Ma said:
Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
The market was down another 4% today. As much as you try, this is an Obama effect.

and then he said,

... fact remains that the markets are an accurate reflection of our financial stability and the health of our country.

Reading those two sentences together, Ma's argument is essentially that the President who begins his 43rd day in office today is responsible for the current "financial stability and the health of our country", notwithstanding the fact that all of the acts or omissions which have led to the current financial crisis occurred, months, years, and even decades before January 20, 2009, and it will many months, probably years before our economy is healthy again. That shouln't surprise me because I've learned through discussions with Rushpublicans that understanding cause and effect is not their strong point.

The absurdity of Ma's position is probably nothing more than a reflection of the current desperation of the Rushpublican party. It has no ideas. It's policies, for the most part, have brought us to this point. And the majority of the American people clearly understand both of those facts. It's left wjth nothing more than what it does best, which is to make overly simplistic, fantasy based arguments, based on cliches and sound bites ("class warfare" anyone?)which targets and blames the most economically powerless class of Americans and hope that someone is listening.

Last edited by Chuck Howard; 03/04/09 01:05 PM.