Originally Posted by Mellowicious
Originally Posted by Slipped Mickey
I certainly don't agree with the Brady bunch and they consider themselves "rational'.

As I stated long ago on this thread or on a similar one the basic problem I have is that I do not trust the government.

Mick, I do understand what you're saying, and I do respect it. But in my opinion, it is more rational to worry about the problems that are already occurring on a regular basis, than to worry about a problem that may never happen.

In short - the government may turn on us, but our fellow citizens already have.

We are looking, I think, from different sides of a telescope, and I don't expect that ever to change. I do feel fortunate that we can discuss it here, as there are many other places (on and off the web) where I won't even approach the subject; it gets too angry and irrational far too quickly.

I'm not sure Americans will ever resolve this issue (another reason I'm careful about discussion.)


Just as a point of clarification, I don't believe that guns will or can protect us from the government. That cow left the barn many decades ago. If we don't agree with the system we must use the system to beat the system. That day may come and there may be a voter revolution at the ballot box.

People who believe that they must own guns to protect themselves from the government are fantasizing at best.



You, you and you, panic. The rest of you follow me.