Originally Posted by 2wins
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
after thinking about this thread, it occurs to me that a lot of views expressed are pretty conservative. Very interesting.

No they're not: They really don't have anything to do with left versus right. They have everything to do with our reaction to bullying. Perhaps accidentally, Letterman hurt somebody much weaker and much smaller. I don't have any children myself, but I still have a sense of Liberal Outrage when I see the powerful go after the powerless. In fact, the deep emotions that stirs may be most of the basis of my political identity.

Even David Letterman acknowledged the fact that his joke had done injury to a 14 year old girl, in his real apology.
indeed. and i find it tiresome to think that liberals have no sense of decency, or values. i realize scout that you are not saying that, but perhaps the implication is there, unwittingly.

Umm...I didn't post this-Pondering_it_all did. And i don't see where where it says Liberals have no sense of decency. I said anyone who thinks that this sickening bullying behavior is OK is cruel and mean. I put no qualifiers of being Liberal or Conservative in any of my posts.

milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)

Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.