. However if the questions are did you fire Dir Comey to obstruct an investigation, in his opinion, in a delusional world created by his personality disorder, he would say no. Is that perjury?

The question have to be invariant which is to say they must be provable whether in the real world or in his delusional world.

I think this is harder than you realize.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 04/05/18 03:16 PM
I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but I think it unlikely that Mueller will find evidence that Trump directly engaged in collusion with Russia. That the campaign did so is almost beyond dispute, at this point. Certainly individuals coordinated information with Russian operatives. The whole operation was infested, and Trump was aware, I'm pretty sure. But nobody really cared one way or the other.

In fact, I'd wager that if Trump was paid to spread Russian propaganda, he would have taken the deal. But Putin didn't need to do that, he had plenty of operatives in the campaign already.

What Mueller will find is a reckless attitude toward Russia, deep corruption going back decades, and a plethora of slimy characters. More importantly, I think, a constant effort to thwart investigation of the links, starting with Trump himself. Nunes was involved in that as well. I don't know, however, if he'll find an indictable offense.

My hope is that the Trump Organization's corrupt practices, and Trump's tax records, will finally see the light of day. There will be further indictments - maybe even of Jared, but I don't expect impeachment proceedings.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 04/07/18 02:19 PM
The real reason for oligarch sanctions from the Trump administration: keeping witnesses away from Bob Mueller. The Mueller team has recently intercepted at least two oligarchs entering the United States, serving subpoenas on them, searching their phones and interviewing them.The Russia Investigations: On The Hunt For Duffel Bags Full Of Cash - npr; Exclusive: Mueller's team questioning Russian oligarchs - CNN.

You can't question them if you can't get to them!
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Trump and Russia - 04/07/18 04:53 PM
This could be valid
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 04/11/18 02:07 PM
Trump's perceived persecution fuels unrest - CNN.

Here's the thing: people who've gotten away with criminality and shady behavior for years tend to think themselves invincible. Trump now finds himself vulnerable. The pile of skeletons in his closet is thick and high. His hubris is Shakespearean in scope, and he has, by habit, surrounded himself with equally shady characters - he "see himself" in them.

The reckoning is coming, and he knows it. Ironically, I think he'd have gotten away with it if not for his deep-seated personality flaws. He's had an obsequious Congress, sycophantic interference runners and enablers, and a fawning news NetworkPR operation supporting his every irrational move - but that has not been enough.

Unfortunately, the machinations will bring us the risk of Pence. I'm not sure which is worse.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 04/12/18 06:40 PM
Pence is a survivable event if we manage to get majorities in both houses of Congress.
If not, then we brought it on ourselves by not doing our duty.
It's too easy to blame all of this on Trump and Trump supporters but we didn't even manage to preserve our thin Senate majority!

You know the old school thing about rape where you're supposed to just "lay back and enjoy it?" Yeah, that's pretty much what we did in 2016 and that is why we now have this sickening Trifecta of Trump Toadies.

It WAS avoidable. We could have HAD Bernie as chairman of the Senate Budget Committee. We could have HAD quite a few checks and balances.

But no, we laid back and enjoyed it.
Vote in November as if our lives depend on it because they just might.

Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 04/14/18 04:59 AM

Michael Cohen lied (don't act surprised! rolleyes) - he did go to Prauge. Hmm

He flew in on a private jet to Germany and took a train to Prague. coffee

NO COLLUSION! NO COLLUSION! Oh wait, it sounds like there might have been a boatload of collusion! And if Donald Trump knew about it? He’s soooooooooo fuuuuuuuuuuuuucked. smile

Robert Mueller: Czechmate laugh
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 04/14/18 12:47 PM
I'm convinced that Rosenstein has engineered the probe so well that it is unstoppable at this point. Moving the Cohen investigation to New York was brilliant. Firing everyone is too late, the oven is already preheated for the goose.

I'm convinced that Trump will start issuing pardons, but the evidence is already in. The ONLY result of that move now would be impeachment - and State Court prosecutions.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Trump and Russia - 04/14/18 07:03 PM
I have noted before that there is a very real possibility that Mueller may not find that Trump personally colluded with Russia - Not that he didn't, just that he can't prove it. Mueller is thorough and principled. That others in the campaign did is obvious, and that they (and he) wanted to is thoroughly proved. I found their collective disinterest during the transition informative. They were unsurprised by the intelligence.

What I think will trip them up is the commonality of their venal and criminal behavior. The chutzpah gained from long practices has made them sloppy. Most of them have been easy targets. I think Jared may soon have "His time in the barrel" ad Roger Stone would say. Cohen may be the first of the Trump cabal to face trial, but he won't be the last.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Trump and Russia - 04/14/18 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
I have noted before that there is a very real possibility that Mueller may not find that Trump personally colluded with Russia - Not that he didn't, just that he can't prove it.

I never thought that Donald Trump personally colluded, he let everyone else around him do it and report back to him - just like a Mob Boss would. Hmm

(Plus Donald Trump is really too lazy to lift a finger. He "has people" do all of the heavy lifting for him.) smile
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 04/14/18 09:31 PM
Crime bosses never ever make moves that directly implicate them.
They just make their wishes known to people that do.
The thing is, the FBI is well versed in the way that organized crime families conduct operations and the nature of the hierarchy.

So when Comey describes the Trump Organization as being similar to a crime family, you can be pretty sure he's not engaging in hyperbole, he's just pointing to two things which are quite similar.

An organized crime family is more involved in business than politics, and the Trump Organization is more involved in politics, however they are certainly linking their politics to business, their business.

A capo is still a capo however, and Donald J. Trump is the Capo de Tutti Capi...over HERE.

But he answers to the Big Capo in Moscow.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Trump and Russia - 04/14/18 10:59 PM
Trump announced to the public on TV that the campaign would soon be releasing dirt on Clinton just a couple of days after the infamous meeting was setup. This was an explicit confession of collusion.

He invited the Russians to "find" Clinton's emails in another TV appearance. And then they did and released them via wikileaks. Another explicit confession of collusion.

He told people he fired Comey in order to block Flynn's Russian connection investigation. A perfect text book case of Obstruction of Justice.

We don't need any more smoking guns. We already have a whole bunch of them. The horse is already through the barn door and miles down the road where he was run over by a semi. There is no need for Mueller to find anything but the stuff Trump has already confessed to in public.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Trump and Russia - 04/15/18 01:47 AM
Spot on, PIA laugh

Bow Bow Bow

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