...i am very new here. Hello All...
.....I spent time reading a few posts and got a kick out of reading what people had to say.... those same clever participants who frequent ReaderRant should try listening to free radio shows
like this one ....the two party political system here in America is full of s*** total s h i t , and..... free people, we should hurry before we are not free again, ever again...huge big over enlarged government is bad'mmmmmmm K !!
this corrupted American government is truly owned by off shore banks, criminal tax robbing war profiteers who have got away with corruption for many many years...and they believe they can carry on.....
We the american people are suckers...Big Government winners....
BUT !!! ....all disease can be reversed with collective understanding....stay tuned...goto aj live [link above]....
...it's tough to be true to cnn fox news sheepAzoids...maybe people are too far gone....
BUT i am going to try and educate anyway....i will never quit...
Bye bye, chance