Originally Posted by issodhos
Originally Posted by stereoman
Yes, Mick. I think a reasonably logical conclusion, based on the following observations:
  • Whenever a privately owned gun does successfully and appropriately defend someone against bad guys, it immediately becomes a national news item
  • Such news items come along once every few weeks
  • People are assaulted by bad guys hundreds of times every day

You do the math.

So its opinion, then. A few problems here, stereoman. With your first opinion, it does not seem to take into account those times when the mere presence of a firearm deters a "bad guy", the type of thing that would not beome "national news", and surely happens more often than any actual use of a firearm - i mean based on mathematical probability.

As to the hundreds of folks you say are assaulted everyday, are these hundreds of folks armed? Are most of them armed? Or are most of them actually without a firearm? That would be important to note if it is to support your argument.

I think a professor from Maryland University name of John Lott may have done a study on guns in society and their defensive usage. If I find a link to his work I'll post it.:-)

Here you go, Isso.


You, you and you, panic. The rest of you follow me.