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I woke up this morning with an answer to my own question. The parallel to gun registration is media registration - specifically the FCC. I think many of us would agree that radio and tv have gone to the dogs, but I would tend to attribute that more to corporate greed and reduced competition than to FCC licensing of the airwaves.
So - why isn't there an NRA where "R" stands for radio, with the same lobbying power as the other one?
Hmmm.... Well, maybe a National Radio Association might spring up if the government began to entertain the notion of banning private radio ownership. Or if it was thinking of passing laws to require a background check on anyone seeking to purchase and privately own a radio to ensure she was not a subversive. Or, if it restricted radios to those who can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the chief of police a true "need" for one. Or, if certain styles of radios were banned. Or, if radios were restricted to only so many pre-approved stations.:-)) Yours in solidarity, Issodhos
"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos