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By DOUG THOMPSON - Capitol Hill Blue September 20, 2012
It’s no secret that we at Capitol Hill Blue hold politicians, political parties and partisans in low esteem.
Actually, that’s an understatement. We think politicians, political parties are scum of the earth and those who buy into their fantasies are delusional at best.
America doesn’t need another politician at the helm.
We don’t need a celebrity.
We don’t need a pre-packaged, consultant-molded, TV-friendly candidate.
We need a leader.
Is there one out there?
Not in the current, pathetic crop available for election to the House, Senate or White House.
Sadly, the choices for those to represent us and/or to lead this nation will be made by brain-dead voters who long-ago abandoned independent thought and make their decisions now based on blind party affiliation and minds filled with propaganda from the raving lunatics who masquerade as purveyors of information.
Conservatives genuflect at the feet of loons like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity while liberals accept slanted garbage from Rachel Maddow on Keith Olbermann of the left. Olbermann, thankfully, is off the air for the moment but he will be back, just like a bad check or diarrhea.
Political parties don’t recruit leaders. They select celebrities or “game changers” who lack the skills necessary for the job. That’s how we ended up with Barack Obama in the White House and pretenders like Sarah Palin.
We can’t say this often enough: America cannot be saved by those who think of themselves as Democrats or Republicans, conservatives or liberals or any other political stereotype.
Leaders-statesmen-untainted -you name it. Individuals such as that cannot and will not get elected under our system. Or any system as far as I can tell. Might, money, and power greases one into office.
For one to get elected to any high office one needs $$ help. And receiving that help means “you owe me” payback if elected. And favors. By default that eliminates any statesman.
But you already knew that Doug-didn’t you?
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
I personally do not believe that Mitt Romney cares about anyone but himself and his rich peers and military industrialist 'friends'. Doug has brought up a sad, but true fact of the modern age. We can follow along on the present path of following blindly and voting for the lesser of two evils or go down a different path. That path possibly being a third candidate. By write-in or a third party. I myself am going down the latter path. At least I will vote my conscience.
"be good and you will be lonesome, be lonesome and you will be free." MT/JB
Politicians, partisans, parties and voters are not the answer. If we're fortunate perhaps a ruthless dictatorLeader will take over and set things right.
Politicians, partisans, parties and voters are not the answer. If we're fortunate perhaps a ruthless dictator Leader will take over and set things right.
Ahem! I am all set -- have my bags packed and detailed plans all in order. Just get the Oval Office set up for me.
All the problems of the world can easily be solved, if people will just do exactly as I tell them.
Don't worry -- I won't take revenge on all the people who have insulted me -- at least, not many of them. · ·
Leaders-statesmen-untainted -you name it. Individuals such as that cannot and will not get elected under our system. Or any system as far as I can tell.
Obviously, you have not carefully considered the system which I have outlined HERE
Once I am acclaimed as Universal Dictator, that is the system which I will set up. Then, since I am such an easy-going, non-power-hungry kind of guy, I will voluntarily relinquish my Absolute Power so that ordinary mortals may run their own lives in a sensible fashion.
Unfortunately, it will probably take the rest of my life properly to set up Numan's System. Ah, well. · ·