Originally Posted by Almost Naomi
Mellow...Thanks for shooting off...so to speak. Bow

Kind of offtopic
Iss...Yes, Vermont has lenient gun laws. It's about as easy to get a gun here as it is to get a Big Mac at a drive-through window. But it's also one of the safest states. Not because everyone's out there with their guns fending off attackers, but because VT has a small (approx. 650,000) and relatively peaceful population: farmers, old Hippies, artists and so on. Lots of hunters, too, but all they care about shooting is deer.

But would it be a good move to give New York or New Jersey the same easy-access laws?

Which demonstrates that access to firearms is not the issue?;-)

"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos