If you were hoping for immediate sweeping change then you set yourself up for disappointment. I just hope that in two years we aren't seeing continued sweeping same. Obama has come out of the gate slow, he's staying with the pack and getting a feel for the track. It's still way to early to call the race though.
I don't think this stimulus package is what President Obama wanted, he wanted the one close to the House's version, what we're getting is the Senate's version.
The Senate has basically said: Take it or leave it.
Why the rush? Why does it have to be passed now? Oh yes...
...Congress is on "vacation" next week, and Ms. Pelosi might lose her Rome hotel room deposit if she stayed and fought for what President Obama wanted.
Good grief !
What happened is that Pelosi and Reid have hijacked the Obama Presidency.
Obama attacked this bill as an exercise, the leadership attacked this bill from a political perspective. Let's look at what happend here. Obama promised a bill that would start working for America immediately, NOPE. Obama promised a bill that would be directed ar economic recovery - unfortunately NOPE. Obama promised a bill free of pork - ha ha ha, I guess Pelosi and Reid got the last laugh on that one NOPE.
Ther are two different conclusions we can reach:
1) Pelosi and Reid are trying to take over Obama's Presidency. That is the best case scenario here.
2) Obama, Pelosi and Reid are implementing their agenda and using the economic crisis as a way to do it. I have less faith in this idea because it would denote a conspiracy, and I don't think Obama has thought that far ahead.
4 weeks and already heading toward failure, it is a shame.