Feigned outrage, that's our dear Sarah. A sure way to get more media attention - except it cuts both ways giving Letterman more exposure too. Aside from the A-Rod joke his top ten about her was shown many times. I thought most of them were very funny.

As for Letterman's excuse that he was thinking of Bristol not 15 year old Willow being lame, I tend to give Dave and his writers the benefit of the doubt here. Willow was kept in the background and Bristol become a media star shining in her odd way almost as brightly as her mother. It wouldn't surprise me if they merely heard she took her daughter to a Yankees game and assumed it was THE DAUGHTER.

Besides these are professionals and they know that a sexual comment about Willow and A-Rod isn't in the least amusing so why would they write it?

It wouldn't surprise me if Dave and his writers would have to think it over before they could give Willow's name and age, she's probably just "that other Palin kid".