The world has gone freaking mad!!! Yesterday I read where some God crazed Christiban maniac (pardon the redundancy) in my home state of Georgia wants to pass a bill that would require every miscarriage to be investigated for homicide. I'm not kidding. People like this misguided Jesus freak are insane and they've managed to get elected in red states across the nation. There is no way they represent the majority of the people in their respective states. There simply are not that many lunatics who vote. I live in a Teapublican occupied state. Our state government is just about as truly insane as any state government can be, but most of the people I know in Arizona are not in any way represented by the nutters we have in state government. Apathy and ignorance put them there. Rest assured only a piddling few voted for these mad bastards truly hoping they'd legislate their respective states back to days of Hester Prynne.

South Dakota recently decided that it might be a great idea to permit killing of anyone providing an abortion. That's f*cking stupid. It's so stupid that Nebraska thinks it's a great idea. Now a maniac in Nebraska state legislature introduces a bill similar to South Dakota's. The Christiban nutjob in Nebraska believes that abortion should never be allowed even in the case of rape.

NONE of these God crazed lunatics are women. Surprised? I'm not. One thing I know is that - by their words and deeds - the Christiban proves daily just how close they are to their Muslim brothers. They are damned near one and the same.

Nebraska may permit ‘justifiable homicide’ in defense of the unborn
By Sahil Kapur
February 24, 2011 @ 1:32 pm

Legislation introduced in Nebraska includes a "justifiable homicide" clause that could be used in defense of a fetus, potentially offering legal cover for the killing of abortion providers.

The bill, LB 232 [1], was put forth by Nebraska state Sen. Mark Christensen, who fiercely opposes abortion even in cases of rape, as Mother Jones [2] first reported. It would allow any third party the chance to use self-defense as a legal justification for killing someone believed to be threatening the life of a fetus.

Although it may not have been Christensen's intent, critics fear that the language it could make way for legalized killings of abortion doctors, who are already frequent targets of death threats from anti-abortion activists.

Iowa has introduced a similar bill. Think there might be a Christiban conspiracy afoot?


You, you and you, panic. The rest of you follow me.