Capitol Hill Blue
Posted By: Schlack Election day 2020 thread - 11/03/20 06:27 PM
Ohh, have tomorrow off work, drinks cabinet ready.

hmm, wine or beer, the real #decision2020

538 have a good resource for when you can expect election night results in which state

following their liveblog too, any other suggestions?
Posted By: Irked Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/03/20 07:17 PM
... any other suggestions?
Prayer for the religious among us and hang on for dear life for the rest.
Posted By: Greger Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/03/20 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by Irked
... any other suggestions?
Prayer for the religious among us and hang on for dear life for the rest.

I suggest medical marijuana, or failing that, some dank vapes.

Does everyone recall the shock...the horror...the disbelief...and the absolute sadness we all felt the last time we gathered for this ritual?

We got some revenge two years ago when we took the house. But it was only a blocking move, there weren't any more shenanigans like the Trump tax cuts, but He has still managed to f*ck up just about everything he's touched.

I have said from the getgo that this assh*le could never get re-elected. I'm going into this evening certain of victory. But I am shocked...

SHOCKED I tell ya!

That I don't feel absolutely sure about this.

The Trump phenomenon is unprecedented.
Posted By: perotista Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/03/20 09:08 PM
I've spent most of today watching 1950's scifi movies along with some historical documentaries from the History Vault. I'll continue to do so until my normal bedtime around 2300 hrs and find out who won in the AM if the results are known.

Well, I'll check in here ever so often just to see what's new.

I expect Biden to win fairly easily, but it will be interesting to see if Georgia goes blue. I suspect it has a good chance of doing so. Our two senate races are probably headed for a runoff, one for sure, the other one most likely. My congressman will win with 80% of the vote.

Oh well, back to Digging for the Truth from the History Vault and then, It came from Outer Space with James Arness as the Thing.
Posted By: Greger Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/03/20 09:12 PM
As for the religious aspect...I have smudged the house with the four sacred medicines and have beseeched Michabo The Great Hare, and Coyote The Trickster, to have mercy on a brother down on his luck. Samhain just passed and I called on the Ancients, to intervene if they could. I sent entreatments to Odin the All Father, to get a handle on Loki...

It is in their hands now....
Posted By: BC Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/03/20 09:51 PM
Four years ago the election gave me the worst birthday I ever had.
Got two ways to smooth it this year.
Directv half full kinda thing.
And rec pot edibles in Michigan has been put into play this evening. ;-)
Hoping for a much happier go around this year. Y'all enjoy.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/03/20 10:32 PM
2016... shivers...

election day voting numbers by party registration suggest that not enough republicans have turned out in Florida.

Nate Silver

Will depend on how the indys break there

Signals from team trump that their PA gotv isnt quite there either

Straws in the wind at this stage.

Posted By: Schlack Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/03/20 10:36 PM
Captures my mood

Obama wasn't perfect but staying up on election night felt like it was out of some hope for the future. Tonight it feels more like staying up to check that your drunk friend doesn't s*** himself.

Posted By: Schlack Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/03/20 10:52 PM
aaand the first result of the night:

After a tough battle, wine has been declared the victor by most of the networks. Beer gave a surly concession speech blaming the 3rd party candidate Gin&tonic for splitting the vote.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/03/20 11:16 PM
Posted for you to click on if the night gets too stressful

Posted By: Schlack Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/04/20 12:56 AM
[censored] florida... 2016 ptsd intensifies.

its going to be a squeaker!
Posted By: logtroll Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/04/20 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by Schlack
aaand the first result of the night:

After a tough battle, wine has been declared the victor by most of the networks. Beer gave a surly concession speech blaming the 3rd party candidate Gin&tonic for splitting the vote.
I voted G&T...
Posted By: Greger Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/04/20 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by Schlack
[censored] florida... 2016 ptsd intensifies.

its going to be a squeaker!

I've never gotten any feeling that Florida might go blue this time around...but I can hope.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/04/20 03:07 AM
its [censored] 2016 again....
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/04/20 04:08 AM
Brunhilde is not singing yet ... but I suspect when I wake up in morning the nightmare will continue

America kicked into the decline column ... just waiting for the fall
Posted By: Greger Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/04/20 04:10 AM
Popular vote seems to be favoring Trump.
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/04/20 05:42 AM
Dunno if the results coming in include the mail in’s or not but, if the numbers stand, it looks like the corporate Dem party apparatus was selling vaporware again.

Best quote of the night:

“I’m gobsmacked that during the middle of the biggest crises this country’s faced, with a pandemic and millions of people losing their jobs and health insurance, the Democrats aren’t winning running a demented racist death rattle promising you nothing”. - Jimmy Dore
Posted By: Greger Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/04/20 06:39 AM
Yep, and this right here is why I didn't want Biden.

Back to the drawing board I guess...
Posted By: Schlack Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/04/20 09:34 AM
heh, going to be close in the rust belt.

possible that it will be a reverse 2016 with Biden eeking out small victories in each!

If not, some day drinking might be required.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/04/20 09:49 AM
WI looking a shade blue now.
Posted By: perotista Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/04/20 01:40 PM
I'm not surprised it's not over. I know Georgia was never set up to count millions of mail in ballots. I figured there'd be other states in the same boat. Georgia is use to a couple of thousand absentee ballots, not millions.

I'm surprised it's this close. According to the early exit polls, Hispanics/Latino's have increased their support for Trump from 28% to 32%, Blacks from 8% in 2016 up to 12%. Trump's white vote so far 56% vs. 57% in 2016, Biden is getting 42% of the white vote, up from 37% for Hillary.

Early exit polls, numbers will change. No break down as far as party ID. senate is listed as a 47-47 tie. The Democrats flipped Arizona and Colorado, totally expected as well as Alabama going to the Republicans for a net gain of one so far. James leading in Michigan is a complete surprise, Peters the Democrats had a solid lead there. Collins in Maine was also suppose to go down fairly easily, she also leads at the moment. But who knows how Maine's ranked voting will come into play. Georgia 1 while not called, GOP Purdue leads, Georgia 2 will go to a runoff on 5 Jan 2021. Tillis lead in NC, very close. Alaska while not called is solid GOP. So at the moment the Republicans have a 48-47 lead. If Peters doesn't pull out Michigan, the Republicans will once again control the senate.

Now who would have thought that while whites moved some toward Biden, Blacks and Hispanics would move toward Trump. Very interesting. That is unexpected.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/04/20 02:57 PM
gee from .9 probability to .5

Looks like non-scientific rendering of what i saw, read and heard will turn out closer than the 538 folks.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/04/20 05:05 PM
No more votes to count in Wis, Biden +20K

MI, 100k votes left to count, Biden currently + 31K.

Posted By: jgw Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/04/20 06:50 PM
I think that Biden may actually win. I have never been sure from the getgo and there is absolutely no reason to believe polls (one would think we would learn that lesson by now). I also noticed that the talking heads were talking to a lot of folks that didn't vote. I am for mandatory voting. If somebody doesn't want to vote for anything/anybody on the ballot submit a blank ballot! (but vote!) Australia, I think, was the last to impose mandatory voting and it changed thing. I think we could use a change to and mandatory voting just might do it. Right now the lazy don't vote and have all sorts of excuses. I particularly like the one that goes something like; "Its my right not to vote!". Its also an opportunity to vote for Donald Duck!!

Voting is where we get to tell them that would govern what we think. It has little to do with rights and a lot to do with doing what needs to be done to send a message.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/04/20 09:01 PM
If you have to talk about scenarios .... then it is a jump ball

I have to wonder ... Mr Trump can lie about working for the common man ... how come that doesn't work for Democrats? Maybe the Dems need a serial killer, who claims he is reborn, who will publicly steal the money and claims he does it for his supporters, etc etc

I dunno ... if anyone sees some redeeming features left in America please advise. I think I am seeing the real decline of America ... half the population wants to open up an economy and "cull the herd" of people who are drag on the economy and the other half believes it is the mandate of government to protect its citizenry ... I don't even want to type any more words I am so depressed
Posted By: Schlack Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/05/20 12:32 AM
Nates Cohen and Silver both think that PA should turn blue.

Biden is getting closer in GA - within 1% now but may come up just short. Trump just launched legal action there to stop the count.
Then theres this sh!t

And this

And this

I recall the amusement of the trumpers at the 2016 disappointment.....

Posted By: Schlack Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/05/20 12:33 AM
and a puppycam to cheer you up
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/05/20 02:58 AM
This political realignment sure is a bumpy ride.
Not much headway in the Senate. Regression in the house. The Hamptons look to have their girl in the Oval Office so that group should be happy with this outcome. The left has no political party. Let’s face it, it hasn’t in decades but the open hostility from the right wing of the party and chasing the suburban republicans has left no doubt.

I wonder if it will be a marriage of convenience with the ‘never Trumper’s’’? If not, where will that leave the liberals down the road? If the stamp of trump on the Republican Party fades and the never Trumpers drift back to their home will the left drift back to the Democrats? Is the radical center right party a lasting coalition? Can they make enough money on the arrangement to make it so.

Lotta questions.

Personally, I find it silly to think that forcing people to vote will somehow allow better outcomes. It smells of authoritarianism and stupidity. Here’s two corporate hand picked candidates. VOTE!! Ok, Trump wasn’t handpicked but he’s the exception that proves the rule (and, no, Putin didn’t pick him for you liberal Qanon types).

Hell, both parties are committed to shrinking voter participation. Did Biden even have a voter registration drive as part of his campaign strategy? If he did it was well hidden. Kinda like himself during the campaign.

Might be premature but I think they’ll manage to drag Biden over the finish line. Looks like I’m loosing money on this one. Unless Trump goes full Iowa. There may be hope yet.

Posted By: rporter314 Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/05/20 02:12 PM
Sen McConnell has already signaled, should VP Biden win, he, Sen McConnell, will not allow a pres Biden to implement Biden's agenda unless it is Republican agenda.

What the frak is wrong with these Republicans!!!!!!!

Enter the slow strangulation of America.

McConnell's Obstruction deuxième acte
Posted By: Schlack Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/05/20 07:26 PM
US elections: Day 374.

Count ongoing.

Posted By: perotista Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/05/20 07:42 PM
This election was certainly a mixed bag. Biden will be the next president. The senate probably will remain in GOP hands. 49-48 at last counting with the 2 Georgia races and North Carolina undecided at this point. One of Georgia's senate races will go to a runoff on 5 Jan 2021, the second one is looking likely to do the same. Tillis lead in North Carolina in my opinion will hold up giving the GOP a 50-48 advantage in the senate with the two Georgia seats having a runoff.

In the House, the Republicans will pick up 8-12 seats. It seems the voters, the public as a whole didn't know what they wanted. I assumed Biden would win fairly easily, that assumption, while Biden will win, the fairly easy part is making an ass of me which assumptions do fairly often.

I also gave the senate to the democrats with pickups in Arizona, Colorado, which happened, but also Maine, Iowa and North Carolina, which Maine and Iowa didn't and North Carolina looks like it won't either.

I also figured the Democrats would gain 5-10 seats in the house, they're going to lose that many. Mixed results, indecision to be sure.

Perhaps 2020 was a reputation of both major parties agenda. A vote in which the people as a whole said we want Biden, but we don't want the Democratic Party to be in full charge. Hence the probability of the senate remaining in GOP hands and the pickup of 8-12 seats in the house by Republicans. Perhaps this was a vote for divided government?

I won't draw any conclusions until everything comes official. Perhaps 2020 was a vote to keep folks in their comfort zones. More later.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/05/20 07:47 PM
Assuming he retains control of the Senate, McConnell can obstruct any new legislation he wants, but Trump did not actually pass a lot of laws. He did almost everything by Executive Orders and temporary appointments. Biden can undo those on Day One. So we would be right back to the situation under Obama.

Then Biden can appoint qualified people to head departments, and for cabinet positions. McConnell could refuse to confirm Biden's cabinet nominees, but Biden would have scores of good people for each post. McConnell would start to look more and more like an a-hole, trying to sabotage the American government.

Then Biden could issue as many Executive Orders as he wanted. He will actually have very competent lawyers who can craft them to be constitutional, so they have little chance of being rejected by the courts. His people at the White House will actually follow the correct procedures, so the courts will not be able to fault the process, as was so common for Trump's orders.

So the Biden term in office will be very much like Obama's. Apparently, voters just wanted to get rid of Trump, but not for Biden to pass laws that change things a lot.
Posted By: jgw Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/05/20 07:49 PM
No sense getting upset with Do Nothing Mitch. This is, exactly, what he did with Obama! Not only that but he stuck to it and so Obama didn't pass much and did a lot of decrees, just like our national jackass Trump does now. The difference is that Obama didn't have a choice as Mitch blocked any of his legislation. Hopefully, when it all shakes out, Mitch will have fewer senators to rule over and maybe Biden can get something done.

Not betting on that, however...........
Posted By: Schlack Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/05/20 09:57 PM
Biden within 10K in GA, 100K 95K in PA
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/05/20 11:41 PM
McConnell could refuse to confirm Biden's cabinet nominees, but Biden would have scores of good people for each post. McConnell would start to look more and more like an a-hole, trying to sabotage the American government.
What makes you think any of these type Republicans give a flying rats frak how they are perceived???? Just as in 2016, they have the power and they will use it.

Biden could issue as many Executive Orders
You can't govern a country on EO's.

Should you now think that a presumptive Biden could do things the same way as Mr Trump ... well you would be wrong and incorrect. They will in the most hypocritical way condemn and criticize a presumptive pres Biden and you will not even notice their hypocrisy. If you think Republicans are the same kind of animal as Democrats ... well I don't think so
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/06/20 12:29 AM
You realize Republicans are your new political boyfriend don’t you? They were given more time at the Dem convention and a Republican heiress is running the Biden transition team.
I guess you didn’t get the memo reporter? Your party is the Republican Party from a decade ago.
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/06/20 12:47 AM
Biden was a ‘nothing will change’ candidate that some would say was disaster for down ballot races.

That managerial class competency that was supposed to deliver the senate and make such gain in the house is going to be in the White House with Biden? They burned, what was it? 45 million to ‘ditch Mitch’ that they knew was a scam but harangued their donors to give anyway?

What’d I read recently. Dems spent over 400 million on half a dozen failed races alone?

Hoo boy...., Libs really drink their own cool aid. Competency indeed

I find it hilarious that Robby Mook was attached to the PAC that was organized to deliver house districts to the Dem column. The guy who had a hand in Iowa Voter suppression, burns a pile of money in the general and will never be held accountable. Same guy who ran that sh!t show of a Clinton campaign in 2016.

Dem ‘competency‘ never self reflects or get held to account. It just deflects their failures onto the left, voters or Russia.

One last nugget.. Republicans are in as strong a position at the state level as ever. Can’t wait for redistricting....

Competency...., HAH!
Posted By: perotista Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/06/20 01:34 AM
Governing by executive order is what we've had since 2010. Yep, Biden can undo all of them if the courts let him. There's a precedence with DACA for the courts letting a former president's EO stay in effect.

Senate wise, as of tonight, 49-48 still. North Carolina, Tillis will make 50 the number of GOP senators once it's called. It looks like all eyes will be on Georgia come 5 Jan 2021. Purdue is just shy of the mandatory 50% plus one vote so we'll have two runoff senate elections on the 5th.

Biden is now within 3,000 here in Georgia. The remaining 30,000 or so ballots yet to be counted are from heavily democratic areas. Time will tell. I'm pretty sure Biden will pull it out, then a recount and all sorts of challenges.
Posted By: perotista Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/06/20 02:59 AM
No one has mentioned the House as of yet, if they did, I missed it. Old House was 237 Democrats, 197 Republicans, 1 independent. So far in the house races called it is 208 Democratic, 193 Republican with 34 to be called. So far the republicans have flipped 5 democratic seats and the independent seat for a net gain of 6 with 34 races still pending.

To show you how unique this and the last election was involving Trump. Trump in 2016 and Biden 2020 will be the first candidates to win the presidency while losing seats in the house since the 1884 election of Grover Cleveland who's party also lost house seats while winning the presidency.

The Democrats lost 18 seats in the 1884 election of Cleveland, the GOP lost 5 seats in the election of Trump in 2016 while if the trend continues, the Democrats will lose at least 5 seats and perhaps more with the election of Biden this year.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/06/20 03:15 AM
Biden is down by 463 votes now in Georgia, with more than 24,500 big city ballots left to count. He's down about 18042 votes in Pennsylvania with about 196,600 mail-in ballots left to count. He's ahead by 11,000 votes in Nevada, with about 180,000 mail-in ballots to count.

If Trump got all the counting stopped right now, Biden would win. But I doubt he can. Nevada says they won't be done with arriving election day post-marked mail-in ballots until the 12th. So I guess it's a race between Georgia and Pennsylvania to see which one crowns Biden the winner.

I think it will be Georgia on Friday. Any predictions, folks?

BTW: Mail-in overseas military ballots probably won't make much difference. Service people do tend to be conservative, but many are offended by "Losers and Suckers". Also, many have residence in Texas or Florida, because those states have no income tax. Their votes won't change Texas' or Florida's Trump win.
Posted By: Greger Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/06/20 03:53 AM
I'm gonna pick Georgia. Because I think it will be beautifully ironic that Florida has now become more backward than f*cking Georgia.

Posted By: perotista Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/06/20 01:53 PM
LOL, yeah, Georgia has always been referred to as the poor man's Florida. This Am, Biden has taken the lead. Some updated exit polling numbers. Democrats made up 31% of the total electorate, but 37% of those who actually voted. Republicans made up 29%, 35% of those who actually voted. Independents made up 40%, but just 28% of those who actually went out and voted. Biden did win the independent vote 54-46, but these numbers are still being compiled. These won't be the final numbers just like the final vote counting isn't done.

One final update. White vote, 2012 Obama 39% Romney 59%, 2016 Clinton 37% Trump 57%, 2020 Biden 42%, 57% Black vote 2012 Obama 93%, Romney 6%, Clinton 89%, Trump 8%, Biden 87% Trump 12%. Hispanics 2012 Obama 71% Romney 27%, 2016 Clinton 66% Trump 28%, 2020 Biden 66% Trump 32%,

We had a pretty good sized, bigger than normal third party vote in 2016, just looking at the numbers it seems those Hispanics and blacks who voted third party in 2016 voted for Trump in 2020.

From 2012 to 2020, Blacks voting Republican rose from 6% to 12%, Hispanics from 27% to 32% while whites rose for the Democrats from 39-42%.
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/06/20 02:01 PM
Didn’t Florida (along with Maine?) vote to increase minimum wage?
Weren’t they also in favor of reinstating voting rights to Felons who served their time?
Heck, you legalize weed and you’ll be more progressive than NY by that measure.
Don’t be too hard on Florida’s Gregor.
From what I understand, Georgia is a blue state that routinely purges its black voters to keep it red. Been going on for some time. At least the voters of Florida tried to increase voter participation.
Just trying to stick up for Florida some..
Posted By: Schlack Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/06/20 02:31 PM
juuust about there.

Trump to admit defeat?


will believe it when i see it.

nope - more bullshirt instead
Posted By: Greger Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/06/20 03:16 PM
He can spout all the BS he wants...come January they gonna frog march his ass right outa there.
Posted By: jgw Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/06/20 05:57 PM
Do Nothing Mitch's dear leader has set the bar on what one does if they want to skip the senate. Its really easy and we have all witnessed it. You just make a 'temporary' appointment to the job. No problemo! If you are president you get to do just any damned thing you want.

And, now, its Biden's turn. I just hope he doesn't waste a long time trying to be pals with the Republicans. Obama tried that and got absolutely nowhere.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/06/20 06:17 PM
What a nice birthday present for me! And the cool thing about a Georgia victory is that it's a very strict ballot deadline state. It only accepts mail ballots by close of the polls on election day. Incomplete ballots have to be fixed by Friday. So Trump can't succeed with any lawsuit complaining about ballots received after election day.

I wonder if the RNC will be declared a vexatious litigant after many of their groundless, evidence-free lawsuits are dismissed immediately. I also wonder if Trump's lawyers are continuing to file suits just to please Trump and the die-hards, so they get paid? Good luck with that! Trump is not known for paying any bill.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/07/20 12:20 PM
Well ... when Brunhilde finally decides to sing her final song, I think it will be a bit more than anti-climatic as we all know the all but foregone conclusion to this story.

I never got a sense of anything more than a toss up. However, one thing is sure .... Trumpism will remain a force with which the president elect will have to contend for years to come.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/07/20 12:53 PM
inre waning support from Trump supporters .... Cajun John Wayne ... he's ready for a duel in support of Mr Trump or consider the "Feel my spirit" Congressman.

The "spirit" of Mr Trump continues alive and well in America. They will from this point on sing praises of the son of god ... the gift from god .... the etc etc.

The sickness had found a voice ... and they will sing paeans of his strength and willingness to work for them and the theft of an election by the Democrat cabal of baby eating, pedophiles
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/07/20 01:57 PM
How is what you described about Trump supporters behavior (assuming its accurate for argument) any different than the behavior of the liberal class’ defeat at the polls in 2016?

Did they not engage in conspiracies in order to explain the defeat of their anointed one?
We’re we not subjected to years long tales of intrigue and public investigations, dossier mythology, etc?

Were liberals, in essence, rejecting their defeat at the polls and insisting the results of that defeat could only be explained by malevolent outside forces duping naive Americans rather than deal with the current reality?

Posted By: pdx rick Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/07/20 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Greger
He can spout all the BS he wants...come January they gonna frog march his ass right outa there.
The United States government is perfectly capable of removing a fat orange trespasser and his whoar wife from the White House.

Posted By: rporter314 Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/07/20 05:29 PM
I don't get it. Why do people continue to link the Mueller investigation into possible criminal collusion between the Trump campaign and russia and the loss of an election? Let me clear that up for you .... there is no connection!!! period

Had the Clinton campaign been stumbling into russians I would have more than hoped the FBI would have investigated. I don't care who would have won!!!!!

The Steele Dossier is "raw intelligence". It was not vetted nor completed or investigated nor was it taken as fact. When someone gives the FBI or any intel group "raw intel" with possible national security interests, they investigate. period.

Mr Trump was blatantly flagrant in his abuse of power. Should Sec Clinton or Pres Obama or Pres Bush done anything remotely similar I would have called for impeachment proceedings. That Republicans are complicit in the destruction of institutions and possibly nascent destruction of our Democracy is beyond my comprehension.

Now should PE Biden do the same thing ... well it's ok with me
Posted By: jgw Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/07/20 05:58 PM
I would expect that a new AG will be appointed and then Justice and Intelligence can get together and see if any real crime happened during the reign of the current administration. There has been some which was started but somehow got sidetracked. I expect them involved with that will also be interested as well. Whether the dems get even in the senate or not won't matter with all of this stuff.

There is a general thought, amongst a lot of Dems, that laws were broken and the piper must be paid. Hopefully that will keep their mouths shut unless something is actually found, otherwise just shut-up! The tendencies, right now, are not really helpful.

Oh, I am not basing any of this stuff on personal druthers or political efforts but the simple fact that we remain, inspite of much, to be a nation that is, in theory, a nation of law. I am really tired of the current crop of lies, innuendo, and condemnation of stuff with absolutely no facts. Its REALLY time a new administration takes hold and goes after criminals in the old fashioned way - get the damned facts! Otherwise, again, shut the f*** up!
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/07/20 06:48 PM

Fatass Trump will present evidence of voter fraud right after he releases his tax returns and shows us that healthcare plan. coffee
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/07/20 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by rporter314
I don't get it. Why do people continue to link the Mueller investigation into possible criminal collusion between the Trump campaign and russia and the loss of an election? Let me clear that up for you .... there is no connection!!! period...
Donald Trump was revealed by special counsel Robert Mueller to have actively sought the Russian government’s assistance during the 2016 election. Despite Trump and his sycophant’s claims to the contrary, it is clear that the Trump campaign was eager to work with the Russian government in 2016.

Mueller's report also showed the degree and depth of the Russian active measures, propaganda, and intelligence warfare efforts which allowed Trump’s 2016 victory over Hillary Clinton.

Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/07/20 07:02 PM
On January 20th, a minute after noon, the criminal investigations can officially begin.
Posted By: NW Ponderer Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/07/20 07:22 PM
Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah and the only Republican to vote in favor of Trump's conviction in the impeachment trial, tweeted he and his wife Ann Romney "extend our congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris."

"We know both of them as people of good will and admirable character," he added. "We pray that God may bless them in the days and years ahead."
Democrats congratulate Biden, many Republicans haven't extended their hand (NBC)
Some other Republicans, including Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who ran against Trump in 2016, offered Biden well-wishes.

"Congratulations to President-elect Biden," Bush tweeted. "I have prayed for our President most of my adult life. I will be praying for you and your success. Now is the time to heal deep wounds. Many are counting on you to lead the way."
Some Republicans have character, many others are characters.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/07/20 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
On January 20th, a minute after noon, the criminal investigations can officially begin.
Who would you like to see be ol' Joe's AG? Sally Yates works for me.

Posted By: logtroll Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/07/20 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Some Republicans have character, many others are characters.
And bad characters, at that!
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/08/20 09:17 AM
This was pretty hilarious:

Trump's Philidelphia Press Conference

Somebody from the Trump campaign screwed the pooch. They thought they had booked The Four Seasons Hotel for their "I'll Fight" press conference. But they actually booked the parking lot of Four Seasons Landscaping. Right next to Fantasy Island Adult Books, and across from a crematorium. (I bet it was Eric!)

Rudy made the usual evidence-free claims, and the Press had a good laugh.
Posted By: logtroll Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/08/20 02:54 PM
[Linked Image from]
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/08/20 04:21 PM
Seems like a good time to lay a bet...
Does Trump get prosecuted for crimes in office?

Posted By: Greger Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/08/20 05:09 PM
Does Trump get prosecuted for crimes in office?

No. There may be some fines and penalties that well never hear of but nothing of consequence. He won't be locked up and will spend his remaining years at Mar A Lago golfing.
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/08/20 05:20 PM
It’s not like his body count can compare to earlier administrations. If they were fine with that then what’s the hub bub about now?

Hmmm.,,. Maybe he didn’t tow the imperial line, they might go after him as a warning?

Naw, I still think the Valhalla rule is more important than his lack of scalps on the DOD war post.

Sticking with no prosecution.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/08/20 07:08 PM
Even if he wangles a federal pardon, I think New York is going to prosecute him, and I think the IRS and Deutschebank are going to collect their money. So he's going to end up pretty poor, if not bankrupt. New York State has no reason not to prosecute. Trump went out of his way to kill a whole bunch of their citizens with his pandemic decisions, and I'm not talking about even-handed general policies. He directed funds and equipment toward his Red State friends and away from New York and California, resulting in actual deaths. Why wouldn't New York prosecute any of his New York crimes? Tax Fraud and Bank Fraud at the least. Maybe Money Laundering, too.

I doubt he will end up at Mar-A-Lago, except as a paying guest, because he will lose it in the bankruptcy or foreclosures.
Posted By: jgw Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/08/20 07:37 PM
The bank, I think, has already said they are collecting as soon as he is no longer president. New York too is going full speed ahead with their investigation. There is also the problem with all the money he has accepted whilst president. Seems that was also against the law and should be taken away too. Then he is also going to have to submit to having his dna taken in a case brought by one of his female victims and there about 20 more waiting in the wings as well. Then there are also literally hundreds of cases that have to do with debts not paid for services performed. Its all making for a busy court. Then there are the activities of the Trump 'kids' - I suspect they too need to be investigated as well.

As far as the Mueller report is concerned. The part I always found interesting is the fact that Trump was not called on his connection to Russia because ALL THE WITNESSES LIED! Mueller said that, right out loud. Apparently there was nothing Mueller could do about that (which kinda confuses, I think)

If the Dems don't do this they are committing political suicide as most agree that this is simply making sure that we remain a nation of law instead of being nation of loud and little else. We have had, many believe, including me, that we have had a lawless president and now that lawless president gets to pay the price (hopefully). There are many that claim that he will flee to Russia. That too, would be fine with me. Especially if they take his wealth before he leaves.
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/08/20 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Even if he wangles a federal pardon, I think New York is going to prosecute him, and I think the IRS and Deutschebank are going to collect their money. So he's going to end up pretty poor, if not bankrupt. New York State has no reason not to prosecute. Trump went out of his way to kill a whole bunch of their citizens with his pandemic decisions, and I'm not talking about even-handed general policies. He directed funds and equipment toward his Red State friends and away from New York and California, resulting in actual deaths. Why wouldn't New York prosecute any of his New York crimes? Tax Fraud and Bank Fraud at the least. Maybe Money Laundering, too.

I doubt he will end up at Mar-A-Lago, except as a paying guest, because he will lose it in the bankruptcy or foreclosures.

What resources to what red states?
Posted By: Greger Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/08/20 08:01 PM
I think New York is going to prosecute him, and I think the IRS and Deutschebank are going to collect their money. So he's going to end up pretty poor, if not bankrupt.

Fines, penalties and interest.

His massive real estate holdings and his offshore accounts will prevent any "poorness" from entering the Trump household.

He will fly free, now and forevermore.
Posted By: Greger Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/08/20 08:05 PM
I doubt he will end up at Mar-A-Lago, except as a paying guest, because he will lose it in the bankruptcy or foreclosures.
It's his primary residence and he owns it outright. He will not lose Mar A Lago.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/09/20 02:12 AM
What resources to what red states?

google "trump diverts resources to red states"
You will get over 2.3 million hits.
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/09/20 02:23 AM
I’m asking you, not google. Kinda hard to figure out what your talking about in that many hits. Could you be specific?

Please, no conspiracies. That ship has sailed.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/10/20 08:17 PM
I'm not interested in doing your homework for you. Pick a few articles from sources you respect and read them.
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/10/20 11:08 PM
So your talking out you backside then. Got it.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/11/20 09:53 AM
Personal insults get posters banned. It's happened plenty of times before. It will happen again.
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/11/20 12:37 PM
Why not provide a link to back up your claim instead of lobbing threats.
You made the argument. You should provide the evidence to back up your claim.
Otherwise your blowing smoke.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/11/20 07:37 PM
Not a threat. I have been invited to be a moderator here, but I declined. I have no power to ban anybody. But I thought you should know that people do get banned for posting personal insults. Much of what gets posted here are personal opinions that require no link to supporting articles. How much are such URLs worth anyway? Anybody can easily find articles to support any viewpoint, no matter how ridiculous. No matter what link I supplied, I knew you would discount that source. So I gave you 2.3 million links and invited you to look for a source you trusted.

Here's the first page of that search:

The government is distributing Covid-19 supplies. Some ... - › policy-and-politics › emergency -covid...
Mar 29, 2020 — Florida has received all the supplies it has asked for. But most states haven't.

Governors plead for medical equipment from federal stockpile ... › politics › 2020/03/31
Mar 31, 2020 — Some states are receiving what they requested while others come up short, prompting frustration among state officials who see a byzantine and ...

Coronavirus: Feds accused of taking PPE, ventilator orders ... › Politics › Science
Apr 8, 2020 — States have been making their own orders for ventilators, masks, and other personal protective equipment since President Donald Trump told ...
Missing: resources ‎| Must include: resources

Want a mask contract or some ventilators? A White House ... › politics › white-house › political-i...
Apr 24, 2020 — Trump and his top aides have played favorites in awarding coronavirus contracts and allocating scarce resources. Image: A health care worker ...

'Swept Up by FEMA': Complicated Medical Supply System Sows › U.S. › Politics
Apr 6, 2020 — The Trump administration's new method for distributing medical supplies has led to charges of confiscation.

The State-led Scramble for Coronavirus Supplies Is Not Going ... › news › 2020/03 › coronavirus-...
Apr 1, 2020 — In the absence of adequate federal support, states are having to fend for themselves to get the medical equipment they need—and the Trump ...

Coronavirus PPE Blocked From States Because of White House › intelligencer › 2020/04 › hospitals-face-a-w...
Apr 19, 2020 — Whenever you start to think that the federal government under Donald Trump has hit a moral bottom, it finds a new way to shock and horrify.
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/12/20 12:35 PM
What links aren’t paywalled don’t lead to any specific article to support your claim. All I’m seeing is a homepage of political advocacy that most of those publications have devolved into.

No articles that Trump has broken laws which will follow him out of office as you argued.

As far as discounting your media sources, I stay deeply skeptical. I look for those who have gotten it right not who confirm my political bias.

Anyhow, all these fantasies of Trump getting prosecuted for his misdeeds is and will be seen as partisan to the far right and leftists. Watching the liberal class rehabilitate a murderous administration of George Bush seems unlikely that holding Trump responsible for his rip offs will happen.

Not that he shouldn’t be. I’ve argued that point many times instead of perusing DNC and CIA Russian fairy tales. But here we are.

When presidents murder it’s not breaking the law. When democrats break the law it’s not breaking the law, etc..

Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/12/20 11:17 PM
My claim wasn't that he could be indicted for diverting resources to his friends. That's just one of the reasons New York is not doing him any favors.

Tax Fraud and Bank Fraud at the least. Maybe Money Laundering, too.

These are not diversion of resources. These are actual crimes in New York, and Michael Cohen went to prison for them.
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/12/20 11:46 PM
‘ He directed funds and equipment toward his Red State friends and away from New York and California, resulting in actual deaths.’

I was just asking what funds or resources he’d guilty of diverting. That’s all.
Or, as was required in the past, citation please.

Posted By: Greger Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/13/20 12:51 AM
one of the reasons New York is not doing him any favors.

all he's gotta do is send bags of money via his lawyers to the right people and New York will gladly do him all the favors he wants...he's spent a lifetime there doing exactly that.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/13/20 04:31 AM
I suspect you have not been watching New York Governor Cuomo's daily press conferences. For 8 months he's been one of the most active Trump critics, mainly about how Trump has screwed over New York State. If his AG answers to Cuomo, Trump's going down.

Epstein had piles of money too, and he's dead now.
Posted By: logtroll Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/14/20 03:04 PM
Say what we will about the relative progressive/centrist/conservative political ideology of politicians - it's important to remember that getting elected means taking on the responsibilities of a job that is primarily one of operating a government system.

I'd say that Biden is off to an amazing start at getting the job under control again. With two months to go to his inauguration, he is already the de facto functioning President, taking the abandoned reins of a stampeding eight team stagecoach, while the supposed leader is back in the boot drinking three bottles of rum a day.

Whatever weaknesses Biden has as to the policies I would like to see implemented, they are overshadowed at this time by the great ability he is demonstrating to run the government under extremely adverse conditions.
Posted By: jgw Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/14/20 06:19 PM
When Biden actually takes over he has a literal mountain of pain to deal with. He has already said he is going to make covid-19 healthcare free, update Obamacare, take care of an environment which was abandoned by Trump. In addition to that one he will also have an unemployment problem with something like 40%+ unemployment (equaling that of the great depression). Now ad in thousands of happy white nationalists, and a covid-19 that is just starting to crest at the highest point we have had so far. Oh, also remember, he will also inherit a nation debt which is two times our current GNP and, apparently, his promises stand a good chance of adding a minimum of 2 trillion to the existing debt.

The real problem is that the aforementioned problems are only about half the real problems and he will be fighting against an established group of almost 50% of the population which believes he stole an election, and isn't worthy of kissing their lord and master's anything! Add in that these loons a quite capable of making it a fight to the death!

The thing that is wrong with the previous is that these are not just Biden problems they are, unfortunately, OUR PROBLEMS TOO!
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/17/20 10:22 PM
He's going to be a helluva lot better than Trump, if he just stops breaking stuff and acts like a regular human being. All the federal agencies that Trump sabotaged get back to functioning once Trump's cronies are gone.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/18/20 04:04 PM
Biden ... has a literal mountain of pain to deal with
Mr Trump is sabotaging PE Biden ... laying the foundation for whoever will run in 2024. PE Biden will be tag-teamed by out going bombs and Sen McConnell. Sen McConnell will try to ensure PE Biden will suffer from all the damage.

I recommend Democrats find the best PR group available to send appropriate messages on Republican attempts to destroy America.

Some think Mr Trump's influence will dissipate after he gets dragged out of the WH, but all indications seem to point to a more deleterious, noxious pattern of behavior from Republicans.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/18/20 06:53 PM
Ironic thing:

Trump Suppressed His Own Voters In Georgia

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger says President Donald Trump could have won the state by 10,000 votes ― if he hadn’t discouraged the votes of his own supporters.

Raffensperger, a Republican, ordered a recount. But he also told Atlanta ABC affiliate WSB that the president hurt his own cause by discouraging mail-in voting, which he portrayed as a “scam.”

Raffensperger told the station that 24,000 Republican voters who voted absentee in the primary did not vote in the general election.

“Those 24,000 people did not vote in the fall,” Raffensperger said. “They did not vote absentee because they were told by the president, ‘Don’t vote absentee. It’s not secure.’ But then they did not come out and vote in person.”
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/20/20 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by jgw
When Biden actually takes over he has a literal mountain of pain to deal with. He has already said he is going to make covid-19 healthcare free, update Obamacare, take care of an environment which was abandoned by Trump. In addition to that one he will also have an unemployment problem with something like 40%+ unemployment (equaling that of the great depression). Now ad in thousands of happy white nationalists, and a covid-19 that is just starting to crest at the highest point we have had so far. Oh, also remember, he will also inherit a nation debt which is two times our current GNP and, apparently, his promises stand a good chance of adding a minimum of 2 trillion to the existing debt.

The real problem is that the aforementioned problems are only about half the real problems and he will be fighting against an established group of almost 50% of the population which believes he stole an election, and isn't worthy of kissing their lord and master's anything! Add in that these loons a quite capable of making it a fight to the death!

The thing that is wrong with the previous is that these are not just Biden problems they are, unfortunately, OUR PROBLEMS TOO!

Yeah, basically role reversal now. Democrats will project on republicans that which they are guilty of over the Trump administration.

Nobody’s material conditions will be improved outside the corporate beltways and Republicans will get to redistrict the electoral map. Dems will hippie punch to cover for their venality and wealthy fail son incompetence while republicans deliver identity politics in the form of working class grievances.

Austerity will be a bipartisan project.

The politics of the great boomer battle in the sky will continue as the needles go deeper into the red.
Posted By: Greger Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/20/20 09:06 PM
Austerity will be a bipartisan project.

Count on it. All those lofty lefty ideals will fall by the wayside as the deficit once again comes into focus.
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/20/20 11:02 PM
After trillions spent on shareholders.

Two warring fraternity houses full of the worst People is what passes for our political timber anymore. The lumber sure ain’t what it used to be.

Breadlines in Dallas looked ominous.

Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/21/20 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by logtroll
Say what we will about the relative progressive/centrist/conservative political ideology of politicians - it's important to remember that getting elected means taking on the responsibilities of a job that is primarily one of operating a government system.

I'd say that Biden is off to an amazing start at getting the job under control again. With two months to go to his inauguration, he is already the de facto functioning President, taking the abandoned reins of a stampeding eight team stagecoach, while the supposed leader is back in the boot drinking three bottles of rum a day.

Whatever weaknesses Biden has as to the policies I would like to see implemented, they are overshadowed at this time by the great ability he is demonstrating to run the government under extremely adverse conditions.

Whut are you even talking about?
Bidens handlers are stocking his pond with war lobbyists, oil lobbyists hedge fund lobbyists etc.

Remember all that 'we believe in science!' posing in camp Lib so recently?
Remember how Trump was accused of being compromised with foreign entanglements?
Trump was a serial liar?

All which applies equally to Biden. More so in some ways even.

Nope, he's John Wayne, apparently.

I wonder what movie language will get used to deal with the reality of escalating conflicts on the frontiers again.

Something that has been strangely quite during Trumps time. Bidencorp is Pro war and Pro fossil fuel burning now.

Posted By: logtroll Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/21/20 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by chunkstyle
Whut are you even talking about?
It took you long enough... deadhorse
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/23/20 02:44 PM
Well if we’re gunna use film language I guess I’m partial to Verhoeven. Just insert healthcare for citizenry..

“George Clooney 2024 - Because we can’t disassemble celebrity from reality anymore!”
Posted By: perotista Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/30/20 06:28 PM
Latest House of Representative update.

House, the Republicans had 26 open seats, the Democrats 9. No incumbent running in those districts. The GOP at last count received 48.4% of the nationwide popular vote to the Democrats 49.8%. The GOP has a net gain of 11 seats, flipping 14 Democratic seats to the Democrats flipping 3 GOP seats. The tally with 3 seats not decided yet is Democrats 222, Republicans 210. Last election 236 Democrats, 199 Republicans. Depending on the outcome of the final three districts, NY 22, IA 2 and CA 25, the Republicans are within 8 seats of regaining control of the house in 2022.
Posted By: perotista Re: Election day 2020 thread - 11/30/20 10:51 PM

With all this talk of election fraud, I decided to check to see how the exit polls of over 15,000 voters match up to the actual results. Here’s the exit polls.

According to the exit polls, Democrats made up 37% of those who actually voted, they voted 94-5 Biden over Trump. Rather simple math .95 times 37 comes out to 35.15 while .05 times 37 comes to 1.85. republicans made up 36% of those who actually voted. Trump won republicans 94-6 over Biden. Again .94 times 36 equals 33.94 for Trump, .06 times 36 equals 2.16. Independents made up 26% of those who voted, Biden won independents 54-41. Again .54 times 26 equals 14.04 for Biden and .41 times 26 equals 10.66 for Trump. Exit polling data shows Biden winning 51.35% to Trump’s 46.45% with the rest going to third party candidates. The actual results were 51.1% for Biden, 47.1 for Trump.

Okay, not an exact match, but really close. Of course exit polling is just going by what people told the pollster. But who people told the pollster who they voted for comes within a hair of the actual results. Which if there were massive fraud, one would expect a big difference. Now if the exit polling or folks telling the pollster that 50% of them voted for Trump where as only 46% was the actual results, that would have shown massive fraud. But to be this close to the final results throws massive fraud out the window.
Posted By: Greger Re: Election day 2020 thread - 12/01/20 03:45 AM
No one ever actually suspected voter fraud. Not even Trump.

Trump was grasping at straws from the start.

Unfortunately he grasped the ones that broke the camel's back.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Election day 2020 thread - 12/01/20 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by Greger
No one ever actually suspected voter fraud. Not even Trump.

Trump was grasping at straws from the start.

Unfortunately he grasped the ones that broke the camel's back.
The whole point was 'The Grift' - Trump grifted $150M from his rubes since the election day.

He's gotta pay that $440M debt somehow after he leaves office. coffee
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Election day 2020 thread - 12/01/20 06:21 AM
Originally Posted by perotista be this close to the final results throws massive fraud out the window.
...and then there's the verifiable paper trail that was left. 95% of voters voted on paper in 2020 as opposed to 82% in 2016.

Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 12/01/20 07:34 AM
Congressional Republicans are in a tizzy: Trump has conditioned his base to expect election fraud, so many of his base in Georgia are thinking of boycotting the runoff election. He's sending people to big meetings to tell Republican voters that:

1) The election was rigged, so their votes didn't matter.
2) That they need to vote in January, because every vote counts.

I know they are used to hearing contradictory stuff, but it's hard to believe when the same person says it one right after the other!
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Election day 2020 thread - 12/02/20 05:53 PM
I have been closely following all the star witnesses the Overturn the Election Team have presented. The one quality which all have is they appear to be numerologists in search of something to find a hidden message. And yet ... not a single one of these folks has presented a single case of voter fraud.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 12/02/20 11:17 PM
His lawyers talk a good story in the parking lot, but when they get in front of a judge, it's always something like "I have a signed affidavit here from a guy who's wife heard from her cousin about a post on Facebook."

I think most of those lawyers are wary of losing their license, if they present a fraudulent lawsuit. This is why Giuliani wants a pardon.
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Election day 2020 thread - 12/03/20 12:10 AM
Yes ... basically there are two types of witnesses. The first are the numerologists or mathematical masseuses, who have found evidence of possible fraud because they have found anomalies in the chicken bones, and the second are the witnesses who have seen "strange" things which they have interpreted as voter fraud.

Neither of these types of witnesses have presented a single fraudulent vote.

The only thing the second type have "proven" is there are irregularities in voting, and if not mistaken, I believe every analysis of the last 10 general elections they would have seen the same type of irregularities. This of course does not prove voter fraud.
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 12/03/20 08:01 PM
Not so much "irregularities" as things they didn't expect or things they didn't understand. Like curing mail ballots by getting voter addresses and writing them on the envelope, which was authorized by state law and had been going on for several years.

One particularly funny objection was that districts run by Republicans decided not to cure mail ballots, even though that was explicitly allowed by state law. I guess they thought that would disenfranchise more Democrats than Republicans. Anyway, Giuliani et al claimed that was unconstitutional because voters did not get an equal chance of having their vote count. But this was an act by Republicans to not count Democrat's ballots!
Posted By: Ujest Shurly Re: Election day 2020 thread - 12/04/20 12:40 AM
Actually, it is postal regulation that a return address must be appended to every item mailed and has been for more than 70 years.

I think it goes back to Post Master Ben Franklin
Posted By: rporter314 Re: Election day 2020 thread - 12/04/20 04:17 AM
I was being generous. I am fairly certain there are irregularities, as there are with almost any operation of this magnitude. And of course there was the inherent problem of a bunch of people who don't know how the system works. I have been watching some of the fraud hearings, and was surprised that some legislators did not know how the system worked. One would have thought some one vested in the results of an election would have some interest in how the votes were tabulated and reported. I really liked it when Republicans asked a question which was predicated on some form of fraud and an election official answered in the most obvious way precisely what was going on, and the Republican slipped back in their chair with the I know I had the smoking gun only to find out it was desert mirage look.

What I type in one forum is .... where's the beef????
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 12/04/20 05:02 AM
I guess the latest Giuliani fiasco is his star witness being drunk at a hearing investigating election complaints (or just loopy as hell?) and then The G-man farted in court. And then of course, his handlers have to restrain Trump from firing Barr for saying in public that Justice Department people have seen no fraud that could overturn any election.

Actually, being fired by Trump at this point might help when you get indicted for all the other shady crap you pulled for him. I bet Barr has figured out the Jeff Sessions strategy.

Speaking of firing people: Who would want a 6 week gig replacing somebody Trump fired, considering all the harm that could do to your professional reputation? He fired most of the Defense Policy Board, to replace them with loyalists toadies. But I have yet to hear anything about replacements who want the job.
Posted By: Greger Re: Election day 2020 thread - 12/06/20 09:51 PM
From the scum dump Trump draws his help from it should be easy to find toadies who'll take the money and run. It's not like he's hiring "the best" or anything...
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Election day 2020 thread - 12/06/20 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
I guess the latest Giuliani fiasco is...
...that Rudy has Covid.

Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 12/07/20 02:55 AM
And probably spread it far and wide in Republican circles.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Election day 2020 thread - 12/07/20 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
And probably spread it far and wide in Republican circles.

Arizona Legislature shuts down after Rudy Giuliani possibly exposed lawmakers to COVID-19

LOL Dumbass Rudy Colludy has shut-down the ENTIRE AZ legislature for this week because he exposed them to Covid. You can't make this stuff up! Rightwingers are such idiots. smile

Posted By: jgw Re: Election day 2020 thread - 12/08/20 07:28 PM
Why would you say a mean thing like that! To you they are idiots but the simple fact is that they live in a different place and, in that place, Covid just isn't real. There are several reports, for instance, of people, in the hospital, dying and claiming that Covid isn't real whilst they do.

These people are not idiots, they are only mentally challenged. You should show them kindness and understanding and hope that the police put them away before they hurt themselves.

Well, ok, they are idiots!
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 12/08/20 08:24 PM
Today is the federal electoral safe harbor deadline. That means that the US Congress is obligated to accept the electoral certification from all states that have resolved their disputes. 49 states have as of Monday. Wisconsin is the only state that hasn't, but that doesn't matter much because Biden has more than enough electoral votes without Wisconsin's. Trump's lawyers claim otherwise, but in Bush vrs Gore the Supreme Court stopped Florida recounts so Florida would meet the safe harbor deadline.

The other problem for Trump's legal team is that Rudy is in the hospital with Covid-19 and Jenna Ellis has tested positive. I think the "legal challenge" phase of the Trump plan is about over.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Election day 2020 thread - 01/07/21 12:11 AM
So the 2020 election is finally over right?
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Election day 2020 thread - 01/07/21 12:53 AM

Well except that Trump supporters stormed the US Capital in DC, one woman is dead, lots of broken windows, Twitter locked Trump's account, FBI Assistant Director (ret); NBC News National Security Contributor says there are plans for an "involuntary extraction" of Donald Trump, some are calling for Trump's removal TONIGHT, others are saying 25th Amendment Trump.

That's what life has been like under Trump...the guy is exhausting. Every day he says some stupid shyte, or does some stupid shyte.

Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 01/07/21 02:11 AM
Wonder why there was no bull rushes, rubber bullets or cans of tear gas to the face of these protesters?

Protesting police violence must rise to a whole other level.
Posted By: Greger Re: Election day 2020 thread - 01/07/21 02:12 AM
This was the best Birthday EVER! Both Georgia seats went Democrat, Republicans made utter fools of themselves. And I got vaccinated for the covids. I had butter chicken at my favorite restaurant and drank a lot of beer.
Posted By: Schlack Re: Election day 2020 thread - 01/07/21 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by chunkstyle
Wonder why there was no bull rushes, rubber bullets or cans of tear gas to the face of these protesters?

Protesting police violence must rise to a whole other level.

[Linked Image from]
Posted By: Schlack Re: Election day 2020 thread - 01/07/21 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by Greger
This was the best Birthday EVER! Both Georgia seats went Democrat, Republicans made utter fools of themselves. And I got vaccinated for the covids. I had butter chicken at my favorite restaurant and drank a lot of beer.

only a rumour but perhaps a late Bday present for you
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 01/07/21 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by Greger
This was the best Birthday EVER! Both Georgia seats went Democrat, Republicans made utter fools of themselves. And I got vaccinated for the covids. I had butter chicken at my favorite restaurant and drank a lot of beer.

Happy Birthing day ya heathen!
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 01/07/21 02:32 AM
Posted By: chunkstyle Re: Election day 2020 thread - 01/07/21 02:58 AM
Ilhan Omar drawing up impeachment a... removal amid insurrection at US Capitol
Posted By: pondering_it_all Re: Election day 2020 thread - 01/07/21 03:31 AM

Outstanding! Now just keep yourself safe for about 10 days and you will have some immunity. I seem to be in line for the vaccines they have sent to California, except the folks actually giving the shots are taking their sweet time about it. They are still on the medical people.
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Election day 2020 thread - 01/07/21 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by chunkstyle
Wonder why there was no bull rushes, rubber bullets or cans of tear gas to the face of these protesters?.
They're white Hmm
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Election day 2020 thread - 01/07/21 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by Greger
This was the best Birthday EVER! Both Georgia seats went Democrat, Republicans made utter fools of themselves. And I got vaccinated for the covids. I had butter chicken at my favorite restaurant and drank a lot of beer.
Happy Belated Bday Greger. smile
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Election day 2020 thread - 01/07/21 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by Schlack
Originally Posted by chunkstyle
Wonder why there was no bull rushes, rubber bullets or cans of tear gas to the face of these protesters?

Protesting police violence must rise to a whole other level.

[Linked Image from]

I remember that cartoon from years ago. I'm glad to see it updated. smile
Posted By: pdx rick Re: Election day 2020 thread - 01/07/21 03:58 AM
Nice!! smile
Posted By: logtroll Re: Election day 2020 thread - 01/07/21 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Greger
This was the best Birthday EVER! Both Georgia seats went Democrat, Republicans made utter fools of themselves. And I got vaccinated for the covids. I had butter chicken at my favorite restaurant and drank a lot of beer.
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