Originally Posted by Chuck Howard
Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
Higher taxes lead directly to higher unemployment, which leads to the need to raise taxes even higher to care for the newly unemployed.

I would think that our experience under the Clinton administration when taxes were increased and the country enjoyed record job creation and under the Bush II administration when taxes were cut and there was minimal job creation would be evidence that your premise concerning the relationship between taxes and employment is false.

Assuming that it is true, but only for the sake of argument. then I guess Obama is doing the right thing because he is cutting taxes on 95-98% of the work force.

The Clinton experience does not work, it is a statistical blip. The internet boom started under Clinton, jobs were created for hundreds of startup companies that do not exist 8 years later. I lived in that industry. That was a dynamic time, but nobody could quite figure out how to make the inetrnet work as a business. By the time Clinton left office, the boom had gone bust. Today you cannot find more than a handfull of those companies still in business, and most of them are ISP type businesses who sell server time.

Actually, looking at the whole internet bust thing, the Bush years were a tremendous success employment wise. Jobs were created to take the place of the internet bust layoffs.

A proud member of the Vast Right-wing Conspiracy, Massachusetts Chapter

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Thomas Jefferson