I think that we need a forum that lists something almost interesting about the previous Trump Presidency. I think this is pretty important since we may have the opportunity to have a new Trump Presidency and everybody deserves to know how the previous Trump Presidency actually was. Once there is more info perhaps there needs to be something to the effect of: The Previous Trump Presidency with a complete list which references each and every story, subject by subject. If you google "the previous trump presidency" you will get, pretty much, exactly that. Its incredible! Trump continues to lie and a good percentage of the American voting public believe him! If there was ever a situation wherein the American Voting Public is proving its incapable of actually taking a real look at Mr. Trump and his real capacity its "the previous trump presidency" Its all there!! One would think that the news, on public TV might, I suggest, give America just a little taste of what we are going to get if he wins!

Remember, it was the American media which gave us Trump in the first place with his TV show which was, basically, actually not real. Then American media discovered that if they covered Trump it was money in their pocket as Trump amused everybody with his lies. Now we are getting it again and the American media has determined, apparently, that it might upset somebody should they actually show American what its going to get if he wins again!! This is NOT a joke! Its real!! I would really appreciated it if anybody could actually tell me what the HELL is going on!!!

Sorry, I started with something and then it dawned on me that this is a serious thing, its an American thing that, literally, makes no real sense. We actually have the capacity to tell the American voters what, exactly they get and nobody seems to want to know.

Amongst other things its interesting that many of these lies are being repeated this time around as well. To that this might start the ball rolling:
30,000 lies.........

Trump currently says the Biden presidency is the worst ever (another flat out lie) but:
Then there was this: https://www.factcheck.org/2021/10/trumps-final-numbers/

Again, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!! Why is our TV news incapable of telling America what, exactly, they can expect with a new Trump Presidency??? When he lies, on TV, why are they not calling him on it? Everytime he is on TV he lies, pure and simple, and, apparently, its OK? When, for instance, he says that Biden is the worst president in history that is a flat out lie yet at least half the voter public believes that one alone.

When I started this I thought just listing stuff from the previous Trump presidency might do something I was wrong. It will simply be ignored. If, however, the current news covers a trump lie then they should tell America a fact as to how it was handled, by Trump, before! That is not taking a side, that is reporting the news!!

I think that these are fair question!

Last edited by jgw; 05/10/24 08:20 PM.