Apparently, Nancy has some inside skinny that she has not divulged to the unwashed here at RR.

A woman who worked for me until June of last year bought a house in Scottsdale with her husband that they could not afford. I know their financial situation. They bought their $500,000 at the top of the market. Money was cheap. The leased new cars. They bought at timeshare. The went to Europe. Money was cheap. Today they work second jobs when they can get them. They are way over their heads in debt. Swimming in it.

My secretary, divorced, bought a house with an ARM a year ago. Her credit was not good, but the money was cheap and easy. Today she lives in her sister's house to save money to pay off the mortgage on the house she cannot afford to live in.

Shall we list here the names of national retail stores that no longer exists? Would you like a list of locally owned stores that have gone belly-up?

Nancy seems to have double secret information that would indicate that all these people are Democrats and/or dupes of the Democrat socialist conspiracy. IF, according to Nancy, President Obama declared "the Bush tax cuts would be extended and a capital gains tax cut was under consideration, the markets would immediately turn around". Suddenly, people would again start spending money that they don't feckin have. Folks would jump at the chance once again to throw money around like fleet sailor in a Hong Kong whorehouse. Say the magic words Obama and happy days are here again! Suddenly banks will become responsible and lend only what they can cover. Wall Street will become honorable and the rat's nest of derivatives will straighten itself out. Corporate captains once hearing the magic words will police themselves and end the shameful practice of amassing money in amounts no one could possibly spend. Gone will be the days of sumbitches like Standford and Madoff. Suddenly the Security and Exchange Commission will do its job. All Obama has to do is say the words and corporations will no longer hide billions in off shore accounts.

I'm here to tell you Nancy once again you give us conspiracy and you give us no facts. There is absolutely no proof that the current situation is a Democratic lead conspiracy. No one party is to blame. In fact, I don't know anyone who was forced at gunpoint to buy a house way, way, way over market value and equally over their ability to pay for it for the balance of the loan. Do you know people who were forced to take the money?

Here is the bottom line, Nancy, your view is simplistic. Your solution is even more simplistic. Your conspiracy theory is laughable. In fact, we have not had a free market economy. But the closer we got to one the more raw, human greed slimed to the top of the dung heap.

The party is over, Nancy. The good times are gone and they aren't coming back while you are still young enough to enjoy them. You can't spend what you ain't got. The days of excess, 100 million dollar houses, 10 million dollar birthday parties, new cars for the kids for high school graduation, second homes in the mountains and third homes at the beach, thirty thousand dollar motorcycles, all that crap is going, going, gone.

Now I don't know Jesus, but I do know he was a good person, I know he's big in South Carolina. I'm thinking that Jesus would be pleased if people got back to thinking about each other, thinking about their stewardship of the earth, respecting children and parents and grandparents, concentrated on peace and love and understanding instead of making more money to buy more things that will take them away from reality.

Money in and of itself is not good or bad. Many of us know that the more money you have the more you are tempted to forget the real reasons life is important. Look at America over the last 50 years.


You, you and you, panic. The rest of you follow me.