Originally Posted by SkyHawk
Banging Sarah Palin's daughters
June 15, 2009 - 7:59am.

Alaska Governor and national political figure wannabe Sarah Palin got her panties in a bunch last week after late night comedian David Letterman joked that New York Yankees man about town Alex Rodriquez knocked up Palin's daughter.


I don't know if Willow is getting it on with any of the locals up in Alaska or if she is handing it out on the road but when a young, impressionable teenage girl has role models like Sarah and Bristol Palin anything is possible.

Letterman's slur was simply another reminder of the coarsening of societal discourse and conduct, Doug. I cannot find any reason for his comment to be rationalized or defended, and I can understand why a mother would get her "panties in a twist" over a comment like that bein directed at her daughter on a nationally-watched television program. In fact, I could understand her getting her "panties in a twist" even if it had been said in a private setting by Letterman or anyone else.

It's not David Letterman's fault that Willow became the target of a joke about sex.

Oh, it most certainly is Letterman's fault. He is the one who elected to do the slur, Doug.;-)

"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos