Originally Posted by loganrbt
And I applaud you for being equally appalled by the same type of "humor" at the expense of the Obamas and Clintons. Fair and Balanced!

you mean like when I defended michelle Obama's "... first time ... really proud" statement by pointing out that the line was being misquoted and when corrected it did not have the same connotation?

Or when I defended President Obama against charges that his "lipstick on a pig" remark was not directed at Governor Palin?
I think Senator Obama really was referring to Senator McCain's attempt to portray himself as a reformer, and did not intend for it to be taken as an insult to Governor Palin.
Why, thanks, loganrbt.:-)
P.s. Oh, by the way, in contrast to the treatment of Governor Palin's family, Michelle Obama and her daughters have been handled with kid gloves. So it is disengenuous of you to imply otherwise.

"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos