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President asked for suggestions: Finally a bail out plan we could live with.
This Would Work:
I love this plan!
This was an article from the St. Petersburg Times Newspaper on Sunday. The Business Section asked readers for ideas on "How Would You Fix the Economy?" I thought this was the BEST idea. I think this guy nailed it!
Dear Mr. President,
Patriotic retirement:
There's about 40 million people over 50 in the work force; pay them $1 million, tax-free apiece severance with three stipulations:
1) They leave their jobs. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.
2) They buy NEW American cars. Forty million cars ordered - Auto Industry fixed.
3) They either buy a house or pay off their mortgage- Housing Crisis fixed.
All National financial problems fixed!!!
SOUNDS GOOD TO ME!!!!!!! Ummm... not necessarily MY opinion, but it does SOUND GOOD A little problem with that... The price tag. Forty TRILLION dollars.
Castigat Ridendo Mores (laughter succeeds where lecturing fails)
"Those who will risk nothing, risk everything"
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They need to run Paulson and friends off with a big stick. Canassco should live in fear of leaving his house for the rest of his life.
I think the transfer of wealth is a done deal. Over, finished. It isn't coming back. Hell, we don't even know where it is or who has how much and how it was doled out.
Goldman Sachs bailed out Goldman Sachs and that was what the AIG bailout was really about as the author states. If the government can't stop it or won't stop it we remain powerless. Know Obama has chosen to wipe out the toxic debt with public money while the government in the meantime leaves the profits and assets alone. How does that work? Americans get chumped and the select few at the top of the financial world get to keep on playing, no penalties - and with our money. Wall Street might like it but I don't.
You, you and you, panic. The rest of you follow me.
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It's the Despair Quotient! Carpal Tunnel
It's the Despair Quotient! Carpal Tunnel
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While the pressure from the public doesn't deal with the above mentioned subject, President Obama may be forced by the anger over the bonuses to consider getting rid of Geithner. IMHO, failure to deal with this may cost him a loss of confidence. This may be his first serious misstep. I smell trouble brewing, because even if Obama does secretly want Geithner out, I suspect TPTB (the ones who control the large central banks and also book depository access in Dallas)want him in, and it just might be possible that if Obama WERE to make a move they don't like, they might decide that it's time for another motorcade accident. Think of the payoff, once again, and suspend disbelief. These assholes KNOW darn well that any action taken by the military or law enforcement to quell public outrage over the current rape and pillage will NOT SELL. In fact they know that the country would be ripped apart, and although American citizens (even armed ones) don't stand a chance against their own LEO and military, the numbers would be in our favor...should things go down that road. They probably even realize that even law enforcement and certain members of the military would desert, because this hits too close to home. HOWEVER, should TPTB (the banksters) decide that Obama has stepped outta line and needs disposed of, they could justify massive military clampdown from the race riots that would result. Never mind what it would be IN REALITY. We're not dealing with reality at this point, we're dealing with BIZARRO WORLD, and the banky boys would term the public reaction to Obama's violent ouster and "termination" as "a race war" and thus all stops would be pulled out, including the use of paid agitators and hate group recruitment and deployment a la the "black mask anarchists" found at every WTO riot, a group most of whom always turn out to be well funded from within govt. Sorry. Let me state clearly that I DREAD the above scenario, but I see and smell it brewing on the horizon. Obama's been shown the modified Zapruder Film, and he's going to do as he is told. The illusion of freedom etc etc etc ect (Zappa) Jeff H in TX
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They need to run Paulson and friends off with a big stick. Canassco should live in fear of leaving his house for the rest of his life.
I think the transfer of wealth is a done deal. Over, finished. It isn't coming back. Hell, we don't even know where it is or who has how much and how it was doled out.
Goldman Sachs bailed out Goldman Sachs and that was what the AIG bailout was really about as the author states. If the government can't stop it or won't stop it we remain powerless. Know Obama has chosen to wipe out the toxic debt with public money while the government in the meantime leaves the profits and assets alone. How does that work? Americans get chumped and the select few at the top of the financial world get to keep on playing, no penalties - and with our money. Wall Street might like it but I don't. Chumped is right...and we'll continue to be so. As I stated in my previous posting...we need to address this legislatively ASAP. Mick, it's so obvious that if there are no consequences for bad behaviors...then why stop! Again, as I stated in my previous posting below is going to be necessary to end the game for AIG and all the other players. The much larger problem to me is...Congress has not made a honorable mention of repealing the Gramm-Leach-Biliy Act of 1999 or the Commodities Futures Modernization Act of 2000. I think in 1993 there was a rewrite of the Communities Reinvestment Act of 1977 at the request of Clinton to push a ton of money on lending institutions to provide housing loans for low to moderate income family. Thus the beginning of the sub-prime game.
These acts gone unchecked allow the banking, insurance, and market institutions to carry on business as usual...doing all the things that brought on the resent crash.
Turn on ANY brand of political machine - and it automatically goes to the "SPIN and LIE CYCLE" 
Yours Truly - Gregg
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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Endgame may have already arrived for the banksters. Can the government and the taxpayers continue to fund the gambling binge? Will China and the rest of the world continue to loan us more and more money to be put into the hands of the uber rich just to be gambled away on fruitless attempts to turn other peoples money into even more massive personal fortunes? For how long? The gamblers have already lost, essentially, more money than there is in the world to lose. Bailing them out is just giving them more chips to gamble with, has that ever worked? In a more barbarous age heads would literally roll, and the gallows be well populated. That age might come again, that's change I can believe in.
Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...
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At this point people are worried about losing their jobs and worried about losing their houses, but most people haven't lost enough yet for things to become generally desperate and nasty. Americans, by and large, didn't have much savings and as a result they don't feel that they've lost that much. Gas is presently stable, food is abundant, DirecTV and XM Radio still cranks and life for the moment goes on as it has, oblah di, oblah da.
By summer things will change, hope will be lost, reality will set in, gas will be more expensive, food will be more expensive, some items at the store will not be available, more jobs will have been lost, houses will be worth less, it will be hot and miserable and it will be 4 or 5 months from now. People will be damned tired of living on the exile plan. Riots, violence, helplessness, rage.
You, you and you, panic. The rest of you follow me.
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You guys are depressing. I'm going home.
"I believe very deeply that compassion is the route not only for the evolution of the full human being, but for the very survival of the human race." —The Dalai Lama
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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Mick it's almost one year to the day since I received my last paycheck. I kept my business going until January, going deeper into debt every day, hoping for some kind of turnaround. Helpless? Hopeless? Been there done that. Now I'm just hunkering down and clinging to what I have, trying not to spend an extra penny on anything because there isn't one to spend. The economy is shedding half a million jobs a month. There is an enormous bailout going on for guys like me that isn't getting much press. Unemployment Compensation. The numbers are probably frightening. but it is the only thing between American and Riots, violence, helplessness, rage.
Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...
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It is depressing, Emma. It's going to become worse. I am a pragmatist. There is no easy way out of this one. No one is going to save us and it isn't yet as bad as it is going to get. We are only half way into deep sh!t.
Reality has kept me awake most nights for a month. I'll be OK. I worry about family and friends. I worry about people who don't see reality coming. It's just now beginning to reach street level for most Americans and they haven't really felt it yet.
Last week I had to let 4 people go. I had no choice. It was horrible. There's little money to speak of coming down from the bailouts. The bailouts were not crafted to save the economy. They were crafted to save the banks and AIG. Not even the community banks can get bailout help. As it gets down now to street level you'll see it more and more, and feel it more as well.
The consequences of what Washington and Wall Street and Washington have (and haven't done) are just now being realized at street level in large numbers. It's too early yet for people to be storming the gates. That will be later on, I'm afraid, as realization finally settles on the masses.
You, you and you, panic. The rest of you follow me.
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Rachel Maddow interviews the author of this article, here. A good quote from the beginning: "If a company is 'too big to fail', then it is too big to exist" to make it more clear, what I believe are the assumed words here are "to be allowed"... i.e., "If a company is 'too big to be allowed to fail', then it is to big to be allowed to exist" I believe someone else here made this very point a few weeks ago, but it bears repeating.
Castigat Ridendo Mores (laughter succeeds where lecturing fails)
"Those who will risk nothing, risk everything"