Don't think it is available online yet, but it would be a good read for anyone interested in liberty, non-agressive domestic and foreign policy, and Rights.

Ron Paul has often spoken passionately about American foreign policy, and this book covers the topic with precision and force. He takes on the war on Iraq, which he has opposed since 1998, when it was foreshadowed in a congressional resolution, and warns against the immoral and unspeakably foolhardy drive to war with Iran. The book goes further: arguments for the war on terror are broken down and refuted; the theory of blowback is explained; modern war myths are exploded; the American empire is described and condemned; national-security-state violations of civil liberties, due process, the Fourth Amendment, and habeas corpus are exposed; the unitary-executive and preemptive-war doctrines are uprooted with reasoned, moral clarity; the agendas of Woodrow Wilson, Lyndon Johnson, and George W. Bush are discredited; and the old liberal/Old Right opposition to foreign war and foreign intervention is reclaimed. Discussing the horrific and widely ignored matter of imperial detentions and torture, Paul offers up a stirring assessment:

"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos