Originally Posted by itstarted
Aside... The Hussman article (IMHO), represents a very strong argument for the concept of "finite wealth"... another subject that tweaks the hot button of some of our RR friends. smile

--You're right, it does tweak the hot button of some of them, the ones that refuse to accept the REALITY that's been the same all along since the beginning of recorded history:


This ridiculous concept of elasticity of money is am invention thought up by people who take delight in enabling the primary weakness of modern man, the wanting of crops without plowing up the ground.
Real wealth is as durable as granite, not elastic.
Most people in the modern world have never even been close to anything even remotely resembling real wealth, actual ownership of solid durable monetary assets.
We've been so dumbed down that we actually snicker at people who believe in real wealth and call them kooks, gold bugs and hoarders, not realizing that these are the people who are the only ones left with any purchasing power when the central banksters and the government conspire together to screw up the money, which they have a propensity to do seemingly once, twice or thrice every century, and it always seems to be whenever their greed crosses paths with the upward mobility of credit happy bubblemeisters and the silent hopes of a beaten and harried middle class, drunk on the propaganda spewing out of their telescreens.

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