Originally Posted by Greger
Numan I appreciate you taking the time to interject some facts into my fantasy world but, quite frankly, Nancy and I don't need them. You are describing unchristian aberrant lifestyles and you and your 'morphodites can just go screw yourselves....

Banana slugs and most flowering plants can do it, but I can't.... wink

Since I and you and all humans are gonochorites, and hence belong to the gonochoristic minority of organisms [those with fixed sexual identities], we should know our place, and not criticize those sexual proclivities which the Lord God Almighty obviously prefers to the relatively small number of gonochoristic aberrants. He must love and prefer the non-gonochorites, since He made so many of them.

The only other explanation is that Jehovah is a drooling sex maniac! wink

P.S. Since so many fish are hermaphrodites or are otherwise quite variable in their sexual behavior, and since our ancestors were, of course, fish, I wonder if at least part of the reason that human sexuality is so labile is genetic, and goes back to the distant Ordovician and Silurian seas. Those practices, of which Nancy disapproves so much, may represent behavioral fossils, somewhat as does the appendix, physically.

Just a thought. wink

Last edited by numan; 06/09/09 02:36 AM.