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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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Yes, Mick. I think a reasonably logical conclusion, based on the following observations: - Whenever a privately owned gun does successfully and appropriately defend someone against bad guys, it immediately becomes a national news item
- Such news items come along once every few weeks
- People are assaulted by bad guys hundreds of times every day
You do the math.
Steve Give us the wisdom to teach our children to love, to respect and be kind to one another, so that we may grow with peace in mind. (Native American prayer)
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Yes, Mick. I think a reasonably logical conclusion, based on the following observations: - Whenever a privately owned gun does successfully and appropriately defend someone against bad guys, it immediately becomes a national news item
- Such news items come along once every few weeks
- People are assaulted by bad guys hundreds of times every day
You do the math. So its opinion, then. A few problems here, stereoman. With your first opinion, it does not seem to take into account those times when the mere presence of a firearm deters a "bad guy", the type of thing that would not beome "national news", and surely happens more often than any actual use of a firearm - i mean based on mathematical probability. As to the hundreds of folks you say are assaulted everyday, are these hundreds of folks armed? Are most of them armed? Or are most of them actually without a firearm? That would be important to note if it is to support your argument. I think a professor from Maryland University name of John Lott may have done a study on guns in society and their defensive usage. If I find a link to his work I'll post it.:-) Yours, Issodhos
Last edited by issodhos; 03/22/09 01:18 AM.
"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos
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Yes, Mick. I think a reasonably logical conclusion, based on the following observations: - Whenever a privately owned gun does successfully and appropriately defend someone against bad guys, it immediately becomes a national news item
- Such news items come along once every few weeks
- People are assaulted by bad guys hundreds of times every day
You do the math. What math, Stereo? I can't do the math of your opinion, my friend. I don't know that "whenever a privately owned gun does successfully and appropriately defend someone against bad guys, it immediately becomes a national news item". That too is an opinion unless you have sources you'd like to cite for that statement.
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Yes, Mick. I think a reasonably logical conclusion, based on the following observations: - Whenever a privately owned gun does successfully and appropriately defend someone against bad guys, it immediately becomes a national news item
- Such news items come along once every few weeks
- People are assaulted by bad guys hundreds of times every day
You do the math. So its opinion, then. A few problems here, stereoman. With your first opinion, it does not seem to take into account those times when the mere presence of a firearm deters a "bad guy", the type of thing that would not beome "national news", and surely happens more often than any actual use of a firearm - i mean based on mathematical probability. As to the hundreds of folks you say are assaulted everyday, are these hundreds of folks armed? Are most of them armed? Or are most of them actually without a firearm? That would be important to note if it is to support your argument. I think a professor from Maryland University name of John Lott may have done a study on guns in society and their defensive usage. If I find a link to his work I'll post it.:-) Yours, Issodhos Here you go, Isso.
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... P.s. Feinstein and Schumer are hypocrites and do consider themselves to be more equal than the rest of the animals on the farm. It is a gun control freak kind of thingie.:-) There be a whoooole lot o dat hypo-critterin' goin' 'round! We must reverse this psychology (of needing guns for home defense). We can do it by passing a law that says anyone found in possession of a handgun except a legitimate officer of the law goes to jail- period! Carl Rowan, 1981 column (source: Wikiquote) This is the same Carl Rowan who, on 14 June 1988, shot and wounded a young man who was trespassing at his WDC home. The gun was not legally registered, and Rowan changed his story several times about how he had obtained the gun and why it did not need to be registered. He was tried on the charge, but the jury hung and there was no retrial. Interviewed later on a national news show, Rowan defended his anti-gun stance but coceded his hypocrisy.
Life should be led like a cavalry charge - Theodore Roosevelt
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[/s] I think a professor from Maryland University name of John Lott may have done a study on guns in society and their defensive usage. If I find a link to his work I'll post it.:-) Yours, Issodhos Here you go, Isso. [/quote] We know of course that an person with inherent bias can easily manipulate data... either consciously or not. So it would be interesting to see some confirmational studies. I am not aware of any. Beyond that, there is at least some point in trying to find other markers for the person to evaluate his reliability. So.... a rather long wikipedia article reports that there is controversy as to whether he did the study at all Disputed survey
In the course of a dispute with Otis Dudley Duncan in 1999-2000, Lott claimed to have undertaken a national survey of 2,424 respondents in 1997, the results of which were the source for claims he had made beginning in 1997. However, in 2000 Lott was unable to produce the data, or any records showing that the survey had been undertaken. He said a hard drive crash had destroyed his data set, the original tally sheets had been abandoned with other personal property in his move from Chicago to Yale, and he could not recall the names of any of the students who he said had worked on it. Following extensive publicity, David Gross, a Minnesota gun activist and former NRA board member came forward to say that he had been interviewed for a gun survey, and he thought that he was interviewed in the spring of 1997, probably by people working for Lott. [4] Critics alleged that the survey had never taken place,[44] but Lott defends the surveys existence and accuracy.[45] More over, it was later discovered that Lott created a false identity and used that identity to post favorable reviews of his book saying that he was his "favorite professor" As part of the dispute surrounding the missing survey, some critics suggested that Lott had created and used "Mary Rosh" as a fake persona to defend his own works on Usenet and elsewhere. After investigative work by blogger Julian Sanchez, Lott admitted to use of the Rosh persona.[44] Sanchez also pointed out that Lott, posing as Rosh, not only praised his own academic writing, but also called himself "the best professor I ever had".
Some commentators accused Lott of transgressing normal practice, noting that he praised himself while posing as one of his former students,[46][47] and that "Rosh" was used to post a favorable review of More Guns, Less Crime on Amazon.com. Lott has claimed that the "Rosh" review was written by his son and wife.[47]
"I probably shouldn't have done it -- I know I shouldn't have done it -- but it's hard to think of any big advantage I got except to be able to comment fictitiously," Lott told the Washington Post in 2003 Further, it not an article Lott wrote in spring 2008 claiming that reports of a recession were primarily driven by hysterical media bias. link And here is a rather long article in Mother Jones that covers review of Lott's work link Some of the points made in the article include that--- Lott's research relies on extremely complicated statistical analysis... that is inherently difficult to check... and which analysis can easily be through off be any minor oversight. And, in fact when one broadens the time range of statistics. then the proposed relationships entirely disappear. And, there appears to be yet additional evidence that Lott selectively manipulates his analysis in order to maintain his conclusion in the face of errors that have been identified in his original work. Over all, based upon my reading, there is not strong evidence to prove that absence or presence of gun laws have a clear impact on gun related crime. Although it also stands to reason that if one essentially eliminates public gun ownership... criminals could not use guns to committ crimes. But, of course, our national situation would make it near impossible to remove enough guns to guarantee this result.
Last edited by Ardy; 03/22/09 10:16 AM.
"It's not a lie if you believe it." -- George Costanza The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. --Bertrand Russel
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But, of course, our national situation would make it near impossible to remove enough guns to guarantee this result. Probably not "near impossible". Just impossible. On the other hand, it would be entirely possible (and rather easy) to have an excise tax of say $1000 per bullet for pistol rounds. There could be a tax exemption for any bullet purchased and then fired at a firing range, so legitimate users could become proficient. This would be like the Swiss militia system: Everybody has a machine gun in their home, but it is kept under stout lock and key. And God help you if any of your issued ammo is missing.
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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I can't do the math of your opinion, my friend. I don't know that "whenever a privately owned gun does successfully and appropriately defend someone against bad guys, it immediately becomes a national news item". That too is an opinion unless you have sources you'd like to cite for that statement. You're right, that's an opinion too. It's based on the observation that the NRA and its minions have a strong vested interest in demonstrating that there is a causative connection between gun ownership and personal safety, and that organizations that have powerful lobbies, lots of money, and a membership that is obsessive about their special interest - like the NRA - get lots of attention from the media. Hardly any lobby is strong than the gun lobby, and those that are similarly inundate the media with news items that would be judged utterly non-newsworthy if not for the strength of the lobby. It's based on an inference from the stories that I do hear about firearms being used to successfully foil a crime (unlike the case mentioned above, where a trespasser was shot and wounded, and the shooter is the one who ended up on trial). The success stories I hear involve crimes that are commonplace, crimes that would normally elicit barely a mention on the local news, let alone national notoriety. From which I infer the power of media manipulation described in my previous paragraph. So the assumption I make is that every time a crime is successfully foiled by a firearm, it becomes a news item, just as every time a rocket is fired from the Occupied Territories into Israel, we hear about it, or every time a nativity scene is prohibited on public property. I am unmoved by anecdotes that attempt to substitute for, or even dispel, sound statistical data. That's what these kind of stories are. When I hear that someone, especially a public figure, justifies carrying a concealed weapon because it will enable them to "take someone out if they try to take me out", big red flags go up in my mind. Where did this person get the idea that there is even a remote possibility of doing so successfully? Wait. I think I know the answer.
Steve Give us the wisdom to teach our children to love, to respect and be kind to one another, so that we may grow with peace in mind. (Native American prayer)
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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This would be like the Swiss militia system: Everybody has a machine gun in their home, but it is kept under stout lock and key. And God help you if any of your issued ammo is missing. *Laughs* Is that true, Pondering? If it is it's pretty hilarious. I honestly don't have any problem with anybody owning any sort of gun they want. Up to and including weaponry that must be towed behind a truck. I also have no problem with those weapons being registered and their sales monitored. It's still fun to mention gun control now and again just to watch the conservatives get excited. Conservatives are the ones whose odd paranoia keep this argument rolling. Under this heading there are only four threads, two started by Issodhos and two by Lone Hawk. Neither are bastions of liberal solidarity. If we could look deeper into our history I suspect you would find this trend to be near 100%. A lot of pointing fingers and jumping up and down. For What? We have a Constitutional guarantee that we will always be able to bear arms. In this case a matter of hypocrisy is the topic. Are there no hypocritical Conservative politicians? Were there no hypocrites among the founders and framers of the constitution? Jefferson comes to mind....have no anti abortionists had abortions? In my mind and as Steve states above this is largely an issue created by the gun lobby and the NRA, the torch picked up and carried by easily manipulated country folk who fear their government wants to take away their guns. As illustrated above they will even fabricate evidence to prove that this straw man exists and is a danger to our Republic. If you feel safer carrying a weapon by all means carry one, just don't get all excited that others don't feel the same need. The gun lobby does not exist to protect your freedom, the constitution already does that, the gun lobby exists to sell guns and increase the profits of its corporate sponsors.
Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...
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Up to and including weaponry that must be towed behind a truck. LOL! Excellent! I needed that laugh. Up around Oatman, Arizona where McVeigh and company experimented with explosives, people of questionable intent often trot out to the deep desert to test massive guns and ordinance thinking that no one will know. People in Oatman (a little spit of dirt squat desert) have told me that the people of questionable intent think that no one will know what they are doing. Problem is, it is so damned quiet there everyone in Oatman can hear everything going on! [quote] I also have no problem with those weapons being registered and their sales monitored. It's still fun to mention gun control now and again just to watch the conservatives get excited. Conservatives are the ones whose odd paranoia keep this argument rolling. Under this heading there are only four threads, two started by Issodhos and two by Lone Hawk. Neither are bastions of liberal solidarity. If we could look deeper into our history I suspect you would find this trend to be near 100%. A lot of pointing fingers and jumping up and down. For What? We have a Constitutional guarantee that we will always be able to bear arms. In this case a matter of hypocrisy is the topic. Are there no hypocritical Conservative politicians? Were there no hypocrites among the founders and framers of the constitution? Jefferson comes to mind....have no anti abortionists had abortions? In my mind and as Steve states above this is largely an issue created by the gun lobby and the NRA, the torch picked up and carried by easily manipulated country folk who fear their government wants to take away their guns. As illustrated above they will even fabricate evidence to prove that this straw man exists and is a danger to our Republic. If you feel safer carrying a weapon by all means carry one, just don't get all excited that others don't feel the same need. The gun lobby does not exist to protect your freedom, the constitution already does that, the gun lobby exists to sell guns and increase the profits of its corporate sponsors. Here's my perspective and it is similar to my argument against the Patriot Acts. People who support the Patriot Acts often claim that "If you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to fear when the government collects information." Same, same with tighten gun control laws - it depends on who is enforcing the laws and for what reasons. Same laws different administration everything can change. It's no different than the Patriot Act. It is the same with requiring a national ID. The government can assure you to hell and back that they will never use the national ID for anything other than making certain citizens are legal citizens. No one buys that horsesh!t. I am not for giving the damned government any more power than it has. I'd like it to have a lot less power. I'm a huge supporter of states rights. If you want to own guns and carry a gun change your state law or move to a more favorable state. If you want two wives and to be told twice as often to put the seat down in the bathroom move to Utah. I have no problem with it. I DO have a problem with increased federal power over damn near all aspects of existence. Experience tells me - and should be obvious to any reasonable person - that the federal government does NOT return power to the people. Once power is given to the federal government it will be abused.
You, you and you, panic. The rest of you follow me.