Capitol Hill Blue
Posted By: Jeffers Romney - 02/07/20 02:04 AM
So is Romney protecting Goldwater's party, or destroying it like all the Eastern Rino's Barry railed against?

Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Romney - 02/07/20 02:41 AM
I think he's the last Republican left in a Party that has imploded.
Posted By: Greger Re: Romney - 02/07/20 02:58 AM
He's a dick who's still pissed off because Trump snubbed him for a cabinet position. Remember that dinner at one of Trump's properties where he embarrassed Romney? So does he...

His special Morman panties been in a twist ever since then.

Former Republican darling, American hero, and presidential candidate John McCain is now persona non grata within the party.

Romney is receiving death threats by now. They're eating their own and that's fine by me.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Romney - 02/07/20 03:55 AM
Well, he did invent ObamaCare. I prefer to think of him as the loyal opposition. As opposed to the Fascists.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Romney - 02/07/20 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Well, he did invent ObamaCare. I prefer to think of him as the loyal opposition. As opposed to the Fascists.

You know, many years ago Arlo Guthrie shocked a lot of folks when he announced that he had decided to become a registered Republican.

He said, "We already had enough good Democrats. I felt the need to be part of "the loyal opposition".
He has left the Republican Party since...oh say about three or four years ago. But I first read his announcement and I too, was shocked.
I was shocked as Hell, but the one thing I knew Arlo and father Woody had was integrity, so I came to the conclusion that Arlo could only be good for the Republicans.

Too bad they didn't learn from him.
I doubt they will learn from Mitt either, it's clear they won't.
But Mitt too, is "the loyal opposition".

And at long last, after years of practicing vulture capitalism, Mitt has rediscovered HIS "integrity".
It's not quite on the same level as Arlo's but it's enough for the time.
And Mitt is nothing if not "a man for his time".
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Romney - 02/07/20 04:23 AM
I think he's intelligent and principled enough to feel that an oath is binding. Not something you can forget about when it's inconvenient. Most of his Republican peers in the Senate are apparently too stupid to understand that, or to craven to believe that. Not a great character reference is it?
Posted By: perotista Re: Romney - 02/07/20 04:32 AM
The Republican Party today is like night and day from the GOP of 1964. The same can be said about the Democratic Party. Both have evolved beyond recognition of what both were back in 1964. Goldwater, IKE, JFK and LBJ would never recognize today's Republican and Democratic Parties.

Probably the biggest difference is that both parties had their liberal and conservative wings back then. Remember the solid conservative south that was 100% guaranteed to go democratic, where even an Eisenhower couldn't win a single state, twice. Remember the old Rockefeller liberal Republicans of the Northeast? Remember the big tent democratic Party where there were no litmus tests? Remember when the GOP was basically the country club party that Goldwater railed about? Remember when the Democrats represented the working man, the middle class?

I used to think both parties by shedding their unwanted wings, the Democrats their conservatives, the Republicans their liberals and today both are trying to get rid of their moderates, those in the center, center right and center left. Both became in their own right ideologues. I still believe that about the Democrats. Not so about the Republicans, they seem to have tossed their ideals onto the trash heap of history in favor of an egotistical opportunist who in reality stand for nothing but himself.

The GOP has went from traditional conservative values to Trump values whatever that is. Yes, the Republican Party has lost it way. It has lost it zeal for conservative values to Trumpism which is nothing more than trying to feed his mega huge ego. He stands for nothing except himself.

This from a man who considered Barry Goldwater his political mentor, who defines his politics as being a Goldwater conservative with some of Perot thrown in.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Romney - 02/07/20 06:33 AM
Originally Posted by perotista
I used to think both parties by shedding their unwanted wings, the Democrats their conservatives, the Republicans their liberals and today both are trying to get rid of their moderates, those in the center, center right and center left. Both became in their own right ideologues. I still believe that about the Democrats. Not so about the Republicans, they seem to have tossed their ideals onto the trash heap of history in favor of an egotistical opportunist who in reality stand for nothing but himself.

In 1980, the Democrats sat hanging their heads in shame as "The Great Communicator" lambasted them and named them as the source of everything that was wrong about America.
"Government can't solve problems, government IS the problem!"

At the same time, both Republicans AND Democrats (again, Dems out of SHAME!) tossed the working stiffs overboard and tried anything and everything they could to curry favor with the conservative again, including of course the conservatives who once were part of the more moderate wing of the Dems, but who had fled to the Republican Party in the South. Again, their allegiance to the Dems was identified by Nixon, Lee Atwater, and eventually, Reagan, as the reason for their misery.

Only Lee identified it a lot more closely, it was, he said to his Southern friends, that the Dems had embraced the black man.

His famous speech about moving away from "nigger nigger nigger" to using more creative terms comes to mind.

Again, we Dems just stood there, hanging our heads in shame, proffering up our Jimmy Carters, our Walter Mondales and Michael Dukasis', letting the Dirty Tricks squads and plumbers get away with things that should have been grounds for impeachment when weighed together with Iran-Contra. We let them get off scot free.

An actual lefty Democratic administration and actual lefty Democratic Congress never would have let them get away with any of it. And we wouldn't have hung our heads in shame.
But our own internal problem is the same problem that happened in 2016, purity tests.

The New Deal was put on life support starting in 1980, and by 1984 it was pretty much dead altogether, although thankfully the full impact would not be felt until around 1988.

All we need to really do is compare quality of life from back when lefty ideas had roots, power and enduring integrity, and results.

Nothing, and I do mean absolutely nothing, nothing DONE in the years since 1980 has ever even come close to the advantages and quality of life for the largest number of Americans as the experience of the New Deal era.
No metrics, and no markers from these last forty or so years has ever exceeded or even matched the overall quality of life and overall upward mobility of the New Deal era.

And still we hang our heads instead of fighting back. We feel guilty about our heroes of old, for some strange reason. We've been told they were terrorists and America-haters for so long that we've come to believe it, forgetting the truth, ignoring our own instincts.

What a Bernie, or a Liz or an AOC represents is not some Soviet style confiscatory rape and pillage of freedom at all, it's sound medicine for investing in our future generations, it's sound investment in our own shared future. And right now, a guaranteed "Idiocracy Generation" is the price we are paying for having denied the wisdom and moral integrity there's that word again!!) of doing so.

The biblical level weather events and wild gyrations of floods and fires that follow along are the price we pay for denying and ignoring what our well-tuned enviro-sense is telling us.

Forget Corona Virus, a massive MEASLES outbreak is occurring right now in, of all places, BRENTWOOD CALIFORNIA, a satellite of Beverly Hills and Bel-Air. And no, it is NOT the equally idiotic celebrity anti-vaxxer moms, it's the HELP and the tourists and visitors!
But mostly it's the help.
There is no one-sided finger of blame for this, it is as much a failure of essential government services as it is a failure to rein in kooky ultra-liberal pseudoscience and be aware that there's an equal number of RW anti-vaxxers, too. Some of them don't even care about any so called autism link or other phony and bogus link to devastating plagues and maladies, they're just convinced that if the government is involved, it's going to likely kill them where they stand, or turn the frogs gay, or both.

We let ourselves be dumbed down because we were told that we spend too much and tax too much. And that's why we can't have nice things.
Like a thriving democracy with solid and sound public institutions that can partner with the private sector in spirit of cooperation as the cornerstone of our mutual pursuit of the greater good for the largest number of Americans.
By the way, that proved to be very profitable back then!

We didn't fight back hard enough and we let go of our lefty ideals.

Posted By: Hamish Howl Re: Romney - 02/07/20 04:05 PM
(again, Dems out of SHAME!) tossed the working stiffs overboard and tried anything and everything they could to curry favor with the conservative again, including of course the conservatives who once were part of the more moderate wing of the Dems, but who had fled to the Republican Party in the South.

That's so true it hurts.
Posted By: Greger Re: Romney - 02/07/20 06:22 PM
The progressive wing of the party aims to turn that around.
Posted By: jgw Re: Romney - 02/07/20 06:50 PM
If there are any senators left, with an ounce of integrity, they have now been shamed big time. I doubt anything will come of it but we will see (in the fullness of time?)
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Romney - 02/07/20 11:05 PM
Actually, I'm inclined to let the anti-vaxers do there thing and die en masse. It would raise our national IQ.

Like the sign on the pediatrician's wall: You don't need to vaccinate all your kids. Just the ones you want to keep.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Romney - 02/07/20 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by Greger
The progressive wing of the party aims to turn that around.

And that's awesome, and I support it but it is not going to happen as long as Trump and his Republican human shields remain in power.
So for anything constructive to happen, we are going to need to take power back from him and the GOP first.

And that is going to require a bit of unity and respect for common cause.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Romney - 02/07/20 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by jgw
If there are any senators left, with an ounce of integrity, they have now been shamed big time. I doubt anything will come of it but we will see (in the fullness of time?)

It's quite evident that they have no sense of shame.
But not to worry, if we do our duty, that sense of shame will be crammed down their gullets this November and they can experience it from atop their ash heap.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Romney - 02/08/20 02:46 AM
unity and respect for common cause

It's appropriate that primary season has a little competitive spirit. Unity comes after the convention once a candidate is selected. You are getting ahead of yourself.
Posted By: Jeffery J. Haas Re: Romney - 02/08/20 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
unity and respect for common cause

It's appropriate that primary season has a little competitive spirit. Unity comes after the convention once a candidate is selected. You are getting ahead of yourself.

Not necessarily. I welcome the spirit of competition.
What I don't welcome is when everyone retreats into their silos because another candidate is not 100 percent what they want.
Posted By: logtroll Re: Romney - 02/08/20 03:59 AM
I’m looking for 200%.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Romney - 02/08/20 06:22 AM
None of them are Republicans and none of them are Trump supporters. That's about all I need at this point. Bloomberg to Sanders: Each of them would do a far better job than this bozo.

And I actually have a primary ballot sitting here in front of me.
Posted By: jgw Re: Romney - 02/08/20 07:49 PM
Well said!!!!!!!
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