Originally Posted by Reality Bytes
I've only done it 3 times, but it's in its 37th year now, here's the link:
Reality, that is awesome. I looked at the photos.
My 'claimed' son (he claimed us as his surrogate parents) is heavily involved in the alternative transportation organization here, Bike Athens. I bet sometime in the future he would like to participate in that. In fact I bet he'd like to be in touch with the organizers. I'll email him the link.

Numan, I'd be interested in you starting a thread on that theme. It's a particular gripe of mine too.
My beat up but in great shape old car comes to mind. I dread when I have to buy a new one. Then I'm in the disposable world of cars like appliances have become.
And that would give Isso a chance to explain what he means by his comments.

Thank you, Tiger.
I'm very proud of getting rid of that old demon too.

So I went to the gym today and did a new alternative routine they gave me (because you're not supposed to do the same thing each time).
I'm in with the big boys now!
LOL, my old workout was a good workout but this one went up a notch.
My hands shook when I was trying to write a check at Target immediately afterward.

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."