Clearly written by a baby boomer though. I get to work till I'm 80 to support everybody 50+, just because I'm only going-on-49? Because I'll tell you something: the people you're talking about giving a million to are the first generation to believe that credit card debt is okay and "he who dies with the most toys wins."
They'll take that money, piss it away, and then come back for more. I know they would. I've seen the advertisements they respond to.
And if they don't, it will all go to pharmacies and medical procedures.
Jaded? No, not me.
Look, I'm sorry, that's a flippant response to a flippant post, but there's truth in it. How long have we kowtowed to Big Bidness, and how long have we elected pols we knew would kowtow on our behalf? For how long have we made it clear that you're Somebody in this country if you have the biggest car, the biggest house, the private jet, the trophy wife?
Our country has been running on greed for a long time, folks. I'm not saying we deserve everything we're getting - but we deserve some of it.
Last edited by Mellowicious; 03/23/09 11:53 PM.