I have followed CNN’s coverage of the demonstrations since Monday. The only known poll, according to CNN, had Ahmadinejad well ahead of Green party candidate Mousavi just a couple weeks prior to the election.
I am comforted that a great number of Iranians seemingly prefer a more progressive type of government, but fear their efforts came up short in this election. Never the less, it does signal that there is hope for dialogue on matters that concern the rest of the world.
I am concerned that some, here in America, are attempting to politicize the Obama administration’s actions (or lack there of) on the demonstrations. Here they go again wanting to play world police. The repubs in congress, as evidenced in various interviews via msm are attacking Obama for not taking a more pro-active role in supporting the demonstrators. Hell, they even criticize Obama for stating that there is little evidence that a Mousavi administration would be more pro-western than an Ahmadinejad administration.
What’s more confusing and distressing to me is that the wing nuts here criticize Ahmadinejad and Khamenei for clinging to theocratic ideals when one could argue that the right would like nothing more than to transform this nation into a nation of christians!
Back to point, I’m not suggesting that fraud did not play a role in this election, I’m just throwing it out there that Ahmadinejad might have won this thing out right. The glimmer of hope is that many Iranians appear to be ready to set at the world table and discuss issues that affect us all- and that is a very good thing.