Originally Posted by 2wins
i suspect the msm in both countries are being tame on the request of the powers that be. certainly this is delicate enough that western allies are worried they could screw the pooch. they likely risk alienating the current regime if they make too bold a move, and that would include media coverage.

I agree in terms of the western media, however it appears that there is an iranian media blackout - apart from approved sources.

Twitter and youtube seem to be the main conduits of non official info.

Its a long shot, but do we have any Farsi speakers here?

I cant tell from the reports that Ive read the scale of the violence/protests. I suspect the scale is quite large.

Theres a march/demonstration in Tehran by Mousavi supporters planned for 4pm today Iranian time. Apparently protests in other cities are also planned. If its huge, i fear that there will be some kind of civil war in Iran. If the masses of the people are attempting a velvet revolution, there will be blood.

Some reports are stating that the regime has imported foreign fighters to beat down the protests, and that the army has declared itself neutral. I wonder how the iranian soldiers will feel if/when news arrives of the violence.

"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words."
(Philip K.Dick)