I just made this in an attempt to reproduce a salad I bought at the health food store. I think mine is better.

Greekish Salad

A jar of marinated quartered artichokes*
Half of a small can of sliced black olives
half of a chopped cucumber
a handful of grape tomatoes cut in half
some onion chopped
some lemon juice
some olive oil
FETA cheese - I used herb and tomato feta**

Mix it all up. It's wonderful.

*It would be cheaper to marinate your own artichokes in olive oil, lemon juice, basil, etc.
** FETA is in all caps because it's a must-use.


"I believe very deeply that compassion is the route not only for the evolution of the full human being, but for the very survival of the human race." —The Dalai Lama