Don't wanna start another thread on hyper-inflation, because most of our RR friends have lost interest, and moved on to other things. (for which I can't blame anyone... almost all news is ugly)
... but, here's an explanation that might help in understanding what will probably happen, and how. In my own opinion, the article is relatively optimistic... but this is a start.
Brace for hyper-inflation

The article is limited, but the links linkto the more extensive explanations are worthwhile, because the extent of the effect on the economy can't be explained in a few sentences.
The bottom line is that the attempt to save bank bondholders from losses – to provide monetary compensation without economic production – is not sound economic policy but is instead a grand monetary experiment that has never been tried in the developed world except in Germany circa 1921. This policy can only have one of two effects: either it will crowd out over $1 trillion of gross domestic investment that would otherwise have occurred if the appropriate losses had been wiped off the ledger (instead of making bank bondholders whole), or it will result in a stunning and durable increase in the quantity of base money, which will ultimately be accompanied not by a year or two of 5-6% inflation, but most probably by a near-doubling of the U.S. price level over the next decade. As I've noted previously, the growth rate of government spending is better correlated with subsequent inflation than even growth in money supply itself, particularly at 4-year intervals. Regardless of near-term deflation pressures from a continued mortgage crisis, our present course is consistent with double digit inflation once any incipient recovery emerges.

As Nobel economist Joseph Stiglitz recently noted, the bureaucrats that designed this bailout are “either in the pocket of the banks or they're incompetent. It's a real redistribution and a tax on all American savers. This is a strategy trying to recreate the bubble. That's not likely to provide a long-run solution. It's a solution that says let's kick the can down the road a little bit. They haven't thought enough about the determinants of the flow of credit and lending.”

Not that anyone is listening, unfortunately.

Aside... The Hussman article (IMHO), represents a very strong argument for the concept of "finite wealth"... another subject that tweaks the hot button of some of our RR friends. smile

Last edited by itstarted; 05/24/09 11:09 PM.

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