Starting schools, especially for girts as a means to promote world peace.
Just curious; is he teaching spelling in these schools, or advanced evolutionary biology?

I'm going back through my library reading books I had never gotten around to reading. Finally got through Fawn Brodie's bio on Thomas Jefferson. It focuses on the non-public side of the man and the many internal contradictions his writings and life style reveal. I had already developed a healthy skepticism about our great hero of democracy, especially from Chernov's bio of Hamilton, but this was most revealing.
Just about done with Dee Brown's
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. Biggest revelation so far is that he was a "white" guy; a librarian who grew up in Arkansas and then went off to DC for much of his professional career. Dug up all manner of source documents from archives and Indian tribes and wrote their side of the story. I had always thought he was from one of the tribes. Surprise! Tried reading it decades ago but could not force myself to come face-to-page with the horrific behavior of our government and some of our national heroes who took active, and sometimes leadership, roles in the systematic extermination of the native Americans. What I did not realize was how planned and intentional much of that extermination was. A horrifying book, not to be read by anyone prone to depression.
Seem to be reading a lot of biography and history lately. Not sure why. But maybe that is why I'm so drawn to RR, because we're all so old!!!