I don't know what the two judges were doing when she walked on stage and unless you have video other than the one going around, neither do you. We only see their facial expressions after Ms. Boyle did her little shimmy number.
I don't know if you watch American Idol, but if you do, you would notice the critical face is a Simon trademark, used with all contestants when he thinks they are off base or weird. It has nothing to do with her age, and if about her appearance, I emphasize it comes right after she does her little wiggle. There is a certain inconsistency between her slightly frumpy appearance and doing that movement.
Now, if that "inconsistency" is what we are examining here, so be it. But this audience and these judges if anything show how quickly all that was forgotten once she sang.
If any of us here has no tendency at all to prejudge the book by its cover, please raise your hand and tell us how you cleansed that from the subconscious.