I don't really disagree with the premise of hypocrisy, Issodhos, but I think your choice of title is misleading to non conservatives who don't think every consideration of gun control is freakishly anti American. The anti gun control issue is very much like the anti abortion "thingie". Common sense flies out the window, chests bow up and conservatives begin to strut about chanting constitutional mantras while sensible folks just roll their eyes and back away. We have in other places discussed powerful lobbies and their control over American lawmakers, most of us are in agreement that certain of these lobbies issue undue pressure and line the pockets of some politicians. The NRA is one of the most interesting of these and even publishes lists for its members to carry to the polls so they can vote by rote the wishes of the gun lobby. As your title states there really are a few "Gun Control Freaks" but I don't imagine you will find any of those carrying concealed(powder actuated projectile) weapons. I don't know if you've ever been on the receiving end of one of those little pepper gas doodads but after an accidental discharge of one and the unfortunate proximity of a fan I once received a small shot of that stuff in my face. Suffice to say that if I was a bad guy all thoughts robbery, rape, murder or otherwise violent crime would be the farthest thing from my mind as I was in incredible pain, blind and as helpless as a kitten. The range is short but if you need to shoot anyone from a distance you probably shouldn't be shooting at them. Anyway, as I stated above, Conservatives tend to go completely over the top about gun control, let me state clearly as I have on many occasions:
Democrats do not want to take away all of your Guns
There are a very few radical lefties who actually do but they are in such a minority as to be inconsequential. I imagine that if you found this article and published it here then hundreds of others found it and published it to Right Wingnut Websites and will hold it up as evidence that Democrats are anti constitutional weirdos and enemies to the state. There is no more sense in arguing against them than in trying to tell the anti abortion crowd that it's perfectly okay to rip living breathing babies from the wombs of their mothers and flush them down the toilet. Let me say it again if you have already forgotten: Democrats don't want to take your guns away.
They are simply more amenable to the consideration of laws that might in some small way prevent the accidental use of weapons and the ill considered use of weapons in some situations because they are not controlled and influenced by the Gun Lobby.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...