While the pressure from the public doesn't deal with the above mentioned subject, President Obama may be forced by the anger over the bonuses to consider getting rid of Geithner. IMHO, failure to deal with this may cost him a loss of confidence. This may be his first serious misstep.
I smell trouble brewing, because even if Obama does secretly want Geithner out, I suspect TPTB (the ones who control the large central banks and also book depository access in Dallas)want him in, and it just might be possible that if Obama WERE to make a move they don't like, they might decide that it's time for another motorcade accident.
Think of the payoff, once again, and suspend disbelief.
These assholes KNOW darn well that any action taken by the military or law enforcement to quell public outrage over the current rape and pillage will NOT SELL.
In fact they know that the country would be ripped apart, and although American citizens (even armed ones) don't stand a chance against their own LEO and military, the numbers would be in our favor...should things go down that road.
They probably even realize that even law enforcement and certain members of the military would desert, because this hits too close to home.
HOWEVER, should TPTB (the banksters) decide that Obama has stepped outta line and needs disposed of, they could justify
massive military clampdown from the race riots that would result.
Never mind what it would be IN REALITY.
We're not dealing with reality at this point, we're dealing with
BIZARRO WORLD, and the banky boys would term the public reaction to Obama's violent ouster and "termination" as "a race war" and thus all stops would be pulled out, including the use of paid agitators and hate group recruitment and deployment a la the
"black mask anarchists" found at every WTO riot, a group most of whom always turn out to be well funded from within govt.
Let me state clearly that I DREAD the above scenario, but I see and smell it brewing on the horizon.
Obama's been shown the modified Zapruder Film, and he's going to do as he is told.
The illusion of freedom etc etc etc ect (Zappa)
Jeff H in TX