the basics, iss. get out and organize your community members to begin supporting local organizations such as food pantries, community gardens, health clinics and so forth. establish a strong base in your communities that works to assist one another in times of need. right now there are more and more communities faced with the challenge of unemployment, homelessness due to foreclosures etc., and the community organizations that have traditionally been there are overburdened in many regards. i can tell you that my wife, for example, organized a community garden program last year that not only provides plot space for those who do not have it, but also classes on how to garden, can etc. it is tied into the local food pantry and there is a garden as a part of that program that supplies fresh produce to the pantry. it is a volunteer effort. more and more we must begin to rely on one another, otherwise we're going to find ourselves in a world of hurt. my wife points out, for example, that if we could help people learn to grow their own food, they might have more money left over at the end of the month for things such as rent or mortgages. in short, iss, im not talking about political organizing, although there is a place for that, rather i am talking about practical matters.

sure, you can talk to god, but if you don't listen then what's the use? so, onward through the fog!