Bill O. had some "spokeswoman" on who hadn't lived in Iran for 30 years - typical source for Bill O. - who feels that there is not enough evidence one way or the other to suggest election fraud.
Bill O. reluctantly agreed although he tried pressing her to say there was - which is also typical.
Andrew Sullivan made a comment on this, about how the Neocons appear to be lining up to legitimise Adhemdinijads "victory". Preferring to beat on Obamas foreign policy (id say Obamas impact on this situation is limited to the symbolic), maintian the simple fiction that Iran is a nation of insane fundamentalists and not the complicated picture of a relatively modern country, with huge social stresses and pressures. it does have a police state and a theocracy, but the state is not the people - as evidenced by the protests.
The protests are highly religious also. One of the shouts of "freedom" that the people are using is "Allah Ackbar" - now rthat must twist the brains of the manchean types.