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My concerns are that we live in a world so vastly different than during the Great Depression. We have enmeshment with nations around the world unlike any time in our human existence. We're not just each other's vacation get away, we're all interdependent in every social way. Our cultural differences don't shelter us from our dependence on each other.
During the Great Depression...it was an antiquated time in comparison to this era. Auotmobile industry was in its infancy, our national infrastructure was hardly a microscopic speck compared to what whe have today. Oil wasn't discovered in Saudia Arabia until 1938...so we weren't a nation that had a profound attachments both finanically and use during the G.D.. We have communication means that weren't even dreamed of. We have medical and science technologies that were virtually non-existent...not even conceivable. We can now even see our presidents' faces as they've spinned their tales to us on TV and the Internet.
I can go on and on, but my point is that we are genuinely connected to the hips of our sister nations around the world. We're like Siamese siblings and when one is injured...well, we all are.
Cousin It...I think you have incredibly valid concerns. We are in a complicated situation like never before seen by any nation. America's centricities...are not good.
You're right...we need to be aware of other nations and their problems.
Turn on ANY brand of political machine - and it automatically goes to the "SPIN and LIE CYCLE"