What kind of bike do you have, itstarted?
Road bike is a 1978 Motobecane Mirage (French made). I never met anyone who had this bike who didn't wish they had it back. Weinmann brakes, Gentleman wheels, Suntour gearing, Stem shifters, solid as a rock, and built like a watch. Teeny bit heavy, but a great ride.
The mountain bike is a 1990 Offroad 452...unusual bike with Girvan elastomer headset, and elastomer rear suspension, with proflex fork... an unusual bike that was a fore runner of the proflex line, which later, sadly, became the K2. They only made 174 of the model 452, I think... Took the industry about 6 years to catch up.
I love both bikes, but don't really ride as much as I should, though I take a 30 mile road ride every week and ride about 5 -10 miles/day. It's enuff for a 73 year old... though I have a friend who is 84 and puts me to shame.
IMHO, though I was a swimmer, bike riding is a great way to stretch out muscles, and exercise, without the shock or damage to the cartilage and bone... This becomes more important as we get older.
And what do you ride?